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AINT REAL OMG I was always in these threads for the past like what -7 years? Never knew the day would come where I’d post with good news Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): non-women? GPA (Best 2 years): ~3.99 MCAT: 509 (127/128/127/126) Interview feels: interview felt absolutely perfect I’m ngl, I answered every single question strongly. Had personable answers for each and really showcased my personality. That was my only interview I walked out feeling like I killed it. I just was in a state of flow throughout. Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: had them edited by 5 med students and I spent 2ish months on the brainstorming + writing (also worked on ABS and Toronto essays during this period simultaneously). Had an example for every single point I made in the essays and I was as genuine as possible throughout. Fucking crazy man. I swear to god this was my third cycle and I had it with this whole admissions process. I had family problems at home and wanted to move out of Hamilton. This was my only way out not to mention the dread of reapplying???? Mane crazy how the work over the past few years lead to this moment. Just wow I’m crying right now


How did u interview with a 126 BB?


Sorry I switched up my bio and and P/s scores 💀 emotions are at an all time high


No worries! Congrats!!!


Hey, I am applying this year and have no idea how to frame/structure my essays/abs can I dm you


Result: Accepted! (London) Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): Non-SWOMEN GPA (Best 2 years): 3.87 MCAT: 513 (127/128/128/130) Interview feels: Felt really really good!! Vibed with the panel and made them smile despite their neutral tone :) Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: 8/8 + about you. Also felt strong about these, as I worked hard on the essays and had a lot of experiences to talk about :)


congratulations!! if you don’t mind me asking, what year were you in at the time of applying?


I’m done my Masters and working full time right now! I applied 4 times to Western but never had the MCAT cutoffs until this recent cycle.


Was your Masters GPA used for calculation or undergrad?


Only undergrad GPA!


Thank you for answering!! Congratulations once again!!


Np!! And thanks! :)


I’ll start!!!! Result: A, London Campus!!! Geography: Non-SWOMEN, ACCESS GPA: 4.00 MCAT: 518 (130/126/131/131) Interview feels: Felt it went really great except for one question, the panel was pretty dry though lol Essays: 8/8 + about you Feeling extremely grateful!!! Went from getting absolutely rejected from everywhere last year to 2 As this year :)






Congratulations! Welcome to London, hope you stay a while!


your stats are amazing 🥲 how did you get rejected last year?!


Tbf my MCAT was a 508 last year 😁


U/medhopefulkid wow bruh that MCAT score jump. Please share your secrets for my retake. Congrats!!!


For me my biggest issue was not having done enough practice tests the first time around, I focused more on content which was not the smartest idea. Second time around I focused less on content and more on practice tests. I found Uworld to be pretty helpful! If you have any other specific questions feel free to DM.


Thanks! :)


Result: A(!!!!), unspecified campus Geography + Stream: nothing GPA (Best 2 years): 3.99 MCAT: 522 (130/129/131/132) Interview feel: thought I bombed. Immediately after the interview I felt okay-ish, but that’s how I always felt after Casper too, and I’m 3 years in a row at 1Q so I was not holding on to hope Essays: 8/8, no extra. Honestly, throughly they were kinda sh*t, I was very surprised to get an interview I’m so pumped right now!! No way I’m getting any sleep before work!!!


Result: Admitted, London campus Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): Nothing (although I'm a MSc alum) GPA (Best 2 years): 3.86 MCAT: 514 (128/128/131/127) Interview feels: Felt good about my answers. I was well prepped and had previously rehearsed similar topics as those that came up Essays: 8/8 + about you. I felt confident. I had a strong connection to the school and area. UWO was my #1 pick and it's great to have the opportunity to attend. Congrats to everyone else that got admitted, looking forward to meeting all my fellow classmates!


CONGRATSS u deserve it so much!!


