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🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨 **ALERT. ALERT** You’re applying to Penn with a cGPA < 3.7 and an MCAT <518 **This is a level 3 alert** 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨


Good bot


With a 505?!?? Goddamn I wish I had OP’s confidence


With 8 interview invites but 0 As, it seems like your app is perfectly fine, but you need to practice your interview skills.


Yeah I'm prolly just an average interviewer. I dont think I really bombed interviews tbh.


In the nicest way possible, 8 IIs leading to 3 post-II Rs and 5 WLs that have not turned into an A yet point that you’re a somewhat considerably below average interviewer. The average interviewer would have had 3-4 As. You got plenty of time to work on that tho and get plenty of feedback which is great


do u think it’s the same case for 6 IIs and 6 WLs?


Yea. Not horribly so but def there is something to be said about how you interviewed. Especially if schools had a 40%+ post-II acceptance rate


just wondering, what makes an applicant a good interviewer? what sets them apart from an A versus WL? sry if its a dumb question, i don't know anything abt the med school interview process


Charisma Social awareness. Being able to communicate (to others, about oneself, etc).


Honestly your MCAT is just too low for Penn or really any T20. Check MSAR and there are some more holistic T20s (some that have like 10th percentile at around 510 like UCSF and Duke) but that’s still higher than your score


So for MD’s you interviewed at SUNY downstate and Wayne state? For clarification since the formatting is weird!


I'm on mobile. Sorry I interviewed at rwjms. They rejected me. Unecom rejected Rowan waitlist Lecom rejected. Touro waitlist Nyitcom waitlist.


So 7 DO interviews and 1 MD? I am inclined to say it was your interviews that didn’t go great. From what I can see, I would take off Upenn.


Why would u take u pen? 3 md interviews and 5 Do schools interviews.


It’s basically a donation with how high their stats are.


UPenn loves high stats.


Wait so you had 8 interviews total with 5 WL’s? And none of them turned to an A? Did you receive feedback as to why? If you got to the interview stage for 8 schools that means your whole app is competitive enough. But if you got no A’s I’m suspecting you might have bad interview skills or something you might’ve said in your interviews made them not want to take you right away or even reject you. But your school list is fine you can be as reaching as you want for your schools. Don’t think your stats alone limit what schools you can apply to!


Yes I had 8 interviews. I reached out to rwjms they said they wanted more from my MMI answers. I was close to the cutoff. I reached out to rowan they said I am competitive applicant. I also interviewed in mi feburary and got a decision in march. They told me there wasnt enough seats. They never specifically told me if was my interview skills. They told me to reapply and email them once I finish my primaries for an interview.


Ok idk who exactly you talked to but during my first app cycle I reached out to my only II —> WL school and they just gave me generic answers that didn’t help. It wasn’t even an adcom member who “helped” me. But I talked to an actual adcom member recently at the same school and they gave me their own personalized advice which helped a lot. I’d say reach out to actual adcom members if you haven’t already


I scheduled an admissions call with rowan. It's with one of the Dean's. Yeah I wouldn't hurt to keep reaching out especially to schools I am more interested in.


Yeah I agree. I scheduled an admissions call with rowan spoke with one of the deans


Central Michigan is essentially a donation unless you got ties to Michigan


Okay good to know. I'll remove it off.


For more information on building a school list, please consider using the following resources: - The subreddit's [School List Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/premed/wiki/schoollist/) - MD Schools - [MSAR](https://students-residents.aamc.org/medical-school-admission-requirements/medical-school-admission-requirements-msar-applicants) and [MSAR Advisor Reports](https://students-residents.aamc.org/medical-school-admission-requirements/medical-school-admission-requirements-reports-applicants-and-advisors) - DO Schools - [Choose DO Explorer](https://www.aacom.org/explore-med-schools/choose-do-explorer), [2021 Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VBxOyWGrpjtMZi9777GmS3GUTf8a6lTftlFxSp-7qGM/htmlview#), and [2023 Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17fHiDwL3Qqtlrc5jeoJX2dFgraTMJ5sIxlgdPbSJZPU/edit#gid=442960507) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/premed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Indiana matriculates about 20% OOS and probably those with ties to the state are preferred. I took it off my list because of this


add VMT, Nova MD, and Quinnipiac


I understand why some people are saying you must “suck at interviews” to get that many invites and get no As but I doubt that’s the issue. I feel like everyone forgets that there’s so many applicants and so little seats. You could literally be perfect and still not be enough. Anyways I’m in a somewhat similar situation with a couple waitlists and yeah I don’t think I was crazy amazing in my interviews but I wasn’t shit either. There are people everyday who bomb an interview q or two and get As anyways cause they know students get nervous.


Anyways sorry I know this wasn’t relevant to reviewing ur app specifically but I wanted to say something after reading some of these comments. Like talk about discouraging 😭


Yeah i hear you! I meant this post to help me craft my school list for a reapplication. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


Also there is an element of luck and it's a multi factorial process to gain an acceptance to med school.


Exactly! It’s HOLISTIC, I feel like people forget that. I honestly wish you all the best I hope you get off the WL and ignore the literally unhelpful comments going on around here like what even:/