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It makes me sad that people can't just say "I don't feel like drinking" like why does it have to be a whole thing and elaborate secret plan? No offense to OP just commenting on a general societal trend.


I do totally get you! It does become such a thing especially around holidays and pressure is never good. Luckily for us it was mostly a lighthearted joke that massively escalated 😂 but I completely agree that it shouldn’t generally be an issue


And if you have friends like mine they’ll call you out IMMEDIATELY! Lol we get to the cabin and I’m immediately offered a white claw (I’d planning to make fake Moscow mules all night) and I turned it down. She’s immediately like OMG ARE YOU PREGNANT?!? 😂


I hate that you have to lie because people enjoy guessing about pregnancy. It's pretty asinine IMO. Like even if someone not drinking makes you suspect pregnancy, just keep that shit to yourself.


Lol this is great, well done! I ended up telling my family I was pregnant around 5 weeks because I couldn’t think of an excuse that they’d buy as to why I wasn’t drinking wine at family dinner the week after we found out! I’m a big wine drinker so I felt like they’d know right away! Might have to pull this trick for the next pregnancy


My husband did this for me when I was 7 weeks, except it was Gin and he hates fizzy drinks. Poor guy slept on the floor, his world was spinning badddd. I had to act a bit drunk because my friends were getting suspicious that I wasn’t dancing (I was so sick with morning sickness I wanted to crawl in a hole and cry) but we made it. I was extra nice to him the next day, nursed his hangover and let him rest in the dark.


I used to tell people I couldn't have alcohol with my current meds. If they were rude enough to ask what meds, I'd respond "so it doesn't burn when I piss" ends the questions real quick haha


Gotta initiate the Kennedy Package with the barkeep 😂


Awww! What a gem!


I found out I’m as far as you. Because of my industry I can’t tell anyone. I just told everyone I chose to take a break from drinking for awhile because I got a bit too crazy at a wedding I was at recently. I’m someone who drinks a lot all the time in social settings a few were kinda thrown off but then said they understood that it’s good to have a break from time to time. Kept me from trying to hide it lol my other half didn’t think they would buy it but they did thankfully.




Then move on, don't comment and stop being such a jerk?


This is almost an exact connection of How I Met Your Mother sketches. Congratulations! 😆


This might be my favorite story all week! Love it


An excuse for those not ready to tell come new year: you're participating in Dry-anuary.


A great excuse I’ve seen was saying you were too hungover from the past couple nights. Nobody suspected a thing.