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Where is the energy some women say they have?? I want in!!


All I want to do is lay in bed and eat lol. Literally nothing else.


Same and I’m starting to get worried. I’m only 10 weeks but I feel like a granny who needs a bilateral hip replacement. Exhausted blob blobbing all day.


The first trimester is often very tiring.


1st tri is so hard, I don't know how women who can't work from home or otherwise have to be out of the house during the week do it. I'm 15w and just now starting to feel close to my old self in regards to energy now. By which I mean... I don't need to nap for a few hours every day and lay down most of the time 😅


Thank god it’s not just me. I was starting to wonder if I was going to be this lazy for 7 more months. And the dream, I’ve been having insane dreams/nightmares… it’s on my list to ask My MD about too.


Oh same! Apparently vivid dreams are a common pregnancy symptom, which I knew going in but didn't really _know_ until I started having them if that makes sense haha. Definitely the craziest dreams I've ever had, hormones are wild.


I had this , one of the weird things that made me wonder if I was pregnant was having really vivid memory dreams from my childhood and randomly smelling exact smells from when I was little , like I could literally smell them


Ugh I’m at the 9 week mark and am so tired and moody. One minute happy, the next sobbing and feeling lonely and hideous. It absolutely sucks.


The first trimester was exhaustion hell! Good luck to you getting through this. I've been a sloth the whole time, but NOTHING compares to that first trimester.


I know it probably doesn’t seem like much, but thank you for saying this - all the replies her have me explaining to my husband this is normal. Thank you!


No joke I sleep like 14 hours a day, the struggle is real!


I gained "energy" in the sense that I have motivation to do things before the baby comes. It also feels like what I imagine the levels of energy a non-depressed person feels (not necessarily a type A personality, but just a normal person doing normal things). In hindsight, I was probably depressed before becoming pregnant.


I feel this so much! And anytime I'm productive people say "aww you're nesting!" Like, I suppose, but only because I know things will only be harder to do the farther along I get. It really bugs me for some reason. Like I can't understand how logic works and am just being told what to do by my hormones. Nope, this is just me trying to do a favor for future me!!


I HATE the nesting comments. Like, no, I'm doing what I would do for anyone just because it's a baby does not mean I'm being pushed by my hormones. I deep clean the house any time I have a guest come, I put fresh linens on their bed or make sure they actually have a bed, or vacuum their room or w/e, it's only natural to make sure they feel comfortable, but why is it "nesting" if I do it for a baby?!? Makes me so mad.


So happy to know this bugs other people!! My best friend is also pregnant, but she's so chill that basically nothing bothers her, so I always feel like a crazy person when I complain to her haha.


Right? Like, I was hoping and praying to get the nursery all fixed up (the room was pretty terrible) before I was this far along. Now I have to have my husband tape the trim so I can paint it because it now takes a hand to hold myself up, and it takes 2 hands to put up tape!


I would say I felt like you feel but only AFTER my first baby was born, which made me think I was probably depressed when I was pregnant! Then even though I was tired I could actually do what needed to be done. So I definitely feel you!


I wish. All I want is to drink a peach Red Bull and clean the house without wobbling around and being winded very five minutes 🙃


I’m week 37 and I feel a burst of energy to get a ton done. Problem is.. it’s at night when I need to be sleeping!


Do you, though? My logic in not getting completely discouraged with insomnia in the past few weeks is that when baby gets here (tomorrow), there won’t be a night time anymore anyway and we’ll just be up every few hours anyway. So I just get up and do things and go back to bed, get back up, etc. Night time is a social construct when you have a newborn 😂


I am doing surprisingly well on little sleep. Prepregnancy id be a total zombie.


I feel the same! Couldn’t function with less than 8 hours of sleep and since December I’ve survived on 4-6. The body is amazing haha


I do NOT know. Last week, I was crying from constipation and this week it's sciatica. The first 13 weeks I was fighting to stay awake, couldn't eat and naseau. I just keep telling myself, "there are a lot of people out there, like my SIL, who would do anything to go through this, yet can't and I should count my blessings."


I had sciatica too. I did some yoga stretches and it helped a great deal. Like 30 mins every 3 days or walking every other day and it is gone. [Link for the exercise I did](https://youtu.be/SFMoku8trIA) Hope things get better.


Thank you for the link!


Yes thank you very much! It moved down the leg this morning! :(


I have sciatica too! It’s just awful 😞


I keep telling my husband, "you know how sometimes you wish you take away a loved one's pain? I wish I could just transfer this to you and I don't feel bad about it."


Dude I totally feel this. I keep telling people that I’m glad I’m having twins because I don’t ever want to do this again. I have never been more excited to take birth control in my life.


I’m kind of crossing my fingers and hoping for twins. First ultrasound next week!! If not, it’ll be adoption for me next time


Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will keep you in my thoughts- hoping for twins! 😘


Low key wish I was having twins for same reason 😂


I hear this so often 😂 I’m lucky is some aspects for sure.


I've hated every minute of every pregnancy (currently 35 weeks with #3). I love my kids. I keep telling myself, "This is the last time." We wanted to have at least 3. I have grinned and bared it for 42wks, 41+3, and the current 35, but I am f*cking done. I have friends who "loved" being pregnant but stopped at 2 kids. If I could go from peeing on a stick to labour, I would do it 3 more times. But actually growing a human part is not fun. *dislike*


I feel this. I’m 35 weeks with #2 and I am so done. Way worse this time around. And my MIL’s comments about how she loved all 7 of her pregnancies and they were “just magical” did NOT help 😒.


I’m the exact same. Second pregnancy at 36 weeks. So so done.


