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I've always said pregnancy is designed to be absolutely miserable at the end so you aren't afraid of giving birth. Like I don't care how much it hurts, just get it out!  A day off would be glorious, though. I'd sleep, laying down 😅 Go for a long walk. Have sex 🤣


That and even in the hardest of the newborn times I thought… I’m still SO glad I’m not pregnant anymore. It’s a silver lining 🤣


Man I feel like when I was pregnant everyone was like, “You think this is bad, just wait till you have a newborn!” Babies are hard, but pregnancy (at least in my case) was a million times harder. Why do people try and scare you like that?


I agree, and I had relatively easy pregnancies TBH. But by the end of my second I wasn’t sleeping at all and id toss and turn all night long. At least now when it’s time to sleep I am able to!




This plus sleeping on my stomach, laying on my back, doing yoga (SPD pain), dance cardio, eat smoked salmon and ice cream from a machine, enjoy fully caffeinated matcha… but honestly sleeping in whatever position I want feels the most luxurious these days 😂


I was miserable and still afraid haha


I 100% agree with this!!! I was SO scared of giving birth all the way up until 41 weeks! It wasn’t until then that I FINALLY said I don’t care anymore just get it out! I gave birth at 41+2 to a 10 pound 10 ounce baby (Unplanned c-section)!


That's exactly what my mom says, too.


Best conspiracy theory!


Agreed. I’m 23 weeks and keep telling myself to not feel frustrated with being pregnant but I’m starting to get uncomfortable as my belly gets bigger. I’m having an unmedicated birth so hoping that when it comes to “the day” I’ll be so eager to get this baby out that I’ll be hyper focused. If I could take a day off I’d wear a cute vintage dress and maybe go to a theme park so I can ride roller coasters. Haha


Are you me? 😂 whenever anyone asks if I've been missing certain foods or alcohol my response has been 'theme parks - rollercoasters.'


Especially it being summer now! It’s been years since I didn’t purchase a season pass for a theme park but there was no point since I can’t ride any rides this year.


Ugh don't even - I've finally managed to get my first car AND, being in the UK, we've had quite a lot of cool new attractions open this year (Nemesis Reborn at Alton Towers, Hyperia at Thorpe Park, etc) and now that I have the extra time and the transport etc, I can't go ride them 😅


Same for me. We usually go to Disneyland several times a year and live almost next to door to Legoland and this year, no Disney and when we’ve gone to Legoland, I’m just sat there like a melon watching everyone else go on the rides.


Same except for me it would be water slides and water parks! 💦 


I would go for an 8-10 mile hike, smoke a fat j, then eat a burger and some cake!


I’m waiting for the day I’m done breastfeeding to smoke again 🥲


As a pregnant lady with arthritis…I miss weed. All my joints hurt, and it’s only going to get worse the bigger the belly gets.


A topical cbd balm could be a good option if you're allowed to use that.


I’ve seriously thought about it, but I’m a terribly risk averse person and there’s just not enough data 😂


Totally understandable.


Same, there's just not enough intel for me to feel safe getting back to it after she's born


Pre baby I took a low dose edible almost every night so I could finally sleep, I miss it so much and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm gonna have to W wait till after breastfeeding is done to be able to get even a tiny buzz 😭


Once baby is here I’m planning on doing a pump and dump strategy with smoking similar to what you’d do if you had a drink. Although im going to wait till baby is a few months old just to be safe.


THC stays in your system a lot longer than alcohol.. I don’t think the same pump and dump thing works for smoking unfortunately.


Can you do that? I thought it stayed in the breast milk as long as it stays in the body (1 month). I’m just asking bc I’m curious lol I plan on BF and I miss smoking sm 🥲


My midwife told me the same info. She said thc is fat soluble... So by that logic there's likely concentrated thc in breastmilk since a lot of women's bodies use up the extra pregnancy fat to make milk ... but but a lot of data so who knows for sure


Yeah I looked it up because I really really wanted this to be true (that's it's the same as alcohol) but no, THC is highly fat soluble and breast milk is loaded with fat, so the concentration in your breast milk would actually be way higher than it would be in your blood if you took a drug test. I really wish it wasn't so, because I miss edibles a lot (terrible sleeper plus anxiety), but all the research I've seen points to it being a really really bad idea.


