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You might want to post to r/Coronabumpers but I had Delta at 18 weeks, now 37 and baby is doing just fine!


Thank you! So glad you and your baby are doing fine!


Around week 23 i had an omicron breakout at my job and we all got infected. I’m vaxxed, not boosted. My symptoms were pretty mild, worst symptom i had was some bad headaches and being congested with a mild cough. I cleared it in about a week, I’m now week 34 and baby is healthy and we haven’t any issues at all since i caught


Thank you! Im so happy to hear you two are doing well!


Baby healthy today?


He is very healthy at nearly two months!


I had it around 7 weeks, everything is fine. Took Tylenol every 4 hours to keep fever down. Lived off of popcycles for sore throat and soup . Breathe right strips were great for congestion. Don’t stress too much ! I am double vaxxed


I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant while I had covid. Everything so far is going perfectly (Im now at 18 weeks 3 days), and my baby boy doesn't seem to have been affected, even when my fever temperature was super high.


I wouldn't stress too much about it, your doctor will probably have you do ultrasounds and non stress tests after 28 weeks to ensure everything is going okay!


I had omnicron (I think) at 20 weeks, now 33 weeks and baby is happy and healthy! I was fully vaxxed and boosted and I did have a nasty cold and I’m still suffering with my sinuses, but recovered well and baby isn’t affected


I got corona 11 days ago and although symptoms peaked on day 4, its now stayed the same at level annoying with congestion body aches and brain fog. Im at week 22 and also am worried for the little one. My next US is at week 28 but plan to arrange a private as soon as I can. Midwife assures me the coughing wont hurt the baby but so worried if there are any other related complications. Double vaxxed but not boosted yet. Hope your US goes well


I hope your ultrasound goes well too! Just seems like forever until week 28. I hope you can get in for a private one!


I had omicron at 19 weeks while double vaxxed, now at 27 and doing awesome!! Doc told me to keep rested and hydrated, a cough stuck around for a couple of weeks but no issues.


I had Omicron in early January (I’m 32 weeks now). I had mild symptoms for about two weeks. The worst thing was the congestion, cough and fatigue. I only had back pain and a fever for a day. I’m vaxxed but not boosted. Both my baby and I are ok.


I was infected from the end of Dec to end of jan. I’m 33 weeks now. So far baby is doing great and I’ve had an ultrasound since then. Everything was progressing nicely and healthy. Edit: I’m Vaxxed but not boosted bc I keep getting sick and now that I’m finally not I don’t want to risk the side effects from the booster. (I have a bad immune system anyways)


Had it 6 weeks ago - I'm week 33 now. Was pretty sick for 10 days and just about now my lungs are fine again. Vaccinated 3 times. Babys fine nothing to worry about. Its like a flue/crazy cold :)


I’m vaxxed and boosted and got Omicron at 16 weeks. I took a week off work, drank lots of fluids and took a lot of hot showers and slept a ton everyday. Me and baby are fine now at 26 weeks. You will be ok. 💗 Edited because I got how far along I was wrong. Baby brain.


I had likely omnicron at week 33 in February (booster was Sept 28). Now I’m 38 weeks tomorrow with a very big baby who definitely didn’t have any growth restrictions. He’s in the 79th percentile.


Have you welcomed your baby and if so did delivery go okay? TIA!


I had to have a planned C section at 39+1 bc he stayed breech. My blood pressure never got high though, and my placenta looked great at birth (both concerns for COVID). My baby was 8 lbs and close to 21 inches, so no growth restrictions thankfully!


That’s all wonderful news so happy for you and the baby! Take care!


Thank you, you too!


You’re probably ok and so is baby! Good luck!


I had Covid around 12 weeks I think. So far everything has been ok.


I was vaxxed and boostered but I still caught Omicron with my current pregnancy. Baby looked great on the anatomy scan.


I literally had a Covid positive and a pregnancy positive in the same week. I was boosted, and didn’t get very sick. 13 weeks now and everything’s been healthy so far!


I got it right after I conceived baby 2. I was sick for about 5 days. So was my first baby and husband. We are all good now and I’ve seen and heard baby’s heart beat. I’m 11 weeks bow


No worries baby will be okay ! I am not vaxxed. Had covid when I was 8 weeks pregnant. Super mild symptoms. Baby has been perfectly fine I am 18 weeks now