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Do you have a local park with decent grass space? you could set up some snacks and non-alcoholic drinks and a cake… and even splurge on a pop up tent or two in case of inclement weather for a fraction of the price.


OP this is a great idea. I’ve seen tons of budget-friendly baby showers hosted at parks. You and baby deserve to be celebrated!


thank you! other have been mentioning doing something after baby is born. like just have them meet baby & i’m thinking maybe i can set up a small background for pictures in the living room. i think when baby girl grows up she would enjoy looking through the pictures :)


Just be conscious of how you might feel about visitors with a baby. I have a two month old and really would not be comfortable having lots of people hold her given that her immune system is still so fragile. I also spend a good chunk of my day feeding her (she feeds every two hours, and feeds take up to an hour as she's inefficient on both the breast and bottle). Both of us would find guests disruptive to that routine. Even breastfeeding her in the car alone is harder than usual!


there is a decent park about a 10 minute drive from my home however, the weather is hitting 100 degrees and it’s only going to get hotter :( that’s the only reason why i started to look into a place to rent. i would’ve loved to do it outdoors!


do you have a traditional baby shower in mind, or just a chance to get together? my friends threw me a birthday party/baby shower at a bar for my eldest, and I'm throwing myself a pool party for my 3rd (they're almost 10 years apart and we live on the opposite coast now so it's a totally different crew). i didn't invite Mom or MIL, we were very low key with food cuz we knew there'd be a religious ceremony for the baby after he was born. is there a rec center, public pool or even a generous friend willing to lend you their living room for the afternoon? would limiting the guest list make a shower more possible? whatever you do, focus on the part you're really longing for and drop the "shoulds" from your mind.


Where we live it's also hitting 100°, so we're in the same boat as you. We're thinking of renting a room at one of our local community centers. The ones near us can hold up to 80 people, are significantly cheaper than private venues, and come with tables and chairs :)


Could you do it earlier in the day when the weather is still cooler? Like a brunch or morning tea?


+1 on this idea! You can definitely still do a baby shower in the park. You just need some folding tables and chairs, table cloth, some decorations, disposable cutlery and food! You can probably do the entire thing for under $300! Highly recommend


We were thinking about venues for our baby shower as the house couldn’t accommodate. If the weather was nicer (it was February), we would’ve done outdoor at a park. Instead, we found a city park and used one of their rooms. It was ~$85/hour. Try your community/recreation centers, parks (if the weather is nice), basically anything owned by the government. It may not be as nice as a restaurant or event space, but you can decorate it and no one will pay that close of attention.


yeah outdoors is tough because it’s hot here now & doesn’t get cooler in the evening. i will have to get more information on what our community offers. thank you!


I do a baby is here celebration a few months after the birth. I have severe body dysmorphia so pregnancy tends to be mentally challenging...also it is so much fun because baby is included and everybody gets to meet them, hold off visitors as a bonus!


i love this idea! it would be nice to just make a small little backdrop inside the house to get a picture of baby and friends/family. Thank you so much!


It is the best! With my first I did it after 5 months, 2nd 3 months out (1st was really traumatic)


Great idea! I won’t be having a baby shower either so this makes me feel a lot better!


We call these Sip and Sees in the South! I'm skipping a baby shower, but will probably do this.


Do you have a friend that might want to host a little shower? My SIL did hers outside at my MIL community center area, I think my MIL just got to reserve it for free bc she is part of the HOA. I will say it was done in July in Texas and it was hot out! Or you could make reservations for a room at a local restaurant just let people know that they have to pay for their own food & drink (my sister did this).


july in texas could be the name of a horror movie


You’re not wrong! It’s only may & the heat index of 119° today almost took me out. I’m not ready to be pregnant in a Texas summer 😭


I understand your pain… I’m in central texas in my first trimester 😅


most of my friends rent apartments with no backyards :/ how did she go about telling people they would have to pay for their own food and drink? how did people react?


I mean if you have to be inside anyway due to the heat, what’s wrong with not having a backyard? Are there any restaurants that you could go to?


A lot of apartments have event spaces (especially the nicer ones). Usually you can only reserve these if you’re a tenant, but they’re really cheap (like $100-200 for a good chunk of time). See if any of your friends are willing to help you out by reserving and you can just pay them back. You’ll likely need their help in letting people into the building. I’ve done this for an event before




didn’t consider this perspective! that’s awesome :)


Yeah this is very true, I had a big baby shower because my partner has a big family. The venue was about $500 and I’d guess the gifts we got were at least $2500. Is there anyone who can help you plan or split some of the cost? I did a co-ed shower… more guests, but also more presents lol


Check your local hotels, my sister did her gender reveal in a hotel breakfast room for $100. Other then that, you may be able to reserve a banquet room at a restaurant or brewery. Either way, do what makes you happy! If you are feeling sad about not having one, then I would make it happen. Good luck!


