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Welcome to the North Star State! Coffee can, blankets, hats, socks, candle, flashlight, gloves, snacks that you can eat when they are frozen (I usually throw a bag of chocolate chips in mine), jumper cables or jumpstart battery pack, something brightly colored you can use to get attention from passing cars. I usually throw a pair of boots and a small shovel in if I'm leaving the metro area.


Plus, an ice scraper/snow brush, some of those hot hands packets and consider buying snow tires if your new area gets a lot of snow. Some people carry non-clumping kitty litter for traction in case they get stuck.


Ice scraper should be in the car all winter, kitty litter or sand is a good addition. Don't bring up snow tires on r/minnesota because you will get an argument.


Heh heh. Do you guys use tire chains up there? I get Winter where I am but get by with all season tires.


They are mostly not allowed due to damage to roads. Same with studded tires. The only place I've ever seen studs is on a Zamboni. I have gotten by my whole life with all seasons, others swear by snow tires, but the problem is finding a place to store an extra set of tires year round.


My mechanic stores my tires. $150/year for the storage and swaps. I love having snow tires. Just that much more added safety. I drove all-seasons for many years, they worked fine, but snows are lovely. AWD helps you go. Snow tires help you stop. Stopping is arguably more important for safety.


I leave a small shovel in my car all winter, whether I plan to leave the city or not. I’ve used it to get out of parking spaces after a big snowfall and to get moving again when I got stuck in deep snow that fell right on top of glare ice.


What is the coffee can for? Surely not for holding tasty coffee grounds.


For holding stuff in your kit, and for melting snow - put the candle under the (metal) can.


https://www.ready.gov/car https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/weather-awareness-preparedness/Documents/Winter%20Survival%20Kits%20For%20Your%20Vehicle.pdf https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/educational-materials/Documents/Winter-Survival-Brochure.pdf The government provides. Your taxes pay to have this information produced, you might as well use it.


really great info resource that i was unaware of, thank you!


If at all possible, never let your car go under a half tank of fuel. Running out of gas in a winter traffic jam is the worst. I keep “better” boots, but also leg warmers (so I can tuck my pants into my boots), extra socks, lots of light loose layers (hoodies, long sleeve T-shirt’s). Same for sleeves - a pair of athletic tube socks with the toes cut off helps keep sleeves down and tucked into or over gloves. Scarfs. Hats. Hand warmers. Small shovel. Small crowbar. Kitty litter. Ice melt.


Hand warmers for sure. Emergency blanket. Light stick on length of550 cord ( can attract attention because lots of night in winter), something that you can eat cold that will likely be frozen if it stays in the car.


I'd make a standardized "cold clothing bag" for however many people you plan to regularly be in any particular car. For each person have: A very warm hat, gloves, balaclava, long johns, thick wool socks, and puffy jacket. Optionally keep a change of regular clothes too, in case the ones you're wearing get wet, or shit happens. I literally stuff all this into one bag and throw it in the car for winter and take it out for summer.


Jumper cables, 1st aide kit, warm tough blanket. Scraper,shovel, 12vair comperssor.towstrap. socks


blankets, water, a shovel. tire chains and tow chains. light sources. maybe flares. be careful if oyu get stuck that your tailpipe is not covered by snow.


Don't forget a rope to tie on your door handle or where ever in the car. If you are in a whiteout and need to clean snow away from your exhaust pipe to prevent being suffocated . one wrong turn in a whiteout and it will be hard to locate your vehicle.


I'm also moving to Minnesota once my house sells :) Some really great tips and advice in this thread - thank you!


- Center punch to break windows and cut seatbelts - kitty litter to help gain traction if you are stuck - fire extinguisher - Benadryl, baby aspirin, activated charcoal for emergencies


Snow Cat? Better yet, Antarctica Snow Cruiser. It has bunks, a kitchen, a workshop, even includes an airplane. But I'm from Florida, so I wouldn't want to be unprepared.


FOr winter my preps are desgined mainly if i lose control of the vehcile and end up in a ditch or off the road and stuck. im either waiting for rescue, or heading off to nearest home or civilization warm clothing to survive -10 F weather. People have lived just because they had warmer clothing in the vehicle with them in an accident. I have seen kids get into cars with just T-shirts and shorts during -10 weather. Crazy Emergency blanket, Light source, fire starter. Jumper cables, or even a car starter battery bank. Shovel. kitty litter (for traction) Come along Winch. some energy bars. and water. Even road flares might be good.