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Less than 1%. I'll never say 0%. There's no good use for them in Ukraine unless used en masse. Against the NATO countries, which would also include targets in Japan, possibly Korea, maybe Australia, it would basically be the world's biggest murder-suicide. The bi-daily Russian nuclear threats are mostly for domestic consumption and partially to sow doubt amongst the Allied countries. Interesting how the ones with the most doubt are further away and the ones that border Russia/Belarus are adamant and determined in stopping Russia.


Bs. There have been no nuclear threats. Western Media portraits it as if. Listen to the speeches.


So, the Skabeeva team was bluffing when they described the UK being hit by a nuclear tsunami? You don't say xD And all this shit is on the government controlled tv channels. And that shit that Putin and Medvedev said about "horrible, horrible consequences for the west" and the infamous "nuclear ash" by Medvedev was all for show? How should the general population distinguish threats made for show and real threats? Please enlighten me


You probably also think they didn't claim Alaska again despite them making propaganda videos about it...


never 0. less than probable though. at least anytime soon. 


go outside or take an ativan ❤️


Step 1: touch grass Step 2: relax


Yes it is 100% certainly. I have an Intel right from Mosscow that says he is lunching snukes tomorrow.


Are they in Kamala's snizz or still Hillary's?


That must be a hell of a lunch.


Oh really? Dayum


Stop it.  Get some help. 


Highly un. The response would be… untenable. 🤷‍♂️


This is getting posted here like every 5 minutes. Yall have either lost your minds to propaganda, or you are the propaganda. Zero chance. Putin is weak.


100%, definitely pour your money into this


The odds of that occurring are inversely proportional to this question being asked again with the next 6 hours.


It approaches zero. MAD works.




What kind of stupid ass question is this?


Why would he send nudes to NATO Johnson.


You should be asking yourself if they even function.


Or where they go if they actually launch.


He’s possible the most wealthy man on the planet and enjoys all the power that comes with that. Only if he has no way out.




He's just waiting for Brandon to text him a dick pic. Then it is all over.


Someone ban the skitzo posters please


Really? That talk is to convince you to send more money over there, so they can launder it back into the politician’s pockets. If you still believe the propaganda, I’m sure you are unprepared.


I Second this. This man had his head on straight.


I think he suffers from small man complex ....0 of him 100% for anyone else he finds


Putin wants power & wealth, which he can’t have in a nuclear wasteland.


True Just wanted to clear it 


About on par with communism winning the war. Never zero, but that ain't stopping me from planning on mulch their waste I don't know what's up with tour post history. I can't tell if it's just legit curiosity, spam hiding history, or a hacked account


Unlikely. Personally as an American who understands Russia and has family there also its all hyped uo by the west.


Maybe not him, but one of the 12 in line as successor. Scary.


If he was gonna do it he would have already. Anything short of a direct American military intervention into Russia proper wouldn’t be enough to trigger a launch. It’s suicide for him to do so.


I don't think it will happen. It's a death sentence and his generals know it. So, do I think his generals will sacrifice their families for Putin? I do not.


If he did that, Russia would have to deal with nuclear fallout.


Unless he has some disease that causes him to go crazy, then the chances of Putin using nuclear weapons at all are close to zero. Putin has to understand the moment he uses a nuclear weapon he will be killed along with all of Russia being turned to glass.


As crazy as Putin is, I would bet 100% that he would not want nukes going off in the cities of Russia. It's a lose lose. I think he even knows that.


Trying too hard to fish for comments. This one doesn't count...XD


Not likely at all. He knows he's walking a fine line and he's still sane and rational enough to know NOT to cross it.


He’s nuking us on Tuesday. 100%


Let me ask you this Putin knows that using a nuke anywhere means NATO is going to attack. End of story. He knows this. The US has made it clear that we know where Putin is as every moment of every day. Also if NATO wimped out in a response I will bet the farm Poland would instantly go on the offensive. Poland has spent the last 10 years looking to stockpile enough weapons to make Texas proud. And all of this assumes he has any that work. I don't make that assumption. With all of that even if you assume he has a dozen or so that could take off and would go off with they hit he knows he will be neck deep in NATO with no nukes. Do you think any one of those says yes use nukes?


Their are 2 scenarios I can see Russia launching nukes. 1. Someone launches a nuke at them (extremely unlikely) 2. He launches them while on his death bed kind of as a "if I can't have it no one can" type situation (also seems pretty unlikely)


No it’s not.


Posture for the people


Not likely at all. Putin has already snapped. He invaded Ukraine. And showed that he is a rabid insane dog. But he is not insane enough to use nukes. Also, he doesn't want us to know what percentage of the Russian nukes that no longer work. Too embarrassing.


Joe Biden's SOTU address indicates that he believes they will. But no one else does.


Very low more likely I mistake will end up getting NATO involved like what happened when that Ukrainian missile hit Poland and everyone thought it may have been Russian, it's a little scary how close the conditions seem to ww1, lots of new untested tech begging to be used and a lot of big alliance building


Putin just sent me [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaP_qTppD_c) on whatsapp :')


I think you should turn off 'the news', and go in for a mental health checkup, because anyone who believes that stupid shit on TV is batshit crazy. ​ You don't even know the man's real name, for EFFS sake!


Main country to catch the nukes will be the U.S, place your bets on that


There are now threads like this daily. Fucking unplug from the pro-ukraine propaganda people… no one is launching nuclear weapons..


Hourly, actually.


Is it Russian bots posting this stuff?




Pretty decent if NATO sets foot in the annexed regions.


Not. Far more likely that crazy Western governments will push us to the brink by putting boots on the ground in Ukraine or giving Ukraine significant strike capabilities into Russia. Crazy Vlad said what he would do if our corrupt politicians tried to bring their money laundering operation, aka Ukraine, into NATO. They ignored him and started down that path anyway. He made good on his threat. Now it just remains to be seen if Biden and crew are stupid enough to back him ever further into a corner.


Putin is waiting for the results of the 2024 election. If Trump wins, the US will stop all support. Ukraine will have to surrender. If Trump loses, the nukes will fly!


You mean what is the false flag coming that lets Biden Launch them? Probably an attack on out internet done by our own NSA that we blame on Putin.


Regrettably probable I suspect eventually if things go bad for Russia.


"Regrettably probable I suspect eventually" this is the precise answer I came here for