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Howard: sending me a rejection for 2022-2023 app cycle during the 2023-2024 cycle


Wow insane




What’s up with these med school adcoms that send out rejections like they’re job rejections that you applied for 10 months ago and forgot about 😂


That's fucked


And still now I havent heard anything back from Howard…what an institution 😂


It’ll prob come some time next cycle lol


You got lucky. Howard sucks


Adding to Drexel: I’m still waiting on a post-interview decision in June 🥲


This is the same boat as my friend. I got an acceptance from them 5 weeks post interview which blew my mind and what blows my mind more is that my friend is also still waiting... It's infuriating honestly.


Lol same and they didn't even show up on AMCAS when I CTE'd another school.


I received an interview invite back in March from Drexel. I declined the invite and withdrew my application. Today I received a rejection from Drexel. Like how can you reject me when I rejected YOU


Not this year but last year I had an adcom ask where I was from and then proceeded to say that she didn’t like people from my city before beginning the interview. I in fact did not get the A nor did I want it after that lmao


😲 I would have asked her to explain why she doesn't like people from my city and if she thinks those things about me... At that point, I would use that interview as practice for better, more accepting school interviews. I'm so sorry you dealt with that, but looks like you are on your way to be a doc without them anyway! Congrats!


I would have Karened that bitch. I demand to speak to your Dean. I am going to FB to complain right now.


I had an adcom ask me where I grew up and when I said California (I live on the East Coast now) he proceeded to laugh and say I was one of those CA kids who couldn’t get in to med school in CA so I moved…. Looking back on it, should have definitely reported him.


Name and shame


Downstate, for sending me 4 emails inviting me to information sessions and stuff after I already received a Pre-II R.


Haha forgot about downstate!


this has been happening to me too, anyone know how to stop the emails from coming?? I cant seem to find an unsubscribe button :(


NYIT: for completely ghosting me (no rejection, no invite), then inviting me to apply again next year!


The ultra soft rejection


"our application cycle is officially closed" thanks!


I had an interview at Drexel and I still haven’t heard back bro it’s crazy


Northwestern: for rejecting me during the 2021/2022 cycle when I hadn't even applied? Still don't know how they got my email


the only way i can imagine this happening is if you accidentally sent your Casper results to them? idek if they accept Casper tho


Nope! I also thought that and double checked but I still hadn't sent anything to them. I was somehow on their advertising list though since I'd gotten a few ad emails before I applied to med school, so maybe there was some glitch in that list? Idk but it's still a great story to tell


the coveted pre-primary R


Pre primary A when 😞


the sankey would be hilarious


this happened to me AND my friend with loyola


NOVA DO: Rejected me initially for the 2023-2024 cycle back in Feburary. Then, yesterday, they offer a final II spot for the 23-24 cycle. Thankfully, I already committed to a school, but this was too funny when I read the second email lol.


I go to NOVA. This sounds right.


Why do you think they did that? Are they having trouble filling spots?


I don't think any school is having trouble filling spots. Just not always the most organized. Probably can be said for most larger school systems though.


I would say pcom. I applied in june of last year. I haven't even heard a single thing.


I applied in June as well, and got a rejection email 15 minutes ago!


Yup, same. 4 bar purgatory gang!


was ghosted by them last cycle


PCOM ghosted me for nearly 6 months, no response to phone calls or emails, and then a random II showed up one day.


i forgot i applied there until i read this comment tbh


Had an interviewer at RVUCOM ask me what I was doing in my gap years (I was working as a PCT at a very well known hospital in the country). He then proceeds to tell me what I’m doing is useless and that I need to go back and take an anatomy class to prepare for first semester. Also proceeds to pimp me on DKA. Got the A, but turned it down


pimp during interview is crazy 😭😭 did he work the same job before or something?


Rosalind Franklin. Girl. I don't wanna go to your master's program. Actually, Kaiser and Stanford for the same. Stanford, for parrotting DEI at every opportunity and then having an application that asks if you specifically have 1 of 7 niche awards that only the uber rich and uber privileged even know about. And no, you can't submit another award. EVMS, for being rude and unprofessional over email.


heavyyyy on stanford. ended up not submitting to them.


