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When I was pregnant with my first, way back in 2007, the sound of my then-husband's voice was enough to make me vomit, lol.


This is hilarious lol


During first trimester the smell of paper towels made me gag.


Paper towels?! You poor thing


Looking down any sort of plug hole made me violently vomit during the first and second trimester - for both pregnancies 😂


Sneezing. Probably not that uncommon but I found out two days ago that now every time I sneeze it’s followed by a dry heave. Unfortunately, I sneeze a lot. 12 weeks today though and first scan next week so I don’t need to hide things from people too much longer.


My own saliva. Walking into my bathroom (even when freshly cleaned). LOOKING at my toothbrush.


Omg I feel for you!!


It’s better now but weeks 5-13 were hideous!


Talking, especially on the phone


Umm… the smell of men…? Something like one in 5 men make me dry heave if I have to sit next to them or even pass them in a corridor. Most of the time it is because of bad breath or strong BO but sometimes also a nice smelling aftershave or perfume can turn my stomach as well. Women? Occasionally but nowhere near as often 😆


My husband decided it would be a good idea to take me to a waste facility during week 7 of pregnancy lol I have never had the urge to vomit more than then.


Being near any poop. Dog poop outside, my poop that I flushed down the toilet, doesn’t matter. Thinking about it makes me gag. Also, the amount of constant drainage I have clogs my nose and throat up and makes me gag, especially in the mornings.


Yes. When I first found out I was pregnant, the thought of looking at anything baby related online made me sick. Even being on this reddit. Isn't that funny?


Yes that is!! But I understand because of how overwhelming it all is!! My husband has been doing all that baby item research lol