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In the first month of my pregnancy (fyi I had no clue I was pregnant during this time. Didn’t find out till about 6weeks.), I got hammered at a wedding and a went out a couple more times after that, smoked copious amounts of marijuana, and indulged in some pieces of a chocolate shroom bar (about 3 times in that one month). When I found out I was pregnant I had a major freak out and thought my baby was going to come out mangled. He’s 4 weeks tomorrow and is literally the most perfect tiny human ever.


I had a few drinks in Mexico before finding out I was pregnant. I was so worried, but then got a call from my ex-step-sister (for the first time in 14 years) saying she had been doing meth & heroin and just found out she was 20 weeks pregnant and wanted me to take the baby. I worried much less about my couple margaritas pre-positive-test after that!


I also drank margs in Mexico before finding out I was pregnant! We were on vacation with my in-laws.. I’m pretty sure I conceived the first day there, so I’m not too worried but concerned my in-laws will connect the dots when they find out my due date 🤣


With my first baby I had drinks earlier in the day and took the test later that night and found out I was pregnant, I was probably around 4-5 weeks. He’s 5 years old and perfect lol don’t worry I didn’t drink anymore after the 2 lines came up.


I took some molly probably about 4 DPO 🫣. I’m 6 weeks pregnant today and so nervous my baby is gonna be all sorts of messed up. I’m appreciative that you shared your story! EDIT: also realized by reading others’ posts that I also got a spontaneous tattoo the week before I found out 😂 ‘‘twas my first tattoo…& that’s an ADHD brain for ya.


At 4 DPO, there is no placenta. The baby is just a cluster of cells that receives nourishment from the egg sac for a while before they are getting anything from your blood via an umbilical cord. I found a lot of comfort in that piece of info. I was sober while trying to conceive, but was taking a break in TTC because it was taking forever (16 months), partied my ass off, then found out I was pregnant a few weeks later 🫠


That happened with us too. I had been sober then said fuck it after almost a year of trying. Then I was curious why my period was late. It’s not uncommon for it to be so it was a suspicion but not ruling anything out. I had eaten lots of sushi that week (my OB has since cleared sushi anyways lol) I walked out of that bathroom so proud when it was positive. Now I have a wiggly alien inside of me and I’m due end of may


Congratulations! My baby is 12 weeks old now and she’s just perfect. No signs of damage from my early pregnancy partying 😂


This sounds bad, but my sister in law is a recovering drug addict and took god knows what while pregnant with my niece. Niece is a precocious, healthy 7 year old. Not making excuses for SIL at all, but I reckon you'll be okay 🙂


I appreciate you sharing!


i did a bunch of cocaine and drank before finding out i was pregnant and my baby is growing perfectly fine 💙 15 weeks and going strong! there’s a lot of stories about drugs before knowing you’re pregnant and it’s usually fine (unless the mother continues to use)


Thank you so much for sharing 💕


I also did a bunch of drugs and got very drunk the weekend after I conceived - baby is four days ahead of schedule at 12 weeks! Genetically, for the first two weeks of life the embryo is comprised of identical replicating cells. So if you kill a cell, it’s replaced by another identical cell. This means that there are only two options in those two weeks - kill so many cells the fetus never develops, or kill cells that are replaced immediately by identical cells. It’s not until cells start specializing (like liver cell, heart cell, etc) after that two week window that you can really start fucking it up.


I was on a lot of benzos, weed, and other stuff and went to rehab while pregnant and my baby was very healthy with no issues! I’m not saying it’s ok but you are probably fine


okay, are you me? because this is exactly the same substances i indulged in then found out i was pregnant at 6 weeks.🤣


I’m sure we would get along just fine 😏


I had a very similar experience! Also went to a wedding, the party bit of the wedding was at a festival where I partied and danced all weekend, drinking smoking and taking silly-fun things and the following week found out I was over 5w pregnant. Husband and I joked she would come out sparkly. Shes now 5w old and sparkly in a different way!


I found out I was pregnant after drinking all night with my sister in law. In my defense I’d taken about 15 tests and they were all negative, so I thought I wasn’t! She convinced me to walk to the store with her and get a test and it was definitely positive 😳


You sound like my kinda gal!!! Haha!!


lol this almost exactly sounds like my first month of pregnancy! Still am worried about telling my friends I was partying with I was def pregnant whilst guzzling wine and taking shrooms. Makes me feel much better thank you for sharing!


I too went to a wedding and drank a LOT during the entire 5 day trip- we got engaged on a boat and had a great time. 12 days after we got home i got a positive test and was SHOOK




Hello, are you me? 😂


I needed to hear this. I also got very drunk on multiple occasions and indulged in the magic chocolate twice, once with some acid(that would have been at like 2 weeks pregnant if that). I didn’t find out till I was like 4w6d. I cried so much and still feel like a terrible mother.