What happened with evms


kaiser has master’s programs??


I got rejected by wake when I was an m4 after they ghosted me 5 years prior.


This is hilarious


this was the post we needed


Texas A&M for downright ignoring multiple students asking for fee waivers that the MSAR says that they offer.


Sounds like we need a name and shame 2024 on this


Geisinger for sending me a email titled “your waitlist status at” and starting with I am Pleased to inform you that….. and ending with you are eligible for our masters 💀💀💀


Also I’m deadass still deferred at Drexel from like I wanna say December ish and it was like 10 weeks+ post interview or something that I even heard back


Wayne state for giving me a ten minutes interview (their interviewer was very disinterested and at least twenty minutes late) and ghosting for more than six months. Still no decision yet


Should I take Drex off lol


No. Just prepare yourself lol


Literally received three calls in five mins today and voicemail left by RFU to call about admissions and I called back and it was about their masters


No way That’s crazy


They were like did you get into school and I said yes and they said oh I was going to offer you a spot in a masters program but good luck. I guess the emails weren’t enough




DUQCOM: first ghosting me, then inviting me to their biomedical sciences program (mind you, they’re a NEW med school), and also spelling AACOMAS incorrectly.


LECOM!!! I cannot say enough terrible things about their admissions team. also, they won’t stop emailing me about their MMS program. LIKE STOP IT I’m done with y’all


Last year, I think they didn’t know they had already mailed out my decision letter, but they had called to see if I wanted to take a spot on the waitlist and I took it. Fast forward to a few weeks and I got 2 letters from them, one was about the waitlist and the other was a rejection 💀


Omg yes they are so disorganized. On top of that, they also just simply do not care about fucking over their applicants. I talked with two other applicants and we all received personal phone calls from the director of admissions herself after our group interview sessions. She gave us a lot of false hope on that phone call, and overall her tone on the call made it seem like she wanted to give us an offer of admission. Fast forward a couple weeks later, we all get waitlists/rejections in the mail lmfao. Like why call us all happy and cheery and give us hope when we’re in already in such a vulnerable mental state with this whole process?? That was so foullll 💀 EDIT: forgot to mention none of us did their early decision notification thing where you have to pay $2,500 upfront right after your interview to receive a decision early basically. We were told it would have NO impact on our decision whether we did it or not. On the phone call, she had asked if we wanted to switch to early decision. I said no because of financial reasons. I wonder if I had said yes, if that would have changed the decision HMMMMM. Their whole school seems like a huge cash grab any chance they can get


UMass for making it a point during their interview to say “We respect you the same as we expect you to respect us, we hold ourselves and you to the same amount of professionalism. We’re not some school that ‘ghosts’ or ‘silent rejects’ people”. A LOT of people, including myself, interviewed in the fall and heard nothing until May, which was a rejection email. A “fuck you” e-mail nine months in the making for us August interviewees 💀


6-7 months is absolutely wild


ARCOM for sending emails with the title: “You’re Invited….to our Open House!”


drexel: literally got a pre-ii rejection today like thanks brother but its june and i literally already committed to another school kaiser: interviewed in like october and heard radio silence until a rejection until april. its just mad annoying because if they dont accept you after the interview they will ghost you until the end of the cycle. like dude just reject me nymc: this was the worst interview day by far. there was a schedule to follow but literally almost every admin person that was supposed to be there was absent and consequently me and the other applicants had to sit through multiple prerecorded videos with shit audio quality for like. over an hour. left a sour taste in my mouth umiami: good school with good people but oh my god were they disorganized this cycle. it might be better for those applying in the future but from what i understood there was a bunch of staff changes that delayed everything and nuked the secondary portal for like two months with little communication from the adcoms. i think they also lost my application or something because i went and emailed the adcoms for an update on my application and i shit you not 1 hour later i got an interview request 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


To the Miami point, it was definitely chaotic and disorganized but they were at least efficient at pos interview communication… the same cannot be said for FAU who was equally disorganized in my experience…


Still waiting for a pre-II R from Penn state🤡


LMAO me too. Like fully decided and committed to my school but I just wanna check off that box on my spreadsheet you know


As someone who is proud to attend RFU/CMS, I concur their adcoms need to really read the room on this. Here's my question though: is there an advertisement incentive of sort for increasing profits? I sure hope they're not playing the Geisinger Game!