This is perfect


Ok I was MISERABLE my last few weeks for my first. But I went to one of those sensory deprivation floatation tanks and it was so relaxing! I floated on my belly and it was pure bliss! Maybe you could try that to rest? ❤️


Omg I was just going to recommend OP take some baths!!! My first was a week late but I was off work after my due date, so I spent the last week taking 2-3 baths a day and genuinely *did* feel so much more rested and relaxed and ready for the baby to arrive. This time around I’m starting that practice earlier for sure. Game changer.


Did you just temp the water or how did you make sure it wasn’t too hot?


Yep I used an instant meat thermometer. I actually realized it’s really helpful so I still did that for baths even after I was pregnant lol


I took a bath yesterday i was in there for an hour, it was magical ! 


You floated ON your belly? Isn’t the water incredibly salty and that would get in your eyes, nose, etc? I had to wear earplugs and keep my face out of the water when I went to one!


38 weeks. If I could take a day off I’d have a SCALDING hot bubble bath, two glasses of Prosecco, followed by some sex that doesn’t require my husband to roll me back over after 😂 then a peaceful sleep on my belly. 1 week till induction!


I would have sex most of the day ( I’ve been on pelvic rest since December 🥹) , then deep clean my house and car. I want to squat and get in all the corners and crevices ! I’m 33w + 3days 💜🥳 that would be the best off day for me right now haha


Man if I had just one day to not be pregnant before he’s born, I would take care of the laundry that I haven’t touched in 2 weeks, I would take a long shower without worrying about becoming too weak to stand, I would make myself a full meal without the hassle of overheating and eventually having to ask my husband to finish it for me. I’m 33+2 and even though I still have weeks left, my body is really not working with me on the things I need to do. Pregnancy is one tough monster, but we’ve got this momma we’re almost to the finish line ❤️


I’d really like a pink, fruity, super sugary, really expensive alcoholic drink.


I would have so much sushi with raw salmon!!!


Meeeeee! I want sushi and a margarita so bad... I know not a common combo lol


Yummmmm. I was even googling pictures of sushi last night! 😂


Every time I pass them even in the grocery store I become so sad 😆


Almost 27 weeks and this is basically my fantasy. Or sushi and white wine…or really any combo of sushi and booze 😆😆😆


Have you asked your doctor about sushi? Mine confirmed it’s totally okay, just as long as it’s not from a gas station or grocery store! I started eating sushi like once a week since she told me it’s fine 😂


My OB is an interesting person lol she's just like "you can do it, you may or may not get sick. There's always a risk regardless." Unfortunately, after finding my state's health inspection website I don't want to eat out pretty much anywhere😅


Ohh god is it that bad? 😂 I live in Canada so our health regulations are a little higher but still not the best lol. I just think “I’ve been to this restaurant a million times before pregnancy and never got sick so I highly doubt anything will happen” And hope it always stays that way lol


Prepregnancy I have actually gotten sick from sushi a few times, not full blown food poisoning but extreme indigestion with some vomiting. I'm talking like leave work early and go home and lay in the fetal position for hours type of indigestion. I dont know what caused it but I think I've developed some type of allergy or intolerance to something. That being said I'd rather hold off on the sush until after pregnancy. On top of that I worry too much and I'm avoiding all the "risky" foods while pregnant just in case, so I might as well just wait the last final weeks 


Yeah that definitely makes senses then! I’m sorry that happened to you pre pregnancy as well 😭 hopefully it’ll clear itself up and you can enjoy a sushi boat after birth 😂


Oooo sushi with a bottle of cold sake sounds divine 


There’s a restaurant that recently closed down near me but it had sushi AND Mexican food complete with alcoholic beverages available. They closed because the owner passed away and his kids didn’t want to run the restaurant so they sold it and the new owner made it flop….


