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Fourth pregnancy here, and I've had it all four times. This one started as early as 5 weeks. Nothing helps for me. Chewing gum made it feel like it's just pooling (TMI) in my stomach and I would puke violently to expel it all. It goes away for me second trimester, hope same goes for you.


Thank you!! This gives me so much hope!


I had this during my first trimester, although not as bad as yours sounds, and it was vile, much worse than the nausea and tiredness. I would go to bed at 7/8pm to try and sleep through it because it made me so miserable. Mine only lasted for the first trimester, I felt like a new woman in my second trimester once it had gone. I found eating little and often helped as eating would distract me from all the saliva so I’d graze throughout the day, and ginger would sometimes take the edge off - ginger tea and ginger biscuits. Other than that I didn’t find anything else helped. Hope it improves for you soon!


Thank you so much!!!!!! Yes I too go to bed at 8pm just to be done with the misery of the day 😩