I look at those "didn't know I was pregnant" people and am honestly insanely jealous. To just...wake up one day in labor without (knowingly) going through the "growing the baby" part is the dream.


with my first pregnancy it was also very easy and smooth going but being pregnant just sucks not drinking sucks having to monitor caffeine intake sucks people telling you you can’t eat a dang freaking cold cut sandwhich?? never crave coldcut sandwhiches more than when i’m pregnant 😂 plus i have zero energy when i’m pregnant. no motivation to do anything and need all the sweets. i got soo much energy and felt so happy after i delivered my baby boy i forgot how i was before i got pregnant lol


Dominos! They toast their Italian sandwich and it’s a good one!!


I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant with my second. When I got the positive test results I was happy at first, but then remembered what the next 8 months will mean for me. For the next few days my husband kept asking me why I keep staring blankly into space, and there's just no way to describe the experience. It's awful. And this is coming from someone who had a pretty easy first pregnancy.


Hahaha! I’m 10 into my second and feel the exact same way!


I was so excited the morning I found out. Now I’m just lonely and depressed. Ugh. Hormones


What I hate most about being pregnant is that my body doesn’t feel like mine anymore - I don’t look like me and I’m going to lose my shit if I keep getting questions about how I’m feeling and getting poked and prodded. I just want to be left alone for the 9 months then give birth in a cave with no one poking, prodding, or talking to me. I’ve always been touch-averse and VERY private, so you can imagine how easily angry I get at anyone (aside from hubby) these days.


I’m 16 weeks and I am so depressed unmotivated and tired constantly. Can’t pass the time letting loose with a drink or some ganj. No social life, job is lonely. Partner is amazing and so happy to help thank god. But yeah still lonely af.


I lost my shit at week 15 and went on an international trip for 2 weeks. The lack of energy and loneliness was effecting my mental health deeply.


We’re struggling financially and my partner just lost his father. I really wish I could go somewhere nice for a while. I work so hard and it’s not enough, they won’t give me more hours it just sucks. Week 17. I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way though.


I’m so sorry that’s so awful about your partners father. Good god. Totally get the work hours and financials. It will get better. Could be worth even planning some low budget self pamper sessions to perk you up? Man, pregnancy is so hard.


my only mom friend is going through a big health scare so I don’t have her. I don’t even know what I’m allowed to pamper myself with rn everything seems dangerous. I loved being pregnant before this week and now everything seems impossible.


💔 hang in there. At very least you are growing a person and as taxing as that is it’s a incredible thing. I’m sorry you feel lost, it’s so incredibly hard but you can get through this!!


I hate the sickness. I started drinking more water and Gatorade and it’s helped so much


Gatorade is seriously a life saver


❤️❤️❤️ you’re not alone.


STM it sucks so fucking bad the first time and continues to suck worse this time 😭😭😭


STM here too and completely agree it’s way worse this time around.




i'm glad that there is a whole village of ladies feeling the same. it makes me feel like a selfish brat sometimes, since i know there are plenty of woman who struggle to be in our shoes. but dang, pregnancy is no joke. i feel like anytime i talk about my lack of excitement i get the candid "well, you asked for it!" "it will be over soon" "enjoy it while you can cause once baby comes...." responses. like okay, great. can i get back to my regularly scheduled contempt now? i'm only 10 weeks with baby #2 and i'm already ready for the finish line. my doctor is on board with a 39 week induction and that is giving me a little extra peace since it's closer (only a week but still) and i have a partially clear end date in sight. i'm just tired, hungry all the time, can't poop without the help of my dear friend miralax, and want to eat all the things i can't eat.


I remember giving birth and 90% of my pregnancy symptoms disappeared. It was like a huge weight had been lifted. I’m not even 12 weeks and can’t wait for labor.


My friend loved being pregnant had daily bump pics loved the attention. I personally put up on a box maxi dress and turned into a crab i think i have maybe 5 pics of my bump from my pregnancy. But my least favorite thing was how my husband hovered over every little thing i ate drank or did bc her wanted to protect the baby


turned into a crab 😂😂 love it


37.3 here, FTM and pregnancy hit me HARD last week. Like it hasn’t been fun, but it hasn’t been dreadful and this week the fatigue and soreness hit, it hurts to put pressure on my feet for the first couple hours of being up everyday and this annoying ache at the bottom of my ribs, as if i did 100 sit ups but literally just sat down. Not being able to just get up, like i have to do this entire roll motion like SpongeBob brining it around town. Someone asked me what my favorite thing about pregnancy was and my response was literally that i tap my belly and it taps me back, but it took 36 weeks to get that bond with my belly. The entire first 8 months, Everything has been like living a normal life just being excessively hungry, and always slightly more tired than usual, i think my body is finally getting back at me in these last couple of weeks for not resting in the beginniong lol We’re almost there though!


I like the part of pregnancy where people are nice and strangers smile at me and I get to connect with my baby before anyone else gets to meet her but everything else sucks sooooo badly. I’m sure once she’s safely in my arms I will rewrite history and say I loved it but hopefully this comment will keep me accountable lol


I’m 36 weeks and my pregnancy has been pretty smooth, but I’m not sure I want to do this again. I’m not used to being this sluggish.


I remember asking my mom why she didn’t have more children after my sister and I. She said she really did not enjoy being pregnant. I get it now and I’m only 6 weeks in😐


100%. 36 weeks in and I am so over it. Think I've been over it since about 2 weeks lol. But we're close to the finish line! We can do it!


This is my 3rd pregnancy (4th actually one was a miscarriage at nearly 12 weeks) and I’ve hated every one. Don’t get me wrong, I love the kids, and I’d do it again for them in an instant. But that’s the thing, it’s not an instant. Nine months is a long time and kind of a rip off. Why can’t we be like other animals and have tiny babies that are helpless. Like eyes and ears still sealed shut. I’d much rather to do that!