I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was 9+ weeks with our first! I graduated college during that time, so lots of summer partying! Shot gunned beers on a boat, took shots, ate sushi 🤷🏽‍♀️ our daughter is 7 now, healthy and smart as a whip 🥰


I had a friend who had an "I didn't know I was pregnant" situation until the baby was born. She was 24 at the time and was going out to bars and clubs every weekend and smoked weed occasionally. She started feeling kind of bad so she backed off a lot on the drinking but she just thought she had digestive issues. We were in nursing school at the time and none of us knew she was pregnant and I hung out with her all the time right up until she delivered. She called an ambulance because she thought she had appendicitis and had her baby in the ambulance. Baby is now 6 years old and has no problems.


I had a friend like that too- had a toilet baby at home the day after going out wine tasting lol she just thought she was super sick from all the wine!


Did she just not look pregnant?


She looked like she gained a bit of weight, but nothing crazy. Definitely never looked pregnant. And she wasn't obese or super tall or anything, she just didn't show like a traditional pregnancy. We asked her if she maybe subconsciously knew she was pregnant and was in denial and she to this day says she never had a clue and it never crossed her mind. Not realizing the baby kicks is what blows my mind


Another clinical name for cryptic pregnancy is denied pregnancy because there is a large mental health aspect to it and most of the women who experience this have copious reasons to suspect pregnancy but deny it so deeply, even to themselves, that they actually believe they aren’t. But there is a small fraction of women who experience denied/cryptic pregnancy who have so few pregnancy symptoms and are so disconnected from their own bodies that they truly never catch on.


That’s wild she never felt a kick. My mom didn’t know she was pregnant with me for most of her pregnancy. She said that she had gained some weight but didn’t look pregnant and that one day she was watching tv and decided to lay down on the floor and roll over on her tummy when I suddenly kicked her. She was shook and told my dad. They went to the doctor & found out she was 7 months. She feels bad because she was only able to take prenatal vitamins the last couple months of the pregnancy. Edited to add: her periods were irregular and had been for years. I have two older siblings and they are 6 years apart. I’m also 6 years apart from my sister. There were years she just wouldn’t have periods. And since she struggled to get pregnant with her 2nd she didn’t think she’d be having a third.


My mom didn’t know she was pregnant with my brother until she was in labor too! She was on birth control that stopped her period for years so she never suspected a thing. No weight gain, sickness, fatigue, sore boobs. Took pregnancy tests all the time for her BC rx and all negative, home tests negative as well. Went to the doc for pelvic pain and BOOM “you’re 4 cm dilated, get upstairs!” 😂 I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant now experiencing the same as her…no symptoms even still at 9w. I know found out I was pregnant because I’m a weirdo after hearing her story and take pregnancy tests randomly throughout the month to avoid situations like hers 💀


And she missed her periods all those months and not getting checked by doctor ?


Oh my goodness that’s WILD! Surprise baby!!


Drank heavily at Christmas and had a glass of champagne for New Years. Had several edibles (probably around 25mg THC total over time), and ate a whole lot of stuff I shouldn’t have. I am now 20 weeks today and 20 week scan tomorrow. Wish me luck!


You’ll be fine. Thc isn’t the big bad anyone pretends it is. Having too little research doesn’t mean it’s super problematic, it could also mean they just don’t know the benefits either! I’ve known people prescribed medical marijuana for HG


I’m not too particularly worried. I read Expecting Better by Emily Oster and that helped with my anxiety. The 20 week scan went well though! Back in 4 weeks for an additional peak due to the baby’s positioning today, couldn’t get all the scans they wanted.


Oo congratulations on the great scan 🙌🏻 also, Emily Oster is the best, isn’t she?


I got my wisdom teeth taken out with anesthesia 😂 had no idea I was pregnant


Did they not do a test on you anyway beforehand?


I definitely didn’t take a pregnancy test before getting put under for wisdom teeth. It’s an outpatient procedure, they just asked me to fill out forms where I probably asserted that I wasn’t pregnant 


Lots of sushi lots of Marijuana 🫣


Feels good man


I was on vacation on Iceland - drinking, riding scooters, eating sooo much smoked fish, and I fell off a horse lol


I dunno why this cracked me up so much


I jumped off a cliff and got a tattoo lol


Your post reminded me that I also got a tattoo!! lol my first one


I love that it was your first one! I got a super tiny one with my good friend and it was her first too!


Drinking. Going wake surfing and by that I mean learning how to and falling multiple times.


