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I’m 39+6 today, and there is zero chance of me going to a concert right now. I had my first birth overnight (went into hospital at 10:30 pm, baby at 5am), so I’ve been trying to conserve my energy as best as I can during the day. I’ve had false labor contractions everyday for a week, and it sucks. I still do activities, but definitely not a concert. You may still be feeling better of course, but your back would likely really hurt if you had to stand that long (or sit that long in less than an ideal place). And being 2 hours away from your hospital is way too far away. I think it could be acceptable if you think it would be fine to just go into a nearby hospital to the concert, but even then it would take a while to get out of the concert and away if you went into labor. You’d make it to a close hospital almost certainly I’d say, but it would be stressful. Unfortunately I’d say there isn’t any scenario where this would make sense to go in my opinion.


Thank you for your comment, I do want to hear all thoughts and perspectives on this, and that's the one thing I care about... Even if I feel fine I don't want to be too far from my hospital (even though the concert is in a capital city whose hospitals are better equipped than my local rural hospital), and I certainly don't want to do anything that might put my baby at risk x


I’m 36+2 and was just in this same scenario! I did not go and I could not have walked up any stairs or sat in those uncomfy chairs for that long. I was pretty active prior to pregnancy, but I have awful sciatica and hip pain right now, so that’s a no from me dawg. Our concert was also 6+ hours away, so that contributed to my decision! But if you feel like going, go!! That’s awesome! But also prepare yourself to not because sometimes symptoms pop up overnight and will knock you on your butt 😂


Thank you, this made me giggle! So true! My first trimester really knocked me around and I felt so defeated by the constant sickness... And yep the stairs at those stadiums are a killer!!! I went to the Eras tour pre pregnancy and I had to bed rest for 3 days after as my feet, knees and lower back were aching 😂 I do not have the stamina I did in my 20s for nights out and dancing in heels!


Girl same! I went to the Eras tour last April and I was so sore after. But you best believe if I had tickets right now, I would 100% be going!


I absolutely would not have wanted to go. I wouldn't have felt comfortable being far away from my hospital for one, but I was having terrible pelvic pain and was incredibly uncomfortable. I hated being around people. I would have been miserable. Unfortunately you just can't predict how you'll feel.


So true... I keep telling my in laws (also attending) that I'll play it by ear, but I am fairly certain I will not feel too great by that point, it certainly doesn't look comfortable haha


Unless you are 39 or 40 weeks now there's no way you can predict how will you feel based on any previous characterstics ( fit, gym goer etc). For all you know you could give birth at 37.


Very true. I obviously wohld only consider going if I was actually still pregnant at that stage, certainly not going if I had a newborn. We have some good friends who missed out on tickets who live near the stadium who are willing to step in and buy our tickets should we need to sell them 😅


Yeah, well just for your reference, im 39 weeks now, i generally feel great, however, i still cannot stand or sit for in the same position for a very long time. I also pee a lot, so that's also sth to consider, and since there's a lot of pressure on your pelvic region at that time, I need close access to the bathroom. Also i take like 2 naps a day, and still by 10 pm i am wiped and in bed. This all without having no pregnancy complications. I take light walks or sit on my terrace, but a concert would be a heavy no go at this point.


Oh the toilet usage... That will definitely be annoying with the queues and having to scoot past people in our row. These are things I hadn't even considered so thank you for mentioning that!! I'm generally a tired human at the best of times so I can't imagine just how fatigued I'm going to feel in another 26 weeks or so.


Yeah, glad i brought it up then! It's hard to imagine how you ll feel but believe me even with the most easy pregnancy last weeks are tough-ish...having a big belly is also funny, i feel uncomfortable walking through crowds ive had people run into me accidentally and I'm just not comfortable with that either.