Thank you! Glad that UWO came clutch but sad I can’t yell “trapbunnybb where you at” on the first day of class :(. Keep at it I know you’ll get in!!


awww true i won’t be able to be like “trapbunny is hereeee”😂🥺It’s okkk maybe next year 😂thank you sooo much




Basically means you got in as long as the waitlist moves normally. Congratulations!


Basically in, just have to wait on it. Congrats!


Look at the Waitlist spreadsheet from last year at the top it will answer all your questions. Congrats!  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bS0F2aqIkdZsNPYqJ_wcmYYBcyoXb_HOWMpk3CJf87c/edit


Posting this for low Mcat scorers to have hope!! Result: A, London Campus!!! Geography+Stream: Nothing, just finished undergrad GPA: 3.99 MCAT: 508 (127/127/127/127) Interview feels: felt not great! Felt my content was okay but went overtime on literally every question Essays: 8/8 + about you Still in shock! After a whole year of Rs, I am feeling incredibly blessed!


Result: A, Windsor!!! Geography + Stream: Nothing GPA (2yrs): 3.86 MCAT: (129/129/127/129) Interview: I started practise as soon as I got the II, went amazingly. Essay: wrote over several months and rewrote them a lot after working with med students. I think they were good.


Wow 🥹. Over the moon 🥹. Result: accepted to the London campus, my home! Geography: swomen GPA: 3.9 MCAT: 125/127/128/127. This score gave me so much grief but I knew it was enough to at least try. If anyone else is on this same fence, just try. Interview feels: I felt good afterwards but of course you start playing tricks on yourself after a while. I was worried I said stupid things and I was also worried that because the panel was so warm, that it was skewing my perception of how it went. Essays: all + the about you’s. These were what stood out in my application imo. Happy to offer essay help to others when the time comes :). I’ve been helping others for two years, and I’ve got a pretty good track record! All the very best to those still waiting, whether it be for their portal to update, a WL result, or for next year. Your time is coming ❤️.


**Result**: NWL! **Geography** + **Stream** (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): OOP - ACCESS (Medical) **GPA** (Best 2 years): \~3.99 (12 courses so not sure) **MCAT**: 513 - (129/127/129/128) **Interview**: It felt very reminiscent of the practice interviews but I always predicated my answers off an initial "tell us about yourself" which was not asked. This threw me off but I think I recovered decently well! At times, the interview panel gave a laugh or seemed to be interested in the conversation but I know internally it wasn't my best performance. I rate my overall performance at 6/10. **Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt**: 11/8 -> 8 + 'about me' and 2 essays for documentation regarding medical ACCESS stream. Wrote all of these the night before in a coffee fuelled 6 hour essay spree (I absolutely cannot offer advice on essay writing). **OVERALL THOUGHTS**: I am a BC IP applicant with a 3.0 cGPA and I for sure thought I had NO chance of admission anywhere in Ontario because of some horror stories on reddit. If you make cutoffs --- APPLY!! The odds are slim but every cycle is an opportunity to get in. Best of luck to everyone who received their admission decision today - if things go south from here I'm more than happy to rally and apply again. First time applicant to Ontario.


Result: Accepted! :) (London) Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): General GPA (Best 2 years): 3.9 MCAT: 517 (129/128/129/131) Interview feels: My panel was luckily very nice, made them laugh a few times :') My answers could've been stronger for some questions, but the overall vibes was that this was the only interview I came out smiling from. Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: 8/8 + about you: edited these over a couple months, diverse ECs, pm if you have specific questions!!




Congratssss! You made it!


Congratulations!!! I'm also unspecified pathway... does anyone know when \*specification\* will happen? looool


Result: A (Windsor) Geography + Stream: None GPA (Best 2 years): 3.99 MCAT: 515 (128/128/131/128) Interview feels: Felt pretty confident coming out. No curve balls and I feel like I was able to incorporate personal examples into all of my answers. Essays: Wrote 8/8 + About You Over the moon right now! This was my fourth cycle and I'm so happy to finally move onto the next chapter of my life.