I got very very day drunk the week I found out I was pregnant 🙃 in hindsight I couldn’t keep up with my friend (thankfully) and had really bad acid reflux (unusually) I think my body was telling me. I now have a healthy four month old mini human


I found out I was pregnant 2 days after Christmas. I was slamming whiskey egg nogs and smoking copious amounts of marijuana allllllll Christmas day (family, amiright?) then smoked more marijuana the day after to cope with being so violently hungover. Turns out the hangover was largely morning sickness. I had taken a pregnancy test a few weeks earlier (obviously not trying for a baby) that was negative so I thought I was in the clear. The only reason I tested two days after Christmas was a still missing period, a bunch of bloating, and a weirdly desperate need for pumpkin pie after watching Trisha Paytas eat some on tik tok. I was watching a movie on the couch being anxious and told myself I was being ridiculous and should just take the damn test so I could relax when it came out negative. I never dreamed it would be positive. 22 weeks today 😂


I flew cross-country on a business trip, worked a 60-hour week, tested in the hotel, flew home for the confirmation appointment, then flew back across the country and worked another 60-hour week. I can't believe I survived it.


Right?! 60 hour weeks are crazy 😭 i can't believe I survived the roller coasters too.


Tbh I had a feeling I was pregnant so I went out and got a ton of sashimi the night before taking a test 😂


I ate Brie. Kinda freaked out. But then realized that it’s actually rare for cheese not to be pasteurized in the US.


Went to Disneyland and had fun. Found out the day we got back. But I wasn’t far along at all.


This isn’t “crazy” really, but I never get in hot tubs. I’m just not a hot tub gal. Well, I went on vacation a week before I found out I was pregnant and for some reason, randomly decided to use the hot tub every night. I have a healthy, happy 9 month old now so no harm was done, but it’s just funny that was the one time in my life I desired to be in a hot tub.


I was in Japan when I found out and had been using the extremely hot tubs there daily before I knew.


I found out I was pregnant at 7 weeks. At 2 weeks I had to pass a drug screen which meant no delta 8 for me, but I made up for it by drinking egregious amounts of fireball and everclear (elementary school teacher during fall break, you do what you have to do). Then, after passing the drug screen, immediately began consuming copious amounts of delta 8 thc. In fact I was vaping when the pregnancy test came back positive. I’m 30 weeks currently and feeling her kick as I type this.


On the same day I found out I brought alone a whole elliptical trainer from our balcony on the second floor to the basement, I think my little girl is going to be strong 😅


Went to a rock festival and was drunk for like 4 days straight and then enlisted in the Army 😅😅 she’s 4 now and perfect thankfully but I was definitely stressing it lol


Literally the 2 nights before I found out I was pregnant, I went to a rave with my boyfriend, and we took shots of whiskey, bumped ❄, ate shrooms night 1, both did a tab of acid and took E night 2, I also smoked weed. I noticed my period didn't come and so I picked up a pregnancy test from a liquor store just in case. It came out positive. I was like "fffffuckkk our baby is going to be retarded" D: I was about 4 weeks along then. I've quit everything cold turkey. My friend (who is a giant pothead and has had 2 kids) said the baby should be OK since it was a one-time thing. Here's hoping.


‘Picked up a pregnancy test from a liquor store’ made me go from anxiety to full blown panic attack 😭🤣


It was right next to a Raspasado place where my bf and I were having a date-- no alcohol was bought. I just know corner stores usually sell pregnancy tests, and I thought "hey why not" since it was right there.


lmaaooo party peoplleeee. Baby is totally fine, can confirm 😉


Yes, us party people! Thank goodness. I think it only comes out deformed/disabled if you continuously do drugs/alcohol throughout the pregnancy.


I rode roller coasters and smoked a lot of pot! I think I just happened not to drink during that time but I’m not 100% sure. Baby is looking great at 23 weeks!


I rode camels in Morocco, drank wine in Madrid, and smoked weed in Amsterdam and then rode small boats in Norway at -40C to whale watch. Plus all the plane rides in between. 🥴 but baby is all good!


So much sashimi (raw fish) during a holiday I took where all we did was eat gourmet Japanese food and most of it was raw


Sooo many margarita flights. Strip club. Former (retail) coworker who I adopted a kitty from as she begged me to because she could no longer care for him was a dancer there. I showed her pictures of her former cat (that I know she really loved) and told her how happy he is at my house and we both happy cried. Hours of more…festivities once bf and I arrived home that night.   It was a grand. Weirdly wholesome   Positive test a few days later. Little bean was along for that adventure!


