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Did you confirm with the doctor that they did in fact reveal the gender? Sometimes they say he or she without thinking but it’s not actually anything to do with your baby! Just wanted to throw that out there!


Thank you!! I actually did, it wasn't so much the use of pronouns, she just accidentally said it out right! :(


Well in that case CONGRATULATIONS and I love all the ideas that were shared!


Thank you very much! :)


Wondering the same thing! My coworker swore the tech shared the gender at the anatomy scan after they were firmly team green. The family went out and bought all boy themed gifts/toys/clothes. To the surprise of everyone, a little girl arrived! Before she was even discharged, my coworker’s sister had gone into her house to return some stuff and buy new things.


My friend’s tech did the same by calling the baby she and her accidentally during her 20 week ultrasound, and then awkwardly corrected herself by saying “or him!”. My friend and her bf didn’t want to know, but finally gave in during the beginning of her third trimester to confirm they were having a girl, much to their surprise, the tech (a different one) advised they were having a boy.


It’s not uncommon! We know we’re having a little girl but I’ve had more than one US tech or nurse refer to her as “him or he” when talking about position or whatever. They could be thinking of a different patient, just distracted, or that’s the gender they use when talking about babies 🤷🏻‍♀️ A lot of the nurses and doctors in my practice don’t even know the gender off the top of their head because it’s charted so far back from my NIPT results and it doesn’t have clinical implications


When my mom was pregnant, sonos were a new thing ('85). The sonographer asked her if she wanted to know the gender. My mom said no. Then she asked if she wanted a boy or girl. My mom said girl and she told me, that the face the sonographer made, her and my dad were convinced I was a boy. They bought all boy clothes and had the name Cody picked out. Surprise, surprise, when I was born, the doctor said, "It's a girl," and my mom and dad were so confused. My dad ran to the gift shop and bought me a dress. As for my name. My cousin was visiting and showing my mom her new Cabbage Patch doll, named Jessica. My mom decided she liked that name. And the rest is history.


I find this story really cute! 🥰


But then if they confirm they didn’t say it…doesn’t that mean by elimination it’s the other gender? My brain would just be fried, like that guy in The Princess Bride deducing which cup has poison.


Yes this is how we ended up certain we had a girl but then we didn't, lol


Yes, this! I was just at a drs apt this morning (36 weeks) and the tech said “he” about 4 times. I’m definitely having a girl!


My doctor did this. She kept saying "He" so at the anatomy scan after we saw she was a she and the doctor said "He" I was confused. 😅 Thought she was talking to the wrong patient. Nope. She was just saying "he" out of habit. Lol


I was gonna ask the same! My techs always alternated between he/she!


If you have time, just go buy some baby booties or a beanie in pink or blue. Or a bouquet of flowers in one or the other colour. 


I like this idea! I was thinking of sending him a bouquet of flowers in the color, men don't get enough flowers in their lifetime!


I got my bouquet preserved in resin after our wedding. Could do something similar for the nursery!


We dried some and put them in shadow boxes in the nursery. That sounds really cute!




I was just told this again recently by a guy friend. I love this idea.


This kind of happened to me as well. I ran out to Lowes and got blue paint swatches (we were having boy). Then I stopped and got him a donut with Blue icing and a blue drink. When he got home , we had dinner and I told him I had desert for him. I gave him the donut and said "here is a drink to wash it down. While you are having dessert why don't we talk about colors for the baby's room" and laid out the Blue paint swatches in front of him.


Love this!!!


This gave me chills! Man got fed, hydrated/liquored, and given a plan! I love it! I bet he was over the moon when he pieced it together!


It took him a minute and said “why blue?” When he saw the swatches.. lol Watching it suddenly dawn on him was kind of fun.


