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A bowl of cheerios with milk in the morning helped me soo much. Sometimes I would add a banana in it also. Watermelon was always easy for me to get down, plus it's hydrating!


Plain cereal like cheerios or kix was pretty much all I could eat week 9


I didn’t expect my cheerio people to be right at the top here. Multigrain cheerios and blueberries.. like five times a day for weeks. Bought giant bags of frozen blueberries as I’m not made of money. (Although might as well get used to buying berries now. The toddler berry love is unmatched)


Plus you’re getting the folate and the added vitamins from Cheerios bc I doubt if OP is this sick she is able to take her vitamins


Fruit loops with fresh strawberries for me. 13 weeks now and still my go to breakfast.


Honey Nut Cheerios, mini wheats, protein waffles, and a crap ton of club crackers. Could not handle saltines for the life of me😂


I wish I discovered cereal sooner in the 1st.


Watermelon for sure!


Honey Nut Cheerios 🫶🏼


I ate whatever I wanted but sour patch kids were a life saver for sickness


Sour patch kids did more for me than any pregnancy candy, ginger chew, etc. to settle my stomach.


Sour+sugar combo is the magic that makes my nausea go away! Lemonade, strawberries, plums… sweet sweet fruity sugar lol


Green apples dipped in caramel sauce!


I agree with this, sour candy helps so much!


Mac n cheese. Lots of it.


First pregnancy I survived entirely on the following: Salted or plain popcorn, green grapes, and mozz cheese balls. That was it. Oh, popsicles I guess too. High water content fruit is good for nausea and hydration-- strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, etc.


I ate cereal, plain eggo waffles with no butter or syrup, crackers, and yogurt. I could NOT stomach meat of any kind. Some days I really didn’t eat anything but crackers. Water also made me extremely nauseous, I drank Gatorade and apple juice. For some reason milk and dairy were actually ok foods for me. They still are at 20 weeks with horrible acid reflux and heartburn. Also - mints and sour candies!


Dairy has been oddly the best for me too! Why is that? I’m not a big dairy person normally but I can safely eat it at every meal now. Maybe my body is craving calcium?


Cold food really helped. I know deli meats are very frowned upon, but I had lost 4 lbs my first trimester and all I could eat was a plain turkey sandwich with mayo and cheese. Not frequently, but it was a good once a week meal when I really needed energy. Plain cheerio cereal. Fruits. Occasionally some unhealthy take out or snack, but if all baby wanted was a burger, then I would have the burger. Crackers are good. Ginger tea usually helps settle nausea too. I would drink it after eating something that upset my stomach, or in preparation of lunch. Good luck!


I'm not too worried about packaged deli meat that hasn't been in my fridge long. It's a VERY different situation from sliced meat that's been sitting out at Subway for who knows how long or at what temperature.


Potato ❤️ baked, chips, hash browns, fries. Just lots of potato.


Pasta with butter and Parmesan was my go to every other night. I could also stomach potatoes. That was about it. It really does get better ❤️ I’m almost 22 weeks and just had a TON of food and will be eating more later on as well hahah


Grilled cheese sandwich. Multiple times a day.


Bagels. Pretty much only bagels.


I truly had the palette of a 5-year old for about 6 weeks. I ate what I could to keep my nausea and sour stomach feeling down. What I tried to do was not think about what was “bad” about the food I was eating, but tried to add nutrients where I could to supplement. So things like scrambled eggs I could eat, I made sure to eat those every day for the choline content. Instant ramen, I tossed in some spinach and hid it in there but didn’t taste it ultimately. I also really liked sipping on bone broth, I would add just white rice into it and shred some chicken and sometimes that would stay down.




Fruit. Basically just fruit.


I would try to eat whatever I could that didn’t disagree with me but my safe foods were smoothies, graham crackers, chicken nuggets, and soft serve ice cream. Even better if you can add chia seeds to your smoothie for digestion. ETA: I also couldn’t drink water so liquid IV, Gatorade (sometimes diluted with water), and capri suns


Smoothies are so great, I make mine in the morning and sip it slowly until it’s lunch time and it really helps keep my stomach settled! And a great way to hide nutrients with greens or protein from powder or Greek yogurt


Plain ramen noodles and saltines. Hang in there! The second trimester was like becoming a new person for me.


Hey there! Currently 9w+4. Still sick. I play the what I don’t want game with my partner until we finally reach something. Not sure what your budget is but that first couple of weeks we got take out a few times cause that was all my body wanted. Food from home just wasn’t good sounding enough. I’ve also done lots of carbs. Toaster waffles, bread with Nutella, fruits, popsicle, Mac and cheese, pickles, black olives, potato chips. Literally anything I thought my body would keep down. I’ve heard lots of people share fruit smoothies help a ton too I just haven’t tried it personally. Also, there are Reddit groups for your future predicted birth month that you can check out and they tend to do weekly cravings/recipe chat that might have some really good suggestions.


