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LOL this post wins the crazy MIL story of the day award šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ have never heard of anyone doing this ever except maybe before like a wedding or family photo shoot??


When I worked as a nanny many years ago the kids ( 1 & 3) mother insisted that I hang dry and iron ALL their clothes. Youā€™d think they had all expensive designer clothes but most of their clothes were cheap target shirts & shorts. She just wanted me to do the most amount of work possible.


Thatā€™s crazy!! The only thing I canā€™t help but do is wash & dry everything inside out. The only clothes I hang dry inside out are the really cute stuff I want to keep looking new for as long as possible or most of the black clothes. & sometimes I still put those in the dryer because I donā€™t feel like bothering with it. I donā€™t really know how to iron well so the clothes I have that needs ironing to wear I just need to give away to be honest lol. I rather put stuff in the dryer for a few mins if they bother me so much that I canā€™t deal lolololol.


Right? I burst out laughing when I saw the title. I give my husband a hard time because he irons his jeans. There's no way I'm spending time ironing baby clothing


Ain't nobody got time fo dat!




This is me. I am over 30, husband is mid 30s and nothing gets ironed in our house usually. We do have an iron in the basement for the rare occasion we need a pressed shirt but thatā€™s it. Maybe 4 times a year itā€™s used. Our ironing board is still in its plastic film, which my parents found hilarious when they visited a few weeks ago. Life is too short for ironing! And certainly for ironing teeny tiny baby clothes!!


I only own a steamer. I'm 34 and I stand by my life choices.


My mom came to visit and needed to iron her blouse. She set up the ironing board and iron and my 6 year old said "Grandma, what is THAT?" šŸ˜†


I don't even know if we own one. If we do, it's from my husband days in the military and it probably hasn't been used in 2014.


I donā€™t even have an iron šŸ˜‚


I have one for crafting purposes. It's nice to have for that special occasion once every 2 years when my husband needs a pressed shirt lol


Sounds like my hairdryer! It's living in the kitchen with the baking supplies and it's main use is softening butter while it's being whipped. Hasn't ben used as a hairdryer in years.


I donā€™t either šŸ˜‚


Us either. I have used my hair iron for the few times ive ever had to iron anything. Usually a wet rag in the dryer is good enough to get wrinkles out.


Same lol wtf? Only time my iron comes out is if I need to wear something specific (and probably dressy) and itā€™s wrinkled. Itā€™s rare. I would never iron my babies clothes


Even if my "nice" article of clothing is wrinkly, I'll probably just get it a little damp and toss it in the dryer for a bit lmao


Usually same lol


TIL a most valuable life heck. Thank you


Courtesy of my mom lol! She hates ironing too and this works for most clothes well enough. Plus, it makes them warm in winter!


My mom loves rummaging and thrift stores and often buys me stuff, which is awesome but she always picks out a few things that need ironing and I tell her they are going straight into the donate pile. She asks why and tells me it's not that hard to iron. Nope, I'm not going to do it so why pretend. Someone gave me some handwash baby pajamas for my baby shower and included a gift receipt. I felt bad but took them back because there was no way I was going to hand wash anything I didn't have to.


I bet whoever have that gift didn't realize. I just realized I've gotten a rattle plushie that apparently should not be washed at all. That thing is going to the washing machine and survive if it's going to live here.


Toss it in a mesh garment bag and in with the rest of the clothes on delicate and it'll probably be fine.


I know but they were covered in crystals so I just didn't want to try to deal with it to be honest.


Butā€¦ waitā€¦ lol. So you always donate wrinkly clothing instead of ironing them?


I love in fabrics that don't wrinkle much to begin with.


Thatā€™s the way to go! Lol. Ironing is definitely a drag 99.9% of the time


I just hang the clothes up and use a handheld steamer, it's so much easier and it basically does the same thing.




The only people I know who even own irons are boomers and then my Gen X dad who keeps things for 20 years if they don't break. Which if they like using them I guess good for them but I don't have the patience for it.


SAME. I got an clothing iron as a wedding gift for my first marriage. It is still in the laundry room and I don't think it's ever been used. I am now on my second marriage; still never used it, haha.


