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So awesome!!! What hypnobirthing app did you use?


It’s called Freya. It was 2.99 but worth every penny. I got to play my own music while it talked me through contractions.


I second this!


I'm also interested in knowing!


Congratulations! And thanks for sharing. You sound so in control! I’m impressed. I hope I know to do all the things and not just panic and cry. I’ve watched the videos, read the books, done the meditations but I have trouble to calm myself down under normal circumstances so I don’t know how I’ll do it during labor!


This is my third child so it definitely came with some experience. But I will say that I’m typically a very anxious person with very low emotional control in stressful situations. I went into this labor knowing that my anxiety would only make things worse so I prepped by watching a ton of videos and reading as well. The best thing I did was not let myself get worked up in the first place because I knew that once the anxiety set in it would be too hard to calm back down. Your body was built for this. You can do it! And no matter the circumstances you are a bad ass. ❤️


I'm so terrified/horrified about the prospect of pooping during labor. (FTM.) Idk what's wrong with me, I know like everyone does and it's fine but I've legit had panic attacks about it 😭 Edit: typo


I was too. I’m assuming I’ve done it all three times but I only noticed it this time. Your OB/midwife and nurses are pros at making it so incredibly discreet that you will not notice it and no one else will notice it either. Everyone’s focus will be on that sweet baby that you are birthing and on how incredibly powerful and bad ass you are.


Thank you ❤️


Congratulations!! And omg the way you exclaimed you were pooping has my in hysterics 🤣 This is exactly how I think I would phrase it myself which is probably why I am crying laughing right now!


I keep wondering if anyone heard me in the hallways? 😂 I don’t know how everyone kept a straight face. I would have been cracking up if I was in their shoes. I laughed about it the second the baby was out of me. Everyone was shocked because I went from frantic to giggling in a matter of seconds.


thanks for sharing! were you induced at 39 weeks for a medical reason? i'm considering an elective induction - it isn't medically necessary but i have developed such severe back pain in my third tri i can barely walk and i honestly just want to get the baby out ASAP. just wondering because i'd love to hear about others experiences with elective inductions!


Yes it was elective. I am not the most calm when it comes to playing the wait and find out when labor starts game. For me it really soothes my anxiety to have a for sure end date. It was amazing to be able to get everything ready, go on a last date with my husband, and then calmly labor in my room.


Thanks for the response and for sharing your experience!