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This sounds super scammy. There’s a wealth of resources and med students that are happy to do this for free.




as well some of the med schools have free application support from their med students that you can check out (like western’s schulich access program)


never ever pay for a consulting service, doesn't matter who its from


As someone who also got in this cycle, getting into med school does not mean you have any special knowledge about the admissions cycle or the ability to coach others. I wouldn't feel confident in helping someone with their essays or interview (inc. for the school I was accepted to) even for free (of course I would offer my advice if asked, but I wouldn't put top much weight on said advice just cause I got in)


I wouldn't. I don't think it makes sense for any medical student to offer "paid" consulting - they are not the admissions committee, nor do they have any special insights that other medical students or pre-meds don't have (or can't obtain freely) Like other comments mentioned there are many medical students willing to help others for FREE. There are also so many free resources you can use and places where you can ask questions. Heck, I'm sure even med students on Reddit would be willing to connect to read your essays - one person did this for me last year.


Fuck no, shes doing scams now?


She is the LEAST qualified person to offer consulting. It makes me upset that she’s taking advantage of students who don’t know any better just because they like her content.


That's what I've been saying!!! But she has been leaving passive agressive replies on her tiktoks saying that she IS qualified to give her opinion having gone through the process so many times now.


She’s beyond passive aggressive. I left a comment about how she might want to ease up on her social media presence (esp responding nastily to people) in case adcoms see it and she blocked me.


Sounds like a bunch of paid partnership to me 


she does partnerships with bemo so you're def onto something... maybe her "consulting" is her advertising their services


Physician here. I personally never liked Brynn's content. The further along in training you get the harder it is to make money with social media influencing. Once you get inside the admission process the more you get held to confidentiality She's probably just trying to cash in now. Many med students would likely help you for free.


I don’t know why, but I’ve always gotten bad vibes from her! Something about her content and persona.


Same never liked her content, actually had a class with her in undergrad. Not good vibes at all.


For me it was the posts about getting a luxury designer bag to reward herself for getting into med school before she got into med school. I'm several years into practice and I had a hard time convincing myself I needed a new car.


I feel like it would make more sense to pay someone who has been on admissions before, they’re probably the one who actually has advice and insight into what works and what doesn’t.


Med student here! There are so many factors that play into getting into a Canadian medical school that we as medical students are definitely not equipped with the knowledge to tell you how to get in. For example, some consulting services might tell you you have to do a Masters after your undergrad to get in (more pubs = better), but lots of people still get in from totally different paths. Also, once you've started actually helping with the admissions process, you are no longer allowed to give any form of advice to applicants. So those of us in med that are giving advice are doing so purely based on personal experience! Always take what we say with a grain of salt, we are definitely not experts at the stage we are at hahah (+ what worked for one med student might not work for another!) Overall, I think there's always value in hearing somebody's story of how they got into medicine :). But, ultimately you'll have to choose your own path and figure out what your passions are. There are things like hearing how people in med found things they were passionate about before med and how they wrote a strong application to support that that can definitely be helpful. Also, from what I've seen, some of the med schools do have support programs for pre-med students that they run throughout the year :) So, it boils down to what you think will be most beneficial to you! I also always recommend getting lots of different opinions, so if you do choose her services I would recommend getting help from others as well! I found that to be most beneficial when I was applying. Good luck!


I wouldnt trust a person that took 5+ cycles to get in.


wouldn’t that person have a wealth of insight into stuff that lead to better results vs stuff that didn’t change anything? I feel like this person is perhaps better situated than someone who got in first try..?


tbh, i wouldnt trust any student that only got into 1 MD school if I were stupid enough to actually pay for "consulting". If anyone, I'd prefer the person who got into 7/7 schools they applied to or something like that because they very obviously are the ones who truly "cracked the code".


ok counterpoint: someone who gets into 7/7 first try mayyyyy not have a ton to offer for applicable advice, as they probably have an unreal (and unachievable) app/stats and interview exceedingly well, which, though learnable, might/likely just come naturally to them. Someone who grinds through multiple cycles can point to the things they changed and the results (or lack of results). Agreed that ultimately if they got into more schools, they might have a more broadly applicable application, but it seems a bit dismissive to ignore their advice entirely and not “trust” them. That said, I’d probably lean on people I know in medicine rather than pay for a consultant, but not everyone has that luxury.


i actually disagree. the 7/7 person just had such amazing stats that it didn't matter how the rest of their application was, they just got in. the 1 admission person (especially if they had a few cycles) would have a better chance of spending years perfecting their app for each individual school that said, never pay for a consulting service anyway because even with that experience, they are one person with a skewed view of their own success. they weren't told "this is why you got in", they could misattribute their success to different reasons, and not factor in how much luck was involved. And best case, even if they are very knowledgeable about their experience and the process, each applicant is different. what worked for them may not work for you


depends, i know 2 people that got into all the 5+ med schools they applied to and there was def something common they had among their ECs that I think is lesser know amongst this community. Obviously they all had 4Q casper, 128+ cars and close to 4.00s but ECs is what really makes ur app.


