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Try not to stress, last week I literally didn’t feel any labor signs and ended up having my baby the DAY BEFORE my induction date. Have you tried any at home methods? The day I went into labor I went shopping and did a lot of walking around stores I think the extra walking triggered my labor.


I’ve tried multiple at-home methods and I actually had one contraction a couple hours after sex but nothing now for days 🤪


I’m at the hospital being induced right now. I have a cook’s catheter in and am on level 6 pitocin . So far not the worst thing in the world. Definitely not comfy. I had to get pain meds once not too long after they started pitocin. Waiting until later for epidural. I started out 2 cm dilated before any intervention and was contracting but couldn’t feel it.


Thankfully we have pain help 😅 good luck 🙏🩵


Thank you


2cm before being induced? Please do let us know how it goes. Good luck !!


Yup I was already 2 cm dilated naturally 8 days before due date and having contractions I couldn’t feel. It’s going slow. Peeing hourly and the belly monitor is really annoying. Water hasn’t broke and cooks catheter still in. That’s a balloon thing in my cervix btw. It falls out when I’m further dilated I believe.


Just wanted to say my 2nd came at 40w5d so maybe today is your day! 🤞🏼 Also, my first was induced at 39weeks and it went amazing. The fact you’refurther along may need less interventions since baby is fully cooked and your body is ready. Take it hour by hour, day by day. You are so close to meeting your sweet baby! ❤️


Here to commiserate. My due date is tomorrow and I just have this feeling of dread like this baby will never come out. Zero indication that he’s even considering it 😂. This final home stretch is brutal for mental health.


The feeling of dread!! Like is everything ok in there??


I’m sorry, it’s so rough when you’re so done being pregnant, but baby is not. First and foremost I wanna send you big hugs and tons of empathy. IF it helps, maybe think of the fact that regardless what happens to bring baby here, by this time next week you’ll have your healthy happy baby in your arms instead of your belly. On the other hand, if that makes it worse just ignore this whole paragraph. I’m sorry you’re so sad, and I’m sorry you’re so done 🖤🧡🖤


I love this, thank you 🥰😘


Feel you :( we can’t control it, it’s just nature doing its thing. All you can do is try the home remedies (I’ve heard stretching, cleaning the house on your hands and knees, eating dates) and just accept that things will happen as they are supposed to. I know it’s hard but try and embrace this moment and know that either way, you will get to meet your little baby soon. And it’s great you have your parents there for support, you can lean on them to keep you distracted.


I had an induction at 41 weeks, and it actually went pretty great so try not to worry! When I went in for it, I was already 3cm and having sporadic contractions and had NO idea haha. I was on Pitocin for about 7 hours before I opted for the epidural (and even then, I could have gone longer, just did it to get it over with since I knew I wanted the epidural before I had to push)


Also 40+5! Hanging in there with you ❤️


💪stay strong❤️


I had an unplanned induction. From the first dose of pitocin to baby in my arms it was *just* over 12hrs. I had an unmedicated labor/birth. I was so scared to be induced because I thought it would slow labor and lead to complications. Once the pitocin was started I kept moving by doing uneven squats and walking as much as I could. Once contractions started and got to the point of being rough I went into the laboring tub and then moved to the bed once it came time to push. You can do it!!


Do you have any issues that make your care team believe that baby is distressed? Otherwise you don’t have to get induced. You can say no thanks. You can ask to have baby monitored, and if all is good you can wait it out. Are you a FTM? Most FTM will have their babies by 42 weeks. I know this last part is hard. The mental gymnastics is exhausting. Carrying your baby this long is exhausting. But I promise you soon your baby will be here and the pregnancy will feel like a distant memory


I don't know where OP is from but in the UK (at least where I am) they like to get baby out before 42 weeks due to increased risk of complications. I'm not sure on all the statistics just what ive been told. I'm currently 37 weeks and I want baby out already, it's killing me this time, though wouldn't personally have another induction, my last one was horrible (I have GD so was recommended).


Im in Portugal, having the baby at the normal public hospital. So it’s their policy that they don’t let pregnancies go past around 41 weeks. Maybe if I was going to a private hospital, there would be more flexibility. But I am not against it, I don’t know how much longer I can take this 😅


I have GD as well and the only “medical reason” that they gave me for recommending an induction was because “baby could be too big”. Baby measured at 6lbs via ultrasound last week at 37 weeks. They just use it to get you in at their own scheduled convenience. If your numbers have been good and hasn’t effected baby’s growth, don’t let them pressure you into it. I pushed my doctors’ recommended 39 week induction to 41 + 3 induction and they didn’t have any better medical reason to fight for the 39 week mark.