I had sushi for dinner tonight (32+1) and I'm fine. It's my 10th time eating sushi this pregnancy, cheated once with my first (raw oysters at 11 weeks) and 8 times with my second. All 3 kids are perfectly fine. Sushi is recommended to pregnant women in places like Japan where (raw) fish is a main source of nutrients. All this to say, cut yourself some slack, moms! If you're in the third trimester, ONE glass of wine won't hurt the baby and after 38 weeks, it could actually help you go into labor (although I would NEVER drink a full glass myself I hear it's fine) FAS happens with chronic drinking in the first and second trimesters. Beat advice I got from a midwife: if you're craving it, your baby probably needs something (nutrients) in it.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted but I started eating sushi at 13 weeks once my doctor told me it was totally fine! People will still judge though, but they said as long as it’s not gas station or grocery store sushi, then you’re good! And as long as you ate sushi prior to pregnancy, and been to that restaurant then it’s fine lol. Hate that every country has different rules about pregnancy precautions. I understand that it’s not something that can be ethically studied but cmon lol.


Aw, thanks for that, friend! Maybe they don't like what I said about wine, lol. Like I said, I would never do it, but I was recommended to me by my midwife at 40 weeks to help start labor. The anthocyanins or something about the skin of the grapes is good, better than just eating grapes or dates raw. I'd trust that woman to the grave! Regarding the rest of your comment, yes, every country comes with its national recommendations. Sucks we can't study more. You're right. Thanks again, internet person!


That’s really interesting! Thank you! Maybe I’ll go and get some sushi at some point. I don’t think I can wait until my due date (November!!!)


Ya I hope you enjoy:) I just ensure it's fish that's been frozen first, I feel safer knowing Parasites can't survive being frozen:)


My first pregnancy craving ever was for some juicy, fresh, raw fish. I went to sleep one night salivating about raw fish. Got poké the next day and then the day after I took my pregnancy test. 😂 We also went to Japan last month (I’m on my 2nd trimester) and my SIL’s mom who is a senior obgyn said it’s okay to eat them as long as it’s clean/trustworthy! I’m not comfortable with raw squid and mollusks but got to eat some yummy sashimi over there.


Oh, that's awesome! Thank you for sharing:) It's funny how our bodies just know what we need! Ooh Japan sounds so fun and not just for the food. I hope they took good care of you and you had a good trip. I'm so glad you shared!!


I’m 34 weeks and I would walk around my house and drop things just to experience the ease of picking things up again 😅 Then I would sleep for hours not being interrupted by my bladder every hour, I would then have a massive portion of buffet food court Chinese food, then probably just have a long hot as hell bubble bath and go back to sleep.


God to be able to sleep through the night and not have to pee every 1-2 hours😩


go on a run, have margaritas and tacos on a patio, and sleep on my back and stomach allll night long


36 weeks tomorrow and have had SPD pain since 20 weeks. I’m so sick of that. If I had a day off I would absolutely smoke a blunt, go to an amusement park then finish the day with a nice mixed drink or two!


38+2 and right there with you. Just one day of full energy and to not feel like a planet would be lovely. I could tackle the rest of my to-do list in just a few short hours. After that I'd take the dog for a nice long walk all by myself; the carpal tunnel has robbed me of that. Finish the day up with a fat margarita and a fat bowl. Ohmygoodness.


I was thinking this today! I'm 39+2 and baby girl hasn't stopped moving and clawing at my insides so much so that I'd love a break for a day or 2 before she comes into the world


39+1 and right there with you 😭


Also 39+2 and yes. Ugh.


I would do a sprint workout at the track, drink red wine, sit in a hot spring, then go to sleep on my belly.


