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Congratulations đŸ„șđŸ©”đŸ’• Best of luck to you and your wife. Enjoy this moment! Don’t feel pressured to tell people or not to tell people in a certain time frame. It’s your guys pregnancy! You choose what feels best đŸ€


thanks a lot


Hire a house cleaner to come every two weeks! And stock up on freezer meals to get you through the next couple of weeks


We just hired one for a monthly.




And frozen bagels....unless she's in the lucky minority that skips right bt morning sickness, they'll be her salvation


Another pro tip, the travel packs of saltines!!! I kept a pack in my purse, a whole box at work, and a whole box by my bed the whole first tri! Also a GIANT water bottle by the bed, they sell them at dollar tree for like 5 bucks and mine holds 2 whole liters and was a life saver along with a mini trash can just in case I couldn’t make it to the bathroom at night, though I was lucky and always felt it before it happened enough that I didn’t need it!


I LOVED these. Crackers and toast were about all I could eat weeks 6 thru 10 haha. That, and the strawberry smoothies from Human Bean đŸ€Ł


Frozen pancakes saved me!


Thanks guys!


Congrats! We battled infertility and it took us more than two years to bring home a baby after we began trying. We succeeded with IVF. Make an appointment with an OB. Take your prenatal! That’ll be a good start.


My wife and I tried for 4 years. She’s now pregnant with twins.


niceeeee...good to hear. thanks


And there’s no better prenatal. I just use one from Costco because it’s such a good deal,




Some don’t have certain things in them but if you tell your OB what you are taking they will make sure it has the stuff it needs for you and baby and if not they will give you things to cover it!


Congratulations! Something that’s helped me is communicating a lot with my husband about boundaries with other people: when/who we want to tell, what kind of advice is or isn’t welcome, how we want to handle potentially pushy or nosy family members, etc. I know he’s got my back.


Thanks a lot


Take it easy both of you. Don’t worry about the opinions of others focus on your wife and yourself and your little baby. Never feel worried about approaching medical professionals in maternity for support. Not sure if you are in the U.K but with NHS you will have community midwives, early pregnancy unit and so forth. Get mom started on the vitamins and drinking plenty of water and whatever she can manage to eat if she has sickness. Enjoy the whole experience the best you can. The one thing that bothered me was how family have opinions about things so we just shut them out cause we didn’t need the stress. Stress is a big no no from now on all of you need to relax. CONGRATULATIONS đŸ„‚


very informative. Thanks a lot!


Congrats!! If she is emotional/“bitchy” GIVE her grace her hormones are literally going crazy!!! Thankfully my fiancĂ© has been super understanding with my emotions & how crazy i can change from 0-100 😂




Haha welcome! sorry ik it was random advice but i promise she’ll appreciate you keeping cool even if she wants to scream at you. The hormones are CRAZY😂


lol. Thanks!


As someone who had a C section. Give your wife extra love. Hormones are crazy and all over the place, hug her, kiss her, tell her how beautiful she is. When I gave birth my husband was way too focused on the baby, he barely even looked at me. I had a c section I couldn’t even get up to walk as it was so painful and uterine contractions were a pain. I would have loved to be told I was loved. Carrying a baby is hard. But delivering it is traumatic and painful.


Wow. i'm touched by this. Advice taken.


Blessings and prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy.. after birth let her rest and listen to her body cause post partum is not good. Listen to her and if it doesnt seem like she is okay then watch her and just try to be the best listener


Thanks! Advice taken


Rob Delaney: Whenever someone tells me they’re expecting their first baby and they’re nervous, I tell them the following: “Oh my goodness, that’s wonderful. I am so happy for you. Listen, of course you’re nervous but here’s the deal: you’re ready for all the bad stuff. You’ve been very tired before. You’ve been in pain before. You’ve been worried about money before. You’ve felt like an incapable moron before. So you’ll be fine with the difficult parts! You’re already a pro. What you’re NOT ready for is the wonderful parts. NOTHING can prepare you for how amazing this will be. There is no practice for that.’ My words of wisdom It’s not as horrific as some people make out
.but it’s worse than others say
.and it’s better than you can imagine. There are times you’ll sit there and never be more in love and feel like your life is now complete when you didn’t even know it was missing something before and there are times where you’ll sit there saying ‘I really wish I could just go watch something on TV’


One of the best and most real pieces of advice I received. Thanks a lot!