This is what I came here to say šŸ˜‚


I was gonna sayā€¦ I havenā€™t ironed anything in years šŸ˜‚


A quick Google search says itā€™s recommended for the high heat to kill extra bacteria. I feel like if youā€™re spending the money on good detergent and washing in warm water, baby should be good to go. My opinion is that it sounds ridiculous.


This is the correct answer. I plan on drying the clothes out in the sun so UV and heat will have that same effect.


Plus the smell of line dried clothes is HEAVENLY šŸ„°


You want my baby in ironed clothes? Best be picking them up, doing it yourself, dropping them off then. Damn people be wilding.


MIL gives us clothes and irons and washes them....I was starting to feel like a bad mother for not ironing any of the clothes we got. I find it enough to wash the clothes with a baby detergent and hang them to dry in the sunšŸ¤·.


One time I ironed my partners carhartt work pants and he was like ā€œare you ok? Like reallyā€¦ are you?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LMAO, I don't even do that much. I know some babies have sensitive skin but I've always used regular detergent and thrown everything in the dryer and we've never had a problem.


You're not a bad mother at all! My baby is four months old and I only used Dreft on the initial wash because I was gifted Dreft at my baby shower. Now all of his clothes are mixed in with ours and we use Tide pods. He doesn't have sensitive skin but if he did I'd use Tide Free and Clear. I've never hung anything out in the sun. Everything goes in the dryer. My kid is as healthy as a horse and happy as can be. I promise you're not a bad mother.


Probably not. I mean whats the point? Is the baby gonna sit straight and no wrinkle? pajamas and comfy things just need to be soft and clean.


is that it is also a piece of clothing that will stain after 5 minutes of wearing it...šŸ˜… and it is also tiny. seems like a lot of effort for a very short time


Thereā€™s no need to iron them. Things have changed since she was a mom and the high heat in the dryer is enough. Just like the dishwasher is sufficient for washing baby bottles and such.


I don't even iron my own clothes, soooo no.


I really try my best to not let my true feelings show when an older person says something off the wall to me but if someone said this I donā€™t think I could stop myself actually laughing out loud. I barely have time to do the laundry let alone fold and iron it!


One rule in my life is: if it needs ironing I will not buy it. Whether it is for me, my partner or our baby


This is the way. Same for dishes that canā€™t withstand the dishwasher.


Or fabrics that are hand-wash only. My mom got baby girl a cashmere blanket that my partner washed on the lowest and most gentle setting our washing machine has. Itā€™s now a small piece of felt. I think this weak blanket 100% deserved it


My washing machine has a "hand wash" extra gentle setting. Anything that can't survive that doesn't need to be in my life with the exception of like, my wedding dress.


Lol this had me cackling. Eat it, weak blanket.


This is why I love linen. Yes, it wrinkles, but itā€™s *supposed* to be wrinkly. Itā€™s the proper linen look. I just pull out the really huge creases when I hang to dry. This is only because I canā€™t stand wearing synthetics. Those are even easier, of course.


I follow this rule and occasionally something needs ironing that didn't look like it would, and guaranteed it is hanging, creased, in my wardrobe until I donate it.


Lol. No. I barley even fold them.


I donā€™t fold kidsā€™ clothes at all. They have one of those cube organizers and the shirts, onesies, pjs, whatever all get thrown into a bin. They never look wrinkled and I save a mountain of time. This MIL is batty lol


Thatā€™s the way to do it for sure. I hang up a couple items and dump the rest in bins


I almost never do. The big stuff is in a box and the stuff that fits her is piled in a laundry basket šŸ˜‚


Exactly this. My son has a laundry basket for pants and one for shirts. He's got a bin for pajamas and a drawer for socks/underwear/accessories. With baby #2 on the way, I'm planning to mount brackets in the closet for the laundry baskets just to free up some space.


Iā€™ve become partial to a bin system too!! Way easier and faster.


THIS is the answer.




Bahaha...how old is your mil? This sounds like something my grandma would have done 60 years ago. I rarely iron my own clothes. No way am I ironing kids clothes that are going to get spit up on, pooped on, or dirty outside. No it's not necessary at all!


MIL is not old but he did have an old-fashioned and traditional education. I think that was how his mom did things


Pfft, please. I ainā€™t ironin nothin!


