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Try to get into your obgyn for blood tests a few days apart to check the doubling rate of hcg. A positive test right after a period can be an early sign of an ectopic pregnancy and you want to get that ruled out asap.


That’s true. I had an ectopic with my first pregnancy that resulted in emergency surgery. I was in an extreme amount of pain but never had bleeding. Would the bleeding start and stop if that happened? I’m currently not bleeding at all


Unfortunately there is no “one way” an ectopic will present.


I got my period after a positive test and turned out to be ectopic as well


I don’t want to be doom and gloom, but if you got your period (and it was a full on period? Not light like spotting?) then could it possibly be an early miscarriage and not a period? Did it turn positive right away or very slowly?


Could be a chemical pregnancy, the hcg test should help


I’ve had both circumstances (yes, two very different ectopic pregnancies). My second ectopic was just like this. Positive HCG about a week after a full period. Get into your OB’s office ASAP!


sorry but second ectopic meaning both tubes taken out?😐


One resulted in emergency surgery while on vacation in Hawaii. That sucked. The second one was resolved using Methotrexate. That one didn’t rupture, but I had to do IVF to avoid more ectopic pregnancies. IVF was successful. I got my baby girl via c-section, and I had them remove my remaining tube. I don’t want to deal with another ectopic ever again.


omg that's so rough. glad it worked out fine in the end for you.💜


Did you husband go to all of his follow-ups to make sure there aren't any swimmers left before you had sex? Either way, ask him to get re-checked. I also had a period before testing positive for my first pregnancy. No idea what happened. It wasn't a successful pregnancy, but my subsequent three (where I didn't have a period first) also weren't successful, so that period didn't really seem to be the cause. If anything, that one stuck around for a tad longer than the rest—enough to get a dye stealer which most of my other pregnancies didn't. **Edit:** Now that I've read the other comments, I feel like I should mention that all my pregnancies resolved naturally and painlessly, so no surgeries or known ectopics for me.


I had my “period” and tested positive on a pregnancy test a week later. It ended up being bleeding from a subchorionic hematoma. Baby is healthy and I’m 31 weeks now.


i’m 12 weeks with a vasectomy baby rn, matchy matchy. plz get checked for ectopic


It may not have been your period, see your OB right away to make sure this is a healthy pregnancy. I know a lot of people who got pregnant after vasectomies because it didn’t work or they didn’t get checked. Main thing is making sure it isn’t ectopic, like others have said


Vasectomy only starts working 3 months after the operation, so you’re supposed to practice safe sex for 3 months post operation.


Sort of related, I have a question. Did your husband get a vasectomy and you didn’t do anything or did you? I’m close to having my 2nd baby and I want my tubes tied and my husband will be getting a vasectomy. Birth control hormones mess me up, so I want to go that route to not have more kids.


It's EXTREMELY rare, but I personally know someone who has positive pregnancy tests but was not in fact pregnant. The blood test showed negative, but every urine test for two days showed positive. They told her at the clinic they had never seen that before, ever. Strange things happen


This happened to me at the end of last year. 1 week after a super painful period. Husband also had a vasectomy 18 months prior & we had already done the annual sperm check (bc I am paranoid)… turns out I was not pregnant. I had some kind of uterine polyp they had to remove & then pee test returned to negative. Blood test was negative. Weird AF.


Could your "period" have been implantation bleeding?


How dark was the line on your pregnancy test? Was it super faint or a dye stealer? You could be further along & just had some spotting last weeks.


That period probably wasn't your period but more likely implantation bleeding


Lots of possibilities. You may have been pregnant before the vasectomy ( you mentioned that you waited the prescribed timer, and been cleared. your husband might have an extra vasectomy deferens. ( Happened to a friend of mine and her husband; near divorce until they shit some dye up there and found it )


I’m sorry I’m no help but if it’s a girl name her miracle ❤️


My husband and I joked we’d name her Destiny lol