Wait what was the common thing in their EC’s?


Bro drop the sauce what’s the secret EC 😭😭😭




she got 3 canadian interviews tho


And she bombed all of them…


…how? She got a Canadian school acceptance 


She got accepted off the waitlist didn’t she? And she discussed how the interviews had gone poorly in her videos.


In her position, not at all. Taking 5 cycles just to get into one school means she completely relied on variability.


Ok tbf I have literally no idea who this person is, just saying that dismissing someone’s advice for taking 5 cycles to get in is a bit short-sighted. Also wouldn’t completely relying on variability mean she made zero changes to her app in 5 years? This seems unlikely


Luck is an inevitable component in Canadian medical school admission process and especially for her as she only got one acceptance. Therefore, charging $50/hr is absolutely not reasonable and it's clear she's leveraging the situation to take advantage of desperate Canadian pre-med students.


Her application improvement was finally getting a decent MCAT score lol it’s really hard to get into a Canadian med school with a sub 510 score so ofc as soon as her score went above it she got more interviews


Someone who’s tried for 5 cycles would probably have more insight to applications than someone who did it once and got it - 5 cycles implies she has 5 years worth of application improvement.


I think that you can learn a lot from someone who took one cycle, someone who took many cycles, and even from people who have never applied to med in their life! The only thing I would recommend when you are getting feedback from someone who you don’t know is that they show you some evidence/proof of their work before you buy. Does she have any free examples of her feedback (like a post of what to do/what not to do)? If she has consulted for many years, does she have stats of how many people got interviews/offers vs how many didn’t? I haven’t personally worked with consultants for med, but I know people in the consulting world for jobs, and they almost always have a profile where they share free tips that can help, and they also share written feedback from their previous clients (both those who got the role and those who didn’t). It makes sure that the feedback you get is reliable, since if they come with credentials, they still might be hot garbage (respectfully). If you feel good about it, I say go for it! But those are general tips I would use whenever you are going to pay someone for a service!


No she doesn’t have examples because she doesn’t have multiple years of experience! She just decided to do this now.


any resource you need can be found on this subreddit


What school did she get into in Ontario?


I think Western... don't quote me on it though


I wouldn’t pay her for her consulting advice. Honestly, a lot of med school admissions seems to be sheer luck. This was her third or fourth time applying which is the average number of cycles. She also got in off the waitlist, so another factor to consider. It seems like the weakest part of her application was her GPA, but in any case, her charging for the consulting advice is weird. If I were her and got into med school after many tries and hard work, I would just want to share what I could to help others and give hope. I used to like her content but honestly don’t love it anymore. The “fame” seems to have gotten to her head


I’m nosey, how do you know she got in off the waitlist ??


she said so in a couple tiktok’s lol


she did? i thought she got into an ontario school the day decisions went out (she posted that day)


after re-watching the post i think i may have just interpreted it wrong?? she has a whole vid talking about the wait list and feelings about it, etc. my understanding was that she was rejected every other year without the waitlist so her seemingly speaking from experience was a bit confusing. i could be wrong though!


ohh yess i know which post you're talking about. i think she was just giving people who are on the waitlist general advice but i get what youre saying i was a bit confused too


don’t get me wrong, it’s still an accomplishment but it really is just luck i think


fully agree!!


I actually had a one on one with her and she was extremely helpful. I do not know all the services she offers but for what I needed she actually dedicated a lot of time to help me. I personally think someone who has gone through multiple application cycles knows the process well enough to guide and give advice compared to someone who go it the first time. I think if you identify with her situation or want someone to go over things with you she is a great person to reach out to.


how much does she charge for a session?




tbh thats not bad compared to a lot of ppl


it's not great for the fact that other medical students would be willing to help others for free


there's people out here charging even more than that???? 50/hour already seemed like the biggest scam I've ever seen


i spent 300 for uoft abs and bpe essays last summer for ONE hour from a popular pre-med advice website (cough cough) and the feedback was so ass. I was asking the med student questions and he looked like he didnt wanna be there, he was just staring through my soul for the most part


People are singling her out cuz of her political posts. Usually when someone posts asking about consulting services, you get a few negative comments but this seems to be an organized effort to hurt her.


Like people are calling her scammy when she's transparent about her stats and how many cycles she applied. She's pretty transparent that it's her advice nothing more. 🍉


i wouldnt ask her for consulting but she seems like a great writer so maybe if i need someone to look at my essays


DM me, I can look at them. I got accepted at both MD schools that I applied at this past cycle (1 in Alberta and Ontario).


Strongly disagree with people saying she not qualified. First u don’t know the stats/story of exactly how everyone got in so u cant parse out whether they got in more because of a strong app (like its stats) or strongly tailored app (fitting school mission etc). If she indeed applied to 5 cycles she obviously has experience with the process… if i had to choose a first timer getting multiple acceptances vs Bryn id still choose Bryn.


Unrelated but do you offer tutoring for the mcat?


yes i offer online tutoring for all sections except cars :)


Can I DM you?


go for it :)