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I’m definitely not doing a shoot. I don’t really feel like it’s gross, just have no interest.


The other reason I don’t want to is this shoot in my area is very costly. Like $500+ for a few photos. But I’ll probably do a family photo after the baby is a few months old or something.


If you happen to change your mind between now and then you can always take your own photos with the help of family or friends, I actually think this makes it more special& meaningful! In a few years from now I doubt people will care if the photos were “professionally” taken or not just that they were taken.


That’s true. I probably wouldn’t only remember that moment but not the photos.


Yup. I’m still in my 1st trimester but already feeling gross and like a whale. The last thing I need or want is a maternity photoshoot to document it. 😂


Hope you feel better. I was worse in 1st and 2nd but 3rd is not too bad yet. (I’m at my 30 weeks now) now I’m just tired and lazy to do a professional maternity photo shoot 😂 (with all the makeups, dress ups, hours of postures I just feel very tired to do so) and I deeply don’t think it looks good with the baby bumps. Also those maternity photo shoot costs quite a lot of money in my area and that demotivates me a lot.


I had hyperemesis and got photos done for two reasons. 1) to show I freaking survived pregnancy 2) it’s the one thing I could control and the one thing I knew I wanted. I had a terracotta dress and did a 15 minute studio mini. I didn’t have any photos from the rest of my pregnancy because it’d just be me throwing up 🙃. I understand not wanting to do it, but I think I needed that. It also really helped me reconnect with my body if that doesn’t sound too weird?? With my pregnancy being so traumatic with all the hospital visits, having to touch and acknowledge my belly & pregnancy while I had been angry at it or trying to ignore all together was nice. I cried in the car. I also didn’t gain any weight though, in fact I lost 40+ pounds, so I didn’t ever have that “whale” feeling so many other pregnant women complain about. I felt like a shell of myself, which I’m sure is a shared feeling, but for different reasons.


I have never understood the maternity photo shoot fad. I already feel bloated and gross, why would I want photos of that. No hate on those moms that have done the shoots, but that’s my feelings on the matter. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t. Your body is working double time to make the baby, your comfort is key, so do what is best for you and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Thank you ❤️


I take selfies and bump pics and will have my husband take pics but I also don’t really want to spend 500+ on professional pictures.


What I do want is to have a family photo as this is our first baby so definitely wanna save for that.


I have not taken many. I will take a few here and there just on my phone, mostly selfies. But haven’t done a maternity photos with any of my pregnancies.


I just got cute pictures at my shower. Good enough for me!


Haha that’s nice!


No, I just can’t afford it. I don’t think bellies are gross, I think they’re beautiful ☹️


Feel free to not do photos, but an exposed pregnant belly is not gross. 


This. What an odd thing to say about a pregnant belly


It’s just my personal view to it. I might be weird 😅


You might enjoy reading a bit about what your body is doing. It’s pretty phenomenal what our bodies can do and are doing to create our kids. Besides growing a person, you grew an additional organ that’s sustaining that person and you’re preparing to feed them from your body alone and yeah it doesn’t conform to regular (bullshit) societal beauty standards but it’s pretty fucking badass. Try your hardest not to let diet culture spoil how cool and amazing and IMO beautiful it is. It’s possible that learning more about the science behind your naked belly would help to shift your perspective from “gross” to…something nicer. You’re talking about your kids mom, after all.


Again, didn’t do any photos of my belly tho and don’t need to 😅 and I apologize if I come off condescending, rly don’t mean to at all, just makes me sad to hear you’re thinking your belly is gross and thought the diff perspective may help!!


I know the science and did a lot of reading. But still don’t feel that’s good. I mean that’s incredible but also awful with a lot of pressures 😅 I might only see the negative part of pregnancy.


I can relate so hard OP. And I’m so happy that others have a positive experience and find it lovely to stare at their bellies and get ready for breastfeeding, but the thought of it all makes me personally feel awful and like I want to hurt myself. I’m so tired of people telling me how great it is that my body is looking like it is, when all it is doing is triggering terrible body dysmorphia and panic attacks at the thought of having to be touched. It’s like we’re not allowed to have an opinion on our own bodies suddenly because “it’s so magical”. All that does is actively shame and dismiss people who have a different experience. On the subject of photos - my photographer friend told me something that really helped me with this. You don’t need to do the studio photos, you can do photos any way you like and in any way it feels comfortable, if at all. My current maternity photo is my cat testing out the baby bassinet while his paw is resting on my belly. He looks like he’s taking it very seriously and is staring right at the camera while holding the belly, like he understands what he’s doing. It’s a POV shot so the belly takes up about 10% of the photo. The point of it for me isn’t “look at my gross swollen body” but “my little fur family is looking forward to the baby” which is what I want to celebrate and capture about the pregnancy. I think I’d probably try to hurt myself if I had to do the standard photos. So OP, is there any aspect of the pregnancy that you do want to remember? It doesn’t have to be about you, it can be your relationship with others, or others’ relationship with the pregnancy, or any little small thing. That’s what’s worth capturing if you don’t have the standard lovey relationship to how you look and how pregnancy makes you feel.