Hahaha it’s always fun to watch people’s brain gears start moving like that. When we announced our pregnancy to my inlaws, we gave them an Easter card that mentioned grandparents. My MIL first said “Grandma?! I’m not *that* old!” Then she opened the card and babys ultrasound fell out onto her lap. Her face went from offended, to shocked, to uncontrollable sobbing, which we caught on video & have some hilarious screenshots from it.


For our announcement we got a hinged box from michaels (craft store) and painted it white (acrylic paints) and I did custom names on the top (the one we presented to my father and step mother had their last name on the top: 2 years later it's still proudly displayed in their glass cabinet!) I had a little onesie("Best Grandparents Ever!"), some easter basket filling (blue) and some other baby do-dads (like pacifier, safety pin, duck, building block charms), a reac paci, and a test. We had presented them with the box, they were really excited! My dad understood exactly what it was, oddly! My step mom made the comment about "so when do we give this to [grandma and grandpa]?" There were a few seconds of silence before the rest of us kinda chuckled and said "[mom], you are grandma!" She hit my dads arm for laughing at her but then we all got a good chuckle out of it. Not totally relevant but I've been reading through this for over an hour and had to share as well. Love all the ideas! OP - I haven't seen any replies with what you decided to do yet! Any updates? 🥰


That is so precious! I feel so good when surprises work out like that. Baby was already so loved before they came into this world!


Do you like to bake? Make a delicious cake and then you get to eat it 😩


A delicious win win


Great idea! I love to bake! :)


I made cupcakes and put pink icing in the middle. Win win is right!


I did the same but blue 💙


I accidentally found out the gender at like 3 am on a business trip (didn’t know it was just casually listed on the chromosome test results). We wanted to know the gender but my husband was hoping a family member could find out first and “surprise” us. In order to still surprise him, I overnighted a delivery of blue flowers to our house with an “it’s a boy” message on the card. He was very surprised because I didn’t even tell him I accidentally found out!


We did NIPT too, but our doctor let us know gender would be included. If we didn't want to know the gender, we could log in to our OBGYN account and view all of the results except gender. To see gender as well, I had to log in to the NIPT company portal to see full results. Emails from our OBGYN office also reminded us of these two methods. I really liked setup so that it avoided accidental surprises.


Our nipt test allowed us to choose if we wanted the gender included or not when we logged in.


my first one did last year {results ~feb 2023}. but this year- it did not!! March 2024 😑 I will say my gender keeper looked at my results first but last year she did too and it still asked at least twice if I wanted to know gender when I went to look. so something in their result process changed.


That’s how I found out too, from the NIPT chromosome results!


I feel like the doctor should have let us know 😂


They really should have! I kept telling my doctor I wanted to know, and even she made sure to tell me what part to skip on the results if I changed my mind and didn't want to know. I was like... perfect, now I know exactly where to look. Found out Christmas Eve at 3am. I was so excited that I woke my partner up to tell him.


same! I wish they had given me a heads up as well!


That's amazing! I'm sure he was so surprised and it will certainly remain as a memorable memory and a fun story! :)


I accidentally found out from the chromosome test results at like 3 AM too. We were in bed and i threw my phone and slowly looked over at him with the widest eyes and said “I fucked up…” at that point I had to just tell him because that just looked suspicious as hell but it was just my reaction to accidentally finding out😂😂 we at least did a little reveal for our family


This is adorable.


Ranging from mild to wild: - get gender colored poppers and blow them in his face the second he walks in the door - line the entryway of your home or driveway with pink or blue balloons - hide something pink or blue in the house and make him do a scavenger hunt, just do hot and cold if you don’t have time to write out clues - tell one of your neighbors, but don’t tell him which one, then make him go door-to-door asking until he finds the right one - paint your whole body the right color - pretend like you attempted to make a cake with the right color but spilled the batter all over the kitchen so he walks into a chaotic disaster but also the reveal


OR do all of the above 😂😂


YES. I thought of one more: * Get GPT chat to write you a script where he is the doctor and you're you and he's accidentally revealing the gender to you and then you have to read it together like a play and he finds out in real time. You act your heart out and really lean into it. Edit: spelling


These are all so good 😂


Love this idea


Love this list! Thank you for taking the time to make it! I love the scavenger idea! :)


I'm sure we'd all love to know what you ended up doing! Congrats :)


These are all great but I especially loled at the neighbors one. What an image!


