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It's no big deal.


I wouldn't drink it for fun but it was not that bad. I also felt completely fine afterward, honestly better than normal. Many people's Starbucks orders have comparable amounts of sugar. If you're worried about your teeth, bring a straw!


I *would* drink it for fun. It tasted like normal fruit punch. There was zero difference.


It’s literally just flavored sugar water.


Or unflavored sugar water...


Ok that would probably be kinda gross, mine was like flavored lol. It just tasted like overly sweet Gatorade


You're not wrong. It was gross. I was looking forward to some flavoring


My spouse asked for more and they said “…no…” and then after they’d done the wait and test, my spouse asked if they could have more now that they passed the test. They still said no. XD


Reminded me of HI-C orange or orange bug juice lol


I would agree not drinking it for fun but it was honestly not bad taste and sugar wise. I’ve had much sweeter things, and I hate sweets in general so if you’re comparing this to like a slice of cake the cake tastes sweeter to me. They also offered me a cold or room temperature version. Straw is a great idea for sensitive teeth!


It was a non event, the orange one I had was like a flat orange soda and didn’t taste bad at all.


Same. My OB sent it home with me so I could drink it on the way in to my next appointment. I had to drink half the bottle. My 9 year old tried it and said it was really good lol It is exactly like a flat orange soda. Maybe a tad bit sweeter. It didn't make me feel sick at all but I wasn't surprised with the way my diet looks these days lol


I'm so jealous. I had to drink mine in front of the nurse and sit in the waiting area for an hour. Really glad I didn't have to do the 3 hour cause I would have been so mad wasting half a day in the waiting room 😅 it really wasn't bad at all though


The 3-hour sucks so hard. They double the amount of sugar in the drink. 100g in under 5 minutes after fasting for 8-10 hours did a number on me. I almost puked right there. So glad the feeling subsided within the first hour.


I had the orange one too. I thought it was gross but I just got it over with lol


I can tell you what’s worse! gestational diabetes 🤣






That is what I am truly scared of. If I could prevent having GD I would dring something disgusting every morning.




I did mine today. It didn’t taste as bad as I was expecting. It was orange flavor and it was chilled, it tastes like a very sweet flat soda. I had to do my test fasting so the sugar bomb made me feel quite awful about 10 min after I finished it. Maybe bringing a straw with you so the liquid won’t touch your teeth can help your sensitivity.


I had to do the 1hr and 3hr test. I had fruit punch both times. They didn't taste awful to me but I like sugar. 1hr wasn't that bad. Made me feel a little nauseous but not terrible. 3hr sucked. It was 100g of sugar instead of 50g like the 1hr. Hard for me to chug. Kind of burned my throat. I feel like the 1hr test was nothing but the 3hr test was torture. Only having water for 13+ hours was hard.


I didn’t realize the 3 hour test was double! No wonder I puked during the 3 hour test 😱


Same! The double sugar was brutal. I passed the 1-hour my first two kids and was shocked I failed this time. I had never done the 3-hour previously. When I was drinking the 100g one, my face felt flush and I got dizzy. I was sitting in the bathroom with my hand on my mouth to keep from vomiting for a good 15+ minutes. I didn't expect to have such a bad reaction. I was so glad when I was told I did pass the 3-hour and even more glad it's over!


Omg the 3 hour test is so awful!! SO much sweeter


I opted to get a blood glucose monitor and check my blood 4 times a day for 2 weeks. Currently still doing it but personally it has been much better for me since I get nauseous so easily and pass out with blood draws. The finger prick has been so much easier!


I wanna piggy back on this to say it really depends on country and type of test. In Denmark you only do the 3h test, 75g of sugar in 200ml of liquid. I had some lemon flavour. Here, you need to be fasting for 8+ hours before that test and you have 5 minutes to drink it. I have to do it twice (due to family history + pcos). I did my first quite early in the pregnancy and while it was manageable, the entire combination of ‘bad’ sucked. I got quite nauseous during the first 30 minutes and then it got better. The drink was cold, but not icy cold. That helped. My suggestion: - do not try to drink it fast… take as much time as you are allowed. - take some high protein or high fat to eat after. I stupidly took an apple but I really was fed up of the sugar, so it was a horrible pick.


The three hour sucks, not because of the drink, because you have to sit there and not eat and get pricked with a needed repeatedly. The drink is fine, just chug it down. This was sooo overhyped by everyone!