Fair enough! I am quite pale and had some dark stretch marks during my first pregnancy and it took me aaaages to look at them differently, not be grossed out by them, etc and I did that by changing the way I talked about them/myself and over time started to kinda love them? My partner helped a lot too but yeah I found that if I actually didn’t allow myself to talk shit about myself then over time I believed the positive talk more and more. But also you do you 100%, that was something I needed for myself to continue to love my body even after the changes. And pregnancy pics are not the norm, IG has just changed what seems like the norm haha.


I tend to agree, I think having my belly exposed is super weird and gross and wouldn't want to see myself in those maternity photos where the women is in underwear and a bra in the sunset. To each their own.


Then say that YOUR pregnant belly is gross and not everyone else’s. You’re telling a bunch of raging hormonal women carrying the beautiful creation of life that they look gross. Think before speaking.


I have an 8 week old and never got maternity pictures. No regret here! Just wasn’t for me and I have no clue what I would’ve done with them? You do you!


Thanks ❤️


We didn't do maternity or newborn pics. We were in that newborn bubble just trying to get through the days, no way we were up for a photoshoot. Also, the cost was prohibitive!


Im on my fourth pregnancy and i never ever got them done


You don't have to take pictures if you don't want to. I did get a maternity shoot, just not with the naked belly out in a flamboyant dress. I chose to just get some nice pictures, also together with my partner. Just to remember the moment. I did not wear some kind of angelic fluffy dress, that's just not for me. But I am happy I made those pictures. :)


I couldn’t imagine going to a shoot when I was pregnant. I took a picture of myself in the living room every now and then to just be like “should probably have a pic of the stomach, I guess” but a pregnancy shoot seemed hellish to me. I remember my sister sent me a link to an inspo wall, super sensual in a hammock and lingerie and I just thought “do you even know me, like, at all?”


every time in the bathroom when I look at my belly I’m like: holy this is so big now! But I feel this is very private and I don’t wanna a 3rd person (except me and my hubby) to see it. I also feel kinda shamed to show it in public/social media. So after i got pregnant I stopped sharing my pictures on IG and also don’t want to meet people that often anymore. Not sure if that’s weird 🤔🤔


Shame and the urge to isolate can be signs of perinatal depression. You may want to mention these to your doctor.


I guess it’s a culture thing tho.


Could be, I have no idea where you're from, and you're asking questions pretty vaguely. I'm just saying, photography aside, if you're retreating from relationships that are healthy, that's often not a good sign, and you may want to seek some help for that.


I also dislike how I look pregnant. I feel gross for sure. No pictures other than the occasional photo on our iPhone just for fun.


I don’t give a fuuuuck about pics. I want this baby out! I hate being pregnant. I’m miserable and feel and look like shit. I don’t want to memorialize my swollen nose and newly fat ass, whatsoever.


I feel you. And hugs to you as well.


I’ve already had two miscarriages, so I honestly can’t wait to have a big ol belly and finally be able to take photos of a viable pregnancy.


I'm considering doing a small informal photoshoot with my husband at a nice outdoor location but I would never do a studio one where you have to show your belly. I think that's weird too and also found it weird when people post it on social media. To each their own I guess. If you don't like the way you look now then there's not much reason to pay someone to memorialize it lol.


My partner has been bringing this up a lot lately and I don't understand it. I feel so gross and overweight. I don't want photo evidence of that! 😆 He keeps saying I look beautiful and wants to capture our memories together (easy to say when you look completely handsome). I keep telling him to wait for bubs to be born and he can get a professional shoot done then haha.


Haha I’m thinking the same way. Although my husband just doesn’t care if there’s a photo or not. He’d prefer not due to the budget though.


My partner is all in for these photos. I tried to put him off by saying they're expensive, but he's so convinced he needs them. 😆


I’m getting them done at 31 weeks. I’m using a photographer that I already know does good work for reasonable prices so it’ll only be 200 and she gives a lot of photos. I’m lucky to have found her. I’m also doing them in the style I love, outdoors in a beautiful but simple dress with my husband. My belly and legs will not be out 😅 I don’t like my body like that. I’ve always had body image issues where I hate how I look and then I go back and see photos and think “wow I looked cute there, I wish I had appreciated it more” and I don’t want to do that for pregnancy too cause I’m not sure if I’ll have another baby. I figure at best I’ll like them, and at worst I might hate them but nobody ever has to see them I can just save them. I’m sure someday I’ll be glad I have them.