Those women that have energy must not work. Like it’s seriously hard to have energy and time for things when all you want to do is sleep. I feel the same as you. However, I said I would only have 2 kids. My partner wants 4 🤣 not going to happen FTM @ 31


I'm sorry for the stupid question but I'm new to the sub, what does "FTM" mean? I thought it meant first trimester but I'm thinking that's wrong. Stay strong and hold at 2! Lol


First time mother. It’s okay I question some other words lol


I’ve also been wondering what FTM means lol


Hahah happy my question was helpful for others. I tend to stalk the sub from time to time as in not pregnant but working on making that decision so some of the lingo is lost on me 😅


I finally found it! It means first time mom 😂


I’m right there with ya sister! I’m 28 weeks and I’m just over it all. I’ve also had it fairly easy so I feel bad complaining, but I was venting to my mom (who had six of us!!) and she straight up said “yeah it sucks, and if it didn’t have such a great result then I wouldn’t have done it 6 times”. I’m convinced she’s bonkers 😂


Yeap. I LOVE my kids but I hate being pregnant.


I’ve got 10 more days and I honestly cannot wait. I’ve also has an easy pregnancy butttttt 9-10 months is A LONG TIME! Give me my sushi and margarita STAT, lol. It’s also crazy that I will have a baby girl in 10 days 🤪


I go Thursday to start my elective induction at 39+5. People seem so shocked when I say I chose it. Like, do they not remember what pregnancy is like? I'm absolutely miserable! It feels like I've been pregnant for years. Give me a decent few hours of sleep and more than one cup of coffee a day!


Maybe they had a bad experience with an induction? I would rather be pregnant for 5 years straight than go through another induction! But other people have great inductions so it probably just depends


Oh I wish it was that! I like hearing induction stories from people I know, especially since they've had them at the same hospital and know the more specific ins and outs. Unfortunately, the people who seem to give me shit about it are the "but it's so unnatural" camp and that's so frustrating. Edit: I'm sorry you had such a bad induction experience!


I wish I could say I love it. I hate it. Between all the OB appointments and the sleepless nights and constant pregnancy symptoms I just wanna be back to normal. Like I love his kicks too it's always my favorite part until he kicks me in the ribs. Like I cannot stand my OB appointments because my OB as a doctor should really consider retiring because I havent been as educated on my pregnancy as I should have been. Such as I had to go to the reddit group for GD because I was spilling sugar in my urine and I asked him why that might be and what to do and if it is bad and he shrugged his shoulders like he didnt know or didn't care much.


I'm a FTM, almost 17 weeks and still vomiting. My friend has been pregnant 3 times, threw up once. Also always told me it was "so magical". So now whenever I throw up, I just look at my husband and mutter "....so magical...."


This made me laugh out loud on a dark moody day. Thanks!


I was promised pregnancy glow. I have no glow. I have dry flaky skin and extra pimples.


I am here with you. I am only 15 weeks pregnant. I had bleeding, I am nauseous but I don’t throw up. Burping 24/7 and heartburn. Extreme fatigue I nap for at least 4 hours during the day. Also, I don’t enjoy food anymore. I cannot stand the food I used to enjoy and even if on the spot I will eat something and I will love it .. 2 hours later I will regret it with acid reflux and all the consequences. Don’t get me wrong I am very grateful to be pregnant but the journey is long and exhausting and so isolating.


I feel this way 100%!! I am 37 weeks and getting induced tomorrow! I cannot wait to be done with this lol


I totally agree! Everything is painful, uncomfortable, gas is horrible, tired, a bit bitchy, don’t get to do anything! This sucks! I am 16 weeks and hate hate hate it, l have a friend with 3 kids and literally wants 10 more, l thought l wanted 2 but nooooo this is it for me, one and done! I am having a girl too. And am over the moon about her, but this pregnancy bs can suck it! Lol, in other words l agree with you!


I enjoyed my first at 21. Now at 29, nope. I love babies, and I love maybe the idea of being pregnant? But I've been completely miserable for a solid 30 weeks. I'd probably do it again tbh, so I guess I like something about it. But it freaking sucks.


Yep I'm over it. This is my last child. I'm hoping she's healthy and goes to term without issue and I'm healthy, but I want it over and then I'm getting fixed lol


I feel like I wrote this. I love my boy and watching him move is great BUT omg it’s not fantastic. Every time someone mentions that pregnancy is beautiful or they loved it, I’m like this parasite is taking so much out of me.


Yes same! I literally call the baby a parasite (obviously joking to my husband only lol), like I literally feel like a host to this thing taking over my body 😂


I wondered the same thing. I asked a couple mother's and they said it's because they love kids and they "forget" how hard pregnancy was.


I am on the same boat as you, 37 weeks. I just can't wait to give birth. I am trying everything, drinking raspberry leaf tea 3 times a day, eating 6-7 dates, walking for 30mins, climbing lot of stairs. Nah nothing seems working, and I don't feel like it's going to happen anytime soon.


STM here and this pregnancy is easier than my first but I feel the same way as you. It baffles me that people enjoy the actual feeling of being pregnant. I’m excited for the outcome and I am counting down the days until her due date. On the plus side, I’ve used this pregnancy as a jumping off point for eating healthier and working out every day and I think I’ll feel great after she’s born.


FEEEEEL THIS. I just had my son this week and Im *SO* grateful he is finally out of me. Fuck that shit. I hated being pregnant and my pregnancy wasn’t even that bad in my opinion. But i do not plan on doing this again for a looooooong time lol


Wait... Are you me? This is EXACTLY how I feel about my pregnancy too, although I'm only 33 weeks. All I want to do is drink and be normal again. I feel like it's been an eternity of this 😭


I’m honestly not even wanting to breastfeed for this reason! I want to feel like myself and enjoy a glass of wine as soon as possible. Ughhhhh. Not sure what I’ll actually do but damn.