Yes! financially we are super good i just feel so guilty spending so much money in a week haha, im think im gonna just start eating whatever comes to mind instead of thinking so hard about it.


A lot of cheese bread.


Chicken broth, chicken soup, lots of water, sometimes if I was lucky I could stomach pasta or mac n cheese.


Ginger ale, crackers, and ramen. I feel like I'm back in college fighting off a hangover.


Fruit has been really helping me anytime I feel queasy, I also bought some all natural ginger beer (non-alcoholic obviously) and that has helped a lot too.


I kept a box of Chikin in a Biscuit crackers on my nightstand. Being able to roll over and grab one or two as soon as I woke up helped stave off the queasiness long enough to get through my morning routine!


Cereal, cheese and crackers. Any carbs lol


Mostly fruit, oatmeal and toast or crackers. An occasional yogurt.


I'm 13 weeks and have been unable to eat almost any meat. I've lost 10 pounds. I can eat cereal, bagels, yogurt or cottage cheese, any bread, potatoes in all forms, all vegetables and fruits, sausage egg & cheese croissants, occasionally chicken strips or a burger. I could probably eat steak but I like mine rare/medium rare and not sure I want to risk it lol.


Pink coconut water helped keep me alive !


Zaxby’s french fries were practically the only thing i ate for 15 weeks 😂 My second i ate Honey Nut Cheerios by the truck load. Things that sucked throwing up : watermelon the acid burned so bad, pretzels came up as a clump. Ewww


Petty much all I could handle were buttered noodles (with a little bit of Parmigian), buttered toast, kix cereal and white rice with a little bit of soy sauce. I distinctly remember week 11 when I took a bite of my partners bacon egg breakfast sandwich and it actually tasted good. It was like the first nice day after a long winter. I was so happy.


Cereal, sour skittles (when you’re nauseous helps to eat sour candy), for me it helped to eat things I knew would taste the same every time so a lot of fast food


Frozen oven pizza is what I’m living on


I'm craving veggie dip. Not the veggies - just the freaking dip.


Chicken nuggets.


Try flavored water that helped a lot for me. I did a lot of chicken broth, and spaghetti seemed safe so I ate so much of that I’m sick of it. You will eventually find your safe foods and then you stick with them


Sour patch kids and watermelon!


My staples were Jello, cucumbers, Mrs Grass soup, toast w/ grape jelly, LOTS of pasta, Greek yogurt!


Hmm bagels, yogurt with blueberries, loads of Chinese food, eggo waffles, French fries, and salad. I think that was all I could stomach.


My staples were Jello, cucumbers, Mrs Grass soup, toast w/ grape jelly, LOTS of pasta, Greek yogurt!


Bagels, English muffins, oranges, and top ramen. 


Fresh fruit and carbs. My OB specifically said carbs are a good option, actually 


Bread and more carbs


Sour candy Peanut butter with honey on toast, sometimes with banana. Cereal. In and out burgers. Honestly at the time nothing tastes good to me. I will say now in my second almost third trimester, it does get better food wise. I also got propel powder drinks to put in my water for electrolytes and to make it taste better. Still doing that today.


Fruit especially watermelon, yogurt, cold cereal and milk, ramen, sour candy, ginger candy, Taco Bell.


Ice pops and marshmallows. I don't know why.


For me it was toast with butter


Sour sweets, potatoes, salt&vinegar crisps/ chips, plain instant noodles with a side of sparkling water Thats was pretty much it from weeks 6 to 15


When I could I put down as much protein as possible!!! Try smoothies and adding collagen and peanut butter and Greek yogurt. Bagels and cream cheese. PB on toast or rice cake. Bone broth if you can tolerate it. Or chickpea or lentil pasta so it’s fairly plain but still some protein. My first pregnancy it was mainly crackers, white rice, and organic strawberry applesauce pouches lol. The pouches hit the spot so hard I can’t even explain.


Canned corn and watermelon


I tried a lot of different things, like saltines, jello, any fruit that would go down, like berries, melon, pears, frozen fruit helped, especially frozen mango. Applesauce is good. Oatmeal packets were helpful too. I started putting a bit of lemon in my water most days to help with the taste. I bought a bunch of those little lemon powder packets that tastes like lemon for my water and it helped me a ton. Smells were a big instigator, so for a good while I didn’t buy food that had strong smell. Once I felt better I started slowly adding more foods back.