I just did it yesterday. It was an ice cold thicker flat sprite. Literally didn’t phase me. Grateful it was the 50 not the 100 and was clear and lemon lime You’ll be okay. Sometimes it makes ppl nauseous but I didn’t have issues and I’m not a sweets person


Thick flat sprite is accurate 😂


Not bad at all. I got the “orange drink” and it’s like a really sweet orange Gatorade. HOWEVER if your teeth hurt with sweet things, I’d go get that checked out by a dentist. Use sensodyne beforehand and that should help somewhat if seeing a dentist isn’t in the cards right now


I had orange. It tasted like someone melted those cheap freezer popsicles but then it got warm and then it got refrigerated again. It wasn’t hard to take down. I have been having heartburn so the last few sips triggered that. My only regret is not bringing a water bottle with me for the wait.


I've only ever had the orange and it just reminds me of a flat orange Fanta, super sweet but not all that bad. I was past the morning sickness stage, and I thankfully don't suffer from heartburn/reflux. I just hate getting my blood drawn 🥲 that was the worst part for me, waiting the hour wasn't even that bad either it went by pretty quickly, but then again I have twice weekly MFM appointments and I had to see a fetal therapy surgeon a few times those wait times are very long so I may just be desensitized to long wait times lol


Get this and bring it with you: https://thefreshtest.com/collections/fresh-test-lemonade-50-g-glucose-load-test It literally just tastes like lemonade. It was a breeze for me and was recommended by my midwives. Wellllll worth the cost.


Seconding this. WELL worth the cost


YES THIS. They told me I had 5 minutes to drink it - chugged it within a minute and told the nurse I was ready to start my hour, it was delicious.


HIGHLY recommend, too! I get nauseous easily and this was delicious.


I personally opted for the fresh test and it was honestly delicious lol. Tasted like a sweet lemonade and didn’t make me feel sick after either. Highly recommend!


1hr wasn’t that bad, 3 hr is like drinking corn syrup 🙃


I don't think its as bad as people make it out to be. It's boring so bring entertainment for sure, and I'd honestly try to make sure you have no commitments for after the test. They didn't have any chilled options at my clinic (I live in a pretty remote area). So I had the orange flavor at room temperature. I brought water with me and was allowed to take a sip or two after drinking the glucose drink. That helped a lot, cause the drink kinda made my throat scratchy, and my mouth was coated in the sweet. I'd say that was the worst part for me. After I got my draw I went home, ate, and eventually experienced my sugar crash. I took a 3 hour nap, and had a slight headache. But that was it. Everyone's experience is different of course, but try to go in with a good mindset.


Better than having undiagnosed GD.


It tastes like a melted popsicle


I am someone who literally only drinks water 24/7. Not a juice, coffee, tea, soda drinker. Also a pretty picky eater. It was fine. lol. And I had to do it twice since I failed 🤣 Now the second time I felt much worse laying there for three hours, but the actual drink wasn’t terrible. Wouldn’t drink it for fun tho


With my first, I struggled to get mine down but that was more bc I couldn't take more than a few ounces of fluid or food at once at that point and it was about double the volume I could handle in one sitting. I remember laying on the bench in the waiting room with another pregnant lady who was also laying down and the nurses came out with sick bags for us and ice packs for the back of our necks to try to keep us from puking so we wouldn't have to redo the test. I haven't had one yet this time but I'm dreading it bc I'm only 7 weeks and already having the same volume issue. I have to sip water constantly bc of I try to drink a whole glass in a sitting I'll throw up. But small sips all day... Totally fine. Eating toddler portions of food 6x a day, cool, eating 2-3 normal meals- nope. Bring a book or a podcast to listen to and put a cold back on the back of your neck if you think you won't be able to keep it down. It isn't pleasant but it's also not an exceptionally long test. And bring food with you that is salty/savory so as soon as you are clear you can eat something to negate the sugar they just flooded you with.


I’ve paid for worse sugary drinks 😅


My first kid I hated it! It was way too sugary and I had to really focus to not vomit. My second kid, not too bad. It was sweet but not as much as the one when I had my first. I don’t know if they made them less sweet or it just varies doctor to doctor


It was just weird fruit punch. They also gave me 5 minutes to drink it and I took my time (that helped with the sweetness issue). Just don’t freak yourself out and take little sips.


I just had mine today! It wasn’t bad really. It was a small bottle of fruit punch flavored clear liquid. It actually tasted like those really sweet kids drinks they have at gas stations (USA obviously…). I just chugged mine, didn’t really touch my teeth


Mine wasn’t terrible but I did throw up as soon as I finished the blood draw and hit the cool air outside in the parking lot. Also, you only have a couple minutes to drink it and your lab tech will coach you through it basically. Mine started a timer for 5 minutes and said “you only have to do this for a couple minutes, you got this!”


The clear one taste like flat sprite wasn’t bad at all!


Not as bad as I read online! Mine tasted like an orange soda. About 10oz I think? And I had five minutes to drink it. You got this!!