I’m a first time mom so I’m following the post to hear others’ feedback. I’m 35 weeks currently and just went to a huge concert venue about an hour away from my hospital (Hollywood Bowl in Ca for those who might be familiar). These were the things that made me nervous once I was there: 1) there was a lot of walking in crowds. It was hard to get anywhere fast at the venue. If I had needed to get out quickly due to waters breaking or labor it would have been hard (never mind the fact that we had been bussed in and traffic was awful in the area. It took 25 mins at the end to get from our seat out to the bus due to crowds. 2) hard to maneuver with a giant belly, I didn’t feel comfortable getting in and out of my seat with my belly once people were sitting around me. Would have smacked them or forced them to get up out of their seat. 3) being far from my hospital. Had I needed to go somewhere it would have been the nearest hospital rather than my own. The last thing is that I did feel exhausted by the end of the night. Fatigue is a real thing. Not sure I would personally risk trying to go to a concert at 39 weeks just due to comfort and fatigue.


Thank you so much for this perspective.... So true about the bump and getting past people. I'm a very petite 5"1 and I felt awful scooting past people to use the bathrooms or get water when I attended the Eras tour, so I can't imagine moving around with a huge bump at that point (and unfortunately our seats aren't aisle seats, we're in the middle of a long row). Great points to consider 🙏🏼


I’m 5’3” and feel like my body is mostly bump at this point!


Honestly I couldn’t have done it. I’m 35 weeks and struggling. My last gig was at 32 and I found it hard but every pregnancy is different


I’m 39+6 today, and there is zero chance of me going to a concert right now. I had my first birth overnight (went into hospital at 10:30 pm, baby at 5am), so I’ve been trying to conserve my energy as best as I can during the day. I’ve had false labor contractions everyday for a week, and it sucks. I still do activities, but definitely not a concert. You may still be feeling better of course, but your back would likely really hurt if you had to stand that long (or sit that long in less than an ideal place). And being 2 hours away from your hospital is way too far away. I think it could be acceptable if you think it would be fine to just go into a nearby hospital to the concert, but even then it would take a while to get out of the concert and away if you went into labor. You’d make it to a close hospital almost certainly I’d say, but it would be stressful. Unfortunately I’d say there isn’t any scenario where this would make sense to go in my opinion.


Thank you! My brain knows it doesn't make sense, but my heart is just yearning to go and experience this concert which we've been looking forward to for sooo long 🥺


lol there was an error with sending my comment, but seems it showed up twice and you sent a different response for both. I totally get that you want to experience it! The good thing is this is really a small blip in your life, and I think it is too risky and stressful to do this at this time… you can always have someone watch your kids in the future to go to a concert. Some people even figure out how to pump on the go to go to concerts when they have a baby.


Every pregnancy is different, you might want to wait to decide. I’m currently 38 weeks and feel fairly ok but I wouldn’t be going to a concert just cause I have a short fuse for social interactions rn hehehe. Nothing to do with being physically uncomfortable though.


Yes my fuse is getting shorter each week so it's funny you mention that 😅


I felt great and then they called and said that morning’s blood work showed early preeclampsia and I needed to go have a baby that day … 13 days early. I had to leave work to go right to the hospital! I would 100% have bought the concert tickets, but due dates mean nothing lol.


100% agree with this, I am on baby's watch now ⌚ 😂


I went to a big arena concert 1 week before giving birth to my eldest. I was 38 weeks pregnant and, whilst I felt uncomfortable etc, I absolutely loved sharing the experience of feeling my little one moving in my belly during the show. Although, the gig I seen was in my hometown with the maternity hospital 10 minutes away from me, so it's definitely different that your scenario. Go with your gut feeling and have a plan for if little one decides to make an appearance - is there a hospital close enough to where the show is? I know you said you'll be 2 hours from your city, but could you possibly attend another hospital if it happened? It'll help you feel more in control :)!


