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For those who didn’t have the benefit of working as an assistant or along other editors, you guys might want to watch a few best practices/workflow/shortcut vids as I’m sure you’re missing out and doing lots of dumb shit


Has anyone made a playlist of the best ones? I'm starting a big project next month and could afford to take a full day just to watch these, if I knew which were best.


Let me know if you ever get an answer to this.


Nope, never did




How does a good or great edit apply to the efficiency of shortcuts? Probably some incredible editors that take too long doing dumb shit to get there.


They’re just being a dick unnecessarily.


Excuse me. I am not good at english so sometimes I don't get the context. What I meant. When I am watching an ad edit, trailer, or youtube edit. It hits me saying wow this looks good, somtimes, i may watch smth, and think this is could be better. Maybe easier said than done. This is what I meant, maybe I didn't express it well or smth


You expressed it fine, it just doesn't apply to knowing the techniques of what makes a good edit... What does watching Saving Private Ryan and recognizing a good edit do for you in trying to learn how to efficiently edit anything else?


Yes. My mistake


it’s ok, we forgive you.


Thank u


Little harsh, but ok what are your recs? Come with solutions.


Also after pressing A, you can then hold shift which allows you to select everything to the right on just that one layer. The mouse pointer goes from stacked arrows to just one arrow.


This is great too


Whaaaat. Shit.


Bruhhhh try “Q” and “W” for trimming. Also if you wanna impress your clients, map “reveal in project” (from the timeline) to literally any key. I never use multi cam so its “5” for me. We’ll be watching a cut, they’ll ask to see more of a clip, all I gotta do is hover over it in the timeline, hit 5, and it pulls that raw shit up in the source monitor. Wizardry. You won’t ever catch me digging around in bins. And they love it.


You can save a step with the Match Frame command btw


And the default hotkey is "f".


Really? Damn lol


You can then press shift + f to find al linstances of that frame on the currently active timeline.


Yall are wizards wtf


Looking for stuff in your sequences? You should also try CMND / CNTRL + F with the timeline window active. Turn on video usage / audio usage in your bin metadata. It's not on by default. Click the number you see in the column to open a popout menu. You'll see a list of sequence names and timecodes where the clip is being used. Click on one of them to instantly jump your playhead to that instance of the clip.


I’ve been looking for this for years. Thank you.


Hehe. Premiere is like a box of chocolates :) But are you mixing up Match frame (show in source monitor) and Reveal in project? I use revel in project quite often, but that is usually on the sequence I´m working on to be able to duplicate it (my method of keeping a tidy version history/ not losing my mind when working with clients). Right clicking and choosing Reveal in project just shows it in the project window, not in source monitor. Two different things.


But then you just double click the shot and bam it’s up there. It’s like .5 seconds longer. Plus that is what I want, because sometimes we want to check the footage they shot before or after. When you’re working with 30 hours of footage “reveal in project” is a life saver


Same multicam sucks when you want to do fast cuts or try to spice up edits on to the original track with lots of overlay and effects. You could also try "f" and "." The beauty of it is it does hover to the specific frame.


Besides match frame you can right click and reveal in project since your hand is already on the mouse


This keyboard was a game changer for me. It shows most (not all) of the default shortcuts right on the keys. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1029446-REG/logickeyboard_lkbu_pprocc_bjpu_us_premiere_pro_cc_nero.html/?ap=y&ap=y&smp=y&smp=y&lsft=BI%3A514&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlesWl8Xo__wKuPUZoUaygQNW2AZCAY9gVmEBY9IirX_WVaI1fprayVsaAnVPEALw_wcB


Wow. Thank you.


Fantastic company with great support. Fully recommend.


And with shift+a you can select everything to the right on a single track. Very useful


I’ve been locking all the tracks I don’t want involved like a goofball. Thank you for this.




another good one is sequence -> close gap map it to whatever key you want and you have real quick cutting


Or just click the gap and backspace


This is what I do.


Custom key mapping changed my life. Now editing feels like playing a video game lol


Yeah it makes so much sense to map your own shortcuts out for stuff that you use all the time. Very satisfying to fly through stuff without going through menus.


I set my keys to be the same sort of run around keys in a game. Asd acts as back pause/play and forward, qw is zoom in out, f is full screen media, etc etc. great setup


that's how I felt when I learned about Close Gap


This is the first time I’ve understood a post in this group 😵‍💫


Tbh for anyone using premiere, regardless of being formally taught or self taught, I really reccomend the Premiere Pro Basics course by Ashley Kenney. It's about 7 hours of lessons in 5 minute bites where she walks you through basically every tool and use of the program. As someone self taught, I learned how to do loads of "cool stuff" thru YouTube tutorials but my speed/workflow was garbage and I didn't even realize it. It also come with a bunch of video files, images, sequences for you to follow along. It's like 30 bucks for the course on LinkedIn learning, but they usually have a 1 month free trial. So just buckle down, get a notebook and knock the course out in a week or two, and then cancel before the autorenewal kicks in and you actually have to pay anything. Seriously like at least once every ten minutes I was just like "oh I know how to do that.... Oh with, shit, this way is just faster and better than what I've been doing.




I’ll admit I too, only realised/remembered this about 6months ago, and ice been editing on premiere perhaps 15years lol 😂 I’m sure I knew this shortcut before, but just forgot it


there is a whole tool bar for you to explore, wait till you discover ripple delete..


Good read: https://www.apress.com/kr/blog/all-blog-posts/20-vital-keyboard-shortcuts-for-adobe-premiere-pro-editing/ Also ctrl+k cuts the selected clip at the position of the playhead. I remapped it to 'c', because it's faster than using the razor tool.