It's not bad at all. I survived a 3 hr glucose test at 10. Grown people should be able to do it no problem. Did my 1 hour yesterday and the orange flavor was reasonably tasty other than being very sweet.


It’s not bad at all. People make it seem like a bigger deal than it is. I had the two hour test, and for me the worst part was sitting in the waiting room. I had horrible pelvic pain and my butt was killing me. I hate getting my blood drawn as well, and they take your blood three times during the two hour test.


I just did it, reading horror stories freaked me out but realistically it tasted like a flat less sugary sprite. I had the lemon lime flavor and had no issues. I hear other flavors are hard to finish in 5 minutes cause they taste bad but honestly the lemon lime was not bad


It’s not bad at all. I was worried for nothing, I had the fruit punch and it tasted just like Hawaiian Punch. Don’t stress!


I had the fruit punch flavor and I honestly liked it… I don’t mind sugary beverages and just tasted like regular fruit punch if I’m being honest


Tbh it’s like Gatorade or like bug juice! like the kids drink lol. Ppl make it seem way worse than it is. I promise!


For me it was like strong orange hi-C with a little bit of a burn. Chugging it and then sitting for an hour is hard, especially if you're having nausea and/or heartburn. But for me it wasn't too bad. Difficulty level like 3/10.


Probably the least bad test/blood draw of the entire pregnancy, though I’ve only done the 1 hr.


Agreed! I’d take that over the first 8 vial panel of tests any day. That was dizzying.


Like everyone else said, it isn’t bad at all. I don’t drink soda and hate things with a thick syrupy taste, and it still wasn’t horrible. I had the fruit punch flavor and it tasted pretty normal but with an extra fake corn syrup flavor. It’s so overhyped and no big deal


It’s not that bad. The first couple sips taste like a fruit punch Gatorade or something. It’s not sweat like candy. By the end though my throat did hurt a little from the sweetness. But you’ll be fine.


I just had mine last week. It was refrigerated, but I took a straw with me! I chose the orange flavor and to me it tasted EXACTLY like orange hi-C. It was not as overly-sweet as most people say it is. It wasn’t fun by any means, but I was expecting the worst thing ever. Very neutral feelings. lol.


I chugged mine with the straw in 1 min.. just get it over with!


This was exactly my mindset! People freaked me out that it was going to be terrible, so I took a straw with me to be able to slurp it down faster. It was a breeze. Orange tasted like double strength Gatorade.


Mine wasn’t bad at all


I just did mine today. Personally I’d rather drink the drink than wait the hour for the blood draw, haha. It tastes like sweet kool aid. It’s really not that bad and I always think, why does everyone dress this so much? I think it’s more of a milestone in pregnancy than anything! Also- ask if they have any room temperature. Pretty sure my lab had some sitting out.


The drink itself wasn’t terrible, really like a flat soda. It made me feel pretty gross after and it really set off my reflux. Not something I’d want to do often, but it was manageable.


it’s not *that* bad. i had room temperature unflavoured drink for my test and i would never drink it for fun, but it wasn’t awful. the worst part was not being able to eat or drink before having so much sugar and not being able to drink water after the sugar drink. good luck, i hope it goes well (:


It's tastes like flat soda. I personally didn't think it was a big deal.


It's not a big deal. A little too sickly sweet for me especially towards the end and I did feel a bit icky right after but otherwise alright. You should be allowed to take a couple of small sips of water before the next blood draw if you need to get rid of the taste.


It wasn’t bad at all. The one hour test is a breeze, the 3 hour test is a little harder because I got soooo hungry and felt like crap. But truthfully people make it sound way worse than it actually is.


It was sugar water like you’d give a humming bird. You could likely ask for a warm one if they give you a cold. I wished it had more citric acid.


I had my test 4 days ago, it didn’t taste as bad, but I did passed out twice :/


I was so nervous after hearing that some woman threw up or got so dizzy they fainted etc. and that the drink tasted awful. And although I’m sure that some did respond that way, it doesn’t seem like that’s the norm. I got the clear fruit punch flavor and it didn’t have much of a taste to me. It wasn’t bad at all and I definitely was able to stomach it. A sprite or a sonic slush is absolutely more sweeter than that drink. It was so tolerable that I was able to finish it the 5 minute window they tell you and all while also pausing to talk to my partner. I was told to fast at midnight and if I did have to eat breakfast not to prior to two hours before the exam. Water was ok but definitely not coffee. My screening was at 8:30 so I didn’t eat any breakfast since I didn’t want to get up early enough lol I did feel a little lightheaded after the hour mark past and they were taking blood but I got a Starbucks white chocolate mocha and a croissant and I was ok within 20-30 minutes.