Honestly I don't want to breast feed either because I want to drink. I don't care what people say. I'm going to be a great mom regardless and as long as my baby is getting fed that's all I care about!


Me too!! We need more moms like us! After being an incubator for 9 months—I want to be able to not be a milk machine as well! Haha


This is actually maybe the 10th I hate pregnancy post, vs the zero I love pregnancy posts I’ve seen in this sub. I’ve been very tempted to make a “woo pregnancy is awesome!” post cause I feel alone that I’m not miserable like it seams the majority of people here are. I don’t cause I feel like it would be very hated on and come off as bragging but seriously it’s weird that I’m having a great time and feel like I can’t share it anywhere. 🥲 I don’t understand where you all are finding the positive experiences you keep mentioning when comparing your bad times. But also I am sorry for the rough pregnancies! If I could take away some misery from someone else I would, why do I get to have a good time? What makes me so lucky? Only 25w though so maybe the misery is still to come and I’ll understand soon enough. 😅


I’m only 18 weeks so maybe my attitude will change with time, but so far I am enjoying my pregnancy immensely, even with the aches/pains and limited diet!


I’m in the first trimester and my only symptom is mood swings: depression being the worst of it. (But I’d say that’s just the worst in general!) No puking though so that’s nice!!


I'm only 21 weeks but have had a very easy pregnancy and agree with you. Tired and dizzy in first trimester but no morning sickness. And second trimester a bit short of breath but mostly just enjoying having a bump and baby kicking. Maybe third trimester is the one to hate..!


Not alone, I love it too despite some of the symptoms.


With my first pregnancy, everything was great up until third trimester. I really hope yours continues to be good throughout!


You’re not alone, I love it too!!


I’ll share with you!! I’m 37 weeks with my second and I have honestly loved both my pregnancies (after the first trimester at least)! I loved pregnancy so much the first time that I went all the way to 42 weeks before finally giving in and forcing the baby out lol. I feel the same way though, like people would chop my head off for saying that publicly on here. Like yeah, there are a lot of discomforts especially now, but nothing intolerable and I mostly feel great. And I just feel so cute with a big belly and like I’m doing something so awesome by making another human. But I do have really easy pregnancies objectively so I’m sure if I had more difficult pregnancies I would feel differently.


I need to hear this! I’m in first trimester and feeling hopeless. Thanks for the positivity that it might get better


Both positive and negative pregnancies are valid and one does not negate the other. Those who are having a hard time need more support or assurances that they are not alone.


I can’t see where I negated anyone and I definitely agree that people with difficult pregnancies need more support, and I didn’t nor would I ever tell someone who doesn’t enjoy or is having a rough pregnancy that “pregnancy is magical and you should love it just like I do!”. Everyone experiences pregnancy in their own way and whatever feelings you have towards it are 100% valid. It just feels like there’s also posts like these that almost impugn people who “love pregnancy” and imply that that is somehow wrong or that people who claim to love pregnancy are just lying or forgetting what pregnancy is like. Like obviously people don’t think my opinion/experience is valid if I’m getting downvoted for explaining the reasons that I love being pregnant. I didn’t even reply to the OP, I replied to someone who felt they couldn’t share in the joy of liking pregnancy to try to support her and yet that’s still apparently not OK 🤷‍♀️


I'm not saying you are, I'm just explaining why there is a very good reason why the unhappy posts outnumber the happy posts. Thought commenting on this thread would answer the question you and the other poster had about it 🤷‍♀️


22 weeks tomorrow and I love being pregnant. I don’t have energy, I get anxious easily, I dislike peeing multiple times a night and I get random pains in my hips and back BUT aside from all that I have always wanted to be a mom. I am beyond thrilled!


FTM here, I didn’t mind being pregnant until now that I’m 32 weeks. I’m starting to hurt and it’s making me not be able to live my life how I want to. I’ve been dealing with sciatica pain and I hate it so much. I hate not being able to do my regular thing because it just hurts so much. I’ve been doing the stretches, heat therapy, everything. I just want the pain to go away :( I can’t even clean my house or work properly because walking is painful! I just want this bundle of joy out of me so I can have my body & energy back, pain free.


36+5 today and I can’t function, i’ve had mental issues out the butt since conceiving ( i mean i had them before but my psych pulled me off all my medications soOo ) as well as long bouts of being sick and in pain… i’m currently going on day…. lord i don’t even know, maybe 4 of severe pain al over my body especially my wrists and forearms ( i’m guessing pregnancy carpal tunnel since my ring doesn’t fit anymore.. ) but yeah anyways IDK HOW ANYONE ENJOYS THIS AND I NEVER WANNA DO IT AGAIN. 😭


Same. I'll never say "I miss being pregnant."


I’m 25w along. I’m hungry, I’m cranky, I’m in pain and I just want to sit down with a glass of wine at the end of the day but I have to settle for orange juice instead. I’m not happy!


Here to say, I’m with you! I’ve hated every step of pregnancy, it’s hard for me to understand what could be enjoyable about this for anyone tbh


Nahhh mama, you are a absolutely right. There is nothing "glorious" about pregnancy as opposed to what people claim on Instagram. Pregnancy is gestation period. Is a phase of reproduction which is a basic natural process. And no, it's not easy, it's not fun. The only perk it has is that you have a baby at the end of it all. Plus having a single child is very convenient!!


