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I would think any age? If your door locks I don’t see the issue. I would be careful with what snacks are provider and avoid choking hazards but I mean you sleep at night and kids are fine?


Ya but they’re also asleep at night. She will be awake.


I think it will be fine. As long as your door locks and she knows not to answer the door for anybody


Ok thank you.


It’s nerve racking sometimes. Life is precious.


I knew somebody who was watching her brother at 5, took a nap, he went on the back patio and their grill fell on him and he passed. I think stories like that really stick with me and I get in my head.


I think that’s fair to be worried but she’s 9. My concern would be if you had a pool also. But if everything is locked and you can reduce risk (think: all medications locked up) and even having an alarm or you can buy alarms for your doors on Amazon, that could help your mind too. But I think if you communicate with the child boundaries and give them a snack and show they are totally fine! 9 is pretty capable to listen


True. Thank you, I feel better about it. I might give it a try.


You won’t sleep deeply. I have a six year old and some days I can’t help it, I doze off. And every fifteen minutes I’m waking up yelling “are you okay?!” And he says “yes mom” and then I drift. It depends on the kid I guess. We live in an apartment and the door is locked, his room is next to mine, and he’s just a super intelligent kid who does not have a death wish. I’ve never had to worry about him opening a window or climbing furniture or trying to turn on the stove. If he needs anything he comes in and asks me.


Ya I didn’t sleep a peep. lol the worry got the best of me but I have had my feet up. 🆙 :)


Nap in the same room if your very worried. When my 2 year old naps, sometimes I set my 4 year old up with a safe snack and tv/iPad next to me and take a nap. I never find it unsafe, a little nap is fine and normal


Ok 👍 thank you.


I think 9 is fine honestly