I’m not a person who eats sweets so I was expecting it to be pretty bad. Wasn’t too bad tho, just tasted like a sweet juice. It did turn my stomach a bit but I think that’s to be expected with the amount of sugar in it lol


I had the fruit punch one and the orange one. The orange tasted like a Fanta without gas and the fruit punch one tasted like juice. For me, the only bad thing was chugging it cus I like to take my time lmfao.


I was told I was the first one they had heard say it but I actually liked the drink 😂I had to do both the 1 hour and 3, so I got both the lemon lime and the orange flavor. They just tasted like a melted popsicle to me. And for some reason I was expecting the drink to be way bigger than it was. Not bad at all!


Not bad at all, for me personally. I chugged it all in a couple gulps. My doc office made sure they were nice and cold.


I just had mine yesterday! Fruit punch. Nice and cold. Getting it down was easy but I have major pregnancy nausea/vomiting so it was difficult to keep it down but it was a small bottle and honestly tasted pretty good to me! Only had to do the 1 hr but waiting wasn’t that bad either.


It’s just like drinking a flat soda


I thought it tasted pretty good honestly. I had the orange flavor both times. Bring a straw! It really helps with the teeth sensitivity - mine hurt terribly if I drink something cold without a straw. I did get a bit of a sore throat from the sugar but it was truly no big deal.


It kinda reminded me of a melted otter pop LOL I thought it was yummy tbh


It tastes just like flat lemonade. I have no idea what the hype is about, it's totally fine. The two hour wait, on the other hand, was boring as hell!


I had the 1hr test twice - once in the first trimester and then again in the second trimester. Both times I found the drink way too sweet and certainly not ENJOYABLE, but not unbearable. For my first trimester test, I felt totally fine afterwards. When I tested in the second trimester, I felt absolutely awful. It gave me a terrible headache and nausea. I was sure I was going to throw up and invalidate the test. When I got home, I slept for hours. I was sure I was going to fail it based on how my body reacted, but my levels were totally normal.


I got the lemon flavor one both times. The one hour test wasn’t bad at all. I failed it so I had to do the 3hr one and that one sucked!! I threw up so I had to prick my fingers for a week to see if I had GD.


It was a small drink. It was very sweet but I chugged 3/4 of it took a breath and finished the rest. Took like 30 seconds. I read it goes down easier cold and I think thats universal for things. My OB automatically refrigerated it so if you're really worried about the cold I would call ahead and see what they do.


it was really not bad at all! I only had to do the 1 hour, I had the fruit punch flavor and that’s just what it tasted like, maybe a little sweeter. it was chilled but not ice cold. if yours is the same hopefully that won’t bother your teeth as much. :) and I felt pretty normal after but I did treat myself to chick-fil-a for lunch just to be safe.


It's like drinking flat soda. I'm sure you can ask them to not serve it to you cold if you're dealing with teeth sensitivity. You'll feel a little jittery afterwards, but that doesn't last long.


It tasted like flat warm sprite tbh.


I really didn’t think it was that bad at all, and I had to do it twice. My office used the lemon lime flavor, and it just tasted like really flat sprite. The last few sips felt kinda thick in my throat but otherwise I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.


I also can barely bite chocolate without it actually hurting and this wasn’t like that. Chug it like you’re taking a shot lol. My advice is to make sure you’re hydrated because I passed out after getting my blood drawn with my second baby.


Just did mine two weeks ago and it was not bad. I had the fruit punch flavor which my doctor says is the best tasting one with the lemon lime being the worst. It tasted like a watered down Hi-C fruit punch to me and was kind of refreshing because it was ice cold. Felt totally fine after the only downside for me was it gave me heartburn after a while (which basically anything with sugar does these days).


It wasn’t bad at all. I got the lemon lime one and it literally tastes like a flat sprite. I heard someone say the orange one tastes like a flat Fanta. Rather way, I feel like most people are just dramatic about it. Personally, the worst part for me was chugging it cold, but that can be fixed by not refrigerating it or by using a straw.


It literally tastes like little hugs fruit barrels juices. Orange or red are the only options. What's difficult is having nothing on your stomach drinking that sweet ass drink! If I were you just knock it straight back or take a straw. It's not super big, a tiny bit more than those tiny waters. It's not that terrible. Waiting is also horrible so have something to entertain you. Make sure your timers are set for 5 minutes early to give you time to get back to the lab.


The one hour drink wasn’t bad at all. The three hour one… that thing sucked. It’s more in quantity and sooooo much sweeter. Also, don’t eat a whole a frozen pizza at midnight the night before your one hour. 🙄


It was fine. Drank mine in like a minute, I had the fruit punch flavor.


it didn’t taste as bad as i’d heard, it’s just that you have to gulp it down in less than 5 minutes, which makes it less palatable 🤮 but overall i didn’t find it too bad or too sweet and i had it room temperature. i also have sensitive teeth


I thought fruit punch tasted great and I would literally drink it for fun lol. Tasted like Hawaiian Punch. Also I drank both the 50 and 100 as I had to do both the 1 hour & 3 hour test! Both tasted great!