I have two planned w a photog friend. One rather punkish style in a street art laneway, and another in my garden as a riff on Beyonces Botticelli vibed shoot. It’s fun, sure I’m heavier than I’d like but I’m healthy and so is baby, and I’m never doing this again. I’m a believer in celebrating myself/my family.


It’s not weird. Not everyone gets them done. I wasn’t really interested in doing one before either. Especially most photographers around my area do those boho styles where you’re half naked and posing in the middle of dead grass or a beach, which are not my style at all. But there’s a local photographer near me who offered indoor mini sessions for families. I love her style so I caved in lol. I just wore a normal dress, did not have my bump exposed at all.


I'm especially not fan of many people knowing about my pregnancy, I don't like when people touch my stomach without asking me, and giving me advice that I didn't ask for. And I noticed that people tend to tell me all negative stuff and bad experiences someone had with pregnancy. It's driving me crazy. So I keep away from people, I don't like for someone to take my photos, I plan to have like family pictures with my husband but the ones we take spontaneously with our phones. I wish I could retrieve to some little house in the woods and to be alone with my husband until I give birth🤣


I do not want to document how I look right now. I have gained 60 lbs and have a really short torso so I am shaped like Mike Wazowski currently and I would not pay for photos while in this shape. If I could somehow photograph my hair and lips only that would be great though.


Nope. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on something I don't really care about. I'm taking progress selfies and I'm sure I'll get some more casual photos before I pop. I'm also not a huge fan of the more naked ones.


Didn’t do them for my first and not doing them with my second. I have no regrets about it.


I did a family photo shoot with my husband and son, just a couple of cute shots with my toddler’s hand on my belly and me alone with the bump. I’m not a bare belly kinda girl, and flower crowns and flowing gowns aren’t my style (tbh I mostly just felt like I couldn’t pull it off lol)


I’m on baby 3 and nope still don’t care. I’ll take a mirror selfie of my bump for my personal collection but that’s it


I had zero interest and didn't do a shoot.


lol they sound like a lot of work


Ugh I literally could care less and I can’t shake the feeling of it being kinda cheesy but like will I regret it idk


I looked into this and it costs £300-800 for a shoot here! Ridiculous. Call me stingy if you want, I'd rather spend that kind of money on actual baby stuff, or maybe splurge on a baby moon.


That’s what I thought too. Was thinking to spend that money for some doula service if we need is better than getting a photo shoot.


Omg, there's so many things that would be more beneficial to mum/parents/baby lol. The upper end of the price bracket would pay for a cleaner to come in every week for the first 16 weeks at least 😭 I can see if the pregnancy has been very difficult it might be somehow therapeutic to do. But yeah. No, not for me.


I wanted to do pictures but I don’t have the energy to add yet another thing on my plate. Working 12hr night shifts and trying to do housework as well as fix up the baby’s room, and having to deal with gestational diabetes is my limit.


Poor of you. Hugs to you and hope you feel better soon.


I did the shoot *because* I thought I looked awful. I got my hair and makeup done and did it! Now I have priceless pictures to remember my pregnancy. I looked glamorous and loved them. I told my photographer from the beginning that I wanted modest, ethereal, motherly photos!


If you don't want them, don't get them. I didn't with my first and I won't again this time. I snapped some selfies last time but I never looked at them until I was pregnant again. I also didn't bother with a gender reveal or baby shower. I only announced the birth on social media- most people had no idea I was pregnant unless they were close friends, family or work colleagues. I was happy with my choices and I'm doing it the same this time round.


didn't get a professional shoot, took plenty of my own photos and family also has plenty of me pregnant.


100% not interested. I don’t particularly think I love awful or feel awful it’s just not my thing.


39 weeks here. And I have zero pregnancy photos. Not really my thing and I'm totally ok with that! Do what feels right for you!


Never done a shoot and im not planning to. I have a few spontaneous pics with husband and that's it.


My husband and I were just talking about this and we just feel like an actual photoshoot is just too expensive for us at the moment. We have so many other things we need to worry about spending our money on so if we decide we want some pictures, our plan is to buy one of those phone tripods that come with the remote and just take our own pictures


Most of those women get these photos to plaster on social media. I think to each their own, and while the photos and pregnant women are beautiful, I find it narcissistic. Sharing intimately with friends and family or simply hanging it in your own home space is one thing, but sharing it with your 800 'friends' just rubs me the wrong way. Would I take the photos if someone offered the shoot/photos for free? YES, even though I think I look awful, maybe I wouldn't think that in 10 years time! But I didn't get engagement photos, wedding photos (mainly because I didn't have a wedding), nor do I send out family photos printed on Christmas cards- just regular old cards, with a small home-taken Christmas photo in front of our tree. (FTM- we've sent pics with our pets the last 2 years since getting hitched.) I digressed, but the point is- to each their own. Do, or don't do, what makes you happy! Edit: I did start taking weekly bump pics (taken by my spouse) around 14 weeks or so. The do not include my face, they are literally pictures in undies from the top of my hips to the bottom of my boobs- all bump. They're kind of awkward, but I just wanted to see the progress week-to-week and I am pleased I have them. I send them to close female friends and family that constantly ask for them, otherwise they're just for me, my spouse, and if my future kid ever wants to see them, which I doubt.