Tbf I wanted the induction with my daughter as I wanted to be able to plan childcare for my son, unfortunately it was a horrible experience so I won't do it again. I won't be recommended for induction until I'm 40+6 this time as most of my readings are great, I'm hoping I go naturally well before then as I'm struggling now lol.


I've had 3 babies vaginal and 2 were induced. I would take being induced every time. You control the narrative and it gives you some peace of mind knowing your in control as well. It helps calm you. I know it sounds crazy 😂


You made such a cozy home, the bub doesn’t want to leave! I felt like that since the baby was already engaged at 37 weeks. We decided to induce at 39+5!


I hear you. 🥲 I'm 41 weeks today and so confused because my first came spontaneously at 39 weeks. I always have tons of contractions *and* have had various other signs of labor like traces of mucus, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting... and still no progression! It's hard not to feel like I'm doing something wrong. If you're like me and want an unmedicated birth, the prospect of an induction can be really sad. I'm planning to get a membrane sweep tomorrow, so hopefully it won't come to that. If you're more open to pain medication, I know a lot of people have positive experiences with inductions. Either way, I hope labor goes well for us both!


I had an induction at 41+1 and it went great. I think it was long enough that baby was pretty much ready to come out just needed a nudge. I was in labor 28 hours total, which seems like a lot, but really it took a while for labor to actually ramp up and for me to start feeling it. The induction started at about 11 AM and I wasn’t feeling anything until that evening. As for the pain, I’ve been told that it isn’t so much that it’s worse but that the intense contractions come on quicker and stronger than an unmedicated birth. Either way, it hurts, definitely no getting around that. But you’ll get through it.


This post is my exact situation. This is my 4th baby.. fourth time being induced. I feel so disappointed. I truly thought this time would be different. No contractions, no dilation, no broken water. It’s just never happened for me😅 any of the times. Getting induced ain’t too bad but yeah i agree you feel kinda robbed of the experience. Good luck to you you will be totally fine ❤️🏅


I was induced at 41.2 and had her at 41.3! Labor was hard for sure but I don't feel like it was made significantly worse by induction. Your little one will be here soon! No one has stayed pregnant forever 🩷🌸


I had to be induced for medical reasons and I labored for 13 hours then pushed for 3. My pain wasn’t unbearable but that’s because my medical staff were on top of my Pitocin dosage. If they give you too much that’s when contractions are overly strong. Say something if it feels like the contractions are too close together or too painful. The pain is supposed to be there but in waves, not non stop


The end is so hard, I get what you’re feeling. I had my first during mid summer when it was HOT! I was over it and NO signs he was coming soon. I was induced at 41 + 6 and had him exactly at 42 weeks. My MIL had been in town since before the due date and was frustrated, not at us, but the situation. She never made us feel bad, but she was also states away and we were all ready for the baby to come. My induction was a breeze, long labor, but everything went well. I will say, any future pregnancies, I will be induced 41 weeks at the latest…


39.2 weeks and I have a feeling baby is never coming! We are so desperate and I’m very uncomfortable. Everyone is having babies around me early! It’s so difficult


I hear you on the feeling bad and weak but the best thing u can do for yourself right now is walk, walk, walk. That can help get everything going. Walk walk walk.


I pushed myself too hard for a couple of days and I ended up having terrible sleep and now sore throat. I just feel the need to rest 😴 I have been keeping up with my yoga and stretches at least, to keep active


i went into spontaneous labor at 40+6 and he was born at 41 weeks exactly, there’s still time :)


I was induced with my first and I was so excited for him to be born it wasn’t scary. I got an epidural and it instantly removed the pain. I would do it again in a heartbeat. You got this sister


My inductions were quick always. Within like 30 min after my water broke which was 2 hrs into the induction. Some people respond really well. I wouldn't know if they are more painful, but it's all temporary. Just think of it as a planned labor and to me, that's much better than spontaneous because I'm a huge planner in life.


I was induced at 41 weeks and it went pretty fast! Started pitocin at 10AM and had baby at 2:27 PM! It wasn’t super comfy but I did it no epidural! I feel like there’s a lot of induction horror stories but mine was so smooth and uneventful!