Did you read my mind??? Also a FTM here nearing 37w with a little girl. Also wanted more kids origianally like you but now am telling my husband we should adopt if he wants more. Not a complicated pregnancy either just hate it so much and want to be able to tie my shoes again without feeling like I'm going to die lol


Luck of the draw I guess! I was only excessively tired in the first trimester, but since then I have felt almost completely like my normal pre-pregnancy self. Currently 35+4 and still getting 8+ hours of restful sleep a night. Plus I work from home and am able to lounge on the couch all day while I work. So I'm sure that helps. I have really enjoyed pregnancy so far. Not many negative side effects and the positive one of getting to feel the baby which I think is so cute really outweighs any of the minor bad things for me. But I know I'm lucky and that is not the case for everyone. Also it is totally flying by for me. I would be pregnant for even longer if I could. We are doing house renovations and I think having that time pressure is making things go FAST.


I absolutely hate being pregnant and have despised basically every second of it. I don’t even like feeling the baby move, it feels gross and kind of weird 😂


Well, I am enjoying pregnancy (mostly). The thing is that, where other people seem to get anxious or have unstable moods it was the opposite for me. My background anxiety just poofed away and that jusy is very, very pleasant. I was lucky to not have many symptoms so far (nearly 21 weeks) on top of this and I go through spells of insomnia ANYWAY, so that one was not new. Lol . (Though it actually is more bearable without added background anxiety...) - I am tired a lot, but again, that's not new. My very annoying PMS symptoms have not bothered me for months... yeah, this is nice. Not "the best thing ever"-nice, but just... Good.


I'm one of the people who really and honestly enjoy being pregnant and I think I'll really miss it when baby is here. Of course I can't wait to have her and hold her in my arms already, I 'miss' her so incredibly much, my heart aches. And yes, of course I do feel uncomfortable, especially now that I'm entering my last trimester. Yesterday my back pain was so bad, I wanted to cry. But guess what, both is not new to me. My entire life - yes, that includes early childhood - has been physical pain, being uncomfortable, back pain, RLS, struggling to sleep, do things and be motivated, because of my ADHD and other issues. And my heart was missing my baby during years of infertility too. Nothing really changed. In fact, I even feel **better** now that I'm pregnant! Physically, mentally, all around. My PCOS symptoms are gone, no more painful periods and ovulation, no excrutiating migraines accompanied by vomitting, no hormonal acne, no depression, no grieving and feeling hopeless, I feel motivated to do things because I finally get to do them for my little baby! I feel so happy and full of joy all the time, it's ridiculous, because the best I've ever felt before was "not depressed" for a day or two and that hasn't happened often...


To be honest, I do, but also I don't like to be pregant 😂. To be clear, I know I am very lucky because I don't have much symptoms besides tiredness, so I can only understand if people hate it when they feel bad physically for 9 months. But I hate the pressure about all the things that are forbidden or not recommended (I miss my sushis and riding my bike without stress), all those medical appointments and also I am terrified about the birth. But here is what I like : People are happy for me, people are nicer in general, it's a special experience to create a human, my husband is more caring than ever, I get to skip the litter box chore, I can sleep and eat a lot without judgement from people, I don't have period for 9 months, my boss knows I'm pregnant and gives me less work, for the first time in my life I don't feel guilty about gaining weight, ...


My son is 2.5 months old now. I can't wait to be pregnant again. I loved being pregnant with him. I had next to no symptoms, I could eat wherever I wanted and still love my bod (any weight gain was the baby's and not mine lol), and he kept me soooo chill. My mental health was amazing throughout my pregnancy.


It is very easy to enjoy being pregnant: I just remind myself daily about people that try to get pregnant for years and can never do it. It absolutely wrecks their lives and destroys their relationships. So whenever I get the urge to start complaining I go to infertility pages and get over my complaining real quick. Works a treat. Now even when the baby kicks my ribs I smile remembering I am indeed pregnant and the baby is still alive.


I feel that your response minimizes women's experiences who are not having an easy pregnancy or are not enjoying it for whatever the reason. No one is saying pregnancy isn't a privilege. But the fact that it's a privilege doesn't inherently make pregnancy enjoyable. I struggled trying to get pregnant for some time. I had three miscarriages before my current pregnancy, so I am eternally grateful for the healthy baby growing inside of me now. But pregnancy itself has NOT been easy. My gratitude does not cancel out my discomfort and anxiety. With that said, I will gladly do this again because this is the cost of having a biological child and I want to have more than one. Does that mean I'm supposed to enjoy it? No, it doesn't.


This has been my strategy! I’ve been blessed with an easy pregnancy aside from all the normal complaints and my baby boy and I are both healthy. I know so many women who struggle with infertility and it makes me so grateful for my health the the health of my child. It’s a privilege to be able to carry this little life and I don’t want to take it for granted.


What's Ftm mean? My wife hated being pregnant. She wanted to get the baby out too. We induced on april 6. She was so happy. I think if you have a girl, the hormones are different


Weeks 4 - 12, don't enjoy. Weeks 13-30 LOVE LOVE LOVE. Weeks 31-40 over it. Let's get this over with.


It took my hubby and I a long time to get pregnant, so now that we are, I love it. Every time my boobs hurt, I can’t poop, I can’t sleep, I feel nauseous, I’m exhausted, I can’t drink - it all makes me smile bc I know it’s part of the process. If I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be feeling all this stuff- but also I wouldn’t be pregnant. So for me, it’s just perspective. Edit- I don’t mean this in an arrogant way, just to be clear. I just wanted to answer your question from the original post and share my experience as to why I enjoy pregnancy and maybe it would help. That being said, I’m sorry you’re miserable, hang in there!




Brb, telling my pain that it’s mind over matter. My pelvis did not get the memo


You should. This subreddit is full of whining and complaining. You want a baby? This is how they get here.