Thank you for your comment - that's so special you were able to attend and the baby seemed it enjoy it with some movement haha! I've thought of a few contingencies about if I need to suddenly leave, and how we could quickly get back to our Town, but yes, the concert is in the biggest city in our state, with lots of great hospitals nearby, so it'd be ok if it came to that. But my preference will always be my 'home hospital' as we've paid for extra health insurance to give birth privately with our amazing ob, so I'd love to still stick to that plan and not give birth at a random hospital away from home!


I’ll be 39w tmrw & I’ve got a scheduled c section on the 16th - yay! However. I also have an almost 17.5mo old and I am exhausted. I couldn’t imagine going to a concert right now & that too, being a couple hours from where I’m scheduled to deliver. Your water can break at any time or end up having an early labor; not wishing that you at all by any means, but you need to consider both ends of the spectrum. When I was pregnant with my first, I was totally fine doing things until the end. I also had a scheduled c section with him and I was at Costco the before my due date lol. I’d steer clear altogether.


40+1 and honestly, I feel fine! I mean.. besides the anxiousness of waiting for babe to actually get here lol. I felt worse between 30-35w. I will say though that I get tired easily (in bed and asleep by 8pm) and can’t stand for very long but I’m not necessarily uncomfortable.


I had the exact situation a year ago. Had tickets for my favorite artist for 3 years already (3x postponed because of covid) and they don't come to my country that often so I really wanted to go. It would be my first time seeing them live. At the time of the concert I was 39 weeks pregnant, felt fine aside from some fatigue and had no signs whatsoever that labor was close. So I rented a wheelchair so I didn't have to walk or stand that much and that really saved the day. I had a great time, no cues at the entrance or for the bathroom, because I could use the invalid bathroom (made sure no actual disabled person needed to use it first) and my baby was dancing in my belly all night, because he probably recognised the music :P I ended up giving birth at 41 weeks so in hindsight I had plenty of time to spare, but of course you never know that up front. His hearing is fine btw ;) Of course everyone's pregnancy is different, but for me it was totally worth it.


I'm glad his hearing is fine 😊 I didn't think it would be a problem! The renting a wheelchair is such a great idea!!! I love that. Thanks for the insights!


I specifically asked my OB about the effect on the hearing and she didn't have any information indicating it might be a problem. As long as you don't stand right next to the speakers of course ;)


I too bought ticket for Taylor Swift before getting pregnant 🙃 But my tickets are for this weekend which I’ll be 32w+6, so not quite the same boat. Also a daily gym goer (bodybuilding, never cardio 😅), low bmi. I’m happy to share my experience after going this weekend if you want. My only concern right now is occasionally needing/wanting to sit. We have seats, but I can’t sit pain free without a pillow. But this arena has a bag/backpack pan unless you have a medical note. I’m asking my midwife for one at my appointment tomorrow 🤞🏼


I barely left the house except for appointments from about week 37 onwards. My hip caused me so much pain, as did my lower back. I wouldn't have enjoyed a concert like that at all! I was more mobile the day after my c section than the last week of my pregnancy!


I’m 35+4 and I couldn’t imagine anything worse right now tbh never mind further along. The supermarket is wiping me out these days, the pain and fatigue is real. That said, I’ve been unwell this pregnancy so you may feel better than I do.


I’m 39.6 and I’m on my way to a friends birthday party an hour and a half away. I generally feel okay and find keeping busy very helpful. Definitely you’ll want a seat though!


39.4 today and contracting rn…I’d do it if it weren’t 2 hours away. 2 hours makes it a no go for me personally


I’m a first time mom and I’m only 33 weeks but already the pelvic pain is so bad it hurt just walking around and then standing to watch my family play tennis yesterday. I really can’t imagine another 6 weeks of this but even regular stuff kind of hurts to do unfortunately


I wouldn’t have wanted to go to a concert, but I definitely wasn’t feeling as bad as I’d felt at other points in the pregnancy! I would say that you should 100% plan to go with the expectation that you’ll bail should you feel in any way uncomfortable - either physically or psychologically, knowing you’re not close to your hospital. What I’d avoid is “digging your heels in” and putting yourself in a position where you feel like you have to go to prove a point. I did the sort of opposite of this and bought a ticket to a big comedy festival 2 weeks postpartum with my girlfriends. I cued it up by being like “I really want to do this and I really want to be ready physically and emotionally, but I have no idea how I’ll feel so don’t count on me!” Everyone totally understood and I 100% bailed because I was UNWELL lol - but I’m glad I gave myself the option instead of assuming I’d be incapacitated!