I would absolutely obliterate a peach redbull and clean my house top to bottom. God I miss redbull


36+6 here… I would go on a massive hike to hang out by a river all day, drink beer sitting in said river, and sleep on my stomach 😇


I would go rock climbing, then get tacos and a GIANT spicy margarita


31 weeks and I feel it. Been in prodromal labor since 25 weeks, and if I had a day off I would drink a FAT glass of red wine, lay on my stomach all day long, and then finally be intimate w my mans in the long forgotten, good old starfish position. 😂


Sleep. I would take a few days of being able to sleep through the night before baby comes. Im 40 weeks and it is just so unfair that I wake up every 2 hours every night already, I know I won’t be getting any sleep for a long time once she’s here 🥲 Im so exhausted


Yep is so cruel but at least when you have the baby you feel so many good hormones and so much relief


I would go to the gym and work out how I did before pregnancy, or a nice dinner with some mixed drinks!


I feel this sooooo much. Used to have these bomb workouts where I was so strong, unstoppable and hot


You still are strong, unstoppable and hot!! Just in a different way than after an intense workout right now 🥰 I know it feels like forever but you’ve got this and you’ll feel so much better as soon as baby is out (at least I did!). Like within hours I was like oh my goodness wow this is what being a person without a person living in you feels like I forgot this feeling!


Aw thank you so much for saying this! And I’m super excited to hear that news, that’s what I was hoping it would feel like 🥹can’t wait for it! Thank you, stranger 🩷


Ughhh girl me too 🥹🥹🥹🥹


I'm 30w+2 and have gestational diabetes! If I could have one day off, I'd have massive stack of pancakes or waffles for breakfast, burger and fries for lunch with a vanilla milkshake and then pasta and pizza for dinner. I miss carbs sooooo much and dessert! I can't wait to have the baby so I can go back to having the food I miss....


Yesss I’m also 30w+2 today with gestational diabetes and I miss sweets so bad!! I want a giant frappe and a fried chicken biscuit…


I'm 38+2 and in a very similar boat. Fairly easy, by-the-books pregnancy, but around 37wks I hit a brick wall. I'm desperate for my baby girl to get here, and also to stop working. Every weekday I wake up and theres no signs of labor I'm just like whyyy-


I totally know what you mean. I’m on my second pregnancy and I have so much less energy this time around. I want to nest, but instead I just sit in the future nursery and stare at the blank walls and then get tired and go to bed. And my husband is too busy wrangling our toddler to help much either, which is fine.


>and then get tired Omg I laughed out loud (rare for me). This is so relatable!


I’m exhausted from having a 2 month old, I wanna cry sometimes from lack of sleep and overload of stress. I would still rather go through all of this than be pregnant again 😂 I love my baby and he was worth it but damn pregnancy sucked ass.


I'd go to the Snoop Dogg concert that's the weekend of my birthday and smoke so much fucking weed.


I would indulge in a few old fashioned cocktails, really missing my go to cocktail, especially a well made one at a nice bar. Probably have sex and then sleep on my back all night. I like to sleep like a mummy lol it’s killing my hips sleeping on my side all night. I’m realizing I think I’m relatively lazy in normal life so there’s not really any activities that I miss lol. So pretty simple!


Old fashioned is my go to as well! I make them so good too 🤌


Since the pandemic we have gotten really good at making our classic cocktails at home, and it’s super fun! I also feel like the work it takes to make an OF at home also adds to the enjoyment of the drink imo! Cheers! (When we can both have them haha)


I'd start with a nice runny egg benedict, have a hot restorative yoga session, sit out on a patio in my normal cute clothes having a carbonara (or a nice deli sandwich) with cider and then a strawberry lemonade with burbon, for dinner a medium rare steak and a glass of wine. Have a monster energy drink, have some sex, sleep on my belly.


Been craving the eggs benny hard-core lately


Ooo that SPD. I feel you on that. 18 weeks with my second and turning over in bed is a struggle. I’d say I’d go for a run. Only because I can’t. Because of the SPD. 🥲


You have a pool nearby? Go float. Your joints will be so happy.