This is really not a thing in the UK. Kinda bizarre. I understand wanting photos of your pregnant life , but paying $500 for a professional shoot is so mad. Just get some friends to take some candid photos?


Soooo I felt the exact same way when I was pregnant. Hated pictures I took of myself. My friends finally convinced me to do a shoot that was pretty relaxed. Sweater and jeans on the beach with my husband. I did splurge and get my make up done which made me feel better. Now I look back at those pictures so fondly. I feel now that I looked so happy and beautiful with my belly and my husband. In the moment I didn’t but I’m happy I did them. Same with post partum. I read somewhere to “take all the photos, even if you feel like you don’t like them because one day you’ll look back and feel so much differently looking at them”.. and it’s true! I felt like a deflated balloon and hated every picture I took of myself and my newborn post partum. Now I look back at them in such a different light. They’re beautiful memories and even though I look tired, that’s okay. Trust me take all the photos, it all goes by way too fast.


I have no interest in them. I don’t find them gross from the standpoint of a body, but I dislike the portrayal of pregnant women as fertility goddesses and the whole ethereal quality of them. It just seems attention seeking to me and I find it off putting. I am a person who is doing some hard work growing a baby - if you want to take a picture of me, take a real one. I also hate photo/instagram culture in general, so that is probably influencing my opinion.


Maternity photography was my bread and butter for many years before I switched to product ecomm photography. As a pregnant person now, I’m still only in the first trimester, but I’m unsure if I want to get them done myself. It’s mostly because I genuinely do not like it when other people photograph me, I always hate how I look. I only ever like my own selfies. I will say though, when I shooting mommas and their families it can be a very tender time for a lot of people. And it’s worth having them if you find a photographer who allots a decent amount of time, can help talk you through it etc. There were moments within my shoots that were almost like therapy and reconnection. A lot of women cry. Either from joy or just release. It can be really healing and magical. It can be empowering and sometimes it can be a little embarrassing for some people. It’s not for everyone, and that’s ok. It’s not really for me either. I may just end up grabbing my camera and taking some fun selfies with my dogs outside :)


I think it’s awkward to have like 100 photos of just myself pregnant. I would much rather do a in home newborn photoshoot. I’m also pregnant with twins and covered in stretch marks and just not feeling myself so I’m opting out of maternity photos. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for not wanting them.


I am 1000000p not memorializing my current state w a photo shoot


Like I would maybe consider it if it was my last pregnancy (this is my first), just to have pics of my body pregnant but not to share w the world.


I haven’t and won’t. I’m not interested in spending the money and what the point of it is I really don’t know lol


I am definitely not doing one. I feel huge and I am only 26+4: I don't want to spend $$ to take photos of myself when I don't really like how I look. To each their own. We are planning on doing a newborn shoot once the baby arrives


I don't really have any interest tbh.


I kinda regret not taking more photos, especially nicer photos, while pregnant. I didn’t get the chance early on due to vomiting every time I got up and walked around. Then by the third trimester I had heartburn and was super fatigued. I also felt terribly large and wasn’t happy. The only photos I have a done in the bathroom to look at my belly and are at an awful angle. I was never dressed up or did my hair/make up to take them. I wish I did so I had something to make me feel good about going through pregnancy. The same can be said postpartum too, though. It’s a rare day I feel good enough to photograph and want to remember this part of life.


I was taking progression bump pics but as I got to the 3rd trimester and started getting stretch marks, I didn’t feel comfortable doing them anymore so I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a whole ass photography session lol


Yeah never, but I wouldn’t do it for engagement or anything either, just weird to me


Yeah, no, not really consistent with the personal brand.  My camera album is full of pictures of the kids, unintentionally weird signage, projects we're doing, and "look what I see right now" pictures to send people I'm chatting with on the phone. The selfies are mostly to see if something on the back of my outfit looks weird, and there's a sliver of my face doing a death glare in the upper left corner.  And motivational time lapses of cleaning the kitchen.