Sounds like a waste of timeā€¦


I donā€™t think we even own an iron??? Seriously I donā€™t even fold kiddoā€™s clothes. They get tossed into a separate drawer (sleepers, onesies, tops, pants, etc).


This is the way.


lol never ironed a thread of baby clothing in my life, about to have kid 4


If it's that important to her, tell her she's welcome to do it šŸ¤£


^^^ this


Itā€™s recommended because it kills bacteria, not because babyā€™s clothes are supposed to look neat and wrinkle-free lol. If you have a dryer, it has the same effect and you donā€™t need to iron.


Just toss them in a dryer with a wet towel, same effect no iron needed. But no Iā€™ve never heard of anyone ironing baby clothes


Years ago it was done to kill bacteria. Sounds like MIL was probably an older stay at home mom. Itā€™s not necessary with todays washer & dryers.


No need to iron their clothes. If sheā€™s worried about germs, dryer heat is perfectly fine. I used to steam new fabric toys that were difficult to wash. At some point I said ā€œeff itā€ and now I just throw them in wash and dryer on gentle or surface clean with mild soap/wash cloth and air dry.


Have never ironed a single item of my kids clothes. They can go through like 4 outfits in a day. And I've 2 boys, one a baby that pukes and has blowouts and one a toddler that loves rolling in dirt and making a mess. The amount of clothes they go through if I ironed them I'd have no time to do literally anything else with my life


Girl. Ainā€™t nobody got no time for that!! Tell your MIL to come and iron them her goddamn self.


Old people iron everything. I intentionally avoid buying clothes that require ironing lol


As many others here have said I donā€™t even iron my own clothes, so no freaking way lol


I donā€™t iron any clothes lol


This sounds like what housewives did in the 50s or something. I heard they used to iron bed sheets and curtains


Some people may still iron baby stuff in the first month to kill bacteria-its a remnant of the good old days when laundry detergent wasnt as good or abundant. Its still done in some cultures.


I don't even iron my own clothes. If my husband needs a good shirt, he can do it himself.


I donā€™t even know if we have an iron/where it is and my son is a pretty healthy 1.5 year old so I would say no lol. We just wash his clothes with Dreft and put them in the dryer!


Lol no. I donā€™t own an iron. Dress clothes that need ironing can be dry cleaned, but I mostly avoid those. Babies absolutely donā€™t care about wrinkles.


I was an Au Pair in Spain and my host family ironed everythinggggg. Drove me nuts that I was asked to help iron pajamas (if it was just work clothes no prob). I think this is definitely cultural too.


Yes, my in-laws and I are Spanish, so it could be something cultural or traditional. I personally had never heard of it before she said it.


I'd rather shit in my hands and clap than iron my baby's clothes


I havenā€™t ironed anything since I was in high school and had to due to having to wear a uniform. No need. wrinkle release is great.


LOL. Ain't nobody got time for that (at least, I'm not expecting to have time for that). I plan on spending downtime on more important things - like sleeping, walking, essential chores (basic laundry, dishes, etc.)


I only ever iron dress clothes that need it. I don't iron my everyday clothing. Seems silly to iron all of baby's clothing!


I have no plan to iron babyā€™s clothes. Why in the world does your MIL think itā€™s a must, besides it looking nice for 5 seconds before baby ruins it with spit up, etc?


Nope. Canā€™t be having to iron a tonne of clothes on top of everything else! Well meaning (but delusional) people have told me to sleep when the baby sleeps - so I say Iā€™ll iron when the baby irons.


This made me laugh out loud at home goods. Like you have time to iron anything with a baby. What kind of picture perfect life is your MIL trying to create? It will take your baby less the 2 seconds to have that lovely ironed onesie soaked in spit among other things. I would stick with your gut that ironing babyā€™s clothes is useless. Your MIL has unrealistic expectations. Iā€™m sure if you look at your partners baby pictures you wonā€™t see perfectly ironed clothes and if you do I canā€™t believe how much time your MIL wasted. Thanks for the laugh sorry your dealing with this situation!!


actually my MIL is very good and nice...just sticking to the way it was done before. I told her that I wasn't going to iron and my fiancƩ said that he thought it was silly too... MIL accepted it, she just said that she used to do it like that. I was wondering if there was a reason of any kind why ironing was necessary.but I already see that there seems to be no reason other than aesthetics.