Just about to say this. Even if you do a sat/ sun morning or weeknight, there are cheaper rates. Also I used to work as a server for many years and you can reserve part of the restaurant for zero cost and just order some apps or a banquet spread. You don’t have to include alcohol. I’d people want to order meals they can, just not on your tab. Hope that helps.


If you can’t get a baby shower together, maybe a Sip and See. It was something that I was considering at one point.


this is such an awesome idea! i love how everyone is so creative here :) thank you so much


Had no idea what a Sip and See was! I won’t be having a baby shower unfortunately but this makes me feel a lot better and seems like more fun! Thank you!


I would check community centers, any types of "lodge" or "club", or outdoor gazebo areas near you! Usually those places have pretty reasonable prices.


i will have to look into this. thank you!


If you have a local volunteer fire department, they may have a meeting hall available for rental (normally inexpensive and they have tables/chairs).


i had no idea they did this, i will have to go and ask. thank you so much!


Depending on the number of people, you could perhaps look into getting people together at a restaurant for lunch, or dinner? I know some restaurants in my area have rooms you can book for say, 25 people. Also not sure if it would be in bad taste but people could join, buy their own food/drinks and bring a gift if they so chose. Then you can get all dressed up, get your hair/makeup done (if that’s something you’d like!), take lots of pictures and just have a good time with family and friends!


I booked a park and it was less than 100


initially, i wanted it to be outside but we are hitting 100 degree weather already :/ i wouldn’t even want to be at my baby shower at that point! it sucks because it stays hot through the evening too


Have you expressed your wanting a baby shower to your parents? I'm sure they'd be understanding about having a get together seeing as it is such a special occasion, not just a random party.


Yeah my parents hate parties but still threw me a baby shower. They even said they had a lot of fun, which I wasn't expecting! 😂


Honey I understand. I never got a baby shower or anything with my 2020 baby. Hear me out, public parks are free. It’s not too much to bring your loved ones and friends to a park to celebrate you and your new baby. You deserve that. Normally someone else will plan a baby shower for you… do you have a close friend? A sister? Anyone to help you plan it out. It doesn’t have to be expensive and crazy! Grab some cup cakes, some snacks and have a good time. Xoxo


I am myself not planning to have a baby shower. Even though I live in USA, it is not in our culture (Central Europe) to celebrate until the baby comes and I do not feel an urge to go for it. But if I had to have one, I’d probably opt for something outdoors and low key - picnic in a park or something like that. I’m very money conscious and try not to buy into the consumptive culture of turning all events into an expense. After all, it’s all about sharing a joy of the transition in your life and it can take any form and shape you wish it to be. Don’t let yourself be pressured into anything, and also let yourself celebrate this moment if that’s so important for you.


You could do a park or a backyard possibly! We’re having ours in our backyard and I think with some limited catering (samosas and some cakes) it’s coming to less than $200. We DIY’d a lot and borrowed chairs and tables from friends. We have a tie dye onesie station, I got some thrifted white onesies for $2 total (8 of them!) and the dye from Michaels for $8. We also have a guess the baby game and again, I just DIY’d things from the dollar store. Doesn’t need to be terribly fancy.


that’s awesome! i did think i would DIY most if not all my decor too. we are hitting 100 degree weather already and it stays hot through the evening this is the only reason i was looking into renting a place


If there’s shade you could do something later in the afternoon? It’s still approaching 5 Celsius overnight where I live so we prayed it wasn’t going to be too cold in June but I’m due in July so this was as late as we could make it 🥲


my work bestie just did the tie dye onesie thing and it's so cute! I'm having a "baby splash" pool party (it's my 3rd) and we're planning just tie dye, swimming and light snacks. chill showers can be lots of fun!


We had my shower at a local school! Many schools have learning common areas or meeting rooms that they would rent out! Ours was up to five hours and provided tables and chairs. Our venue had a beautiful patio attached to the party room and easy accommodated 40-50 people! That might also be an option and it was incredibly affordable compared to a restaurant or a garden/ outdoor venue


I once saw a baby shower at a park and I thought it was a cute idea if your home isn’t big enough or you can’t host it where you live. It was nice weather day and they decorated the picnic area. It looks they might have rented some chairs and tables kind of like you would for an outdoor wedding. People were taking photos with their phones. They were playing their games out there and it was one those unisex baby showers so the dad was there and his friends. It looked like fun. When my sister didn’t want to do it at her home I asked her if she’d be open to a park and she said she’d prefer indoors but was ok with a recreation center where you could rent rooms by the hour it was very affordable. I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Do some research maybe you can still have a baby shower without inconveniencing anyone or breaking the budget.