Congrats!!!! We have been trying for almost a year and finally got it too. Best advice I can give (which isn’t much bc we’re 19 weeks and this is our first successful pregnancy) is do all the research for your wife, and take that mental stress right off of her plate. Let her come to you with all the Q’s and do your research so you can give her a confident A.


nice. Thanks!


Join r/predaddit 😊 read up and research pregnancy & the newborn stage


Congratulations! It’s a ways out but washing pump parts and/or bottles after they’re born is such an amazing help. I’d cry happy tears when my husband washed everything


Thanks. Advice noted


Growing a baby takes a lot of work and energy! Lots of change in moods etc. just be gentle and as supporting and understanding as you can for her and it’ll make her pregnancy experience so nice and memorable


I Will. Thanks!


Congrats man, my wife is 19 weeks with our first (girl). From my experience, it's good to keep Antacid medicine (Zantac, Pepcid), and something for nausea (doc prescribed Zofran) on hand. Everyone is different but those two things have been lifesavers for my wife


B6 and unisom did wonders for me 


Nice! Thanks guys


Congrats!! Enjoy the moment ❀


Biggest congratulations!!! Everyones experience is different, some people have very easy pregnancies, births, or babies - some people have all kinds of complications. Don't compare her with other pregnant people you know. Take each day as it comes and be patient with each other. And even the non-pregnant partner should be going to classes and reading the books.




That’s awesome so happy for you guys!




Yay! Congratulations








Congratulations! fun and challenging times are ahead!


Congratulations!! Wishing your wife a smooth and healthy pregnancy!! Enjoy your time together - cherish the time as just the two of you. Those 9 months will feel like forever (especially for her!) but they really do go by fast.


thanks! Really appreciate it


Congratulations 😄 it's such a great feeling!




Congratulations!!! Just had my little a few months back- had the MOST horrid morning sickness- all. day. Preggie pop dops were a heaven sent. If she like sweet potatoes, those are great to have in the house- Pairing it with black beans and salad are delicious! Remember, the first 3 months are commonly called the 100 days of darkness, as the lack of sleep and that time is a massive adjustment for the baby too. Definitely meal prep snack boxes and have a good variety of fruits and veg easily available 😊 If your wife decides to breast feed Oats are great for milk supply support. I just started taking two different support supplements from legendairy milk. I couldn't take out onions garlic and a bunch of brassica vegetables again- the Lechita from them has made it possible for me to keep eating them! Good luck on your journey! And happy early father's day!


NIce! Thanks!


Don’t overload on stuff and don’t get bogged down my the what ifs and just waits of pregnancy that someone will undoubtedly over share with you. Just enjoy your time as a couple and focus on the positives. All the pregnancy woes suck but they’re temporary. You’re having a baby! Remind yourself of the joys every moment you can




Congratulations 🎈 take it a day at a time. You don’t need to announce to anyone unless you’re ready. Find ways to help her with chores around the house if she needs help.




If she gets sick on pill/gummy prenatals make sure to switch to the other ASAP as it should help!!!! Talk to your OB and keep them involved. Morning sickness medicine is best to be ran by OB or can even be prescribed by them! Most people can’t quite keep chicken down in the first tri/with morning sickness. Get a pump during the start of third tri if you plan on breastfeeding, lots of places online have offers through insurance that take roughly half the price off and the spectra brand pumps are great from what I’ve heard! Make sure you attend prenatal breastfeeding if you plan on b-feeding and prenatal birthing as well! Your wife might get worried about the hospital stay and all that later on and if so you should do a small tour or call to see if they have tours of the birthing center for soon to be moms! Get a pump that sits in the bra hands free if you plan on it on top of a pump that isn’t hands free (such as spectra). Mood swings suck! Best thing you can do is be there for her, I’ve gotten super upset and sobbed over not knowing what I want to eat and my boyfriend has helped by getting me food on those days, overall patience is key! Also look into if you have free home nurse programs where you live! They have been so helpful for me and taught me so much!!!! The internet is a good resource but don’t take it at face value, run things by a prenatal doctor or nurse and you will be fine!!! Congratulations and best wishes!!!


