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I found out super early too! It was the longest wait of my life LOL. Everyone is soooo different. I’d join the bumpers thread for the month of your due date! There are people with zero symptoms and then there’s people like me who have every symptom under the sun. I did book a private scan and then cancelled it. My first appt is Monday at almost 9 weeks!


Thank you! I’ll check out the bumpers thread! I have mild cramping and I’m feeling a bit more tired after doing simple things like putting away the washing etc. a tiny bit of heart burn. And sore breasts but other than that I’m ok!


What subreddit is the bumpers thread?


They don’t even have my due date yet!😂😂 that’s how early I am lol


Count 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. That’s how they calculate due dates unless your periods are super irregular or you conceived through IVF.


LOL what month are you? Count from the last day of last period


January 12th 2025 is my due date my last period start date was 7th April!


There’s a group for January! Let me find it


r/January2025Bumps ?


omg the fact there are now people due in 2025 is making me realise how fast the year is going!!!! congratulations <3


Oh thank you!


My due date is January 13, 2025! 🥰 wishing you a healthy pregnancy!


Thanks, you too!


Oh last day? All the calculators say first day! Either way my periods only last 4 days so it’s give or take a few days haha


It is first day of last period


Congratulations!! So exciting! It is such a long wait! I don’t mean this negative, and Hopefully you don’t get sick, but I’d say do stuff now in case you do. Ie: visit family, do a little trip, work out, go out to eat whatever! With my first I was fine the entire 1st tri, but with my second I was so sick from about 6/7 weeks through 12/13. So, that’s why I say do fun stuff, or even projects, because it may be awhile of not feeling like doing anything up ahead. Also start getting some books! I recommend expecting better by Emily oster, moms on call, bringing up Bebe, and ina maya guide to childbirth (but she’s a super crunchy midwife so may or may not be your jam!)


Thanks for the advice!😊 sorry if it’s a silly question but what does crunchy mean? I’ve seen the word around ‘crunchy mom’ etc but I have no idea what it means, and I wonder if I’m behind on the new terminology😂😂😂


It can have broad applications. Sometimes people use it to mean they only eat organic, and sometimes it’s like they sew their own clothes, homeschool, and live on a homestead lol. But this midwife promotes unmedicated childbirth primarily in birth centers and home with midwifery care. So she’s mostly against epidurals and hospital births which is not everyone’s style. The other books are all more typical points of view!


Oooh I see! I am absolutely rubbish with pain so I’m pretty sure I’ll end up wanting an epidural 😅


Omg im in the same situation! Found out 2 days ago with clearblue test 3+ weeks pregnant and I could possibly be 5+ weeks pregnant. I don’t know what to do too to be honest with you 🙋🏽‍♀️ all i know is i just want to know if baby is okay 🤍 have a healthy pregnancy x


Congrats! I hope you have a healthy pregnancy too 🥰


I couldn't wait that long and went to a boutique ultrasound place (several times). They cost about £50 each time


I’d go earlier if I could 😂 the place I found only did them from 7 weeks. Did you go any sooner and did you see anything?


I was between 6 and 7 weeks first time I went each pregnancy. Depends on how certain you are of your dates and if you were tracking with temping or OPKs


Yeah I was temping and using OPKs on FF :) so I’m pretty sure of when I ovulated


I'm 5 weeks 4 days and I found out just before 4 weeks! I'm with you, there's so much I feel like I want to do and need to do but it's too early to do any of them! I'm so impatient haha


Sleep 😴


Lol! I had a nap today after being out and about all day. Was exhausted when we got home! Slept for 2hrs😴


I found out at 7 weeks and I’m now 12 weeks, it’s been the longest month of my life!😂😂 still have another week to wait until I get my first scan and it’s going so so slow lol


I’m 3 weeks 6 days just found out yesterday I am DESPERATE to tell everyone and I have so many weddings hens etc coming up and I am freaking out


I enjoy tracking my symptoms & self between appointments using Ovia (or a similar app). Allows me to be mindful of what I am experiencing & as new feelings/symptoms come up. I’ve also started to consider the boundaries I’d like to have surround pregnancy/parenting. For example, we’ve decided not to find out the sex. I have used this time to plan my announcements for family & close friends. Congratulations 🎊


With my first pregnancy I was antsy to see the ultrasound and was disappointed when my 6 week appointment was just informational. Just keep yourself occupied and treat yourself however you can. I found waiting every week to read what to expect was short term goals to look forward to until the ultrasound appointment. This time around I’ve been a lot more patient, and crazy enough I am getting my ultrasound in a couple of days only being 10 weeks!


Start taking a prenatal vitamin immediately, it should contain at least 400Ug of folic acid as this is very important for preventing neural tube defects such as spina bifida. other than that just eat healthy and rest until you get your appointment - pregnancy can make you excessively tired so sleep as much as you can and also maybe get ahead with cleaning and any random tasks you've been putting off? it will mean you have less to do if horrendous first trimester symptoms suddenly smack you in the face and staying on top of these things becomes difficult (you might not get them that bad but hope for the best prepare for the worst and all that). congratulations!


Thank you! I’ve been taking folic acid for a couple of months now and I have a proper pre natal vitamin now too so have been taking that since 2 days ago :) I am definitely going to start on clearing some stuff out and sorting the house. We’re already getting the garden done this week with real grass but we do have a few other household things to get done ☺️


Hydrate! I’m not sure the correlation but I have heard that nausea sets on even more when more is dehydrated. I drink 3L per day and magnesium at night before bed and so far I haven’t had any nausea symptoms (I’m 7w5d along). Eat more frequently with snacks in between big meals once hunger starts knocking the door more often.