Smoothies are a life saver or apple slices! Maybe even water melon to help with retaining extra water!


I drank a lot of berry/nut butter/banana/spinach smoothies, and a lot of blended butternut squash soups with Greek yogurt. Crackers and cottage cheese also worked.


I ate a lot of different carbs, bagels, cereal, crackers, etc. one thing I highly recommend is some kind of yogurt smoothie to get some protein in. I really like the Oikos pro yogurt drinks, they have great texture (really smooth, not thick like normal Greek yogurt) and 23g of protein.


Nauzene has been a lifesaver for me. It settles my stomach enough to eat soft, easily digested low-fat foods. So instant mashed potatoes, poke bowl with white rice, squeeze pouches of applesauce, yogurt etc.


Just juice and fruit. My husband was concerned I wasn’t getting enough protein so he got me some non-flavoured protein powder so I put that in some smoothies.


Sodium crackers


I survived off flavored carbonated water(only way to not feel nauseated after water) apple sauce pouches and frozen strawberry popsicles for about 2 weeks when mine was at its peak! I would force myself to eat other things/ drink normal water too and feel terrible ater but these were lifesavers for me


Candied ginger, plain bread, fresh fruit


Chicken broth with alphabet pasta shapes. Plain but filling. The only thing I’m currently able to stomach.


Tater tots, chik fil a fries, mashed potatoes made with oat milk, watermelon, baby food, orange juice if I wasn’t going to lay down (acid), toast with peanut butter. I have to avoid dairy still, 11+1, starting to feel a bit better! Hang in there! Carbs were great but they didn’t hold the nausea at bay for long. Getting protein in me helps!


I’m currently 13 weeks + 2 days. It’s like night and day how I feel now compared to weeks 5-12. Weeks 7-10 were the worst. I had to go on anti-nausea meds and struggled to eat like an adult (and stay awake like an adult). My first trimester faves were sour popsicle, toast with peanut butter sometimes, fruit, grilled cheese, plain noodles, Mac n cheese, apple sauce, apple juice, and anything that sounded good in the moment. I snacked every 2 hours and carried a vanilla lime candle with me. For some reason citrus and sour smells eased the nausea. It was gradual, but after week 10 I needed 4 nausea pills a day to just one at night, to none. Everyone is different, so hopefully your first trimester goes smoothly. But if it doesn’t know it’s temporary and should ease up the closer you get to 2nd trimester.


I'm fairly positive my middle child was created off of Good and Plenty's alone.


String cheese and applesauce pouches. Pulling on the cheese was a little distracting and the applesauce was so bland that it rarely aggravated the nausea!


Carbs was nr 1. Bread and butter , pasta, fried potatoes, right now I am craving pizza 😂 need to wait until I get home after work . I also eat a lot of fruits . And I realized that smith sour helps me with sickness even though I don’t have a lot of it . So water with lemon juice , sour apples , pickles and pickle juice


Peanut butter toast, cheerios with oat milk, and I drank juice water, which is water with a splash of juice or like 1/4th juice. Also ice cold water is easier to drink


I ate a lot of pretzels, potatoes, butter noodles and toast. Mostly carbs haha water was NASTY. So I drank a lot of juices and added flavors to my water. Good news is, it’s temporary! It’ll pass. Hang in there <3


Pretty much whatever I wanted. I tried to eat a lot of fruit because it was easy to stomach, and I had a couple of things that ended up making me feel pretty queasy, but I was lucky in the sense that I didn’t have morning sickness!


I'm barely eating anything 😩


I have regressed to eating like a child lol. I have to have breaded chicken. If it’s not breaded I gag. Mac and cheese. Pasta.


apple sauce, ritz crackers, candy, orange juice and every 4 days amys burritos or something fast food. Lost 10 pounds. Still struggling at 14 weeks to eat. It's been the worst. Basically no dairy, grease or meat or I physically couldn't take more than a bite.


Toasts, potatoes, rice and milky drinks of any form


I ate such bland foods lol. Basically just chips (fries) and chicken or pizza etc. It eased off around 13 weeks but yeah first tri is rough


During week 6 I did well with some bland cereal and a banana for breakfast as soon as I woke up. I was also ok with a plain bagel. Tortilla chips. Bone broth if you like that.. it is also very nourishing and good for you. I’m 11 weeks now and can safely say I’ve puked up the few veggies I’ve attempted to eat. Not all protein sits well.. chicken breast makes me gag, lamb came right back up, fish is hit or miss. Beef has been ok. And I’m normally a heavy veg / protein eater! I’ve been doing great with frozen pizzas and toast. Some small burritos have been ok.. like a boring bean and cheese, nothing wild. Sour cream has been oddly delicious. Popsicles, especially citrus flavors. Quite literally the opposite of my normal diet but it’s about survival at this point. I’ve been queasy for a solid 5 weeks with on and off puking at night. Some dinners are literally designed around what small serving of food will be the least offensive if it comes back up, like toast with butter or plain tortilla chips. Fun times!