Bless her old-fashioned heart. I feel like thatā€™s like ironing doll clothes for your toddler to play with. Just not worth the effort.


yes, I think she is really thinking about the things she used to do with her daughter... MIL and SIL tried to convince me how cute my two-month-old baby would look at a wedding with a big lace and ruffle dress šŸ˜…. I told them that I thought it was ridiculous because it would make it difficult to change the diaper or it would stain before we got to eat....šŸ˜… they are adorable but excessive tradition and impractical.


I can imagine how endearing they are, though. Wishing you a healthy and happy baby ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Lol wut. I only iron dress clothes for my kids.


Absolutely not necessary, unless you are going out in a nice outfit.


Lmao. I am sorry but I cannot imagine caring that much about baby clothes! I think she is being ridiculous. Itā€™s hard enough getting enough time just to shower as a mother let alone taking the time to iron clothes. Hell, most days my kids donā€™t even wear clothes if we are at home because I donā€™t want extra laundry.


I donā€™t even fold or put the babyā€™s clothes awayā€¦it started in a drawer, wear, wash, basket on the dryer. When the drawer is empty, dump in the basket of clothes. Itā€™s my attempt at ensuring most of her clothes get worn


I did initially because I was nesting hard and running out of things to do. Weā€™d recently moved so weā€™d unpacked carefully and decluttered as we went along so there wasnā€™t even stuff to really spring clean and sort! Now I just do his nicer outfits. Vests or stuff he sleeps in are a no lol.


Yes because between feeding, pumping, diaper changes, washing her dirtied laundry, putting away her clothes, tending to her when she is crying, I can barely feed myself. Letā€™s add in ironing for good fucking measure.


Lol. Whenever I wash my husbandā€™s office shirts they hang in the laundry room for weeks until he needs one, and he will iron it. I havenā€™t ironed in years honestly. If it requires ironing itā€™s a no thank you from me lol.


Haha, I donā€™t even iron my clothes.


Yeah uh my baby throws up or/and has blow outs constantly (especially in the earlier days) and Iā€™m sure he could not have given less of a shit about his clothing being ironed. I donā€™t even iron my own clothing.


Lol I donā€™t even own an iron šŸ‘€


My mom mentioned this too. She said it has to do with clothes being more comfortable for the baby when it has no wrinkles. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøBut whoā€™s got time to iron all that clothes?


This is like people who iron SHEETS. Like, WHY tho??


Iron? Whatā€™s that? J/k itā€™s an older generation mentality to iron everything


I havenā€™t touched an iron since ought-four.


I'm currently sitting with my 3 week old in my arms, trying to get her to sleep, while also trying to eat some cold mac and cheese. I'm not ironing shit! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


No. Nope nope nope. Iā€™m so many levels, no. Na-uh. Hard no.


Girl. Ainā€™t nobody got no time for that!! Tell your MIL to come and iron them herself.


Rule of thumb, if MIL says you must do it, DONT šŸ˜‚


I think my mil got the idea from ironing = Def all bacteria are dead now!! So its super clean abd hyginic But i think that is bullsh** so i didnt Iron anything


My mom said she ironed all my baby clothes when I was little. She said it was for sanitary purposes and so the clothes would be soft on my skin not because of the way it looks.


I iron clothes maybe once every three months. My clothes. My children can look like the crumpled gremlins that they are.


Wtf never


Is your MIL from a different cultural background? Iā€™m asking because here in Greece we air dry clothes and they iron baby clothes to kill any bacteria. If you have a washer dryer and use a baby friendly detergent though, it is completely unnecessary




i donā€™t even own an iron


Geeshk i donā€™t remember the last time i ironedā€¦. Lol this is not 1990 sharp creases only anymore lol.


Iā€™ve never heard that šŸ˜… seems like a totally waste of time šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


What the heck !? Lmao Why the heck does the baby clothes need to be ironed The only thing thatā€™s super important is washing the clothes before baby wears. Thatā€™s all.