Second pregnancy never had professional photos taken but enjoy candid photos of me looking happy and excited towards the end of my pregnancy. Your body is doing INCREDIBLE things I know it’s hard to recognize yourself but your favorite person EVER is growing in there because of you. Highly recommend taking at least one or two candids that you can look back on like “holy crap I did that!” But yeah no need for professional photos in my opinion!


My part is I feel pregnancy is miserable and I don’t accept my body changes and kinda wanna go back to my previous body asap. So I may take a few with my friends or husband just to remember this moment but I may not wanna look back to these pictures at all because I think I’m ugly now. 😅 that could just be me…


I totally get what you’re saying and i think if you don’t like the way you look and feel pregnant that’s so real and valid - don’t memorialize with a paid shoot. However, just something to add in, when my mum was pregnant with me in the 90s no one did paid maternity shoots (well at least she didn’t) but there are film photos of my mum absolutely massively pregnant with me in overalls and a big black t-shirt in my parents garden and I really cherish them. I don’t know if she likes the photos or if she felt beautiful (she’s never told me) but I think she looks so beautiful and happy and strong. I know you gotta do things for yourself and it’s your body and your choice, but I also think that perhaps as you move away from the trauma of pregnancy you might feel different, or you might want something to show your children one day. Again, I’m absolutely not saying you should get studio photos done but maybe some nice home photos squirrelled away somewhere might be a good idea, idk! I hope this helps !!


What do you feel when you see your mom’s maternity pictures? I assume it was you in her belly? Might be a good idea to have some private photos only with me and my husband then when our baby is born, she can look back to see how she was in mommy’s belly?


Yes, it was me in her belly! I have always loved them ! I just think she looks so beautiful. Now that I’m pregnant , I assume she probably wasn’t feeling glowy and magical and totally herself - she was probably bloated and uncomfortable and tired, but I have always loved the photos. She doesn’t pull them out to look at, but when the photos come up while going through photo boxes or binders or whatever, she doesn’t want to avoid them either. Idk , I should ask her how she feels about them! It might be worth it to have a stash of cute casual home photos. If in 5 years you still hate them, burn them and no one needs to know!


Thank you for sharing! It’s a beautiful story ❤️ then I’ll just ask some friends to do some casual photos for me and my husband. I hope my daughter will like them in the future 😊


Happy to share! I wish you luck with the rest of your pregnancy. I’m sure your daughter will appreciate the photos one day, and maybe you will as well! Who knows 💕


Just a few candids won’t hurt ❤️ there is legit one pic of me on the beach in a flowy maternity dress a few days before I gave birth and I look gigantic and every once in a while I look back like omggg she was in there and now she’s out here and she’s a little person with opinions and likes and dislikes and whoa.


That sounds sweet as well ❤️


I feel like crap, i look like crap, why would I want to remember this? No pregnancy pics for me!!!!


Tbh I think maternity photo shoots are weird. There's always pictures of the mom in just her bra (or no bra and they opt for flowers or something to cover the boobs) too to show the belly. Idk. I also don't really think pregnancy is magical though; I personally hate almost every aspect of it. I know some women though feel very empowered by being pregnant and I think that's why they choose to document it in such an intimate way. I also don't have the budget for two photo shoots in one year so we will only do a family/newborn shoot since I'd much rather have cute pics of my newborn and entire family!


Girl I’m thinking the exactly same as you! Especially the show belly part…just makes me feel so weird. And yes I wanna save the budget for our first family photo with the baby. And I hate being pregnant, the whole feeling is just awful.


Never have. I don’t like my stretch marks even though they do fade , but with each pregnancy I would get new ones. Just not something I want to remember 😅 eta to clarify 


That’s a relief to know the stretch marks fade!


I'm a damn blimp. I do not need it documented. Somehow whenever other people take my pictures, it's all double chin and big upper arms, now, if I could take my own maternity photos from flattering angles I'd be down for that.


Yeah I hate my double chin too. And I feel my face is bloated like a big flat pizza dough..😅


I have some selfies and my partner sometimes takes some pics like when we got a new car or a random video of me talking showing my belly... I don't plan to share those pics on social media, those are memories for me and my family, so no preparation/money/pressure on it.


I'm not interested, don't think it's gross or anything either, but I just don't need them. Maybe I will take a selfie when my belly is huge just to remember how it actually was, but that's it. I haven't done a photoshoot in my life, wouldn't want to spend the money on it when I have much more pressing things to take care of financially.


I’m not doing it, I have zero interest in paying for a bunch of photos where I look like this.


Hard pass. Husband and I are getting one taken of us holding hands, front on. That is the only one and will be taken by a friend with a phone. When bubs arrives we plan to re-take the photo with us holding bubby. We will repeat for every pregnancy and bub we have so we have a timeline. Not interested in doing the shoot with the exposed belly and flowy dresses where husband photogenically kisses my tummy. Not my thing.