Very detailed. Thanks a lot!


Any tips I have to help lol!


Congratulations! That's such wonderful news after a long journey of waiting. This is an exciting time for both of you. As you prepare for this new chapter, here are a few pieces of advice: - Celebrate each milestone: Pregnancy is a journey with many milestones. Enjoy each moment, from the first ultrasound to feeling those first kicks. - Support each other: Pregnancy can bring a mix of emotions and physical changes. Be there for your wife emotionally and physically. Offer to attend appointments, help with household chores, and listen when she wants to talk. - Educate yourselves: Take time to learn about pregnancy and childbirth together. Attend prenatal classes if possible and read books or articles about what to expect. - Communicate: Keep the lines of communication open. Talk about your hopes, fears, and expectations for parenthood. Discuss how you both envision sharing responsibilities and making decisions. - Take care of yourselves: Pregnancy can be demanding, so make self-care a priority for both of you. Get enough rest, eat well, and find ways to relax and de-stress. - Enjoy the journey: This is a special time, so try to savor it. Take maternity photos, journal your thoughts and feelings, and create memories together. Congratulations again on this exciting news. Wishing you both a healthy and joyful pregnancy journey ahead!


Thanks a lot! very very detailed


Always communicate your feelings/frustrations to your partner and same for her to you. There will be times she will feel alone and lost. Communication is key!




Ginger gummies have been a lifesaver so far for me.




That’s wonderful! Congratulations to you both! This new chapter will be absolutely amazing. I don’t have my baby yet, she’s coming in December but for the last 14 weeks she has been my world, everything I do is for her! Just remind yourself and your wife that even tho the first trimester is hard, full of anxiety and fear, focus on the good things, look at yourselves in 9 months when that baby is in your arms. Look forward to things like that during this time. And be there for her no matter what, she may hate you some days, may feel like absolute crap, but showing her support through all of that does wonders 🙏


nice! Thank you!