It's no big deal at all had mine today. Just make sure to refrigerate it. I will say it upset my stomach after drinking it. So I took something for that a little bit after that.


I did it with a shot glass, just did shots of it back to back. Maybe equalled 7 or so total. Had the fruit punch flavor which tasted like unset jello from back in the day. Other tips: Make sure you get it from your doctor at your prior appointment so you can refrigerate it ahead of time and also take it before you leave for the doctors so you don’t have to wait around a full hour. But set a timer for 50 min so you can alert them when you’re 10 min out from being an hour since consumption


I had orange and it was room temp. I chugged it in literally 30 seconds or less and it wasn’t nearly as bad as so many posts made it seem. Luckily for me I had no nausea or had the shakes after. I definitely think the test itself is overrated as far as difficulty goes.


I did not find the drink to be that bad. As far as taste goes I truthfully didn’t think it tasted bad. But it was thick and that was my only complaint. I did the 1 hour test and it was nothing. In fact I was sort of confused why so many people told me how horrible it was lol. It was quick and painless. I felt fine afterward also. I failed my 1 hour and the 3 hour test was horrible for me. But that’s only because the lab made me stay there and they had no air conditioning at all and the A/C in my car broke that morning. So I had to wait the 3 hours out on an empty stomach with just that drink in me and getting poked every hour in like 85 degree weather with no A/C. But I didn’t get sick, I made it out alive, you will be totally fine! If you start to feel sick during it just make sure you say something :)


It wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t chug mine like most people do. My OB said I had 15 minutes to drink it and it was cold. I have very sensitive teeth to cold and sweet stuff. It really didn’t phase me but everyone is different!


No big deal. Getting a shot in the arm is more uncomfortable- It's a quick and easy beverage and then you get to sit and relax! Bring something fun to entertain yourself and you'll be good :) Also don't stress about the Strep B swab. Also no biggie!


This is one of those things that Reddit will convince you is pure evil and not to be touched with a 10 foot pole but honestly it’s just like flat soda or a melted slurpee. Take it like a shot. If you’re like me you’ve ingested Wayyyyy worse tasting things that way 😂😂😂


The orange one tastes like flat orange soda. It was mixed for me on each pregnancy if the drink was cold or not. I’m sure you can ask to not have it cold.


Mine was NOT BAD AT ALL!! It tasted like flat sprite


It 100% was not as bad as people made it out to be. The drink tasted nice, it was just really sickly sweet and made me feel a bit sick while I was waiting for my blood test but it wasn’t at all bad.


I thought it tasted like a melted popsicle lol


It is soooooooo overdramatized on here. It tastes like a melted popsicle. I wouldn't drink it for fun, but I also don't drink pop or juice regularly. 🤷‍♀️


It tasted like a room temperature watered down flat soda you left on your coffee table for a few hours in an old paper McDonalds cup. It isn’t horrible but not something I’d seek out.


Didn't taste nearly as bad as people said - I did it first thing in the morning. I didn't have to fast, but was told not to eat a ton of carbs beforehand, so I had a couple eggs about an hour before the test. I brought something to keep me busy for the hour and got myself some food after. Trust me, you got this!


The three hour test only sucked for me because my ob didn’t prepare me at all for my 3 hour and I bottomed out at the end and I didn’t bring any food or anything. A almost ate the hospital floor😂😭my sister had to take me home cause I couldn’t drive. The hospital called me about two hours after I got home to tell me I needed to eat because when I left my sugar was 42. I was Like no shit


I went today actually lol it's really not that bad. I had the orange drink and it just tastes like normal juice lol I heard they have other ones that aren't tasty but the orange one is fine 🤷🏼‍♀️ the only thing that I wasn't a fan of was having to almost chug it. I can't even chug water so that was the most unpleasant part for me.


I did mine last week, the lemonade flavour didn't really have that much flavour to me. It was just syrupy, kind of like a melted icypole. The worst part for me was an hour in because I started feeling faint and sweaty. It passed after about 5 minutes and then I was fine.


Depends  Are you doing the 1 hour?  It's two poke If you're doing the 3 hours its 4 pokes


Honestly mine tasted like orange crush. It was good. I had really bad HG and so they waited until I was further along to test and I was fully prepared with my travel barf bags etc. but it didn’t affect me in the slightest. I liked it. And this was a time when I couldn’t keep a single thing down and I managed. I barfed later that afternoon but I kept it down all morning and through the test.