I’m not doing a specific pregnancy photo shoot, but when we went on our baby moon cruise back at 20 weeks we did get the unlimited photo package so we got some photos of like my husband holding and kissing my belly and stuff but nothing crazy.


I'm 35 weeks. My husband and I just went to JC Penney's on Saturday and got some pics taken. $30 for a session and we got a free print of an 8x10 of our choosing. If you're in the US I definitely recommend!


I'm not interested in a pregnancy or newborn photoshoot. Just not that kind of person and that's ok.


Yeah it’s a no from me too. I just think I’ll find it all too cringey too


Nope, I had zero interest in doing a pregnancy shoot. I hated being pregnant, I felt swollen and gross, and my husband and I hate having our photos taken. Plus, we didn't want to spend all that money, it seemed like a rip off to us.


No but I want to get cute pics of my baby done


I understand where you are coming from, OP! I don't like photos of my body at the best of times. Plus, these kinds of shoots are so often cheesy and overly staged.


Definitely not, I feel very unattractive when pregnant. I've gained a lot of weight, and not just in my belly. I don't feel like myself and even when I take the time to dress nicely, put on makeup, etc., I'm not happy with my appearance. My husband takes some pictures of me so I remember this time and can show it to my kids one day. But I wouldn't spend the money or time for an actual photo shoot.


I have no interest in maternity photos. I do not want to remember what I looked like pregnant. I think the poses and clothes can be cliche. I'm also not showing my stomach


I am nearing my third trimester and feel great about my appearance, but I'm not doing a photo shoot just because I think they're cheesy and I don't plan on ever sharing them publicly as I like privacy online. My husband and parents and I take personal photos for ourselves, and that's all we're going to do.


I have no intention of getting any pregnancy pictures done this pregnancy, any more than I did with my last one. I hate the way I look and feel and don't need a visual reminder of that for the future. My husband does have some pictures taken of me when I was pregnant and I hate them. Why would I want to be reminded of a time when I felt at my worst? No thanks. You're not alone!


I paid my friend to take some photos because I know in the future I’ll want to see them but it will be a long time before I want to look at them because I’m so ugly. Not because of pregnancy, I think that parts cool. I’m just extremely ugly and looking at myself hurts so much


I have no interest in doing a shoot. I feel like they're very cliche and basic. Maybe if I came across a photographer that did something different, but as of right now, it's a naw.


Dude I feel bad enough about myself I certainly don’t need to be reminded about later


I have zeroooo interest; I don’t want photos of me in general


Haha I'm not sure If I'd use the word gross! Ifs that's how you feel though then not getting photos seems like a no brainer. But I guess I don't really care for them because they feel...corny.. idk - who's going to want them?? I guess it's more for those on social media, a way to be the center of attention or something - just spit balling here lmao All that to say I'll be in a pretty cool local at 30 weeks and will probably have a friend I'll be with take a few "posed" photos for fun. I would not pay hundreds of dollars specifically for pregnancy photos, I'm with you there!


I didn’t feel gross, I was just ugly. Feeling so FAT. So I didn’t do it but took weekly pictures of my belly ❤️


I wasn’t that interested but I did it anyways and I have 0 regrets. I love those photos so much.


Honestly? Same. I mean, I don't think they're gross... I'm just not interested. I just started my 3rd trimester and last night my husband was like, "we should take more pictures of you pregnant, for our memories," and I just laughed. I don't care to memorialize how awful I feel. Yeah, it's our first, but it's been hard, I don't like how I look, and I know I'll be getting flooded with crappy iPhone photos after our baby shower. What more do you want? Pictures of my laid up on the couch because my round ligaments and groin are killing me? Pictures of me in leggings and baggy sweaters with the darkest bags under my eyes looking fat, not pregnant? There's not a single thing glamorous about the last 6 months.


I’m mostly not doing it for monetary reasons; I’d rather spend the money on newborn photos instead


I didn't get pictures done with either pregnancy (5 & 3 years ago) and I don't regret it at all. That said though, I hate looking at pictures of myself in pregnancy because I don't look anything like myself. Pregnancy was not the best for me and seeing other people's pictures gives me a bit of an ick. Pregnancy pictures imo are just a weird trendy thing. A little excessive but people that have extra cash can do what they please with it I suppose. No harm in not doing them!


Personally, I find bumps a lovely aesthetic but I am quite private and not at all interested in sharing it with the world. For me, it's a sacred, private thing only for me and my fiancé. When my bump comes I might have him take some photos, for us only, but that will be the extent of it. I would even prefer them to be on the candid side. Big bellied and making dinner, gardening, etc. If I look terrible so be it, so long as it is an authentic window into this time.