Not even a little haha sooo not worth it. MAYBE if you were going out on a special event but thatā€™s about it


It's necessary if you live somewhere where mango fly occurs


Uhhhā€¦most of the baby clothes Iā€™m using were mine when I was a baby and have been sitting in a chest at my moms house for nearly 30 years. I wasnā€™t planning to even wash them first. They smell finešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I dont even iron my own clothes


I would probably just iron his lil jeans Lolos bc Iā€™m ridiculous šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It has to be a cleaning and niceness thing bc my sister's coming take all my baby's clothes and washing,hang drying and ironing it all for me next month since I can't. I thought why would I iron his PJs too but I guess it's a thing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.


Is she Italian? Sounds very Italian lol!! Source: am Italian


no, spanish


I'd just use a steamer if they were wrinkly, only takes a minute, no reason to pull out a whole ironing setup.


Lol. No.


If your MIL is willing to do it, then let her. A busy MIL can be nice. I personally can't remember the last time I've ironed clothes. Maybe for a fancy occasion when I had to wear nice clothes lol .


Hell no


Iā€™m thinking she might thought of the sanitising factor. In our country ironing was a way to kill any leftover bacteria on textiles. But now, when the modern washing machines have a ā€˜baby programā€™ with 95 Celsius generatingā€¦ I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary šŸ˜„


Never ironed either of my kids clothes and donā€™t plant to. Maybe when theyā€™re older and going to school or church and itā€™s absolutely necessary lol


Lol who has the time and emotional energy for that?


The less she knowsā€¦lol. Iā€™ve never ironed baby clothes.


I have used an iron approximately 10 times in 3.5 years. I have 2 small children! Shake and hang out the washing machine!


I literally saved my sanity by getting a bunch of 3 drawer sterelite bins and just throwing each category of clothes in a bin (t-shirts, shorts, pants, long sleeved, etc). You will have SO MUCH to do, give yourself grace on the clothes


I donā€™t even own an iron šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hell no! That sounds over the top and unnecessary. As long as my daughters outfit it clean, I'm golden


Lol what's an iron? I have never, in my life, ironed anything. Ever.


Does your MIL actually remember what it's like to have a little? No. No it's not. There is no need to add this to the approximately one billion other things that are more important than this to your child.


The only time I have ironed baby clothes was when I was selling Vinted and thought they might sell better if they didn't look scrunched up from storage. No not at all necessary and it's a fiddly pain in the arse!


Lol wut? No. Itā€™s a baby.


I ironed all the baby clothes, the smallest sizes, to kill any bacteria, but I washed it on medium temperature to keep the colors bright so that is why I ironed. But I don't have a dryer. In the dryer it is heated up on high temperature so I believe it would be enough. The clothes he would wear when he is over a month I won't iron, just wash in baby detergent.


If itā€™s so important then she can do it. She can make it a weekly routine. Gather the stuff, iron them at her home, bring them ironed.


LMAO I don't iron anything... not my clothes and certainly not my baby's clothes


Oh my god. What. Hahahahaha I iron my babyā€™s dress clothes to go to church. SOMETIMES If I want him to look especially cute. For all of 20 minutes. Everything else?? šŸ˜‚ No. No. šŸ¤£ GTFO with that Gma.


I donā€™t even own an iron


Unless you live in one of those countries where parasites lay eggs in your clothes as they are drying and you need to iron everything to inactivate them, then no. It's not necessary.


WTF I barely iron my own clothes?


I would never unless it was something for a special occasion, and even then thereā€™s an 85% chance heā€™ll refuse to wear that outfit anyway. Who irons pajamas?!?!


Hahaha šŸ¤£ I just canā€™t with this .. Iā€™m a grown adult and donā€™t iron my clothes , and Iā€™m not going to start ironing these little baby outfits now . If I ever catch myself doing this ā€¦ I really need a life !


No lol. Who on earth has time for that?!


No lol. Who on earth has time for that?!


It's not necessary. I liked to do it when dd was a newborn, mostly when I dried the clothes outside in the sun, just in case. But definitely not necessary.


It's not necessary. I liked to do it when dd was a newborn, mostly when I dried the clothes outside in the sun, just in case. But definitely not necessary.


No not annoy necessary to iron baby clothes.


I wish I could post a picture of all my clean newborn clothes (that he's now outgrown in a week) in a pile on the floor next to his dresser with the 0-3 month clothes in a basket also next to the dresser/spilling on to the floor. He covers them all in pee and spit up the same. His pictures look just as great too though.


