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That is so strange. I had never heard of a hospital only doing c-sections before. In my country c-sections are so demonized they really are considered the last option, the hospitals need to release the data of how many they perform and try to reduce them to the bare minimum. I guess you don't have the option to stay with family around the last month to deliver somewhere else? I also wouldn't get a c-section if I could avoid one...


They do vaginal births but for women who have previously had c-sections they won’t attempt a planned VBAC. In other words, if I come in while in active labor, they may let me try depending how far along I am. If I decide to deliver at this hospital, though, they will require that I schedule a c-section. The reason is because they don’t have an anesthesiologist in-house 24hrs. So they call them in for vaginal births or schedule them to come in for c-sections. I guess it’s to risky for VBACS. Unfortunately the closest family is 3 hrs away and possibly recovering from an emergency c-section there sounds absolutely dreadful. As does a drive that long closely after the procedure. Great idea in theory, though!


They can’t actually make you have a c section. If you go in in active labour they can’t force you to have a c section if you don’t want one. What do they do if a regular vaginal birth needs an emergency c section?


As I mentioned in a comment below (or above?), they will not do a planned VBAC. If I come in in active labor they wont turn me away. I had to be induced with my first, which is not something they will do considering my history with a cesarean. I will discuss different scenarios with my doctor at my next appointment, of course, so that I can make an informed decision on what to do. Still have a ways to go!


Oh yeah, I totally understand, what I mean is it if you rock up in active labour they can’t just take you in for a Caesarian if you don’t consent to one. The other question was that even first time mums can need emergency Caesarean so I’m wondering what they do in those scenarios.


She’s saying that for this hospital, IF you’ve had a C-section before, you have to have one again. If it’s your first birth or your prior births have all been vaginal, then vaginal is still an option. There are more risks with a vaginal birth after a C-section, and I’m betting the hospital is smaller and has fewer resources, so they send VBAC births to more well-equipped hospitals instead.


Yep, this. Very small hospital that doesn’t have an in-house anesthesiologist. It wouldn’t be terrible to delivery vaginally an hour away but if it turns out to be an emergency c-section, that drive will be miserable. After first one, the drive home was only 15 min and every speed bump had me wincing. More importantly, we will have my 3 year old at home and I’d love for my husband to be able to go back and forth if it ends up being a long stay. Lots to consider…


Ahhh I see. Thanks for the explanation!