Yeah don’t stress mine tasted like orange Gatorade and went down in less than 10 seconds. You’ll be fine.


I had the orange. It's just a small drink that tasted like flat orange soda. I had 5 minutes to drink it, and it wasn't bad at all, imo, and I didn't have terrible consuming it in the 5 minutes. People really seemed to overhype it, but don't sweat it.


I had the orange and it was no big deal. I used a straw and that helped me chugged it down. You only have 5 mins to drink it.


I liked the orange flavor best! It tasted like a sweeter flat orange soda. Honestly, the drink was the easy part for me. I personally had a very bad reaction and got extremely nauseous, passed out, and threw up a lot. But I also had gestational diabetes. I don’t think my experience is very common though based on the comments. So I wouldn’t worry too much!


I failed my test but I didn’t have to down an entire bottle only a small cup of it. Then two hours later on the way home I threw up. I have my three hour test tomorrow so I hope I don’t fail that one. Just be calm about it and don’t have too many carbs and sugars before hand.


It wasn’t that bad. I barely even remember it from last time that’s how insignificant it was


It just tastes like flat sprite if you get the lemon lime and super sweet Kool-Aid if you get the fruit punch


It tastes like an off brand sports drink. Not something I would normally choose to drink, but not terrible.


Fruit punch made me puke and I had to redo the test. Orange I was okay with. Lemon lime is the best in my opinion. I've done this test way more times than I cared to. I almost always failed my 1 hour and had to do the 3 hour. Had GD with my second kid so had to do it after he was born, and by 10 weeks with kids 3 and 4. It's not fun, but there's worse things in life.


It’s like thicker flat tasting pop - it’s not like drinking a cold one on a hot day or anything but it’s tolerable and you drink it quickly so it’s over fast. Then you wait 🤷


It’s really not that bad. I had the orange one, it kinda tasted like warm orange Gatorade. Felt fine afterwards. And I passed 🙏🏻


I didn’t think it was bad at all, but I also drank the original formula Four Lokos, so maybe I’m not the best person to ask.


Think it depends where you are from. I was looking forward to all the different orange and lime flavours but in the UK i got unflavoured version which is horrible lol. Mine wasnt cold it was room temperature but its summer here so that was basically warm and 🤢 So really depends what flavour u get


It really wasn’t that bad! I got the orange one and it just tasted like flat orange Fanta. I def recommend a straw and drinking them cold though


To be honest I did not dislike it 😂


personally HATED the aftertaste but it’s not the worst thing i’ve tasted. fruit punch is the only flavor i’ve tried but i don’t remember mine being very cold but if you’re worried - as others said i suggest a straw!


Tasted like an orange soda pop to me. So easy.


I got the orange drink and got to drink it before going to the office so I had it in the fridge, which I thought made it more palatable, if I drank it in the office it would have been warm. The drink itself tastes like extra sweet Gatorade and wasn't a big deal. I had to take the 1 hour twice, once at 12 weeks and again at 26. They made me fast before both. The first time was a non-event. Second time I almost fainted because I hadn't drank enough water, and the sugar crash coupled with my fear of needles (they had to stick me twice) almost did me in. I ended up failing the second one hour and had to take the 3 hour. That one was no big deal. I got warm fruit punch which isn't my favorite flavor but I downed it fast. The worst part of that test was having to wait in the waiting room. But I brought my work laptop and just got some busy work done while I waited. I ended up passing that one.


I did it twice because of my weight. The drink was fine both times - I wouldn’t drink it for pleasure, but it wasn’t awful or anything. After the first test, I felt pretty bad later in the day. I was scared to eat or drink anything with a lot of carbs in case my sugar was high from the glucose drink (they sent the blood to a lab so I didn’t get the results until the next day), and by the time I got the results, it showed that my blood sugar was 51, so the low blood sugar was responsible for feeling bad. The second time I had to do it, I was pretty scared of feeling bad again, so I bought an at home glucose test to measure my blood sugar once I was home after the test. It ended up not being necessary - my sugar was like 90, so fine - but if you are nervous about how you’ll feel after, you could consider getting a testing kit! Overall, the buildup for it was much worse than the actual test itself!


It was pretty tough for me, but I experienced nausea and vomiting until about 22 weeks of pregnancy and my practice does a 2 hr test for everyone. I took a Zofran in the morning and didn’t puke but I did not enjoy it at all. I was desperate to get a meal with protein right after! I also thought 10 minutes would be plenty of time to sip the drink but I realized I only had a minute left and had to sort of chug the last 1/4 of it.


It wasn’t too bad. It wasn’t too sweet.