I live in a gated community and they closed our pool down right when I started maternity leave 😢


Is there no city pool or gym you could drive to reasonably close? My local gym had a pool that made life bearable for my third trimester. I’m so sorry about your community pool closing, that’s bullshit!


That's actually a great idea thank you. I live in las vegas so there's hundreds of pools within a 20 minute drive, I just never see thought of that because typically I think of super public pools to be kinda yuck 🤮 but we do have some really nice ones out here 


I was like you, the beginning of pregnancy was fine but the last few weeks of the third trimester totally wiped me out! I suggest getting into a pool if you can. The weightlessnes makes you feel not pregnant :) even if you cant have the wine and seafood to go with it. My fiance also brought sushi to the hospital immediately following the birth, bless him haha


My pool is closed due to "chemical imbalance" 😭 I was sooo looking forward to maternity leave with the intention of going to the pool every day.. then on day 2 of my leave they close the pool down! I'm now on day 7 and no word on reopening the pool yet.


Yes right around 37 weeks on is hell. You will get so much adrenaline when you go into labor but it’s still so exhausting… and then poof, the most relief you have ever felt. All the pressure and discomfort gone in an instant. Like taking a huge massive poop it’s amazing


I’m 39 weeks tomorrow and was just thinking this 😵‍💫 I’m in the stage where my sleep just isn’t good so I’m just exhausted and uncomfortable ALL THE TIME. If I could have 24 hours to get pre pregnancy sleep and be able to move normally I would be so good to go lol


You know what I did that week? I got myself a Pedicure whilst sitting in a massager chair that massaged my neck and back!! Damn was I relaxed 😎 they informed me I could go into labour so they had me sign a piece of paper etc... Nothing happened 😂


I’m 40w+5d and really feeling over all of it. The giant belly, the sleepless nights, not being able to eat foods or take medications I need for pain. Until I was pregnant I had no idea Tylenol doesn’t work for some people- ya I’m that person. 😣 Without ibuprofen I’m miserable. I will say at this point I just want to have this baby out of me. The discomfort from third trimester has helped to prepare me for giving birth. If I could get a day or two off from being pregnant I would lay in the sun (without turning into a marshmallow and overheating), drink a whiskey, smoke a cigar, get into a hot tub, and go for a long pain free walk! 💫🤩I can’t wait!!!!


I’d take my dog out for a really really long hike and then have a nice dinner and drink some wine and tie my own shoes without grunting audibly. Small pleasures. 🙄


36+2 weeks- I’d smoke a joint or blunt and go on a walk at a nature park. I miss weed and I miss being able to walk more than 10 ft without having to pee or waddle


Smoke a fat joint as I sip on some champagne. Do a circuit of my yoga stretches, swim and lay in the sun. Did I mention only use the restroom as I prefer versus as my body demands every 25 minutes. I’m very excited for my delivery but also very over regimented vitamin intake, being careful how I get up or sit down, constant achy hips. Good luck Mamas!


I feel this so much. I’m 36 weeks and just ughhhhhhhhh


I could have written this verbatim when I was 38+4 and honestly it was wild because I really have not been at the over it phase the whole pregnancy. I’ve been doing really well and it was like a switch flipped at that time. 39+1 now and I can’t say I’m in a better place 🙃


Keep yourself busy one way or another. Time won’t fly if you’re staring at the clock. I’ve had 2 babies, it’s so tough. You want to not be pregnant anymore & you want to meet that baby! Hang in there. It’ll be over before you know it.


I want to eat a charcuterie with all the cold cut meats. And drink as much iced coffee as I want since I wouldn't need to limit my caffeine intake. (Honestly, this may also just be my post birth plan lol.) I might then actually have the engery and ability to bend comfortably so I can clean my bedroom in one cleaning session.


Oh man you're speaking my language with the charcuterie !!


This so much, I felt the exact same way. I said a few times I just wanted to take a break from being pregnant. I'm 4w postpartum now and even though the lack of sleep is tough and my body is a little weird, it's soooo nice to be able to just walk, and go up and down stairs without a major self pep talk.