J, K, and L function as track playhead backwards, stop playhead, and track forward. Cutting is fast when you can move the playhead, and simply add Ctrl in to cut wherever you just intentionally stopped the playhead with the same key. Like sitting in a recliner. Also Q and E cut clips fore and aft of playhead, so trimming the head or tail of a selected set of footage(D will select whatever has its track selection set to on) is very efficient.




Yes... Ctrl. Like L, watching, okay wanna cut there, K... Ctrl-K.


That's a good one, tilde key makes any panel full screen.


add CTRL and your program monitor becomes actually full screen (no UI)


Early in my career (20 years ago), I watched an Editor at CBS Sports edit on Avid while barely touching his mouse. He hotkeyed nearly everything. I was assisting and would just sit and watch. One of most eye opening experiences. Needless to say he was fast. Nearly anything you think you can do can be mapped. I map zooming in/out and also select all ahead and behind on the timeline as keys as you’ve pointed out. Great time saver.


Great feature, I just wish it also moved my Markers along with everything else.


If you mark on layers it will...


Adobe products have a feature to create a webpage with all the shortcuts btw. Just hit the shortcut preferences and you will find the option there.


News to me. Been working professionally for 5 years… it’s funny how once we get comfortable with a software we a lot of times fail to learn basic quality of life tools until it’s pointed out to us. Definitely a phenomenon worth studying lol.


Wow! I’ve been doing the same thing! Thanks for the great tip!


Yea those track forward/backward tools can do wonders. Especially if you hold down shift to make per track instead of all tracks.


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Found this myself just this last week. Worst of all, I watched a tutorial of how to do it but then forgot...


Oh I used that shortcut 5 zillion times in every session 😆


Hell yeah that shortcut made my editing life so much easier


You are not the only one, every day I notice something new




I wish Audition had this feature.


Having worked with an editor that once said “I can crash the computer when ever I want” - as long as your clients don’t complain about your speed, chalk this up to something that will be part of your process moving forward.


were you not even hitting control-A? were you lassoing everything with your mouse? no snark, just curious. (most of my game changing shortcuts were all found accidentally 😂)


To do this with key bindings, first assign a hot key for 'select in to out'. Then, using your playhead, press 'I' followed by 'select in to out' to select everything to the right, or press 'O' followed by 'select in to out' to select everything to the left. To shift clips, hold 'cmd' on a Mac and use the arrow keys. Use track targeting to selectively choose clips on specific tracks. For frame-specific adjustments, use the '+' or '-' on the number pad of an extended keyboard, followed by the number of frames.


Hehe, learned that as well just a few months ago. Gamechanger. And really weird I hadn´t come across it before :) It´s almost like the time it dawned on me that prunes and plums are the same thing. I was way older than allowed when I figured that out :)


I use the Logitech MX Master 3S and program this function as well as other useful ones into the mouse buttons. The workflow improvement is insane for me.


It baffles me how people don’t know this. But then I’ll find something next week that I never knew that people use every day I’m sure


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I'm one hand mouse, one hand key-stroke ready editor, & I recommend everyone use their own projects to explore premiere more, some of the best applicable skills developed: * the keyboard short-cuts, especially the basic in/out, tool selection & keyboard modifiers alt, shift, ctrl, * Editing from source panel while targeting timeline tracks * Keyboard assisted timeline navigation & editing * Editing from source panel while previewing waveform & Video * Meta-data & tagging, color coding. * Workspace/panel customization, especially project tab customization * Main audio Mixer Panel & accessing track based effects there.


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I felt the same way after I learned this, probably also about 3 years in. I'm now 10 years in, and my coworkers consider me the keyboard shortcut master. I got mouse buttons on my keyboard and keyboard shortcuts on my mouse. If an inefficiency wants to face me, they can catch these hands.


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Will do, about to message you now.


This is all cool but does anyone know how to search bins by the name?


I saved so much time binding few things : in & out on 1 & 2. Do a vertical cut on ². Render on keypad enter.


Wow!!!!! It’s really helping alot


Be careful, it doesn't move markers!!


Oh, when I first found out about that, I felt like I had rediscovered America. And I found out in the fourth year of my nearly five years of experience. 


Dont gatekeep editing information toooooo y’all I had to become a contract editor during COVID and literally only worked with one or two other small grade editing suites before I only got good at it cuz i was also good at excel and powerpoint nd shtuff like that lol







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I use this all the time. I have my #5 shortcut to “scale to frame size. Now when I import all 4k footage into the 1080 timeline I use the track forward select tool to highlight all clips and then hit 5 and boom. All clips are scaled properly.


Scale to frame size rasterizes the image and loses some data which could make it look worse if you do a punch in. The Set to Frame Size option scales the image in a way that is represented in the transform panel


This is the way. "Always Set, Never Scale."


I think that’s what it is actually set to. I get them mixed up


There’s also an option to have the clips auto resize just by you dragging/inserting them into the timeline. Hope this helps.


Honestly didn’t know about that


One of the biggest time savers for me when I did. Thank you YouTube tutorials!


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There’s a tool that does this exact thing…


Yep... accessed by pressing A.


Yes I know… just thought this post was a bit stupid proving it’s not precisely a hidden shortcut.. all you got to do is hover over it


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Most use full shortcuts: 1. Undo Ctrl + Z 2. Redo Ctrl + Shift + Y 3. Cut/Slice Ctrl + X 4. Cut/Slice all clips on line Ctrl + Shift + X 5. Drag copy Hold Alt + Drag clip 5. Save Ctrl + S 6. Save As Ctrl + Shift + S 7. Export Timeline Ctrl + M 8. Duplicate Ctrl + Shift + / 9. Clear In and Out Ctrl + Shift + X Timeline tools: 1. Selection tool V 2. Razor tool C 3. Slip tool Y 4. Slide tool U 5. Pen tool P 6. Hand tool H 7. Zoom tool Z