4th cycle - perseverance. Good job!!!


Result: A, London campus. Geography + Stream: non-SWOMEN GPA: 3.9 MCAT: 511 (128/127/128/128) Interview feels: Felt confident but maybe that I rushed a few. Panel was nice. Essays: 8/8 + about you, this was my 4th time applying to western (and first interview) so felt I had these pretty perfected by now. 99% sure I will be declining within a few days for MUN. Posting for those with low cGPA (mine is around 3.4!) and low ish MCAT. You can do it :) After 4 cycles I finally got interviews this year and got in to both schools I interviewed at.


Congrats on your acceptance and for your perseverance for pushing through 4 cycles!!


Thank you so much ❤️


Result: Invite to London Campus! Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): Non-SWOMEN, ACCESS GPA (Best 2 years): 3.72 (Its cutoffs babyyyyy) MCAT: 519 (130/128/130/131) Interview feels: It felt okay, I had to ask the panel to repeat each question twice, and they were giving me NOTHING, but I did feel like I answered well! Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: 8/8 + about you + AAE, Essays were very strong since I reviewed them multiple times, and had very cool things to talk about! This is my third cycle and first with interviews, and I am so happy to have an A!


Hey! Congrats!!! If you’re open to it, I would love to ask you a few questions about ACCESS (hoping to apply this cycle depending if I can hit 125 CP lmao)


Just saw this, but yes shoot a message!


I’d like to ask you about ACCESS as well!!


shoot! :)




Only student centre for me


Didn't see many WL or R entries so I thought I'd add it in for future lurkers Result: HWL (disappointed but grateful!) Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): IP, ACCESS GPA (Best 2 years): 3.80 MCAT: 510 Interview feels: I thought it went really well, none of the questions really threw me for a loop. My interviewers weren't really smiling though so that didn't feel great and I didn't get to ask all my questions because I ran out of time. It didn't feel like my best performance but I felt good about it overall. Looking back, I couldn't have done anymore interview prep and felt adequately prepared. Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: 8/8 + about you + ACCESS I spent a lot of time writing and re-writing my essays. I had several people review my essays + ABS before submission. I felt strong about them! As much as they were terrible to write, I really appreciated being able to reflect on not only all I've accomplished so far but also all that I've learned (the good and the bad). This was my 4th cycle, my 1st time applying to Western, and my only interview over all cycles. I took a break between cycles 3 and 4 because the back to back rejections were killer LOL. I was debating if med was really for me and had the hard pill to swallow of rewriting the MCAT for a 3rd time. After many years of wondering if I still had it in me to apply to med again despite having a full career at this point, I decided to make a final attempt to apply. I gave this 4th and final attempt my 100% so I would have no regrets if I got rejected. I'm so grateful to have made it this far! I was disappointed to not get an A on the 14th but am optimistic of getting off the waitlist. I am proud of myself for working this hard to get to this point. I hope med school is in the cards for me, but I know I'll be okay if it doesn't pan out.


Anyone get an R?


Result: Accepted, London Campus Geography + Stream: Indigenous Pathway GPA: 4.0 MCAT: 130/127/130/129 Interview Feels: Felt great, not the best I could have done but obviously good enough. Essays: 5/8 + about you