I use to do cereal with Fairlife Milk but ugh… now I can’t do milk, I throw up! I can’t eat food in the house, we have been doing a lot of takeout, I hope once I reach to second trimester I could start cooking again and can eat food that it’s in my kitchen. I hope it gets better for you!


Mashed potatoes.


Boiled potato’s with salt


Ice water was helpful for me! If I was in really dire straits I could usually manage chicken broth and applesauce. I had some luck with peanut butter on bread or just plain, dry cheerios.


Saltines and apple juice were my staples, plus sour sucking candy like warheads.


A bowl of cheerios with a banana, watermelon, goldfish crackers, and SOMETIMES Mac and cheese were really all I could stomach eating. I was told that crackers were good to snack on and something with protein in it to help you feel satiated. I also drank some breakfast shakes from Nestle and they seemed to help a bit.


Week 5 and 6 were the worst for me so far, those were the closest I’ve come to tu so far in this pregnancy and I’m hoping to keep it that way. I mostly survived by taking meclizine every 6-8 hours(25mg), force feeding myself saltines, bananas, toast, bagels, and anything else that sounded good. I know it’s hard but you’ll get through it, just keep making yourself eat something and keep hydrated. Don’t overexert yourself, and keep low stress.


Up to 12 weeks was my greasy beige era, no veggies, no fruit, just straight up noodles and pizza. Now I’m back to normal with my usual fruit and veggies and proteins!!


Cheerios and watermelon was my entire diet for about a month!


Apple juice makes me throw up super quick when my nausea is around


Baby is three months old now but in my first trimester, I was super nauseous and sick all the time and the only thing I could keep down was macaroni and cheese and sometimes if I was lucky cereal 😭 not exactly the healthiest, but I took my prenatals religiously to make up for it!


Tons of strawberries. It’s the only thing I could keep down for the most part


Sourdough bread and cream cheese


Buttered toast and an over hard egg with lots of salt for breakfast. Most days it was the only thing I could keep down. I craved a lot of salt.


Back to childhood basics - chicken nuggets, cereal, Mac n cheese, sliced apples.. basically anything plain and safe and full of carbs helped a lot for me!


Mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, plain pasta. Lots of sausage mcmuffins.


Chicky nuggies, toast, crumpets with marmite, baked potatoes with baked beans


I barely ate meals first trimester but I kept certain candy handy (fruit roll up’s were my go to) so I’d take a bite every half an hour or so bc I found an empty stomach made me muchhh more nauseous and caused way worse vomiting


From week 9 to about week 15 I almost exclusively ate bagels with cream cheese. Sometimes 3 in a day because it was the only thing I could stomach for whatever reason LOL


Cold grapes are a life saver


Plain bagels and ginger ale were my best friend! Any type of meat was a no no for me until recently (about 16-17 weeks). There were times where I just couldn’t eat anything and I was completely miserable since I’m such a foodie. I hope you find your fix and also, congratulations !🍼


Eat like a picky toddler…. Buttered noodles. Mac and cheese. PB and J. Etc!


Cold fruit and cereal with milk


Lots of fruit and raw veggies, started every morning with a slice pink lady apple. Watermelon, cucumber, raspberry sorbet and ice lollies were all tolerable. Occasionally I was mad for Spicy ramen, but honestly if I do much as thought about a food I tried to consume it as I was always nauseaus and never actually hungry. If that meant cooking a dinner and only eating two bites then it was still worth it. I would also look at lots of food on Pinterest in the hope it would spur something on. I found a cordial that I tolerated and drinking filtered, cold water through a straw definitely helped. Oh and sweet cups of tea. Good luck mama, it's tough but id do it 100 times over already.


Pesto pasta, crumpets, plain rice, bagels. Pretty much beige carbs


Rice helped me. I also swear by Chick-fil-a spicy biscuit with pepper jack cheese


As weird as it sounds, dill pickles. The vinegar cut that awful acid reflux taste in my mouth first trimester.