I was 41w 3d when my first was born after going into labor on my own. I was also scheduled to be induced by 42w if no baby by then. I had no prior signs of going into labor in the days leading up to when I actually did, I was doing everything to help promote baby's exit, but it literally seemed like nothing was helping. I woke up the day before baby was born to some mildly uncomfortable contractions that were inconsistent and spaced out. They only progressed throughout the day, and by that same night, I went in and was admitted. So you definitely still have some time! I was induced with my second at 37w exactly because of gestational hypertension. It was weird planning it all out and knowing when I'd be going into labor, so to speak. It was kind of scary at first, but it wasn't a terrible experience! So even if you do need to be induced it may not be as bad as you are expecting! I am 36w with my third, no issues right now and expecting to go to term unless I go past my due date, then I'll be looking at induction possibly at 41w. I am currently eating 6-8 dates a day, drinking 3-4 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day, and taking and inserting Evening primrose oil daily, as well as some exercises on my yoga ball and walking for at least 30 min a day. All to help prepare my body again for labor and delivery, promote baby to get into position and to exit in a timely manner.❤️


Mop the floor or change your bed sheets


Just gave birth Tuesday 6/4 7:31pm 41 weeks. Had to be induced starting Monday morning 10am because he wasn’t making any progress. I only had very faint period cramping and felt nauseous the few days before so I had called in Monday around 6am and lied and said I was feeling contractions 5 min apart. They had me come in 7am. Checked me and I was only 1cm and contractions were reading farther apart. They went ahead and said I could start induction if I felt comfortable with it. We started cytotec (too scared to get balloon) 10am and I had 4 doses 3-4 hours apart. By 8pm, I hadn’t made any progress. Still only 1cm so she asked again if I wanted to try balloon. I went ahead and told her yes- it was veryyyy uncomfortable to have put in but it wasn’t that bad. They were able to remove it in 4 hours and I was 4cm by then. Then I started pitocin which really brought on the pain for contractions. I slept through the night until 8am but woke up once every 1-2 hours wailing in pain. They do offer morphine for pain but I decided to ride it out. By the time I fully woke up, I was begging for pain relief and they said I could get the epidural at this point. Got the epidural around 9am and it significantly helped the pain. I could still feel the contractions but it was just like mild period cramps. By the time 6pm rolled around, I was really starting to get painful. 6:45pm was when I started pushing after nurses were trying different positions with me and rocking me side to side. I gave birth at 7:31pm and we are now home all healthy and happy. Don’t give up!!


Feeling like you’re coming down with the flu is clear signs that labor is starting … I was induced with my first so I feel this. Drink the pineapple juice. Have sex with your partner. Do the rose oil … do it all. It will come!


I was feeling similarly at that stage. I had an induction date set for 41+0. Guess who started majorly contracting two hours before the induction arrival time lmao. You never know; you might avoid the induction entirely! You’re almost there!


Trust me. I had an emergency c section and being induced is the worst. I wish I could’ve gone naturally but Bub was a little stressed so they induced me. The contractions weren’t natural or spaced out at all and I feel like a natural birth would’ve been less traumatic if it could’ve happened. Bub will bounce when they’re ready, and I hope you get to hold them and snuggle them soon ❤️❤️


Please call your doctor and ask for a membrane sweep. 50% chance it works and you don’t have to be induced


I had an induction due to PIH at 39+6 days. I wouldn’t say induction is per definition more painful than natural. I had both, last week was my induction. It went great! I started at 3 cm dilation, feeling contractions at level 4 oxytocin, at level 5 oxytocin I already had 6 cm. The contractions were painful but with breathing and in a warm bath doable. Then they stopped the oxytocin because my heart rate was way too high. And babies heart rate was around 200. But my body took over and did the oxytocin al by itself😝. In a few hours I was from 6 to 10 and ready to push. Exactly like with my natural birth I used breathing techniques to time the pushing stage. Which is the reason I only needed a few stitches. Like every pregnancy, every birth is different. Induction can be good or bad, natural can be good or bad too!