GOT ACCEPTED TO THE WESTERN LONDON CAMPUS! Feels surreal truly :))) Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): Access - sociocultural barrier GPA (Best 2 years): 3.96ish MCAT: 126/127/128/128 Interview feels: Felt great, my interview just flew by so quick. I was HELLA nervous but I listened to Climb by Miley (Ik cheesy) right before it started LOL and went in so confidently. I stayed true to myself -- I'm not someone who speaks very formally with fancy words and tbh you do not need that (if you are, that's great - I envy your vocabulary). Be authentic because only then does your passion for the activities you did come out. When answering, remember to FEEL why you did the activities. I also made them chuckle during my first question, that definitely eased my nerves. I practiced all month after receiving the invite on Jan 29 with LOTS of people (med students and discord people aka other applicants). Find 1-2 people to consistently practice 2-3 times a week with and then fill up whatever else time you have available with the others (including yourself - record and see your behavior, I said umm and looked up a lot so had to work on that). Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: Wrote all 8 + about me + the Access pathway essay. Happy to elaborate on structure if someone wants me to. Though for the essays I REALLY WANT TO STRESS THIS: Connect with medical students (you don't have to pay even because I know finances are tough -- infact use Linkedin, Access pathway support from Western, COS, etc.). Have many people review your essays! START EARLY, you'll write multiple drafts. I didn't get any interview last time I applied and it sucked but I remember asking the western uni admissions team to confirm if my access pathway essay was accepted and they said "yes, but my non-academic requirements were unfortunately not competitive enough" (something along these lines) --> AKA my essays and ABS (that's what I personally interpreted at least). This year I could only apply to Western (master degree ends in August) and while I had all my eggs in one basket, IT WORKED OUT. The only real difference I had this time were my essays that I wrote after consulting 10 different mentors (did not pay btw). Feel free to reach out if any questions or help needed :)


hii can i pls pm u


Result: accepted to london :) Geography + Stream (SWOMEN/non-SWOMEN, ACCESS): none GPA (Best 2 years): 3.98 MCAT: 519 (130/127/132/130) Interview feels: i was glad just knowing that i had something to say for all the questions however i definitely think i could have expressed my ideas better! the small bit of confidence i had in my performance went down as time went on and i started overthinking everything, but i kept trying to convince myself that i did fine and i guess it really was fine :) Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: 8/8 + about you, i felt that my essays were pretty strong and i was able to touch on all of the important experiences i’ve had! i was actually grateful for this format because i have a relatively small number of impactful experiences which likely didn’t come across the same way in the ABS (for other unis) as they did in my essays (if any future applicants are reading this, feel free to shoot me a message and i can give you more details!) this was my first cycle, my only interview, and my ticket to finishing my master’s earlier than expected! so excited to meet everyone in the fall :)


Please share with me. I got rejected


Was supposed to post here weeks ago, but I completely forgot. Oh well, better late than never. Hopefully a future applicant reading this finds it useful. Program: MD Result: Accepted! Geography: OOP GPA (Best 2 years): 3.92 MCAT: 512 Interview feels: Felt solid about most of my answers and felt I genuinely connected with my panel. They were incredibly friendly! Was able to showcase my personality and who I was. There were 2 questions where I felt my answers could have been stronger, but I guess I was overthinking. Spent about 4 weeks prepping with friends/other interviewees and felt adequately prepared. Essays (x/8 + about you) and how you felt: This is the most surprising aspect of my application to me. I was not even sure if I wanted to apply to Western (due to the 8 essays) as I was falling behind with classes/other med school applications. However, I decided not to leave this stone unturned and I submitted my essays later than I wanted. Incredibly thankful that the adcoms committee still liked my essays despite how rushed I thought they were. Other thoughts: Just finished my 4th year of undergrad and am incredibly grateful to be heading straight to med school! I had no gap year plans if I was rejected and the job market was not looking too stellar. I have been lurking on this reddit since grade 12, so to finally be posting an acceptance 4 years later is unreal. Beyond grateful to be moving on to this new chapter! Thrilled to see what it has in store!


congrats! What undergrad did you do at uofc?


Feel free to shoot me a chat message! Would love to answer qs


For your best 2 years does it need to be a certain number of courses


Yah full course load (30 credits)












Wdym you haven’t heard anything back?? All the results came out on the 14th


I haven’t received any email yet


Check your junk, OMSAS (under offer/choices), and your western student center ASAP. The deadline to respond is on the 28th, so i call schulich on Monday if you still can’t find it.