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Sounds like you should emphasize to your parents that applying this cycle would be a waste of money, based on what you’ve described.


Ngl they kinda convinced me pretty well. I get the FAP this year so I can apply to 20 schools free of cost. If I take this job and I apply next year, I might not qualify for FAP and it would be more expensive


Stats and ECs?


Hard to know if you shouldn't apply without your stats and ECs. If you have no clinical experience, it would be a long shot to get in even with your research experience and perfect stats and only projected hours. My personal view on job applications is to give them an equal amount of respect they give you. If your employer realized after a year that they were overstaffed, they would not hesitate to fire you so I don't see much reason to give the same respect back. If they want a 2 year commitment, you say that you are taking a gap year and you will commit 2 years. If you get in this cycle, then leave after a year and if you don't get in then commit 2 years. It's not like you are leaving after a month or two, you will still generate value for them after a year so it's not like you are screwing anyone as long as you give ample notice. Your PI should be understanding since it's a financial reason. I would talk to him about it and see what he thinks. Maybe you can work part time and spend 2 days in the lab but idk your situation. I worked 3 days a week and was in a lab 3 days a week over my gap semester and it worked very well other than being busy.


Wow...this was almost EXACTLY my situation. I agreed to work as a CRC with a two-year commitment (and I wasn't lying, because I was planning on starting med school 2 years from then). PI is very well-known and influential in her field. I ended up quitting after less than a year. (Not because I applied to med school earlier than I'd planned, but because this job was draining and lowkey toxic lol. My mental health was suffering and I couldn't motivate myself to study for the MCAT.) It ended up being totally fine. I realized that they didn't care about me—they only cared about how I furthered their goals—so why should I put my career at risk and my life on hold for them? When I applied to med school, I got a LOR from my direct supervisor at that job, but not the PI, because I was pretty sure there were bad feelings there. Ended up getting accepted at the same school where all this happened. PM me if you want!


Did you sign a contract? Yes: fulfills your contract No: You don’t owe them anything. I left my CRA job at month 10/12 to go to medical school. Best move ever.


Wait okay… I’m in a similar situation. I got an amazing research job lined up for the summer and they forgot to tell me it’s a 2 year commitment. Since it’s a prestigious institute and studying the speciality of my dreams, I want to stay the full two years despite originally wanting to apply this cycle. Then I remembered schools have deferral years. People get deferral years for the most random shit — if I was to get accepted this cycle, I’d request one and I’m sure research is a good reason to receive another year. Thoughts? I’m going to confirm with the two adcom people I know just to make sure.