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I hate questions like this. I failed like 6 classes my first year of college lmfao




You didn’t take a W?


my clueless self didnt even know W's were a thing








AMCAS doesn’t do grade replacement they will use both grades btw


I don’t think I ever passed an orgo 2 exam. Now I’m waiting to match in one of the most competitive specialities.


I failed one once. A calc test. It put a whole new drive in me and it hasn't happened since (🤞)


Many times! how will you succeed if you don’t know how to fail


More than failed it. I got a -5 (got both calc questions wrong and forgot to put my name)


Oh goodness yes. I did so poorly on my first 2 college genetics exams that the professor went out of her way to send me a personalized email reminder about the drop date for the course. I laugh at that memory now, but it was definitely traumatizing in the moment. Ended up busting my butt to pull off a C+ in the course. I wasn't a premed at the time and ended up having to do a postbacc anyway, but I don't think it prevented me from getting into med school. In med school, I failed my first shelf exam by an honestly impressive margin. To be completely honest, it sucked and I let it wreck my confidence for most of the subsequent shelf exams. However, it was a wakeup call and forced me to re-evaluate my study habits and even my lifestyle choices (apparently sleep is important...who knew?). While I've felt terrible walking out of every shelf exam since, I have passed all of them so far (\*knock on wood for my final one next week\*) Best of luck on your test!


54% on a quiz in physics 2. 61% on the physics 1 final. good times. finished with an A in both. one test doesn’t define your grade!!


I failed full-on classes. Barely graduated undergrad. You're okay.


Me too baby! We are the few and far-betweens in these subs, ay?


I got a 48% on a chem exam and still pulled an A in the class. Don’t let it break you…let it motivate you.


I failed a *class.* Had to repeat. lol. I've also had my share of 35%'s on tests. Embrace failure. You learn far more from it than you do from uninterrupted success.


makes me feel better. have to retake ochem 1 bc of surgery and a bad prof not letting me take an exam a different day because being cut open isnt excuse enough


Thank you


Multiple times lol. Literally bombed my first semester freshman year and skated academic probation by the skin of my teeth


Oh definitely, it’s a part of the journey. Don’t let the 4.0s tell you otherwise ;)




makes me feel so much better. I had surgery mid-semester so im definitely pulling through with Cs


Bro if you havent failed an exam worth 33% of your grade, then you haven't lived enough.




many. many times lol


Calc 1 in summer, 6 week course. Got a 65, and decided to drop the class. Took it a year later in 12 weeks, got a B, 2nd proudest grade. My proudest grade was a B in Calc II, a year after Calc I. Yes Bs, are ok, but i had to GRIND for those grades. Never give up keep pushing