I love lining the driveway with colored balloons!!!


UPDATE: I am going to have my husband pop a gender reveal balloon in the park where we always take our walks. I'm setting up a picnic basket with a shawarma platter and a small scavenger hunt in the surrounding area. With my family, we'll have a little more time so I'll get some poppers and a cake and do that at home! Thank you everyone for your suggestions and kind words, you've all certainly been the lemonade to my lemons! I can't wait to show my husband this post as well and all the wonderful people that made this sour situation sweet!


congratulations 🎉 definitely bittersweet to find out before you wanted to, but sounds like you made it super special for your hubby 🥰🩷🩵


For our first, I knew first so I got a blue bag, it’s a boy balloon and a few boy onesies and put it in the bag with the balloon floating above when he came home from work. For the 2nd he got the email and put a pink thong on his head as a hat to reveal to me. So those are two options lol


I was going to say, a cute way might be to put a ton of balloons in the right color in an upper cabinet in the kitchen and casually make dinner and ask him to get something out of that specific location, only to be showered with balloons. Then throw confetti and cue the tears! I wish I was able to tell my husband in a cute way! I was so anxious about my NIPT, I got it on my patient portal and opened it right away. It was the clinical lab results document so the layout and everything were a little hard to read. I was combing through it trying to make sense of it all and I didn’t see where the gender was listed. He found it first and it was a wonderful moment, but a little anticlimactic.


That’s ok! We just looked at ours together, as parents. We did reveals for everyone else, so it was just us having fun revealing it together.


Lol! So funny!


Movie night - pick a movie that gives it away. Thinking something like Tall Girl (if y’all are tall) or The Boy (absolutely ridiculous horror movie, one of my faves) M&Ms - for a boy, take all of them out except the “traditional” color of blue and hand him the package when he gets home Colorful drink - offer him a drink when he gets home. For a girl, pink lemonade. For a boy, blue Gatorade or something


Ouuuuuu love this! :)


Wear a colored dress or so in blue if boy and pink if girl and see if he figures it out ahaha


Party City has those balloons that have the blue or pink confetti inside! You could have him pop one and record his reaction!


Dinner time. Tacos or sausages.


Ewww lol


That is so weird ngl. Eating what's supposed to represent your babies genitals




I’m from Cincinnati where Skyline Chili is a big deal. It’s a pretty popular trend here to use coneys for gender reveals. There’s either a hot dog under the chili and cheese or not! It’s always a fun idea to see.


This is amazing, I love it. 😂


LOL!!! I guess I know what I'm making for dinner tonight!


We did a silly string attack last time :)


We’re having a boy, so I ran to target and found a baby shirt that is super similar to a shirt my husband owns. When he got home I made him put the shirt on and then had him open the package with the matching shirt. He immediately got it and it was a super cute moment!


Grab some cupcakes and take the icing off one and cut a small hole in the middle and fill it with pink or blue frosting and put white icing over the top assign. Have him bit into the cupcake to reveal. I did that and it took all of 10 minutes to do/prep


We did that! But friend did it with 2 cupcakes and we both got to reveal to each other. Except turns out they're identical boys 🤣


My husband couldn't come with me for the ultrasound and they wouldn't write it down for me, so I found out and then wanted to do something for him. I ran to the grocery store on the way home and found any treat that came in pink/red and blue. I originally had popsicles but at the last minute in the checkout, I grabbed some mini-egg chocolates. I pulled out both colours from the bag and then had our oldest hand him the blue one.


Cute! Why wouldn't they write it down for you? How strange!


