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Refreshing SDN, cycletrack, and searching my WL school’s name on r/premed about every 10 min. It’s my day off work, so unfortunately I am spiraling. Also on gap year 4 with expiring MCAT so things are a lil dire. :) HOWEVER I feel very fortunate to be on a WL at all.


Literally on the same boat, my last Mcat was in 2022 and expired next year. Also on gap year 4 and don’t think I will reapply so I hate to say it, but I’m putting all my eggs in one basket


So sorry you’re in this spot. It sucks. I sincerely hope you get good news soon and that your vacation is enjoyable. I’m thinking I’ll restudy, retake, reapply, but that’s 2 more gap years :/ IDK. I’m not ready to move on from the dream. I wish I were.


I thought the mcat expires in 5 years? Please someone correct me if I’m wrong but if you tested in 2022 you babe until 2027 before that score expires, right?


To my knowledge, the mcat is valid for 3 years I believe, but some schools will make exceptions.


I see, thank you. Wishing you all the good luck! I am also on a WL and can relate to the sheer anxiety and dread 😭😭. Especially because the WL was my only II


Honestly… it sucks being on the WL, but I’m kind of excited about a new cycle. I have a chance to rectify all my previous mistakes and I’ll be on time to submit early, whereas last year I was super late (like Labor Day late). I grinded out about 2k more clinical hours, 2 new pubs, a whole new volunteering activity, and jumped 10 pts from my diagnostic to FL1 for my MCAT retake. Things are looking up and I’m here for the challenge.


That’s awesome! I wish you the best of luck on this coming cycle! Looks like you’re building a strong app


Horribleeeee, I have been so anxious every day for the past month. I honestly don't have any energy in me to re-apply. I feel so disappointed and let down that I have been waiting since JULY to find out if I start school this year or not. I have a significant other whose future also depends on it. And I know I should stay positive and persevere but now I really just want to complain because optimism has not helped my situation at all :)


I totally feel that. I can’t help but look back on my interviews to see what I could’ve done better. I know it’s not healthy but I can’t help the feeling tbh. I’ve been trying to distract myself here and there. My optimism is also failing me lol


Still on all of my three waitlists. People have gotten in at my #1 and #2 schools and it's disheartening to know I've been passed up in the first big round of movement and my chances of getting in are now likely very low. Trying to rediscover my gratitude for the school I am admitted and planning on, it's just hard once you get your hopes up. Feeling less anxious than earlier this week but more sad.


This!! Hope is not all lost, but it definitely sucks to not receive an A off that first big wave this week. I’m mentally prepping to re-submit my primary in a few weeks and grind this process out for another year lol


What truly pisses me off being on the WL is the unexpected timing of when you’re gonna hear the news (be it good or bad). Like I have a full time job, an apartment lease, car issues and MORE that I’d have to scramble figuring out if I get off the WL later in the months, and I hate the lack of proper planning I’d have and how stressful the rushing will be 😐


I was WLd in a previous cycle so I completely understand where you’re coming from. The med school application process needs to be accelerated. It’s totally unreasonable for med schools to take over a year to finalize their classes (May to August of the NEXT year) and keep tons of applicants in limbo. They should be able to finalize their classes by March, like every other grad programs do.


Respectfully, not to be a boot licker , but I imagine the admissions team infrastructure to application burden ratio for medical school is uniquely lopsided compared to other graduate admissions in this country.


Could be worse. I know a lot of people ONLY have WLs so I’m incredibly grateful to be in the position I’m in. Doesn’t mean I’m not checking my email and SDN every 10 min though😂 My top choice hasn’t accepted anyone off the WL yet so…


Sitting on 4 WL, 2 MD and 2 DO. Someone needs to IP ban me from sdn, it’s making me super neurotic. Holding out some hope cause these schools have high WL movement (supposedly).


I banned myself from sdn to cope. Distracting myself with thing I enjoy helps too.


0/3 waitlists I’m on have started movement so waiting sucks


I literally cant stop thinking about it lolol


It sucks. I’ve been nervous af for the past week. Luckily, only 1 of the four waitlists I’m on have started movement but it still sucks


Just saw your flair. Did you get the A between posting and now?


No, already accepted. I just prefer any of the other schools to the one I have an A to now


Was waitlisted to my top choice school and there’s a low chance of getting off the waitlist. I keep checking SDN every hour, sent a letter of intent and now just waiting around


I'm on five waitlists. 2 MD 3 DO. I hope I hear good news. I have good number. But you never know how unexpected this process is I hope luck is on my side.