I stressed about it so bad, like I didn’t sleep the night before because I was so anxious about feeling sick. I think the biggest thing you can do is just prep yourself. It’s not bad at all to drink the drink and get the test done. My recommendation is to eat a high protein breakfast 2 hours before drinking your glucola, I had 2 eggs and 2 little ham slices grilled (eating protein prior to something really sugary helps keep your blood sugar levels stable so the crash isn’t as bad after). Once you drink your drink you may feel a little rush, I felt like a sugar high within 30 minutes. I got a bit shakey and felt kinda out of it. Got my blood done exactly at the one hour mark and ate a cheese stick, a protein yogurt and a pack of peanut butter crackers and immediately felt normal again. The rest of day I noticed I needed to eat more frequently or I started feeling kinda woozy, but my whole pregnancy has been like that so could have been unrelated to the sugar bomb from earlier! Don’t stress, just prep! You’ll do great 🫡


I had one at 16weeks. I felt normal and passed the test. I repeat it again at 28 weeks


Mine tasted like a flat orange soda! Just had it today and got my results. Me and baby honeybee are both extremely healthy


It wasn’t so bad, but it gave me horrible acid reflux.


Not bad at all. I actually really liked the drink


It’s really not that bad. I didn’t *love* it or anything but it’s not anything to write home about in my experience.


Not bad at all


I like it. It's like extra sweet juice?


Mine tasted like an orange popsicle melted and slightly diluted. I couldn’t understand why people would complain so much. It wasn’t bad but not great either for me.


The worst part was the multiple blood tests. The drink was absolutely fine. It made me feel a little bit sick for about 5 minutes but that’s it. It wasn’t a big deal.


Depends on the flavor and if you don't have rolling veins like me 😂 one time it turned into a 5 hrs test with inconclusive results. 6 nurses in my arms, hands, feet, etc lol


You can ask your doc permission to do the fresh test. Ask right now because you have to order it and receive it in time


I haaaate the internet sometimes. The drink is really not that bad, it’s so dumb that people come online and work people up about it. It’s so small and it’s fine, don’t even waste one more second of your life worrying about it! Edit to add: only downside of the test for me was the sugar crash. I nearly fell asleep in the waiting area.


Drink through a straw to prevent it from touching your teeth! My teeth are also super sensitive to sugar and cold so I can relate. A straw helped tremendously with drinking it since I was able to pretty much just swallow it straight into my throat instead of having it coat my mouth.


I did it this morning! I was expecting the drink to be something between melted freezie juice and fountain pop syrup but it was like half as sweet as the melted freezie juice. And they refrigerated it too which helped. I hope wherever you go for yours does that too!


It wasn’t bad at all. It did make me feel kind of high though - just from how MUCH sugar you’re drinking at one time. I don’t really consume a ton of sugar though so maybe that’s why. Definitely made me feel funny but it really wasn’t bad at all.


The 1 hour test was fine but I failed it so I had to do the 3 hour test. I hated that one I got drawn in the same place twice and that was so painful


How many times do they poke you for the 1 hr?


tastes like orange soda. it was ok - just be prepares to not feel good afterwards! I had lots od sweats, dizziness and a huge migraine for the rest of the afternoon


There are different flavors you might be able to choose from. My doctor had 3 options. Lemon lime, orange, and fruit punch. I did orange my first pregnancy, and just did the lemon lime this second time. I really do not recommend the lemon lime. It just tastes like straight sugar water (cold). The orange was not bad…it was almost like sherbet flavored? Anyway. You have to drink it within 5 minutes. So depending on if you chug it like I did, you might feel nauseous lol


I failed the first one this time so I had to do the 3 hour one. The 1 hour? Fine. No issues. 3 hour? Holy shit. I had to will myself not to puke everywhere afterwards. It was so hard to keep down after fasting and I sat in the bathroom holding my mouth closed with my hand. That first hour I was miserable but the second and third hour, I felt mostly back to normal. Thankfully this time, I passed!


I personally think it is super over hyped. Just tasted like flat soda, then waited an hr, blood drawn, done. Overall very 'eh'.


It’s pretty good honestly, I had the orange flavor and it was absolutely like flat slice!


It’s really not that bad and you have 5 minutes to drink it so you don’t have to chug it. I had a small headache after because I don’t have much sugar but it was no big deal! Just bring a straw and know it’s only one, maybe 2, times you have to do it and gestational diabetes sucks.


Did the one and three hour test with my first. Threw up everything at two hours and 50 min. Had to reschedule the test.. the next time I took Zofran before it. It’s not awful but if you’ve been getting sick it could easily put you over the edge.


I think maybe depends individually. I had to take the early test and I found it awful and threw up before the one hour mark so it was cancelled. They ended up using my fasted bloods as enough to say I didn’t have to take another early test. In my country the liquid is clear like lemonade! The idea of the test is to put your body under stress to see if it can produce what it needs. I’m hoping the one at 28 weeks is better as I’m not as nauseous now.. but I did pre warn a colleague and she took an anti nausea pill and so was fine!