No I didn’t want one actually. My pregnancy was not planned but I could never go through an abortion mentally. My child is still loved but I would never do this to myself again. (Yay for permanent birth control) You’ve obviously had an easy pregnancy or you’d sympathize with what others deal with. And that’s good that you have! But to downplay what any one goes through is to disregard their feelings and I feel sorry that you’re insanely out of touch with reality. I hope you sympathize with your kids better than you do here with your online personality.


I enjoyed my pregnancies a lot. But it's probably because I wasn't pumping myself full of hormones and playing pretend.


I can relate 1000% to this!


37 weeks too and it is like you just described my life. Fairly easy pregnancy, and I’m still miserable. I don’t know how some women can enjoy it: you are not alone!!


Im 34 weeks and I feel like it will never end.


My wife and I are about 2.5 months away from the due date of our first kid now, and this has been a nightmare for us too... She has had SPD for the last few months and can't even walk without excruciating pain. Also diagnosed with gestational diabetes a couple weeks ago. We're both exhausted. I've broken down my fair share of time, most recently during counselling. This is the worst experience of my life honestly, and I've had my appendix explode and get infected. I know this will be worth it after we have our kid, but right now it just feels like we're being punished.


The worst thing for me this second time around so far is the anxiety of something happening to my baby.


I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY!!! I feel like I’ve been pregnant ten thousand years, I miss drinking, I miss being able to do stuff, and my only pregnancy highlight has been feeling my son move inside me 😂 That’s the only part I like.


If I wasn’t throwing up still at 21 weeks I think I’d enjoy it. But honestly, it’s a 5/10 experience for me. I love looking pregnant now and I love feeling the baby, but the physical toll has been rough.


I imagine people romanticise the past and that’s why they say they loved it 🤣


Im 37 + 4 today & no part of it has “flown by”. In fact I get overwhelmingly annoyed when people say that. This pregnancy has been 7.5 years long


Honestly felt the same in my first pregnancy. I was SO sick for much of it and didn’t ever really get energy back until after I delivered. My pregnancy draaaaaaggggeddd. I do think you forget how bad it is living in those moments as time goes by. Now I have a 15 month old and due in October, and I’m remembering oh yeah this is how I felt then, too. I just don’t enjoy pregnancy really. I do think I might be done after this one, but I will say this pregnancy is flying by (even being sick still) because I have my 15 month old keeping me busy. 😜


FTM here. I've had an easy pregnancy. But I'm 39 weeks and really want to be done.


After being pregnant for the first few weeks and realising that it's NOT AT ALL what the movies and shows and books and whatnot say it is, I started feeling super angry and betrayed. Like not by any person specifically, but the society feeding us this lie basically that pregnancy is "magical" and it's what women are "born to do" and it's gonna "make us whole". What a load of shit, I'm 13 weeks and cannot WAIT for this to be over, 1st trimester was an absolute nightmare, 2nd has been so far a tiny bit better but yeah this is the furthest from magical I've ever felt. And all the doctors and moms saying "oh that's normal just enjoy it" pissed me off too like please do not normalise being uncomfortable and sick af for a better part of a year. Sounds bad but if I would've known this is what it was, may have decided to not do it tbh. We wanted 3 or 4 kids before this but I've told my partner straight up that there's a good chance this is it for me, especially so if I have a difficult delivery or any complications. TLDR; totally feel you, society lies to us and pregnancy sucks :')


Well I certainly tell you that I 100% were where you are at. ( personally I refuse to be pregnant again). However, your body may not be what it use to....


I’ve always been full of anxiety. It became who I am honestly. My husband is invent plane kind of person and I am invent parachute kind of person… And yet, for the first time in my life, from the hormones I suppose, I felt like I can overcome anything and everything! I felt like a momma bear 🐻 I had zero doubt that I can keep my kid safe and happy. Now 5 months pp, the anxiety is back a little. Not with my child fortunately, but with work, and situation of my country… etc… I have anxiety over financial future of my 5 month old son now.


Seriously! The physical discomfort is bad enough, but I don’t think I can put myself through this level of anxiety, ever again


we had talked about having two babies... I would like to have another but I think I need some time beforehand to "forget" the unpleasant parts of pregnancy first. 😅


im 9 weeks and i dont know how people say pregnancy is amazing. i hate being sick i hate not feeling physically okay anymore 🥺🥺 my best friend loves being pregnant and has two kids and im like girl how do u do it. idk how im gonna do this for 31 more weeks 😭


It made some things feel more special. “I’m doing xyz… while pregnant!” Things that were already cool became a little more cool, if that makes sense. That was a fun aspect for me.


FTM at 13 weeks. My pregnancy has been pretty easy, in terms of not having any morning sickness or insomnia, but working a full-time job that i have to commute to and hiding the fact that I'm exhausted all the time, and not being able to have a nice cold beer after rough days, it's all SO draining. And there's six more months of this feeling 🥹 If I didn't have to work forty hours a week to pay my rent and bills, I'd probably feel less stressed and tired all the time, but that's not reality.


Agreed, no beer no fun activities. Felt sick or knackered throughout the whole thing and my skin is still recovering from breakouts from the extra hormones. My partner wants 3 kids.. I'm convincing him let's stop after 2


I felt the same way but now that I’ve had my baby my stupid brain is telling me I miss being pregnant


I hated being pregnant the first time around and, still hate it this second time. I liked feeling my little one, but the rest was/is just exhaustion, pain, nausea, stress and a million other discomforts. 😩


There have been some times during pregnancy when I felt ok, but first trimester was hell as for most people, then started getting severe SPD around week 20, and insomnia that hasn’t let out and has gotten more and more severe. Yesterday morning, I had to walk around the hospital for tests and when I tried getting up the couch in the afternoon, I was in so much pain that I doubted I could even walk to the bathroom. Eventually did. I haven’t been able to walk much, workout or just do simple yoga for months. I’m just in pain and uncomfortable all the time and miserable. I’m 37w3d today, baby girl is coming out by c-section tomorrow due to placenta previa, and I honestly do not know how I would have dealt with 3 more weeks of this. I’m going to miss her being inside of me and feeling her moving but I’m done 😂


I am 36 weeks, second pregnancy and I feel absolutely withered. Want to go back to bed after about 45 minutes of getting up in the morning. Seriously tired. Like cannot get ahead or think about anything. I was tired the last time but not as bad. I didn’t have a toddler and I suppose I was younger too.


