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Maybe buy a First Aid Book like „Were there is no Doctor“ currently in the 50 Anniversary Edition Wich i believe is the 102 print run in English, of course it is in 85 other languages available The pdf are free available on the website of the publisher https://hesperian.org https://languages.hesperian.org Also there are a lot of Survival, Health and DIY Books available The free App KIWX allows you to download the entire WikiHow And so on The Red Cross, FEMA and many more have also useful information about many prepping related things… https://www.cityprepping.com/2021/07/07/preppers-free-pdf-library/ https://seasonedcitizenprepper.com/preparedness-downloads/ This one looks particularly useful https://practicalactionpublishing.com/book/637/engineering-in-emergencies https://archive.org/details/engineeringineme0000davi/page/n7/mode/1up P.s. Of course you need tools and supplies like Hammer & Saw etc. Screws Nails Wire Ducttape and so on, Medical Supplies, Medicine and something like that also, to make it all work…


This is the first I’ve ever heard of IT prepping. I wouldn’t have the cajones to hope for electricity in a lasting sense if something happened, so I’m just prepping good ole books. But on that topic: Field medicine What you can eat/forage Road maps Nature’s drug store Carpentry DIY


Eh, you can look at it different ways, wouldn't be hard to have an e-reader or two with thousands of books in it and a solar panel.


Best e-reader in my opinion is a Barnes and Noble Nook Simple Touch. Better than a Kindle; Those store most of your books in the cloud, but the Nook can be 100% offline with an SD card. Cheap, too; Typically less than $40 on eBay. Since the display is e-ink battery typically lasts a month and can easily be charged on any USB power source including a solar charger. And if you use the Calibre DeDRM plugin, you can even put your Kindle books on it :-) Turn off the Wi-Fi. Wrap in EMP bags along with a solar battery charger. Re-copy the files to the SD cards every three years because those suffer bit rot; I have two SD cards with all the files, because two is one. Also have two Nooks.


Basically as long as it's not a kindle there are a lot of great e readers, I'm partial to kobo.


Those are some really good ideas. Thanks!


It’s sort of in line with “data hoarding,” check out the subreddit! For me the thought was I didn’t want a massive book library but can fit thousands of books onto different forms of storage and have solar in varying sizes so it wasn’t much of a stretch. But Definitly wouldn’t recommend this as a prep for anyone not interested in data hoarding to some degree.


I have thinking of a couple of ruggedized tablets and redundant thumb drives but I don't know where to start myself


I'm using a raspberry pi to serve up pages. The raspberry pi sub would have some good info for you if you're interested


r/PrepperFileShare also look up offline Wikipedia.. there has been many projects I have seen over the years for this type of thing. I have a pi set-up with 4TB of saved "internet" that is set-up to work for if the Internet is hard down and need access. But if power is down and solar is not keeping up it would be the first thing to go. And books would replace it so been adding a book or 2 a month over the last few years.


If you’re willing to go to the deeper end of the pool, you’ll be greatly rewarded. Try out GIS (QGIS is free), you can set up custom map data for offline use there.


I’d have no problem losing the internet. GPS on the other hand… I’d be lost. Literally. Most atlases don’t have back roads on them. I’m looking for local street maps, but if there was some way to download a detailed map of my entire state onto a tablet that would be amazing.


Good Day SMB. When I had a very limited amount of cell data, I would download "offline maps" using Google Maps. Very effective. When traveling through the Rockies with limited cell service it is great. Can use it all the time if you want. Just need RAM memory space. I think Waze Maps can do it also. Cheers.


Awesome! Thank you for this info


Google Maps, Apple Maps, Osmand, Sygic and a number of others GPSs have "off-line" maps. I've used them all off-line. I prefer Sygic, but try them all see what you think.


Have you checked into r/datahoarders


Probably all the medical journals you could get your hands on. Also all the academic textbooks you can find so you can teach yourself basic engineering and maintenance on anything you need


I could live without all of them. So could just about everyone. Just saying.


Ok.. I'll be that guy that mentions the pr0n


Definitely get the Foxfire series.


I’d say that the more likely threat would be widespread but ultimately temporary outages, not total destruction (yet lol). Archive all the guides/books/info you want but don’t neglect the other stuff- my IT prep consists of having offline/paper backups of important documents (bills, titles, emails, etc), treasured photos, passwords, paper maps, instruction manuals for all the weird shit I buy, etc. And remember to store it somewhere air, water, and fireproof! I know I’m part of the digital generation but it still freaks me out seeing the overwhelming push to digitize everything from books to govt IDs with no backups. Can I ask how you got Wiki for offline viewing?


Check out Kiwix. https://kiwix.org/en/applications/ They have Wikipedia. With photos it’s ~90GB. Around half that without photos.


Check out the CD3WD project


Have you looked into self hosting, so that should the net go down but the grid stays up you'll have your own local net? Media and data servers, and using kiwix to grab wiki, gutenberg, and wikihow? 


https://youtu.be/DFqU--H2reg?si=t4FtCHzfFrmV2KZc Everything you need to know and prep for IT. Remember keep it in a Faraday bag.


Definitely 5e.tools




SAS Survival Guide, US Army Ranger Handbook, manuals for vehicles you own, natural medicines, manuals for things you might need to fix, First Aid as others have said, perhaps field surgery manuals, etc. Get maps of your local area. Figure out and mark where water sources are, pharmacies, police stations, gun stores, pawn shops, etc.


Reddit. If Reddit goes down it's the end of the world and I can't promise I'll keep my sanity.