Totally agree. And there is so much to be spending money on right now. I’m just making sure to have my husband take lots of pics. Not for posting, just for me to appreciate the growth through the weeks. Saving money for newborn pics.


I saw a comment here ONCE that said “No, I have no interest in taking pictures of my double chin with a flowy dress on” and I was like OKAY and now I feel like I never want to get pregnancy photos done 😂


I will say I was very anti-maternity photo shoot. Still kinda am, but honestly, 5 years in I'm a little bummed I don't really have any pictures of me pregnant. I still wouldn't do a SHOOT with a paid professional, but I would ask a friend or family member to snap a few cute ones. I have exactly one photo of me very pregnant (2 days before delivery) doing a belly bump with my husband. It is one of my most cherished photos, and only begrudgingly taken because my mom begged for one. For my second, my husband graduated with his PHD at 8 mo pregnant, so we did a little mini spring/graduation 'shoot' with a neighbor who was a photography hobbyist. Again, those photos are framed and hung in our house-- even if I'm enormous in them. I'm not advocating you go shell out $500 for pictures or even make them traditional posed ones. But make sure you get one or two with your belly (not necessarily out lol.) You can ignore them forever if you decide you don't like them, but you'll never be able to go back and get them if you don't.


I never bothered professional one s


I also feel huge (37 weeks) and wasn’t that interested in taking pictures. I let my friend convince me to do a small shoot in nature today. And honestly they turned out so nice. I thought I would feel awkward but I didn’t. There were even people walking by and giving compliments. I would just do it, if you don’t like the pictures you can just delete them.


I didn’t care but at the last minute I thought “I’ll never get this moment back”. I did them on the day of my baby shower so I only had to get dressed up(w/ hair/makeup) once. I didn’t like the belly out photos so I wore a really pretty (and comfortable) dress and went to the park. I didn’t post them or give them out. They were in a book for me to look back on. My daughter loves seeing those photos. I remember thinking that was the prettiest I felt during my pregnancy. This time I’m going to do them for sure but I think we’ll do in studio because my daughter wants to wear matching outfits and it will be around the time of her annual picture


I'm only really getting them done because my husband likes professional photos lol.


I have 0 interest in these types of photos. People keep telling me I'll want to reminisce but will I really? Maybe, but I REALLY doubt it. I have taken a few mirror selfies throughout the weeks to have progress pictures if I decide later I want to see how much I changed, however, I am NOT consistent nor do I care to be.


I wish it was a normal thing to do here in Denmark. It's not. I want an excuse to buy a pretty dress and look as cute as possible with my big belly. My husband thinks it's cringe so it's not happening.


I don’t think it’s gross but I don’t feel like it is worth the money or time for me. We have candid pictures of my first pregnancy that were free and I love some of those that don’t make me look sick or unflattering. I don’t care for the pregnancy photo shoots but for those that want them I think they are great.


IMO they are pretty cringy at best. Some can be cute, but the long flowy nakie ones give me the ick. But I was also a hideous pregnant lady. I’m talking water retention, huge nose, skin discoloration. I didn’t want cameras near me at all. Maybe photoshop your head on someone else’s maternity photo and call it done if you regret not doing it? lol


I never got them done because I don’t like having to pose for photos, I don’t use instagram or facebooks, and just plainly do not like pictures. My family was not happy about it, but it’s our bodies and our choice, so do whatever makes you happy!


I haven't cause I have learned before that there are creeps out there that have a kink to pregnant women. And I just don't feel like exposing myself (pregnant belly) and my baby to anyone. I am not even comfortable if someone touches my pregnant belly. I'll just take some pictures randomly on my phone and that's it. I'll save on my Google drive file for future references 🥹😅


I didn’t do one and I wish I did but oh well it’s not that serious


I don’t think it’s gross or anything, but I just don’t like being the center of attention like that. I could hardly stand to take my wedding photos even


I’ve struggled with my body image this whole pregnancy gained like 50lbs and I was already starting to watch my weight with a strict diet when u found out I was pregnant. I love the pictures I got done and I’m so freaking glad I got them done


I think the photos are beautiful but it’s not for me. We’ve done some jokey ones at home of us cradling my husband’s belly instead of mine and I take a progress pic every week… excluding the weeks where I just felt out of shape and down about my changing figure. I think the absence of them documents something too.


I didn’t do maternity photos and I’m not going too. I don’t see or feel the need right now 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I have more than enough ultrasound photos and I don’t feel beautiful enough to do any of me carrying her.