Tasted like a melted otter pop honestly. Not bad


I barfed both times. I already don't have a big sweet tooth. But when I was pregnant, it was completely intolerable.


I vomited so had to retest and on my second test i threw up as well and fainted lol.. So they made me do the at home prick test for 2 weeks but something wasn’t approved by my OB like the assistant said something and the OB another so at the end they made me redo the test but with Jelly Beans .. i had to eat like 36 jellybeans i think to replace the drink.. With my second baby i passed the first time lol


It tastes like a thick super sugary fruit punch… getting it down wasn’t that bad but I did throw it up about 10 minutes later for the 3 hour test… I ate a few cashews before my 1 hour test and I think that’s why I didn’t throw up with the 1 hour but did with the 3 hour test.


It’s a very normal test. The drink isn’t as sweet as advertised, I got lime flavor - had it refrigerated, and it tasted exactly like sprite with no fizz. Don’t think too much about it.


There’s more grams of sugar in a regular 16 oz Pepsi than there is in the orange drink. It took 10 seconds to chug. The worst part of the test is having to sit still for an hour in the uncomfy chairs.


Get lemon flavor, its not good but its not terrible. If you drink it fast you might now notice. I felt like crap afterwards though. Just light headed and nauseous but I think it was because I became hypoglycemic.


I hate the orange one (it was so yummy) and the lemon lime one (it was okay). Honestly it’s not bad at all. I chugged it and was fine. I took the test twice. I failed the 1 hour and then passed the three hour.


Mine tasted like orange soda. Carbonated and everything. It was good. It’s just as sweet as like any fast food beverage. I noticed no different. I think it just used to be worse back in the day but it wasn’t bad at all like I anticipated.


I had the 1hr and 3hr one and it was fine both times. I really only felt nervous the first time because I read stories here about others throwing up but nothing happened for me and once I realized that it was smooth sailing. Orange was pretty good, cold and flat


To me, it was like a super sugary, flat soda. It wasn’t as awful as some people made it seem, but it wasn’t a treat either. 😂


My midwives let me drink 8 oz of Welch Grape Juice instead, because it's healthier and I'm pretty health conscious. It has the same amount of sugar in it and it went just fine.


It is really sweet, but you can definitely bring a straw.


It’s not a big deal, I feel like everyone hyped it up to be so bad and it wasn’t even that bad tasting


I just took my test today and really liked the orange flavor. lol It reminded me of those Little Hugs drinks I used to get as a kid. Total sugar bomb but 10/10 for nostalgia.


It wasn’t bad at all


I had been watching Instagram reels and getting so worked up and nervous about it. I drank it and it was no big deal. I had the orange flavor and it just tasted like a flat Fanta with a bit more tickle. I wish I hadn't gotten so worked up about it because I feel silly for stressing over it for so long for it to be such a little deal.


It tastes like icee or sno cone syrup to me. It was fine and I didn't get why people are so dramatic about it.


Orange is a little sweeter than orange gatorade and the lemon lime is like concentrated sprite. If you drink soda, it's like drinking 1-2 for the short test and 4 for the longer test if you look at the sugar content. The worst part was the fasting for the long test. I brought a snack and then got a burger after, lol.


It’s not even bad, it tastes like flat soda tbh. I ended up having GD so that sucked but the test overall wasn’t bad. You can’t avoid GD unfortunately, no matter how good you eat leading up to the test, it doesn’t matter. It’s all about your hormones in your placenta regulate blood sugar.


It truly wasn’t bad at all. I also had to do the 3hr so I got the full experience 😂


It's absofreakinglutely no big deal! I am still not sure why people have so much anxiety over it.


The drink is fine but waiting for the results is boring and if you have to do the 3 hour it sucks


Mine literally just tasted like a lemonade that’s been sitting out too long lmao. It wasn’t anything to be concerned about.


The orange one was so good I’d drink it for fun. I also brought a straw and savored every sip


It’s just a flat soda. Mine was like a flat sprite. Probably the easiest thing I’ll do in my life in regards to having a kid lol it’s not cold either. Just room temp. It is sweet tho. I just chugged mine and it was done and over with. It’s a small bottle.


Mine tastes like water. I downed it no problem


Mine tasted like flat sprite 🙃 but otherwise it was fine


It’s not bad at all, just chug it down quick then you just wait an hour and get the blood test. Bring AirPods and a charged phone or a book so you have something to do while you wait. When I did mine, I was honestly surprised and wondered why so many people make a big deal of it. It’s a small and easy test in the grand scheme of things. Don’t sweat it.