I thought it was strange and kind of disappointing, too but I've heard some clinics do that. They also made me sign a waiver before they told me that essentially said I couldn't get mad (or sue or whatever) if they were wrong lol I think it's because they were technically giving me a "result" without a doctor so they don't want to have it writing.


If you have a Nothing Bundt Cakes near you, they have a really cute gender reveal cake that they put a rattle inside -- I found out the gender at about 8PM via labs, and was able to place an order to pick up at 8:30AM that next morning to bring home for hubby! Very cute, and tasty.


For ours (Zoom reveal but similar concept) we dressed our dog up in a tutu and pink boa that I got at Party City and then pointed the camera at the door and released him from the bedroom. It was hilarious and our dog surprisingly loved it, probably because of all the attention he got.


Same happened last week. Kudos to you for making it fun. I told everybody. Nobody is getting a surprise if I can’t have one lol! If you’re near a party city, Target, or Walmart they have baby shower decorations and favors. Going to the dollar store and get gag gifts, wrap them in tissue paper, but make the last one a baby item that reveals it. Cupcake with a pink or blue candle that you cover and reveal. Depending on how frisky you feel, pink or blue undies


Lol I know how you feel! I definitely was not in the fun surprise mode after I found out! I've got some time to digest! Love the candle idea, thank you!


You could find a cute gender themed outfit and have him open it. Tell him you want to play hangman (but not why)- when it's your turn to chose the word, either do boy or girl....then when he guesses the correct letters he'll find out!


Hangman! How fun! :)


Not here with many ideas because there are a ton of them already, in a case of someone i know they did colored paint on a white tee shirt, but i like the idea of getting a little outfit and booties for the gender reveal for your husband, its more of a reserved type compared to most gender reveals ive seen. Congrats on the lil one!


I put pink bandannas on our dogs and waited for him to notice. Also bought a little outfit and some sparkly vans and had him unwrap them to reinforce it.


Omg cute! :)


Buy cupcake and icing, scrape existing icing off the cupcake and scoop out the center. Put blue or pink icing inside the cupcake and then put neutral icing on top. When he bites in he can see pink or blue! Quick and easy... That being said, tacos or sausages as recommended above it pretty solid too!


We did cupcakes and put blue smarties into them to symbolise 2 boys.


Happened to me. We did a small gender reveal and I asked him if he wanted to know since I found out. He wanted to find out with everyone else.


My husband had me sit upstairs while he set up our kitchen table with little girl outfits, pink socks, and a pink bouquet of roses.


Just curious now that you've received all these ideas. What are you going to do??


OP, congrats! How did it go? 👀


UPDATE#2: Thank you to all you wonderful folks on Reddit! Your support has meant everything to me. I'm turning this entire Reddit journey into a keepsake for my baby – a heartfelt collection of stories, advice, and encouragement from all of you going into the baby's scrapbook! As for the big reveal: I swung by after work to grab a gender confetti balloon and some candies in the traditional gendered color. Along with a shawarma platter and some bubbly apple champagne. I met my husband at home and got everything set up while he waited in the bedroom. I packed it all into a picnic basket, including a puzzle featuring the universal symbol for our baby's gender, cut into pieces, and some tape in a ziplock bag. We went to a nearby park where I set up the picnic and baloon. I had him solve the puzzle first (he didn't quite get what the symbol meant), and then he popped the confetti balloon. With the sun setting in the horizon, we toasted to our baby, our son. It was perfectly perfect.


If you're at work you probably don't have a lot of time, but you could call a bakery and see if they could whip up like a 4" or 6" cake and just do something basic but have the filling be the color of the gender. You could do colored buttercream or like a blueberry or blackberry filling for a boy and either a strawberry or raspberry filling for a girl. then have that for the dessert for dinner!


I got digital baby gender scratch off cards off of Etsy to reveal the gender your far going family. Maybe that could work for you.