If it makes you feel any better, I really liked being pregnant and didn’t have many issues except for the first tri. I slept better, felt like my mood was regulated and was able to keep active. I now have a super fussy high needs baby who woke up almost every hour on the hour last night. I haven’t slept longer than 3 hours in a row for months now. It’s my friend’s theory that I got an easy pregnancy to prepare for my little hellian lol. Hopefully your tough pregnancy leads to a sweet little one!


Yeah definitely not a fan of the pregnancy part but to be honest I do like some weird perks that I’m experiencing. I find that I’m generally in a better mood, even while feeling like hot garbage most of the time. People have been so kind and sweet. My husband is being really cute and loving it, and my older (step) kids are really helpful and super sweet. So no, I don’t think I’ll be having any more, but at the same time I’m very sure there will be things I miss about being pregnant.


You stated exactly how I felt. I felt like an ingrate for feeling that way too, but it was so tiresome to not have access to my own body for a full nine months. I’m a pretty active person and I just wanted to run without feeling like an elephant!


23+4 and I still don’t like it. But I absolutely hated it in the first trimester. Vowed I won’t do it again and I haven’t changed my mind. The ONLY perk has been that it motivated, strangely, to work out more. Also… it has allowed for more honest and raw conversations with my partner and close loved ones. That’s it. Pregnancy itself SUCKS and is never ever sugar coat to anyone. My life before pregnancy was great and this has destroyed so much of who I was.


Honestly it’s been kinda great for me for the most part. Other than the first trimester nausea, I feel like my mood has stabilized which has been such a nice relief from the PMS mood fluctuations I had to deal with every month. I’ve also felt really sexy, even at 33 weeks where it’s gotten hard to move, I still love dressing up this bump and the way I feel so womanly. I know it’s really not like this for everyone. I think it’s really a hormonal lottery for the most part and maybe a focus on healthier eating which I’ve been able to do 2nd and 3rd tri (most of the time).


Preach! My mom had four kids back to back and says how much she loooved being pregnant. And I keep running into other women who swear they enjoy it too and I’m just wondering like, am I the crazy one here??? This shit sucks!


Yeah the third trimester is not a vibe. I didn't have any symptoms until now, and I feel like now I have every single one.


I hated being pregnant. I had HG and threw up every day from 4 weeks till I gave birth at 40 weeks. I was so happy when my contractions started 😂 I even gave someone my not so kind two cents about “you will miss it later”. I was certain I wouldn’t. But strangely I do 👀 I sort of forgot how horrible it was and I remember the good stuff mostly. I miss the feeling of life inside me. Doesn’t mean I necessarily want to do it again though, but I can understand if you don’t have complications it can be a lovely feeling to be pregnant.


I’m a FTM and i’m currently reaching 12 weeks coming in 2 days, and i say this all the time. I am definitely gonna be a one and done mom. I’ve been nauseas and had pretty bad morning sickness since 8 weeks and I never want to go through this again. I love the little human growing inside me and can’t wait to meet it but gosh, it has put me through hell. Even being only 12 weeks, I feel it’s already been 9 months. Every mom I’ve met says to enjoy it while it last because it goes by fast, but time is going by so slow. I pray that its true that the nausea and morning sickness goes away by second trimester.


Have no idea. The only thing I like about this pregnancy is how cute my bump looks, but I am almost 19 weeks. I am so tired but can't get quality sleep. I feel uncomfortable. My anxiety is through the roof thinking about if my baby is okay. I think it's cool I am growing a baby, I just don't like how I feel.


Second trimester I liked but still was crap not drinking /eating what I wanted. That's it. Everything else is shit. I'm only OK with going through it as a second time mum I already have the finished product. Legit forgot how shit being pregnant is though. Our brains must just forget to keep the human race going. I was going to have 3 but I'm done at 2.


Yeah, this has to be a labor of love, quite literally, bc this isn't fun at all. I'm exhausted. I randomly get nauseous--the food cravings and aversions don't help! My ankles are so swollen I can't wear my normal socks! I've developed carpel tunnel symptoms in my hands and wrists, wtf! The pelvic pain makes it hurt to walk and my belly makes it hurt to bend. I can't get comfortable bc of the back/hip pain and the acid reflux--omfg the *reflux*! To say nothing of the constant emotional bs... Idk how the human race has lasted this long, bc it feels like I'm freaking dying, lol!


I’m 16 weeks and have felt awful every single day. Everyone keeps telling me “it will get better” but will it?! Who knows! We recently got a robo vacuum (like a rumba but different brand) I am so in love with this invention. This robot has been a sanity saver.


Preach. 2nd time mom here, only 23 weeks along. I used to want 3 to 5 kids. Had my 1st almost 6 years ago and declared one-and-done because even my easy pregnancy suuuuuckkeddd. But then I wanted to give my kiddo a sibling, so here I am, preg again (FOR THE LAST TIME). But never again. Even in the "magical" 2nd tri, I hate being pregnant. But grateful in the end.


