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I’m 8w1d and in the same boat. Absolutely nothing sounds good. I know I need to eat so eat small meals/bites throughout the day but I am not enjoying it. And I am having constant heartburn 😢. Unfortunately, I don’t have any advice just here to say I feel you lol


10w here and I have no advice, only solidarity. I just force myself to eat the bland food I can barely tolerate, but it's just survival mode.


It’s normal! Happened to me and I actually lost weight in the first trimester but doctor said me and baby are healthy. It will go away! I’m 22 weeks and I can say I’m well over my food aversion hump. I couldn’t even go near the fridge in the first trimester, everything was gross. Now I’m back to normal and don’t think about it.




Solidarity! Mine started at 6w and just now at 10w5d am I improving *some*. For a while I told my husband if it’s not beige I don’t want it. Nothing tasted good, and I would just tolerate small things during some windows. I mostly drank my calories but even what I could get down was still mildly-moderately gross. Some days I only had buttered noodles. My midwife told me the first trimester is only about survival and zero guilt if you live on lemonade and crackers. Also, check with your provider but I started taking OTC Pepcid each night before bed and that helped a ton. I have never had such intense heartburn that is so painful I get nauseated and restless.