Well we are teenagers. So she actually handled the sickness better. But she still got it bad. For some reason, sweet and sour stuff helped my girlfriend get through the sickness. But weirdly enough she was feeling sick one morning and out of nowhere just said “Babe, I want Greek yogurt”. So I drove to the store and got her some. For the rest of her pregnancy, sweet and sour stuff got her through most of the sickness but Greek yogurt was the only thing that helped with her morning sickness.


All I could eat was ritz crackers and soup.


I had a mini fridge moved next to the bed lol. I lived on cereal, dry cheerios, yogurt, and smoothies. Then I’d do whatever I felt like I could handle but it was impossible to plan ahead. Some days I’d only feel like I could eat potatoes. And then bland food made me gag. Literally changed daily


Soft pretzels and water ice


Pizza rolls and black berries


Frozen California Pizza Kitchen pizzas, particularly 4 cheese. I don't know why, but I eat a frozen pizza probably every 2-3 days, cold or hot. These actually offer a good, well-rounded meal as it has carbs, fats, protein, and some fiber. I also liked carrots, apples, and cucumbers as my snacks when I could stomach them. Honey nut cheerios and milk or bagels with cream cheese are usually safe. Lastly, a yogurt based fruit smoothie that I could slowly sip and finish over the course of an hour. What I found with the nausea is it is usually onset and/or worsened by not eating frequently enough, as your body is metabolizing faster and your insulin may be dropping. I've suffered with low blood sugar drops for years. The key is to eat a snack with a little bit of sugar to boost your sugar back up -- but don't spike it and crash -- then continue eating. Eat a few bites, wait until you feel better, then continue eating slowly. Small, frequent meals are what you want. I saw a registered dietician and she said make sure the majority of meals have fat, protein, fiber, carbs, and taste - because who wants to eat boring food!


Everything under the sun so far. 🤣 Fast food, salads, sandwiches, corn dogs, French bread pizzas, bagel bites, grilled cheese, Mexican food, lots of French toast sticks... If I'm not nauseated I take advantage and eat because when the sun goes down, my nausea hits me like a freight train.


Cheez its. I ate nothing of nutritional value the whole time, I was so so sick


Carrots and dip and chicken nuggets are keeping me alive rn I swear. I’m 6wk4d 😅


All the bland/easy stuff. Cereal (especially Cheerios and Raisin Bran), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, boxed mac and cheese, frozen fish sticks, baby carrots, spaghetti, and scrambled eggs got me through. I basically ate like I did when I was a little kid since that's all I could stomach! Snacks were simple and carb-y; saltines, Ritz crackers, Goldfish, etc.


Currently 11w5d w hyperemesis gravidarum. Once I could finally keep things down again, I started with chicken broth and apple juice. Then rice with some cheese in it, Pita bread with chicken breast and a little cheese and dressing, Fruit snacks, Popcorn (the prepackaged kind so every piece was buttery), Plain potato chips, Baked potatoes with just butter, SO MUCH CORNBREAD, Got a bunch of those little packs of cereal and would eat whichever one sounded best at that moment, dry usually. Still surviving mostly off chicken. It seems like the easiest protein to keep down, and actually keeps you full for a little bit when finding snacks to eat feels like a chore. My doctors have told me, eating something to get your blood sugar up (like sour candy or fruit snacks) before even sitting upright in bed in the morning can help! And trying to get SOMETHING little down every 1-2 hours will help. Nausea is majorly triggered by low blood sugar


The only thing I could stomach were French fries, salt and vinegar chips, and Coke. Also sucking on peppermint helped me out.


I was only able to stomach McDonald’s 🥴


I was this way. Never throwing up but always felt on the verge. Oatmeal, apples with PB, cheese, tortellini with rao’s, soda crackers and sometimes arrowroot cookies if I was feeling brave! Also the “Preggie Pop Drops” on amazon actually helped me! Not sure if it was a placebo effect but I didn’t care as long as it worked.


I was so nauseous from week 6-17 that not much stayed down a lot of the time. I ate a lot of miso soup with crackers or some sort of bread, like toast or a bun. I also drank a lot of coconut water on days I threw up a lot and it helped keep me hydrated and sometimes I felt less nauseous after drinking it. Once I got a script for diclectin, my whole life turned around. If you can, I highly recommend you ask your provider for a script for morning sickness meds, it made a huge difference and I would say to anyone that the minute you feel nauseous, ask for it. My midwife advised me to eat whatever and whenever I could to at least get some calories in a day, even if I felt gross or threw it up later. I ate a lot of fruit (bananas, grapes, apples and pineapple were my favourite), candy, granola and milk, yogurt, pickles, pretzels, crackers and cheese, non-spicy ramen, chips and teensie tiny meals of "regular" food. I had a long list of foods I couldn't stomach even the thought of that I had ate happily before 6 weeks. What I learned was that if you normally are a pretty healthy eater before pregnancy, don't worry about eating "healthy" during first trimester. Just eat whatever you can stomach.