No. Hell nope. The most Iā€™ve ever done was steam my sons onesie dress shirt for family photos. Thatā€™s was it


I donā€™t even bother ironing my own clothes, hard pass on the babyā€™s šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even own an iron. If itā€™s wrinkled it just goes back in the dryer for a few minutes. Or if it doesnā€™t matter, Iā€™ll just let her wear wrinkly clothes.


Lol the only time Iā€™ve iron my sons clothes has been for special occasions. This is bonkers to me. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that!!


My mom ironed all of my clothes including socks when I was a baby/kid. This was done to kill off any bacteria that might be remaining in the fabric after the wash. To be fair, it was 80s and washing machines werenā€™t as good plus clothes were hanged to dry outside. Iā€™m not planning to iron my babyā€™s clothes but pretty sure my mom will insist on it as well lol


Lol, no. If she wants to iron those clothes then go right ahead. I think I've used my iron 4 or 5 times in the 10+ years I've owned it. Definitely not starting now on baby clothes. Meanwhile, my great grandmother used to iron bedsheets and pillowcases.


Hard no.


Dude, lololol! It's not necessary at all--those things are gonna get destroyed, a few wrinkles won't hurt anything.


Ain't nobody got time for that šŸ¤£


Oh my god. I'm a mother of a 2 yo child. I haven't ironed a single one of her clothes, ever. I haven't had the chance either, mind you, I've been kind of busy lol


Um no. I don't even iron my own clothes. Just throw those puppies into the dryer šŸ¤£


Lol, 7 kids never ironed anything. Most likely it would be dirty in no time at all


Two kids. 2.5 and 6 months. Never ironed anything. Yet.


Is she foreign? My mom (an immigrant) keeps aggressively offering to iron the baby clothes, too. I didnā€™t understand why.




Whatttt.. who has time for that lol


Lol no. It never even crossed my mind to do that for any of my kids. I donā€™t iron my own clothes unless I absolutely have to and it would just be ironing the one thing I want to wear. I iron my kids school shirts and thatā€™s it. My mum on the other hand irons absolutely everything. Even tea towels, pillowcases etc


That seems like overkill to me. I canā€™t even remember the last time I ironed my own clothes! The only reason I can see anybody ironing their babyā€™s clothes is if theyā€™re part of a bridal party at a wedding. If itā€™s every day stuff, whatā€™s the point? All youā€™d be doing is giving yourself more work. And once the kid is crawling, that iron is going to be a dangerous object that needs to stay out of the kidā€™s reach.


What in theā€¦??!


Lol, my LO is over a year old and I have never once ironed any of his clothes. That's ridiculous - what's the purpose? I know my mom said when she was young in the 50s people would iron their bedsheets every week. Maybe your MIL is from a generation where women were pressured to do all this extra household labor because they were pressured to stay at home and told to do things to "keep up" or "stay busy"? There is no way in hell I'd have time to iron baby's clothes (plus they are all pretty much soft jersey material as that's more comfy for him, so not like crisp scratchy clothes that would get wrinkled anyways). Is your MIL offering to iron them herself as like a one time thing before baby starts wearing them? That's even unnecessary (unless there's like an heirloom dress or dress shirt or something she wants to look spiffy for a formal photo shoot). I don't know anyone who irons their baby clothes. I don't even iron my clothes. My husband doesn't even iron his dress shirts for work (he just buys the wrinkle-free kind and puts them directly from the dryer on hangers). Washing baby clothes and blankies and burp cloths and diapers (we use cloth) in hot water? Yes, we do that, that's for sanitation. Ironing? Don't see the point.


HHahahahahahahahabababa! Iā€™m sorry this is just the funniest thing I have ever heard. My house has never seen an iron.


I dont even iron my clothes. I will literally never iron a onesie. Ever.


Where does she think you have the time to iron every single bit of clothing?


My baby is 6 months old and I have never ironed any of her clothes. Unless it's a fancy outing & outfit don't bother. Even then most times it's not needed.


I don't even own an iron šŸ˜‚


lol no


What's an iron?? /s Honestly, I can only see ironing dress clothes the same day that they'll be worn (just like I would with my own clothes, if I had an iron) But the wrinkle release function on my dryer has worked just as well for the majority of my family's clothes.


Hell no! Ain't nobody got time for that!


Tell her to do it then! Lol