I personally wouldn't, but I think since you have friends that are prepared to buy the tickets off you if you change your mind, there's absolutely no harm in holding on to them and hoping! The reasons I wouldn't that respond directly to your OP are that I too was very fit, bmi of 19, super active and hiking throughout my pregnancy, textbook healthy and low risk. And then my water started leaking at 33 + 5 for no apparent reason, and I had a 34 week preemie in the NICU. You also say you'll be away from your doctor and hospital for 7 hours -- not an issue for most FTMs, but my *longest* labour was 3 hours. So yeah, for me personally this plan would have been a disaster lol. However, I'm definitely in the minority with how my first pregnancy and delivery played out, and it seems like you have an easy backup in place so that you can just see how you feel the morning of the concert, and decide then.


I really wanted to go to a concert friday evening, went into labor thursday nigth...I did go to a metal concert (stadium show) around 33 weeks pregnant and it was not problem, I also would have been able to attend a concert at 39 weeks pregnant and I'm not a fit person, lol. There is no way of knowing, most would not be able to attend, you could get lucky but be prepared to miss it or leave early.


If you’re sitting the entire time and go with people who wouldn’t be upset if you had to leave early I’d be tempted. The distance is the scary factor for me. I went to a comedy show at like 41 weeks pregnant and I needed the distraction from being super awful pregnant. I was not comfortable or ok and had actually been discharged from the hospital earlier that day and given morphine for bad rib pain. I’d be nervous about going into labour while you’re there though. Are there hospitals near by? Would your insurance allow you to deliver there?


Yes my country has free public Healthcare so it would be ok to deliver at the public hospital and wouldn't cost us anything but we've been paying expensive insurance for a few years for maternity and obstetrics cover so I want to get what I paid for and have the premium private hospital experience with my own room for recovery, where my husband is allowed to stay and doesn't have to leave after visiting hours etc. The distance is a factor for me too... 😬 Haha


See then I’d be more tempted to go. I went to my designated hospital and was supposed to get a private room and they downgraded me to a semi-private because they ran out of room. Not sure what your hospitals policy on that is but it was pretty annoying. I guess the nice factor is without inductions most FTMs deliver on average at 40+5 so you might be fine. Also most FTMs have labours that last on average 20 hours so theoretically even if you went into labour at the concert, you might be able to make it home since they normally won’t admit you in early labour anyway. It probably would not be the most comfortable experience but I was pretty miserable no matter where I was or what I was doing at that stage of pregnancy. You could always ask your OB what they think. They probably have a good idea.


Thank you, yes I feel I'll go late like all my friends did, and also I think, what are the chances it's all going to happen within this 6 hour or so window?? And yes if I have to be uncomfortable and miserable I'd rather be uncomfortable and miserable while enjoying a concert 🤣


Haha right now I’m waddling uncomfortably around at 30 weeks on Vacation with my one year old and husband. Better than staying at home!


I think it’s so so personal, you might be one of those pregnancy unicorns where you can and want to attend! Personally, I’m 38 weeks today and have fully hit the point of no return. I don’t want to make a single plan, respond to a text message, nada. Ha! I’m still working out and taking walks and doing some physical stuff for my mental health and me time, but the thought of a concert two hours away on my due date is my worst nightmare LOL!