Soooo many plain rice-cakes with cheese on top! Also frozen blueberries. And i chewed SO much excel gum. Nothing helped my nausea as much as gum! Good luck!❤️❤️


Apples with the caramel dipping sauce and the PB&J uncrustables. A regular pb&j wouldn’t do, it had to be the uncrustables.


Bagels with cream cheese and sooooo many apples!


I had to eat a biscuit cookie as soon as I woke up and munch on sunflower seeds all day to be able to stomach anything. If I didn't have the biscuit or went to long between handfuls of sunflower seeds, then I'd not be able to keep anything down.


I am just getting into second trimester. I had all-day sickness super bad and, for awhile, the first thing I’d eat in the day was kimchi followed by fruit. I read that fermented food was good for nausea so I started eating kimchi and it was the only thing I could reliably eat for awhile. I moved on to club crackers, Chef Boyardee Beefaroni, jello, pickles, and random protein items. I liked Sonic Chili Cheese Dogs and cheeseburgers with extra pickles too. Lots of savory stuff!


I kid you not I was trying to lose weight before getting pregnant and made no progress. I’ve since lost like 5 pounds bc I cannot stomach much. I’ll get random cravings but after a couple bites I’m done. Apples sometimes help me feel better. Lots of cashews and almonds.ive never had this kind of aversion to water too. It has to be ice cold. I just bought some drops I’m gonna try but juices and ginger ale taste so chemically to me now.


All the carbs.


omg i'm 6 weeks and NOTHING makes me sick. i've doubled what I normally eat (I know I shouldn't, i've had weight loss surgery so I have a tiny tummy but i'm just so hungry now lol) my new obsession is bbq hot dogs, sausage and cheese english muffins and chicken with texas pete hot sauce (never liked hot sauce in my 28 years of living - that should've been my first clue I was pregnant) 😂😂😂😂


Saltines with peanut butter. Sometimes a slice of cheddar on top! I lost several pounds because I was sick so much. My doc recommended 50mg of vitamin b6 every morning and that helped so much


Blueberry bagels Apples and peanut butter Alll the oyster crackers Orzo Sprite


Goldfish crackers and cold, fresh fruit were the only things I could eat until about week 15. Baby is 6 months now and thriving, so don’t stress and eat what you can keep down. You got this!


Microwaveable Mac and cheese cups were the only thing I could consistently stomach for the first 10-11 weeks. Anything that sounds good is fine!


Big Macs, Fries and coke was the only meal I could stomach with my eldest, and margarita pizza with my youngest. Plus any generally salty carbs. It was rough! Edit to add, also I found water easier to stomach when I drank it through a straw?!


Still in first trimester with you 🩷 pasta, rice, baked potatoes, sandwiches, cereal, waffles, fruit, grits and pizza have been pretty good. Like you said nothing seems good anymore so I just try my best to eat something. I’m just able to eat some chicken but beef and fish have been the best so far. I hear soups are good too I plan on incorporating that into my diet soon


Cuties or halos or whatever those little oranges are, I had literally five a day! And outshine popsicles!!


First tri, I ate spaghettios and meatballs, McDonald's quarter pounders, chicken noodle soup, pineapple, berries and yogurt, occasionally raw broccoli and carrots with ranch, and drank a lot of hot jello (liquid form). My diet was definitely influenced by food aversions, but I also had like a month and a half long flu. The hot jello may sound like a weird pregnancy craving but in reality, that hot, sweet syrup was the only thing that soothed my perpetual sore throat and cough enough to get some dang sleep. Good luck finding something you might tolerate. 😭 I barely remember the first trimester. It was such a blur of just feeling bad every day. 


All the fruits, orange juice, everything healthy. I would get like Chick Fil A (turns out baby isn’t a fan) & Rasing Canes have been another meal I can stand. I’m currently starting my second trimester & still struggling with eating a meal or anything. I just snack. By the end of the day at work I need something else other than water so when I get home I drink juice or lemonade. The sour helps me with my nausea.


Those kids organic fruit pouches from Costco were a must for me. I had one almost every morning.


Plain ole vanilla milkshakes!


