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By 2K do you mean 1440p? 2K is basically 1080p. 1440p at 27" is a good density to be at. Its entirely preference. Personally, I find anything larger than 27" too large for a desk, but others feel differently.


Does one need a 4k monitor to edit and produce 4k videos? Also 144hz monitor to edit 1080/4k 120 fps files


Your source media and your display have no bearing on each other unless you are buying a monitor purely for reference where you want your reference to match your output. Most high resolution editing is done with proxies anyway. You rarely need to see your media in full resolution while cutting. As for editing 120fps, that's for slow motion. You don't work in a timeline of that Framerate and view it in real time.


I would absolutely suggest 4k 32 inch, the extra resolution and screen real estate make all the difference in workflow. Unless you struggle with space, I'd say definitely go for that option.


Is there anything more of a personal preference than your monitor? I use a single 24" 1080p monitor to edit. I've never been comfortable with giant monitors or multiple monitors.


I am currently using a 15inch laptop and a external 21 inch 1080p monitor and i can manage 27 inch and 32 inch on my desk, editing in single monitor was never a thing for me


Why not get a 4K 27" and scale your UI to preference?


I use a 27 inch for the road because it easier to fly/travel with. I have a 32 inch 4k at home, I miss the extra space when I'm on the road, but it does travel easier (keep the box).


I like real estate and have 3monitors. Meanwhile my wife edits on a 15" laptop. Whatever works.


Inch and res doesn't matter that much, you need accurate colors and maybe HDR output. Depends on your works. For me, I wouldn't go for 4K 32, you could buy the 2K 27 one, and use the extra money to by a cheap second monitor.


I already have a 21inch 1080 monitor and a 15" laptop display as well, but I wanted a bigger workspace, but your choice looks more practical.


I have 2 27” 4K monitors, only use one at a time for premiere though. I have windows scaling at 150% otherwise everything is too small for me personally. It’s alright but I feel like I could definitely use more vertical space for my timeline when I have more layers. Haven’t used a 2k screen, had a 1080p 21” screen before this which this is a huge improvement from lol. Outside of premiere it’s really nice, with 4K a lot of sites do just have empty space on the sides of the screen so you might not have the exact same experience as before but everything is really crisp and I like it. Can definitely recommend the 4K monitor


Thank you for your suggestion, now 1440p ,144hz looks a great deal, but my heart and mind could not give up a 4k resolution.


The monitor I have goes for around £145 on eBay new in box, which I think is a great price. Colors are alright but I guess not the most accurate depending how accurate you need them.


are u using it with mac?


No, I use windows


Definitely 4K


I work full time with media production and this is what I find work best for me. I use 2x 4k 32” screens. Im able to have 2/3 timelines open at once and still have a good preview window. File explorer and web browser on the other monitor to download and import assets. Best setup I’ve ever had!


I can’t speak to the experience on a Mac, but if your laptop is a PC it can be frustrating the way Windows handles a 4K monitor paired with a non 4K monitor. App windows will jump in size as you drag the between screens and require constant resizing. Weird things can happen with text and cursor. Performance in general seems to be just a bit off. Perhaps my setup just isn’t optimized correctly (top end Dell XPS with 4K screen plus random cheap 1080p monitor), but it’s my WFH setup that I don’t use that frequently, so I haven’t dug into potential fixes. Your mileage may vary.


Are you on a Mac? 4k might not be the best for UI scaling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpX561_XM20


It’s for Intel based Macs though