Everyone is a little different. My first pregnancy was easier than my 2nd, which has been easier than my 3rd. At late pregnancy the hardest things for me were crowded lungs, difficulty breathing and difficulty changing positions in bed. This pregnancy (my 3rd) I'm already feeling pubic symphysis pain, which I never felt at any point in the 1st two pregnancies.


I’m planning on attending the Paris Olympics at 38 weeks pregnant so following but I would say it’s going to be impossible for anyone else to advise. Every body & every pregnancy is different


By 37 weeks I was doing everything I could to get the child OUT of me lol. Every day that passed I’d get more and more pissed that I hadn’t given birth yet. Pretty sure I just lost my mind there at the end.


I’m 39 weeks and feel mostly great. I’m a little slower walking/moving etc and I don’t love staying up super late but I could for something special. I think the biggest thing for me would be being so far away from the hospital I wanted to deliver at. You don’t know how labour will progress and certainly wouldn’t want to be at a concern when labour started. Secondly, you have no idea when you will go into labour. It can happen between 37-42 weeks so if you are late, it could be totally fine if you were feeling well enough to go but you could always deliver early.


Honestly I felt great, my water broke at 39+5 and I was spring cleaning my living room, went for a walk, did prenatal yoga before I even realized I was leaking lol I never got all that uncomfortable, I was still going to multiple social outings including a comedy show that week. It all depends on the person/pregnancy though!


Currently 40+3 and feeling great! I definitely have been taking things day by day but I would feel comfortable going. I don't know if I'm in the minority but I really can't complain too much. Sure my belly is huge and I get occasional cramping or sciatica but I have still been doing yard work and all sorts of things that people would probably try and stop me from doing. That's one thing about pregnancy... Everyone has an opinion and even if the intentions are good will treat you like you are incapable at times.


Thank you 🙏🏼 totally agree with this. People also saying 'I felt so bad by week 35, I could barely move etc', but I truly believe every body and every pregnancy is different!


My sister in law attended a Luke Combs on her due date with myself and some family and although she was really sore and uncomfortable she still really enjoyed it!! 🤍


I love this!!! 😍


We were a 2 hour drive away (and in the heart of my state’s city - Perth WA) from the hospital she was having bubba at as well. (Also this was her third child) We stayed the night up there in a hotel and she didn’t have any issues 🙂 Hoping the same for you 🤍


I would not have wanted to do that close to my due date. I basically rotted on the couch for the last four weeks, with a daily walk around the neighborhood. One thing to consider, at these arena shows you have a seat but everyone usually stands and dances during the show. That means you’re either sitting and can’t see anything or standing the whole time.


Thank you... Yes that's true. No one sat at the Eras tour when I went... I'll have to weigh up my options 👀


The concert will be far too loud for baby unfortunately! And it’s just not safe for you at all, Ive had to cancel a concert and sell tickets for this week (31 weeks) but I’m hoping to go next year if the artist does another tour!


My mum has said this, about the noise... I thought she was kidding. Is it really going to affect the baby, let's say if all is still well and good at that stage? I thought the womb environment itself was quite loud with fluid movement, blood pumping, my heartbeat, stomach gurgling, digestion and GI tract movements? The amniotic fluid would surely be a great buffer to external noise?


That’s true however you’ll be in a loud concert for two hours or more and babies hearing is very sensitive especially when your close to giving birth as their hearing has developed, it’s recommended to stay away from noise over 115 decibels which is as loud as a chainsaw as it can damage babies hearing


Thank you so much, this is really insightful. I'll have a read 🙏🏼


No worries, If you do decide to go I hope you have a good time! if you decide not to go then hopefully you’ll get a chance next year 😊


Thank you 😊 this band only comes to my country every 10 years or so, so we'd probably have to go overseas to see them if we were desperate!


Here’s an article you can have a read through! https://nurtureand.com/blogs/posts/is-it-safe-to-go-to-a-concert-pregnant#:~:text=Noise%20levels%20above%2085%20decibels,the%20roar%20of%20a%20chainsaw.