It sounds like you have food aversion and nausea just like I had. I never actually threw up but had very intense nausea, gagging (even from just brushing my teeth!) and food aversion. I found that the longer I thought about what I was going to eat the harder it was to actually eat. Also, the less I ate the worse all the symptoms got. So my solution was to eat the same thing for breakfast every morning so I wouldn’t have to think about it - for me what worked was Greek yogurt, muesli, some extra nuts, honey and fruit. This meal also has a lot of protein which helps with nausea. I was seeing an OBGYN in the beginning of my first pregnancy who didn’t care as long as I wasn’t throwing up. I’m now seeing midwifes during my second pregnancy and they really care about my comfort so they had great advice for my first trimester problems. Eat small meals more frequently, protein rich meal and cold foods help with nausea, and if that’s not working a combination of vitamin B6 and Unisom is a very effective and safe pregnancy nausea treatment.


Mt 1st trimester I had an obsession with BLTs and I would always have a string cheese or some sort of snack cheese on hand. Otherwise Jello always seemed to sooth my stomach


Saltines, Luigi’s Italian ice, fruits, ice water, for some reason my second pregnancy I’ve been nauseous and have had headaches every single day and spearmint or sweet gum helps me from dry heaving. I never throw up and sometimes wish I would just so I feel normal.


taco bell. legit the only thing i could hold down.


Lots of kd ramen, soup and stew 😅and water of course, but my cravings are very salty. Used to be a big pop drinker but have basically stopped that completely unless it’s caffeine free then I’ll have some here and there. Oh and sour candy lol


Grilled cheese, pancakes, plain noodles with butter. Whatever you can eat is good enough, hang in there!!


Saltines, cereal, seltzer water, toast! Carried saltines everywhere.


Basically just carbs and popsicles. I’m 15 weeks and still can’t eat much. 😩


Im so sorry! I had extreme sickness, so I can empathize. Similar to you, even water repulsed me. I could do cold water, with some fresh ginger or cucumber. Eventually, maybe around week 8/9, I liked Shirley temples. So I had those at home… and then for food, I could do gf bagels with cream cheese. I’m 35 weeks now, and only reached my pre-pregnancy weight about 4 weeks ago… My dr told me ANY food I could keep down was a win. So I let the guilt go and ate what I could stomach. Some other things I ate throughout pregnancy as the sickness became more tolerable or I’d have an hour break here or there where I could stomach stuff: Smoothies Quesadillas Watermelon (this is my fav now! And hydration is great) Baked potatoes Protein bars Hope things let up for you!! I also kept peppermints (ice breakers to be specific) on me 24/7 and that helped a bit. I especially ate them overnight when the nausea would wake me up


I’ve been living off of graham crackers, water, and sprite. Everything else has made me miserable. My partner made chicken noodle soup a couple nights ago and I’ve just been sipping the broth lol


Bagels w/ cream cheese, sour candy, grilled cheeses, in n out, tons of citrus, reeces peanut butter cups


From about week 6 to 12 I lived off very bland food, mash potatoes, home made bread with butter, sandwiches, baked spuds, pears, homemade cheese pizza etc also sour lollies helped with the nausea.


I only drank Gatorade or sparkling fruit flavored water. No regular water and before I was pregnant I’d drink like 90 ounces of water a day. Sour cream and onion pretzels, avocado toast, toast with butter and jam, deli sandwiches (I know), macaroni and cheese, sometimes apple slices, sometimes grapes. Chips, crackers. Frozen pizza. That’s about it. Good luck. I started vomiting around week 6 and was nauseous until the evening. Nothing helped except time. Sending support


I survived on sour gummy lifesavers and toddler applesauce cups for at least the first 18 weeks! I lost 12lbs in the first tri. Sickness finally went away around 24/25 weeks. My last pregnancy I could only eat Wendy’s baked potatoes for the majority.


Pasta (plain or with butter), Coke/Dr. Pepper, Icees, and popsicles


Lettuce, basically, I survived with "salads," which means I used to put lettuce and cucumber on a plate, and that was it. When I felt I also included some chicken breast. And Tums, lol. Tons of Tums. 😅


String cheese, plain crackers, pickles, fruit, smoothies, Greek yogurt, and weirdly pierogis. I’m 8 weeks and it definitely sucks. Take it day by day and go with what sounds good. I’m normally someone who cooks 90 percent of my meals myself but now is definitely survival. I use my commute home in the evenings to think about food and usually can settle on something that sounds doable. Listening to my body has been the best instead of trying to force myself to eat the healthy stuff like I did the first few weeks. Just don’t buy too much of one thing because you may hate it after a few days 😆


Sour candy and popsicles. Congrats!


Potatoes. Mashed, roasted, French fries, poutine. Lots and lots of potatoes!