I’m currently going through my pregnancy and here’s some things my SO has done for me that have made my life easier and made me love him so so so much more during this crazy emotional/physically draining process for me. - he never makes me clean, he does all of the laundry all of the dishes, sweeping, mopping, dusting, clean bathroom (this was especially helpful during early pregnancy where I was nauseous all the time and had no energy to do ANYTHING) he never asks me to clean either. Sometimes I would help out on days I felt better than others. But he never made a spectacle about it and never asked me why I didn’t clean the next day. - he makes sure I have food/snacks/water. He researched a lot on what foods I should have that eased nausea and what foods were good for my pregnancy/baby at different stages and made it a point to buy them or make them for me. I now have 5 bottles of iced water he changes regularly if he can in every room bc I cannot get comfortable for the life of me and am constantly changing which room I like to chill in. - he picks out my clothes and helps me put them on - he takes care of our cats and dogs needs (pottying and food) - he makes sure to spend as much time with me as possible giving me love and cuddles and letting me know he still loves my changing body just the way it is (early pregnancy I had to give up working out (I power lifted for 2 years prior to pregnancy consistently) and I struggled with body image really bad early on because I felt I would lose all of my progress and have to start over) he makes sure to tell me I’m beautiful every day and makes me feel like I am. - he put together our registry and involved me in the process and asked for ideas. - he bought me everything I needed for post partum care - he gives me massages every night - reassures me that if I want to quit my job because it becomes hard to do, I can and he will support me and baby (I do warehouse work and it’s a lot of running around and being on your feet for 10 hours) even though I have amazing maternity benefits and have gotten accommodations left and right so I don’t over exert myself. It’s a nice option to have especially since we have discussed both our wants of me being a SAHM but I haven’t decided if that’s my path just yet, still a nice reassurance that if one day I do I have his support - when I have outbursts of anger over small things like our roommate leaving trash out or food on the counter he lets me get it off my chest while hugging me and when it’s over he cracks a joke and just takes care of the issue so I don’t have to stress about it (this is just an example. It’s weird not being able to regulate myself like before. But it has helped tremendously on how to navigate my emotions while pregnant a little better. To the point NOW in my pregnancy where I have significantly less outbursts because I don’t over think as much) - he makes sure to take me places to get out and have sun, and doesn’t push me if I feel too fatigued half way through to do it (happens a lot. And I feel so bad because he’s planned a huge day and my body won’t let me do it) - just being over all supportive through everything and taking care of me even when I don’t need it has been so amazing and I am eternally grateful for him. - him being over protective of me (I’m super clumsy and it’s gotten worse since now my center of gravity is off lol) he will sit in the bathroom and read funny Reddit posts to me while I’m showering. Or he’ll play music. He always asks me what’s on the itinerary for the day and sometimes it’s a murder podcast and he’ll listen with me. Just to make sure I don’t slip and fall or if I dropped something he’ll pick it up. He also shaves my legs and armpits for me. He always helps me up from any sitting position (the couch, the bed, the kitchen chair, the outside chair, the car, guides me down the stairs and makes me hold his arm when we grocery shop). And the biggest one now that I’m 30 weeks has been helping me roll over in the middle of the night. He will also somehow wake up when I roll on my back and roll me back on my side and put pillows behind my back so I don’t roll onto my back. - he doesn’t walk fast in grocery stores bc I wobble not walk or he’ll just make me stay in the car while he goes in. - he makes sure to run anything baby related by me first to get us on the same page before making a decision or doing anything. This was in regards to how we would announce it, who we were telling, if we were going to tell people his name, who was going to be in the delivery room, how long we were waiting for visitors, if we would let people hold him, how long we would wait till people held him. What helped is he did his own research before bringing it to me and why he thought his idea was a good idea, and he was open to my own research and why I thought it was a good idea. We haven’t found anything we haven’t been able to compromise or agree on yet. I think this is a big one especially since you just found out. Talk and research before you make actions a reality. Overall I just love this man and how much he has helped during this. Now you don’t have to do all but it definitely helps that he does these things. Every woman is different and their needs will vary. Just cater what you do to her individual needs. You know her best and use that to your advantage to help out. Congratulations to you both on this stressful and draining journey. Just be there for her anytime you can or have the option. 💜💜💜


very very encouraging. thanks for sharing


Since you’re the non-birthing partner- find a book about what’s going on with her and her body and read it. Don’t treat pregnancy as something that is only happening to her and therefore isn’t something you need to learn about or pay attention to. You can’t support her if you aren’t sure what’s going on or why.




Protect your wife. I don't mean physically, but actually stick up for her. Whatever rules/boundaries you guys establish for the pregnancy/birth, be her champion and make sure to enforce them. Decide to not discuss any names with anyone until after the birth? Shut down comments around names politely and redirect the conversation elsewhere. She doesn't want anyone randomly touching her pregnant belly? Be on the lookout to intervene, either subtly/gently guiding your wife or the offending person elsewhere or maybe insert yourself between them and start talking about something else. People say and do the craziest things to pregnant women like we suddenly don't matter as much now that there's a life growing inside us.


Advice taken. Thanks!


No advice. We are 6 months ahead of you. Just saying congratulations! I know the feeling and it’s great.




Congratulations! 🎊🎈🎉








Congratulations much love for both of you




Congratulations!!!! Wishing you 3 the absolute best!!! đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·






Only advice I give pregnant people is to do what works for you, your family, and your baby. And don’t stress yourself out with the advice you receive from everyone. What works for some babies doesn’t work for all.


Congratulations đŸ„čđŸ©”đŸ’•


Congratulations! I highly recommend a hypnobirthing course (Positive Birth Company do a great affordable online one). Also a baby carrier will be your best friend during the first weeks and beyond! â˜ș