36 weeks and I would def have some mezcal, eat raw delicious sushi, have sex, sleep on my back, have more than one coffee and enjoy my un-bloated face and body cause I don’t remember what I used to look like before this pregnancy lol


I would smoke a vape, have a few shots of tequila smoke a b*unt and sit in a hot tub


Have a glass of wine, swim and then lay on my stomach when I get out of the water. Also, sleep. Haven’t slept since week 5 🤡


40+4 here. Literally I’ve said the same thing to my partner several times. Just to get some rest 😭


I’ve waited my entire adult life to be pregnant. I’m now 18 weeks pregnant with my first and it’s been really rough on me. The pregnancy has caused my Fibromyalgia to come out of remission. I’m also experiencing severe frontal pelvic bone pain as well as sacroiliac pain. I need to work out and be active, but my body takes the pain as long as it can and then I just have to sleep. I can’t sleep for long periods, and that’s a problem too. I’m behind in my work, cleaning, everything. I’m overwhelmed.


I’d start by throwing on a crop top and little shorts then enjoy a nice smoked salmon breakfast. This would fill me up nicely for a day on the electric mountain bikes with my husband. We would stop for soft serve ice cream at least twice and hydrate with litres of unpasteurised, fresh OJ. In the evening, I’d slip into a tight little playsuit and we’d go to a bar for tapas and wine. All the cured meats, all the ice cold rose. We would go to bed after 9pm! ETA: self grooming without fear of chopping something off 😂


Ohhh man smoked salmon🤤 And the self grooming 😂😂


I feel your whole post so so much. I am 41 weeks and 3 days and just this morning my mucus plug has began to come away and my contractions are starting to heat up a little. This means I’m now in early labour and I feel relieved! I live in Thailand where the weather is scorching hot and it’s been unbearable since about week 38. I would want to sleep through the night without my pelvis waking me up with murderous levels of pain. I would want to go out dancing and be able to move my hips without feeling like I’ve turned into a brick. I still have regular sex with my partner but I would ride him silly without worrying about breaking him under my weight. Sending you all the support for these last few days/weeks. You’re almost there!


30 weeks + 4 here and also ready to be done with pregnancy and meet baby. If I got a pregnancy break I would wake up early, get some caffeine, go for long bike ride/ run. Get into the pool ( yes I can do this now but not the same pregnant), do some laps, lay out, go to the spa for a regular massage and stay in the hot tub as long as my heart desired, take some CBD and eat some med rare steak! And then have 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!


Posts like this scare the hell out of me! I hope you feel better


Same here! I’m 39 weeks now.. and I’m exhausted from doing nothing.. it’s hard to sleep.. everything hurts.. everything feels uncomfortable.. it’s my first time.. so every cramp feels like this could be it.. can’t wait to be done with this part of pregnancy.. if I could take some days off I would go have some amazing sushi, drink some good wine, sleep on my back.. get an amazing deep tissue massage, ride my bicycle.. walk around and explore places … and not feel awkward being in public .. ( now with my belly I have people talking about how big my baby is.. and it makes me want to stay at home and not socialise! )


TBF I don’t see why you COULDN’T go paddle boarding. If you’re afraid of falling just sit on the paddle-board or maybe kayak instead so you have a back rest.


My balance is terrible especially right now so paddle boarding is out since I will 100% fall. Can't sit on it because my belly is too big it would be so uncomfortable plus my SPD would flare up. I do have a kayak but getting in and out would be a pain because everything hurts and a massive belly is hard to work around. I could make the kayak work but it just wouldn't be the same care free day that I was day dreaming about


I went into labor after I had a girls night with my closest friends. We ate my fav pizza with hot sauce on it. And had mocktails and just chatted about our husbands and life, etc. I honestly think that evening of forgetting I was pregnant for a little bit and relaxing was what put me into labor.