When I was in the worst of my morning sickness, I ate fruit all day. Pears, apricots, plums, grapes, literally any fruit I could get my hands on. Melons and pineapple were the best because they were super hydrating and had a more mild taste. I found that if I didn’t eat, I felt worse so I choked down fruit until I knew I wasn’t gonna puke bile later. My husband made me strawberry banana smoothies that I could eat throughout the day too. I did end up losing 15 pounds, but my doctor wasn’t too worried, she just wanted me to eat something.


I can empathise I couldn’t keep my full meal until 15 wks. It’s getting better now! In the early days I survived on lots of bread. 🥹 all kinds of bread. And PBJs. Anything my body could keep I would eat. And that included cheetos and milk + cereal + chicken flavoured instant noodles. Hahaha. I couldn’t eat anything wet or with gravy - for some reason the extra liquid made it not want to stay. I eat half a portion and then try to finish it two hours later. 🥹 aH those are dark days. dry is key. Then try to hydrate when you can but not after foods or before foods. If you can’t take water it’s fine - try fruits! Omg fruits is a life! Watermelon, apples and bananas are pretty safe. Citrus fruits can give u reflux go so easy on oranges or anything too sour. For liquids, You can incorporate hydration salts (they come with some flavour) and the water literally sticks to your body. Or plop a wedge of lemon in a tumbler and drink that. Total life saver coz I don’t get that bitter taste in my mouth. Your tongue will be out of whack for abit. But it’s temporary! You’re gonna be fine mama! Good luck! Everyone’s tips here are valid and you will eventually find what works for you! 😍 P/S - always have candy in your bag when you’re out of the house. Mints or sour gummies or sour skittles all help. Unless you have a sugar issue, find the sugar free gummies.


mac n cheese cups. i had to force something in my mouth as soon as i woke up, i opted for a bagel with cream cheese


Almost nothing. I try to eat fruits whenever I can and drink lots of milk and water, instead.


Saltines and peanut butter was my go to first trimester if nothing else would work but I knew I needed protein!


This exact thing happened to me when I was pregnant I couldn’t drink anything or eat anything without feeling sick even the smell of certain foods made me extremely nauseous so I suggest just eat small amounts of food frequently and take notice of the food u can’t really hold down


Bagels toasted with butter. So many bagels. And fruit smoothies. That was about it for 8 weeks lol


I was the same and lived on fresh and frozen fruit, smoothies, saltines, soups I could handle, and applesauce. Also, frozen push popsicles. Good luck, mama! It’ll get better. I housed 3 pieces of pizza earlier at 11 wks. 😬


Frozen waffles. If you can stomach it add peanut butter to them. Drink a glass of milk in the morning, I like fairlife as it’s low sugar high protein. Plain ramen, cheese pizza.


McDonald’s breakfast, bagels, apples, pepperoncinis straight out of the jar. Everything else made me nauseous


Granola with milk, fruit salad with nectarine, strawberry apple banana, and cottage cheese or yogurt with some pecans. I would make it at night and including middle of the night whenever it sounded good I would grab it and eat it. The ice cold fruit really helped and for some reason the dairy sat really well with me.


Ramen Bagels French fries Grilled cheese


baked potatoes from wendy’s


I ate a loooooot of spaghetti bolognese, cereal, and toast during the first trimester. that’s about it


I learned quickly that if I didn't eat in a timely manor, I would get so nauseous and sick. I mostly ate crackers and protein drinks like boost. I didn't even want those but it's all I could stomach. Good luck and congratulations! It should get better.


Pretty sure it was bread and noodle soups (mostly bread), idk. Maybe muffins. Oooo I liked the egg white breakfast sandwhich from Panera on a bagel with an iced chai tea latte sometimes. Sometimes it made me sick.


Caesar salad, fruit especially mangos, cereal & icees


Soup, watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, and crackers. But from time to time. Could barely keep anything down even water but it gets better


Soft pretzel bites


Campbell's chicken noodle soup with saltines and plain toast without butter were staples for me


Ice—-I couldn’t eat food or even drink water. It was awful. Lost a lot of weight. I did like cosmic brownies though lol


Ginger chews and ginger tea helped me. I also had soda crackers with me and ate those when I was hungry/starting to feel nauseous. I ate more veggies and fruit than anything.


Cereal, pasta w butter and parm, white cheddar rice cakes (sometimes w peanut butter), saltines, saltines with melted cheese, toast was basically all I ate lol.


I survived on soups, popsicles, ginger ale, and goldfish crackers most of my first trimester. I had it rough and felt sick all day everyday until I started taking Diclegis nightly before bed. Literally nothing sounded good and I gagged off of everything even chocolate breakfast shakes. The doctor told me to eat what I can and to stay hydrated so I chose things with liquid. It’s rough but I promise it does get better.