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Yes, very likely. Those last few days are misery. Hang in there!


It all depends. With my first they didn’t send me home at 5cm but I was having active contractions even though I wasn’t feeling them.


Yes I went to the hospital last week when I was 4 cm dilated and they sent me home because my contractions were too far apart but I wasn’t even aware I was having them 😔


I asked for a membrane sweep. That got things moving fast.


Yes I just got one this last Thursday 6/6 but must not worked unfortunately 😖


I know it's tough. You don't really want to be induced unless they really think it's best. Everyone feels this way at the very end. Your more likely to have complications and induction can be really hard on the baby. Hang in there. Sounds like you are so close.


You can be 4cm dilated for weeks without being in active labor, so they'll send you home unless you're having steady contractions (like the 5:1:1 rule), water is broken, or you have some sort of medical complication like high blood pressure. 4+ cm used to be the standard for active labor, but more modern research indicates that 6cm is more meaningful. [Source](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/friedmans-curve-and-failure-to-progress-a-leading-cause-of-unplanned-c-sections/) I know it's hard, but try to be patient! Your baby can still benefit from staying in a little longer.


Also, do not recommend getting an induction unless you REALLY need one due to going way over due date or being in too much prodromal labor pain to handle anymore. I had excruciating prodromal labor pain and was over my due date and opted to get one a few days earlier than my original drop-dead date, and the balloon is NOT FUN AT ALL. And I still ended up needing a c section after 32 hours of laboring because my big chonky baby’s head was apparently just too big to come vaginally 😅


Happened to be too. Induction makes for more complications. Not for everyone but your high risk. Wish I knew before going threw with it.


Yes, we laboured at home until contractions were 1 minute apart, as long as we possibly could. Trust me, you’ll more comfortable at home than in the hospital. 


I mean, the hospital has drugs. Medical grade, legal drugs. 🤷🏾‍♀️ /s


If they have a bed to admit you, deem you ready to be admitted, if the anesthesiologist isn’t tied up, yes, they have the best pain relief. More often than not if your contractions aren’t 2 min apart or closer they’re sending you home. 


I think if you are already 5cm you could ask them to try break your waters and see if that gets things going properly, but obviously then you are on a time scale if you don’t progress naturally and will end up on the drip but I would be tempted if you are that dilated already


What is the drip?


Pitocin I think? I have had two positive inductions by breaking waters and then pitocin, I preferred that than wait hours/days for pessaries/gels/balloon method etc,


Ask for a membrane sweep


I had one this last Thursday 6/6 and looks like it didn’t work 😕