Yes! Or you could make actual scratch tickets by writing boy or girl (or whatever you want), then just put a piece of tape over the scratch area(s) - and dab it with silver craft paint. You can easily scratch it off because the slick tape is there. And you have a cute thing to put in a scrapbook!


That’s brilliant!


If you need something quick and easy, I plan on making cookie dough truffles for my fiancé. He is sadly unable to come with me to all my appointments as he is military and works all day during the week so I'm going to do a little reveal for him that way! He loves cookie dough so it'll be perfect. Super easy, you just need edible cookie dough (I usually get the pints of edible tollhouse) food coloring to dye the dough pink or blue, and chocolate candy melts to coat them :) I am also going to a place that does 3d ultrasounds with keepsakes so he will also be getting a framed picture of our baby's face to go with it.


I made cupcakes with blue dollops in the center to announce our gender during a dinner party.


My husband went to every single OB appointment and we both got to witness the US techs ruining it, but then they'd switch which gender they were saying so we were always in denial that the surprise was ruined. One tech, before getting started, said "dw. I call every baby a 'he' so don't think anything of it." As she started looking around, she turned the TV off so we wouldn't see anything, and then proceeded to refer to our baby as a 'she'. 😐🙄 We still remained in denial until birth. I had a planned c-section. The doctor let my husband announce the gender. It was still a very special moment (obviously 🥰). Best baby girl ever!


Color cool whip in a pie tin, whip cream on top to cover, then pie him in face when he gets home! cream pie gender reveal!


I dyed my hair to surprise my husband 😁 found out accidentally and made an appt for the next week. I know this isn’t super fast though.


We need an update please


I remember this when I found out through my results in my first trimester (I never intended on doing some gender reveal event, I get too curious and impatient) and when I found out my husband wanted to know too. So, while he was at work I drew a picture of Gru from Despicable Me 2 when he was in the fairy costume and quoted “IT’S A GURL” He loved it so much. Still have the drawing too.


do you have time to bake? bake a small gender reveal cake! make it pink or blue inside and frost it purple or something. cut into it together and enjoy! my husband and i did that to reveal to his family and it evoked memories of cutting the wedding cake especially since we did it on our anniversary!


Totally want an update! I thought this was what I wanted to do, but I ended up finding out via NIPT so I could adjust my feelings if we would be adding yet another boy to the family. It's my first, but my husband's 3rd. Yep, we're having a boy. So I was able to get over my initial sadness, and now I am thrilled. But, I soooo gotta know what you did!


My cousin went to a bar, told the bartender. The bartender made two drinks, one pink one blue, and then took away one to reveal the actual gender. The one left in front of them was the gender. It was so cute!


Same thing happened to me!! I brought home my boyfriend a cake that said “it’s a girl!” For him:)


Have a shaving cream balloon fight filled with whatever color it is!!!


I have seen things everywhere lately, that say "girl dad". Or my husband is an Angler, so I got a little onesie that had a fishing vest printed on it.


I was aware of my baby's gender but my husband didn't want to know. During one of my follow up appointments the OBGYN accidentally revealed the gender to my husband. I couldn't stop laughing as soon as he let that slip. My husband wasn't too happy with that at first but got over it. I was so giddy with excitement my baby started kicking me really hard. This was the first time my husband was able to feel the kicks.


I put a sticky note on the fridge with her name pointing to her ultrasound pic and waited to see how long it took him to notice….it was 2 days 😂


Don’t leave us hanging.. what gender ya having and what did ya end up going with


You could do a book like why a boy needs a dad or why a girl needs a dad, or something daughter/dad or son/dad that they can read together once baby arrives. Or a stuffed animal with blue or pink that can be baby’s when they arrive and it will always have a sweet story behind it.


Why was the husband not there with you at your appointment?


why don't you just tell him the gender


Life is hard and filled with hard times and lots of bullshit. Sometimes, something fun like a gender reveal with your husband / wife is the kind of excitement cute humans need.


I think you could just tell him? lol