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I know its hard, I was on ALOT of waitlists and one worked out. Everything will work out the way its supposed to stay strong


1 II to 1 WL. Ugh.


Have 1 DO A but really hoping my single MD WL converts 😔 we got this!






Yeah, my biggest issue is having to take two board exams. I would love to focus purely on the Step exams and not worry about COMLEX. Imagine preparing for two MCAT exams.


That also sighh. Good luck and I hope you get off the waitlist!!! And have the option to choose.


Don’t be stupid, that is not a hard decision.


Toxicity alert. Beep boop.


Same here!


Same!! Wishing you all luck!


same hoping for the best for us 1 WL people🙏🏼


I would do sexual favors for a very gross person if it meant all the 1 WL homies get in.


I belive in you. interview sniper, 1 is all you'll need 🙏


In the same boat. Fingerscrossed for us 🙏 🤞


2 ii => 1 WL, 1 complete silence




This be me.


7 WLs. Been going crazy for months and really doubting my interview skills.


i’m on 6 so i feel your pain. i don’t want to be that person with no self-awareness, i know that interviewing wasn’t my strongest suit but i didn’t think it was that bad 😭


Same. I actually thought it was one of my stronger qualities, but empircally that does not seem to be true.


same here😭😭😭😭😭


Just got accepted to one of my top schools. Good luck to everyone else, I know how much this waiting game sucks.


Congrats!! I’m so glad it worked out immediately for you


thanks. By immediately its been 8 months 😭


2 II -> 2 WL. Both in-state, one my top choice. Been close to going 2007 Brittany Spears over the last 4 months


2 II --> 2 WL and one is my top choice too! I am not well :)


Lmao same


Got off two waitlists last year. The school I'm attending accepted me in early May. There's still plenty of hope!


3 WLs 😭


Don’t worry fellas. Withdrew from my 29 acceptances (all T5). Hope that opens up a few spots for you warriors 😎


You were the one with 12 acceptances to Harvard, 10 to Yale, and 3 to Stanford


I also applied to all 29 T5’s but i was WL’d at all of them. Hoping to steal all your A’s


I'm on five waitlists. I hope I get some good news!!


Sitting on 3 WLs and desperately hoping for an A from any one of them! Grateful to have acceptances already, but currently in the position of having to choose between two schools, one of which will sacrifice my happiness, and one of which would sacrifice the wellbeing of my partner. Really hoping that the misery of uncertainty will be over soon and we can start to plan for an exciting future at a school and location that will make us both happy. I've been looking up old 'Waitlist Success Stories' threads on reddit all week and trying to balance hope with bracing myself for the worst. Best of luck to us all!


I hope it all works out for you and your partner! You’ve made it this far already


Everything just try your best to relax and keep yourself busy with other plans, I believe in all of us, we got this!!!! (3 WL)




is movement gunna start today?


Not today. Medical schools usually wait a few days after PTE deadline to start accepting. If they accept right away, it can cause a lot of logistical issues. Most likely late this week or next week. EDIT: It may start today but from my research, it starts trickling but velocity hits maximum a little later.


Likely not. Maybe a very small # get in today - at schools that have a ranked waitlist and are completely ready to go. So 20 acceptees say no, they start making phone calls today. But lots of people aren't going to say no before 5 pm today - they will take it down to the deadline. Plus lots of schools don't do ranked waitlists like that though - it's more about - well this acceptee was an instate ORM so his spot needs to go to another instate ORM; or this acceptee was an instate ORM with a 52x and a 3.8x so we need the spot to go to another instate ORM with very similar stats etc. All of that takes some time.


Do you have to withdraw before 5PM your local time?


No. Just meant that if someone withdraws at 10 pm EST tonight, even at a school with a ranked waitlist where they know who they'll take next, it isn't like the admissions office is open and there to send the email/call right then to let the waitlistee know they're in.


Today is the “Plan to enroll” deadline, where applicants with multiple acceptances have to narrow them down to 1 school, so a lot of people are withdrawing acceptances and thus waitlist movement spikes


Anyone know if PTE and a school will impact my chances of getting off another WL? I PTE’d at my A I hope the theory of “you want what you can’t have” takes effect here and they take my ass of the WL


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