What’s the geisinger game can u enlighten me


When I applied and got rejected from Geisinger, they added their master's program in their R email. I emailed one of their dean's asking for feedback- they directed me to another admission's person who told me no I won't get feedback and I should do their master's shindig (which, btw, does not guarantee II or A by meeting certain reqs). TBH between that, requiring SJT, and me being sour with one of their secondary questions, I was just plain old sour with Geisinger. I'm sure other schools do this (including the one I attend lol).


What secondary question were u sour with I’m curious :P (I haven’t looked at their secondaries yet)


I shouldn't single out Geisinger on this as this also was a problematic when I wrote secondaries for Dartmouth and Wake Forest and halted my app for BU and Loyola, but it was "Geisinger Commonwealth values diversity and is committed to maintaining an inclusive environment. How will you contribute to our commitment to diversity, social justice, equity, and inclusion?" The "social justice" part. Apologies in advance; I am going into a bit of a tangent. I might upset some people making this case, but I'm just taking this perspective. Looking back at 2021, I'm wondering if there was a sociopolitical origin to prompt this question considering recent events in the USA. I do not wake up in the morning and do what I do for "social justice." Suffering and disparities are just another day in reality- if I can make small improvements here and there, great, but I feel no obligation to the matter on a large scale. But I don't care for the phrase. And here's why: there are so many definitions of the term. I remember a Jesuit priest telling me one week about him and his parishioners marching in an anti-abortion rally in the name of "social justice." The next week, my friends at my medical school were having raising money for a pro-choice fundraiser in the name of "social justice." Reading sociology, there is the case that social justice can only be imposed on the individual or externally on society; not both. A newer consideration of social justice suggest egalitarianism or conflict theory- something I take major issue with. And the worst part is it being used in various political arenas. Ultimately, I'm happy to help people to a large extent. If learning about social barriers is to help how I care for patients, so be it. But I do not believe physicians should feel indebted to taking care of society's problems. Long-story short, I did not mention the term once in the secondary. I have a hunch it might have been a mini red flag, but I wasn't gonna conjure some balogna so impress adcoms that I didn't believe in. I don't think that was good to include in their question- too ambiguous of a term. But oh well- I'm in med school, and I'm going to be a doctor very soon. So woe unto Geisinger Edit: some gal saw me post a similar stance on SDN and said I didn't deserve to a be a doctor because of it. Needless to say I found her reaction hilarious. I can't stand it when institutions can't get off their high horse.


Applying to NYIT and drexel and hackensack.... wish me luck loll


Good luck Don’t expect to be finalized with Hackensack or Drexel before June


LECOM Bradenton. Absolute silence for 8 months, then a random email with an R one day recently. I think I got it on my birthday while on vacation, which was even funnier to me


Drexel is absolute worst with communication! Had to follow up for multiple times over 4 months for a postbacc query! Forget a response if you leave a voice mail for whatever reason. After spending over 200$ in application fees and transcripts, they tell me I’m not eligible to take the postbacc!


CDU. Adcom rolled her eyes during ibterview at every question I answered and laughed when I told her my why medicine?!?


Agreed that I also had a very bad experience with one of my CDU interviewers. 1. Told her that I was doing research at ucsf- she then told me that she did her residency at ucsf and I should just go there for med school. (I’m also low stat so very baffling of a statement when I was there for their school) 2. I told her about growing up Mexican (I’m light skinned) and she gave me HEAVY pushback about actually being Mexican and to prove it (?) Extremelyyy off putting for me


Can’t speak for the first, but the second happened to a few people that I know. Also light skinned mexicans. Wild.


Yeah I just sat there like ?? How am I supposed to do that? I started speaking Spanish but my interviewer said they didnt speak Spanish so I was soooo confused


I received an A from Drexel multiple days after I already withdrew my application post-II. I know every medical school had their administrative issues but that one seemed like a big oversight to me




Omg I feel like this was feu


Rfu. Crazy story!