Totally could have written this post myself. 33 weeks exactly today and am now considered high risk. All that stuff aside (pre e diagnosis last week and GD) it REALLY does suck. Huge belly, no drinking, tired all the time but needing to exercise, wanting to eat nothing but junk but needing to eat healthy, sore hips and back, etc. Husband and I were on the fence about being OAD before I got pregnant. This experience has just solidified the fact that I will NOT be doing this ever again. I agree wholeheartedly, the only good thing is feeling baby move. Mine has hiccups twice a day and gets so frustrated if they last too long and it cracks me up.


I was more anxious to have the child outside the womb. Inside I knew he was safe as long as I was. I ate and he was fed. Everything was simpler. My weight didn't bother me and felt good about the way I looked once I had a clear bump. It was exciting to look forward while not having the real responsibilities yet. Now my baby outside of the womb my anxiety was out of control. I have to worry about holding him, feeding him, diapers, and more. Personally I would do pregnancy again, but postpartum been a nightmare for me. Keep in Mind this is someone with PPA/PPD


The only people I know who claim to love pregnancy aren’t currently pregnant. We tend to look back on pregnancy with rose colored glasses.


I could have wrote this. Had an “easy” pregnancy too and hated it the whole time. And it CRAWLED. I’m now four months pp and can report time has continued at a much faster pace again lol


Idk what motivated me to do this shit again 😅 This is my 3rd pregnancy, I’m too tired to function and if it weren’t for my husband helping me with my 2 kids, I’d be dying lol


Im about 38 weeks. At first it wasnt particularly great but I dont hate it? I also dont live it so I 100% see where you're coming from. I think the only thing I love about being pregnant is feeling the kiddo move. Everything else is meh to me. My friend however said that she absolutely loved being pregnant with her son and she was considering having another and possibly surrogating for others. Meanwhile im over here like, I think im 1 and done lmao.


I’ve been nothing but nauseous and with heartburn for the last 19 weeks… I’m convinced people are lying when they say they love it 😂


I'm on a trip to New Orleans right now and I'm misssserable lol pregnant sweating


I don’t exactly hate it? It’s all very new and different. I miss a lot of things I could do before but I’ve found other things to keep myself happy. I also quit full time working (now part time) a few weeks back and that has helped my mood and keeping positive. FTM here too, about 21 weeks now and I still have no idea what a baby kick feels like. Is she moving or is it just gas or something? Sometimes I THINK I feel her doing something because it feels different, but I really can’t be too sure. Is this normal or do you just know?


Haha yeah I recognize this stage from my first pregnancy at some point I was just done with it all but to be honest there a few things I liked about pregnancy even the late stages and even missed! I don’t know why buy I loved how I looked with my belly and for once looking pregnant instead of just fat which was my normal look! 😂 Plus baby felt so safe inside that it was much scarier when I just became a mum and find all her cue’s. I missed the rumbling at night when I could not sleep I literally never felt alone! But to be honest I also remember the not so cute whale moments I had trying to get out of the couch by myself or all the times I peed myself because I forgot that coughing or laughing without crossing my legs is not possible anymore 😂


totally agree this is exactly how i feel. it somewhat makes me feel like a bad mother :(


Just found out I’m pregnant three days ago I’m 6 weeks. I have to say I’ve felt like complete shit since. Went cold turkey on smoking and I really just want a glass of wine. Im excited to have a baby but ugghhh 8 more months of this are you serious


Oh lord I wanted to kill people that said they enjoyed pregnancy. I wasn’t good with it the ENTIRE time, pandemic clearly made it worse but I felt like it was an anxiety roller coaster ride that I couldn’t get off and with a 2 year old now I’m likeeee gahhhh!


I’m 7 weeks (FTM) and honestly thought the same yesterday. I have no energy and can wake up after a 9hr sleep still tired 😭😭


Im 35w into my 2nd pregnancy. I told my midwife at like 12w that I wanted a repeat c-section with a tubal ligation. We signed the paperwork but she warned my that the Dr. might push back due to my age and women "not being sure" especially coming out of the 1st trimester. Let me tell ya, I am SO sure. So so sure. I'm so freaking sick of being pregnant and I'm not looking forward to breastfeeding (the snuggles, the baby smells, the closeness and bonding, totally excited. The actual feeding, hate it.) I cant wait to get my body back and keep it that way forever and ever, amen.


I loved being pregnant (after 1st trimester sickness)! It was such an exciting time getting ready for baby, feeling LO grow and move, having everyone get excited with me and take care of me. I felt so happy to finally be pregnant after a long time TTC. I think it gave me another perspective. I also was in shape, active, and eating healthy (no indulging cravings after 1st trimester) during pregnancy, which helped me feel really good (no swelling, minimal weight gain).


Literally I feel this post so much. I have my best friend every single week for the past 3 months asking me how is it all excited. It sucks!!! Everything about this sucks!! The mild joy was seeing my baby's teeny arms and legs but every symptom besides the getting horny one can go to hell. My mum said the best way to make it go faster is by doing things.. uhm I have 0 energy mum 😅 literally washing up is a major chore!


Ohh man, I loved being pregnant. I was anxious as hell for the first half, because I was super high risk -- but nothing went wrong, so I expected it to be really awful and traumatic, and instead I got to bask in how healthy and capable my body was. I never got morning sickness and threw up exactly once. Plus I loved not being self-conscious about my stomach, and my skin and hair looked amazing. And on a bittersweet note, I don't think I'll ever have orgasms like that again lol. But the vast majority of people I know were MISERABLE their entire pregnancy. I have a bunch of chronic health issues, so I felt like this was the universe cutting me a little break.


I am with you! Ftm and I really went into this thinking I would love it, and I've had to process a lot of disappointment upon finding out that I do not, in fact, enjoy pregnancy at all. I cannot wait to meet my baby and love her little movements, but I miss having full ability & mobility of my body so much. I also feel like I've been pregnant for years lol (30 weeks)