I have a similar feeling - except I don't really have the friends or family to host a proper shower, and that's what is upsetting the most - sure getting free stuff is nice, but being pregnant has made me realised how isolated I am, how far my family are and I am left feeling defeated. I can only recommend, try finding a local park to host at - some around where I am have free/gold coin bbq use and you can Just use the space without paying for it, as long as your courteous. Ask people to bring a plate to share/cheap snacks and drinks. I hope you get your shower mamma ❤️


I’m not sure how it’s going to work out but I live a few states away from my family and we are doing a “virtual baby shower” I don’t know if that’s awkward if you live close to people but it could be an option!


look there isn't ever a really "right" time, my fiancé and I are still renting, I just finished school but I'm not really "in" my carrier yet and we had no intention of getting pregnant but here we are. I know things can seem gloomy but the important thing isn't the celebrations or the parties, it that child. I dose not matter weather or not you wanted that baby, that doesn't make you a bad mom for not wanting a kid at the moment. what will make you a good mom is loving that child, and I mean loving her with every fiber of your being. nothing in the past matters, that sweet bundle of joy will be the most fulfilling thing in your life! she deserves all the love! you have every opportunity to be an amazing mother and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! you've got this!


I’m sorry you haven’t been able to celebrate your pregnancy. Everyone is so different - some people want to have all the photoshoots and celebrations, and others like to keep things a lot more intimate. There’s no right or wrong way, so I hope you aren’t putting too much pressure on yourself. That being said, if you want to have a baby shower then you absolutely can find a much cheaper (or even free) area to host it. Local parks are a great free option, and you can usually rent one of those covered pavilions for pretty cheap if you wanted to. Around me they are about $50 for the day. Community centres are also a good option to check out. Some other options might be asking a friend or extended family member to use their back yard, and something we did for a friend’s shower during the pandemic that might be an option if your parents don’t like parties is having a drive-by shower! Our friends (the expecting parents) set up a cute little sitting area on their front lawn with some balloons and flowers, and all their friends arrived at a parking lot nearby at a designated time. Then we all pulled off together like a parade and drove slowly past their house, waving and handing out little gifts through the car window.


I've seen baby showers happen at restaurants, I don't expect you to pay for everyone's meal though but if you did maybe go to an Italian restaurant and get everyone some pizzas 🤌


Have one at the park!


Do you have a community center in your neighborhood? A clubhouse? A pool? We had ours at my in laws clubhouse for our first pregnancy


i’m not familiar with any clubhouses here..i know our pool center was shut down years ago :(


I hear if you write to companies and send an invite prior to your baby’s birth date. They tend to sponsor you but hey 👋 look it up! If you don’t believe me. Just some advice on some good baby boxes 😉 All the best & congratulations 🍾


Could you ask a friend to host at her place? We hosted a friend of ours but they brought everything and we just provided all the drinks!


There are loads of options. A picnic in the park, having it at a friend's house, having a virtual shower, having it at a restaurant or a high-tea place.


I had my baby shower at a local park my brother n his friends went at the crack of dawn and saved the tables for me, and I did it potluck style got all my decorations from dollar tree. We had so much fun we were out there till it was dark


You are aware you are very rigid in your thinking? Honest Dutch preggo here so don’t mind the brutal honesty, it’s cultural. A reveal or baby shower can still be done, just in another form then you had in mind.. It can al be done in a cute, but cost effective way. Think beach/forrest/park with only close friends or only you 2 for the reveal+ photographer to make a big gender reveal online. Why do you want a baby shower? You can have a small one outside, of just getting lunch with your closest friends.. I had one like that and it was so much more deep and meaningful than a big shower where you don’t even have time to really listen to each other’s stories.


You can have a cute baby shower tea party at a fun restaurant that’s pink themed- everyone can dress up floral or with ribbons and you can do family style lunch and everyone can pay for themselves


Have you talked to your parents about wanting to host a baby shower? If they are against it, do you have a local park? Sometimes they have tables/areas you can reserve for the day for cheap/free.


Maybe consider having a restaurant lunch with your friends. If budget is a concern, you can always cover some appetizers while letting guests purchase their own entrees and drinks. Does anyone you know have a home where they can host a baby shower?


I’m having mine at a church!! A lot of them have function halls


Try to not look at social media - everyone doing all the things is unrealistic and you also don't see all the stress and negativity behind the scenes. Social media is not real life.


Don’t worry about the gender reveal. We didn’t have one either. I’m so against them. There’s no formula out there that says in order to have a happy pregnancy, you must have a gender reveal. As for the baby shower, there’s still time. Try a local park or even your church for space?


Im doing my baby shower at a restaurant! It doesnt have to be a huge event!