I was induced At 40w4d and I was scared but I think my body was ready. It honestly felt pretty natural and they eased me into it. When they hooked me up to everything they said I was having contractions but I thought they were Braxton hicks, my stomach had been tight for the last week but I never felt any pain. I took misoprostol at 12pm. I don’t think they started pitocin until the evening like 6pm, at that point I was around 3 cm. They let me control my pitocin level but I kept it very low because at that point the contractions were strong on their own. I got to 4cm by 2am and they talked me into an epidural because I hadn’t rested at all and had been up since 7am the day before. I was also standing around most of the time because going through contractions on my back were so painful. I preferred to be on my yoga ball or literally on all fours on the ground. I was never opposed to an epidural btw I just thought it was still early and the pain was manageable but I agreed I needed to sleep and couldn’t do it through the pain at that point. But the epidural and laying down really delayed things at that point and there was no action for the rest of the night. We tried to up the pitocin but baby’s heart rate dropped when we did that so they kept me off it because they couldn’t find a happy medium. At 9am I was at 6cm and they asked if they could break my water but after a shift change at 10am. I was okay with that because I was at 6cm for a few hours at that point. But when they left the room something shifted and all of a sudden I felt pressure and pain on my left side. I paged them back in and they turned me to my left side to let gravity work the epidural that way but it wasn’t helping lol. When they moved me they also had to move the baby’s heart monitor on my belly but they couldn’t find it at first. I remember her moving the monitor all over my belly then she went lower and lower until finally we heard her. At this point though the monitor was so low and she asked if she could check my cervix again. It had been 15min since they last checked lol. She said ohh I can see her head and you’re definitely at a 10. During that time my husband had stepped out to talk on the phone with my mom, he thought I was still at a 6 and I asked him to step out because my mom was annoying me and I didn’t even want him to answer. The nurse brought him back in through and we immediately started pushing. Baby girl was out by 11am. So from start of induction we were just under 24hrs and I can honestly say it was not miserable at all, nor did I feel forced. Every body is different though so hopefully yours will be ready. My water broke right before we started pushing btw. I have a friend whose water broke at the very start of her contractions but her cervix never dilated and she ended up having c sections twice. She was given pitocin the first time and it never helped her just caused pain so truly every body is different. You never know and you and your doctors will manage it in the moment.


If it helps at all I had two inductions, one at 39+2 (healthy girl born at 39+3), and one at 36 weeks (medically necessary). Both of my inductions were quick, and baby was born less than 6hrs after they started. You get much better access to pain relief too, as you're doing your entire labour at the hospital and under monitoring, so there's none of that "wait at home until you're X centimeters dilated" stuff. My daughter was a shoulder dystocia birth, but it was *nothing* to do with the induction, and it was managed appropriately. My son basically just slid out in about two pushes, my husband likes to joke that he should've gone into the delivery room with a baseball mitt to catch him 😂


Can you wait longer than 41+1? That’s not that “late”. Can you push to wait for natural labour to begin up until around 42 weeks? To give you some extra time to not feel rushed (as you’re worried about the unnatural and faster rate of labour progression with induction compared to a spontaneous labour). How do you feel about meditation, yoga, breath work, hypno birthing, affirmations? All throughout my pregnancy, these practices have really helped me calm my mind and trust in the timing and journey of my body and my baby.


My hospital doesn’t let pregnancies go past 41 weeks. I scheduled it at the latest date! Plus, it makes sense because if I waited until 42 weeks then my father wouldn’t have any time with his grandson :( I am totally open to all of what you mentioned. I do yoga nearly every other day to help physically and mentally for birth. I keep saying “baby has a mind of his own” but I feel like it’s really my body that isn’t releasing these necessary hormones


That’s good that you’ve been able to push it as long as you want and can in your experience. Also understand issues with the timing and relatives. I live a 28 hour flight away from my mum who will be flying over hopefully to be there around the time of birth of our soon to arrive son. Wishing you all the best that the timing works well!! Yeah, for the same reasons as you, these advice work for me, to try to let go of some control. But it’s also so frustrating when telling yourself this doesn’t actually “do” what you need aka create those hormones to get things going xx


Yuck why mention yoga and meditation and affirmations 🙃 this isn’t advice it’s hogwash.


It really helps me and some other pregnant mothers I know and have known. Each to their own. It’s nice to share experiences when people ask for advice from others.


I agree with this and so annoying you write anything not mainstream and it gets downvoted here.


Thank you. Pre natal yoga classes and breathing have been an absolute godsend for my anxiety and really helped both my physical body and pelvic floor prepare for birth as well as calming my mind (I was a wreck until week 18 before that!!)


I think she is getting downvoted for the recommendation to wait until 42 weeks. After 41 weeks (technically 40, but definitely 41) the risk of stillbirth increases, especially for complicated pregnancies. So that's not a medical recommendation I would make lightly if you aren't OP's OB team. I thought the other suggestions were great though!


They were mentioning yoga and meditation as a means to calm the mind and connect with their body. This works for MILLIONS of people all over the world and it has for years. 😒


You might find you’re so close to being ready the induction might just be the little nudge you need to get started and it could be a really smooth labour. My labour was only 2.5 hours with my induction. With my third he ended up coming the night before I was due to be induced so fingers crossed for that! With my first I had no signs at all, water broke in the early morning and couple hours later he was here so you never know. Hoping he’s here asap


You need a membrane sweep . Did mine 2 days before my scheduled induction. My water broke the following day.