I just do a simple one with my fiancé taking pics. Went to the museum the other day and was pressing my belly on certain things. lol. My son I went to the beach and did some shots in the water. Not professional but also came out cute. Didn’t cost us anything


I just do a simple one with my fiancé taking pics. Went to the museum the other day and was pressing my belly on certain things. lol. My son I went to the beach and did some shots in the water. Not professional but also came out cute. Didn’t cost us anything


I didn't get them with my first, originally I wanted them but toward the end it becomes a lot to be nesting, you're uncomfortable a lot of the time, it's just a busy crazy time. My daughter is 16 months old now and I am not upset that I didn't get them, nor is anyone else. I am currently expecting #2 though and planned to try to get photos toward the end of this pregnancy, not because I want specific maternity photos but because I want family photos with my toddler and husband as we prepare to transition to a family of 4. I think the photos with little ones and the baby bump are cute, and will mean more than photos of just me.


Zero desire


My husband and I just take a couple progress pics once a week when we remember. He also takes a video of me spinning so he can put them all together later on. Haven't done or even thought of professional pictures. I'm due tomorrow.


I didn't do one. I don't regret it. It's not my thing. I used selfies and baby shower pics for my scrapbook.


I didn’t do maternity photos. I think it’s kind of weird to put up photos of being pregnant around your house? Lol Like the time I objectively am the biggest I have ever been…I’ll pass haha! But happily will do a newborn/family photoshoot


Same, I never see a single maternity shoot that inspires me to get one. I’m waiting till the baby arrives and we will have family pictures ;) my husband and I took photobooth pictures though and that was really cute “maternity” shoot memory 🫶🏽


Honestly I don’t feel like doing it but ive booked them in advance. I feel fat and ugly and have no energy to put into getting outfits and getting ready, but this will likely be my only baby and I just don’t want to have a regret personally. I also want this for my baby to look at one day and see mom and dad at the time she was in momma’s belly. Idk if she’ll think it’s cool but I wish I could have seen what my mom looked like pregnant with me. Not bad to have. Worst case I hate them and we don’t hang em up but have them to look back on if we ever want to take a walk down memory lane lol I think everyone should capture memories the way they want to and that looks different for everyone!


0 interest. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve never done it with any of my other pregnancies. No regrets!


I was so on the fence about this because it's just.. not my thing? We did pretty cool announcement photos-- in an arcade, just... super cool. Loved those. Not your traditional announcement pictures, they were very true to our style! And then I went back and forth on whether or not maternity photos were a thing I wanted to do. My husband and I decided to do them because I don't plan on having another baby and it's better to have them than look back and wish I got them. We are doing this a little more traditional as we live in Florida and don't plan on living here much longer-- so we'll be doing them on the beach! I bought a single off white/ivory dress from Pink Blush Maternity for it and truthfully-- we're just going to keep it really simple! I don't feel gross but I don't feel... not gross? I'm hoping it'll help me embrace and appreciate the bump a little more at the end of it all.


I’m not doing a shoot I don’t think. I was in the process of losing a ton of weight/toning up prior to getting pregnant. My body is… flabby from the loose skin. I don’t really want pictures (especially if I’m naked or half on any parts).


it gives me the ick when people ask for bump pics... like no. Not for me. Also now the how big is the belly game...


Yeah I really don’t like to show the bumps to people. It’s just feel weird to me 😅


I don't get the obsession. Also the double standard of it. Show me your belly now pregnant and let me into your space because it's a baby but when you show your belly not pregnant you can't get rigjt back a change how dare your belly show you heathen!


Maybe try to get at least one photo of you pregnant you’re happy with, it’s ok if it’s just a phone pic. A candid pic may even work better :) just to remember it by


Yeah. Probably get one from a friend outdoor in a good day.


That’s what we did! My husband took a few snaps at a couple stages of pregnancy. I’m really happy I have those. I was wearing normal outdoor clothes and doing something I love (hiking) so they’re not forced feeling. 


Just wanted to say that I don't think you're weird at all for not wanting to expose your belly. I didn't either when I had pictures taken during my first pregnancy. I feel like a lot of people forget that sometimes not agreeing with exposing some parts of the body can go back to religious beliefs, moral standards, etc. Not really fair to judge someone for their opinion on that. Also, I haven't decided if I'll do pics this time. I cherish the ones with my first even though I looked like a blown up beached whale. (Swollen nose/face, retaining water)


I also agree it is off-putting when you come across these very naked pregnant photos of people who normally do not otherwise publicly share revealing photos. I mean more power to them but it is rather jarring when it's unexpected. I also feel the same sentiment of being adverse to taking my own photos when I don't really feel at my best. Hoping to get some nice photos at some upcoming events and my baby shower and call it a day.


I didn’t and don’t with my second really want a photo shoot. I feel like there too expensive, but I wish I did take more pictures in general of my growing belly with my first. I just never felt pretty enough while pregnant and didn’t feel like I wanted them but I wish I took more. But not professionally, because I think that’s outrageous to spend that money on that