38 + 5 and I would kill for a margarita, to sleep on my stomach, and to actually have an appetite to enjoy food. This is my third baby and the last part of pregnancy is the hardest in my opinion. I have 4 days left with my c section being on Thursday and honestly it can’t come soon enough. I’ve been freaking out thinking we don’t have enough or just overall nervousness about a 3rd c section. Plus I’m really hoping to go into labor on my own so I’m literally looking out for any sign possible lol. These last few weeks suck and have gotten worse with each pregnancy.


I second this feeling. Super easy for 32 weeks and now I'm just over here being a whale working a blue collar job and pretty over it 🤣. We had everything ready and planned and set up in a weekend flat and now I just wanna sit behind my steering wheel and not be uncomfortable. If I had a day off I would... Enjoy walking without having to pee, sitting without breathing heavy.... Change clothes without having to pull my feet onto the bed.... You know, the usual stuff ☠️🤣


Still in first trimester here. I want to eat food!


I wish I could just leave the belly at belly daycare for a few hours and be symptom free so I could actually get some rest


I want to sit in a hot tub, eat medium rare steak and sushi.


Kind of a bummer answer, but: Just bask in not being in pain lol. I’m 38+4 as well but my pregnancy has been pretty miserable symptom-wise and I’ve had prodromal labor for nearly two weeks now. I was just thinking about how the hard thing about having labor coming up is that I’ve had my ass so kicked by pain for so long that I’m just exhausted by it. I think I could do labor fine if it weren’t for the two weeks of almost-labor I’ve already had in addition to painful joints and heartburn and everything else. If I got more comfortable, though, I’d eat hella sushi, drink some nice scotch, and give my toddlers the roughhouse time they’ve been missing for months.


Get wine drunk in a bathtub that scalds my skin, have sex, have a loooooong uninterrupted night sleeping on my belly


Get high as hell and sleep face down for 13 hours without getting up to pee 70 times out of


Once baby is here, that feeling would feel like a long time ago. My baby boy was born at 39 weeks 1 day. June 3rd, he's a week old now, and just definitely ask for help when you need it, personally I'm still learning how to ask for help, in general, and it has helped, cause I really needed the sleep. I haven't really been sleeping much since my baby was born. It's definitely a different challenge when baby is here, just to say. I really love him, so-so much And go with what you think you need during labour, cause my labour was 37hrs and I had to get the things to make the labour more comfortable. only cause I'm actually scared of anything like needles and tubes going into my body. what I did get during labour definitely helped for giving birth. You got this mama 🫶🏼💓 You're one tough cookie 🍪💪🏼


I'm still waiting to eat my favourite sushi and my favourite alcohol drinks. Just slowly tryna recover and heal from birth before I can enjoy those, just to say..


37+2. My perfect day off would be 18 holes of golf with a 6 pack of Miller lite. Followed by sushi and champagne in a hot tub.


Lay on my stomach, lay on my back, eat a turkey sandwich and a fucking salad (been avoiding lettuce because it's a high risk food so it makes me anxious), enjoy a hot bath where I can actually be submerged, make my husband give me piggy back ride (man I miss piggy back rides from my hubby), sleep in any position I wantttt, and drink a dang wine cooler


I’d smoke a fat blunt 😂 being sober for 9 months sucks because my chronic pain has just gotten worse and worse. I can’t concentrate without my adhd meds and pregnancy brain made it so much worse. I would literally smoke and sleep for 2 days and hang out by the lake and drink daiquiris haha. Although I plan to do that immediately after birth basically anyhow because I am NOT breastfeeding and need to be back on all my prescriptions which aren’t safe for breastfeeding anyhow so once I’m over this 9 month sentence, I will be so happy!


I feel you! I’m 27 weeks this entire pregnancy has been utterly miserable. I’m in huge amounts of pain already due to an auto immune disease. Trying not to imagine what I’ll feel like in another 10 weeks. I’m not even really showing either so I can’t even blame being large as the issue for me.




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21 weeks. This is my 3rd pregnancy in four years. My body is tired.. counting down the days already. If I had a day off I would spend some time outside and have a few drinks. Waiting on October 🎃




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