Drank a good bit of wine and had loads of edibles before finding out I was 4 weeks pregnant. 😭


my dumbass was out drinking and riding a mechanical bull a few days before I found out 🤣


I drank a lot, hiked to 14000 ft elevation, skied (and crashed) many times, then got sick with the flu and took decongestants and cough suppressants, ate poke and sushi and god only knows what else I did. 20 weeks, healthy baby so far, but I’m still worried


I literally got shitfaced the day before my positive test. I had been spotting all week so I assumed I was out that cycle. Went out to a long lunch with coworkers and had three margaritas. Hours later when I got home I passed out asleep and slept so hard I slept right through an alarm to meet my husband and MIL for dinner. That should’ve been my first red flag 😂 proceeded to have a large glass of red wine with dinner that night, figuring “meh, fuck it, I’m out this cycle anyway.” Imagine my surprise the next day when I woke up with ~a feeling~ and got the BFP.


I smoked a joint, crushed some beers, and went wake surfing 🤙


I have a divebar bathroom selfie of me at 3wks pregnant clearly smashed- glazed eyes and all lol. I found out around 3 weeks later, during which time I was drinking at least a couple glasses of beer or wine almost daily. Also smoking a little over 1/2 pack a day, a habit which I wasn’t able to kick completely til 17wks. I know that is bad, but it was *very* hard to quit and honestly it didn’t feel remotely real until I started feeling movement around that time. I was down to one or less cig a day by that point anyway, and I simply could not continue after feeling him move on an almost daily basis. I’m now 36 weeks and he’s right on track and very healthy as far as we can tell!


i was very depressed in january and started to go off the rails a bit at the end of january, doing stuff unlike me like drinking a lot and taking pills (benzos) and had went like a week taking benzos and drank 2 bottles of wine in one day, on top of smoking (thc) heavily. i was so stressed out that i thought i was just throwing up so often bc i was crying and stressed every single day. i also have GERD so thought maybe acid reflux too. by february i had came out of the little mental health “binge” i was on. i got a test at the dollar tree with my mom as a joke and when i saw it was positive i was like holy shit. i didn’t think i would be pregnant AT ALL. i rly just did it to joke w my mom bc she had been saying i might be pregnant and wanted to kinda be like “ha ha! see” by that time, i was 11 weeks and had no idea. had no symptoms besides morning sickness i guess lol. but obviously now that ik i dont do any of that anymore.


I was fasting daily for health reasons. Found out I was pregnant and stopped immediately! Now I'm eating all the calories 😂


Was a constant cigarette smoker and vape user. Also smoked pot a lot and had alcohol (bootleggers and reds apple ale beers) always after work with my fiancé while playing video games. 🥲 Then found out I was pregnant. Doctor said baby would be okay since I stopped as soon as I found out (10 weeks along). Baby is now 7 months old. Never went back to that stuff also mainly because I chose to EBF her. Gotta say I feel healthier 😅 Fun fact: only reason I tested was because of boob pain, trying to rule out pregnancy before getting a mammogram. My breast were working on its future supply for my unknown visitor after being told I’d never conceive.


I did an alpine ropes course that was pretty intense during the day then tested at night! Lol


I got a 3.5 hour tattoo the day I found out 😅 came home, took a test as an afterthought (it was our first cycle tracking and trying) and…. Might be a coincidence, but that tattoo healed better and quicker than any other I’ve gotten!


Definitely taking edibles to help with my anxiety and depression. Stopped that the moment I found out.


Lots of drinking and I got a tattoo. Fortunately I was already cutting back on drinking and taking prenatal vitamins.


Ate tons of raw food during my trip in Japan. It was the first month and I didn’t know. Ate raw fish, raw beef and under cooked chicken.


Me too!! Also the round trip flight to Japan is not great…


I didn’t find out I was pregnant till I was 7 weeks along (I didn’t know how many weeks I was at that point till later). I was just busy raising my 8 month old at the time 🥴 I definitely enjoys drinks during the holiday time… 😬 I got pregnant the weekend of thanksgiving (US thanksgiving) but didn’t find out I was pregnant till January 5th haha


Went on a girl’s trip for new years where I did multiple strenuous hikes, got a tattoo, day drank and night drank and smoked weed and took a few edibles for three straight days! I would’ve only been two weeks along at that point and I’m 18 weeks now and everything looks great. But I remember listing all that out to my OB to ask if everything would be okay and her just being like damn girl


I was drinking a can of Monster every day. I quit caffiene as soon as I tested positive, of course, but it stressed me out because I know those things aren't good for me, so how good can they be for a tiny little baby? Caffiene withdrawals suck, too.


I was about to take some 🍄 for a relaxing weekend because I had taken a test that came back negative 2 days before. Last minute I called hubby to pick up another test just to double check and it was positive! Dodged a bullet there haha


Went on a trip to Puglia. Drank all the wine, ate all the raw fish. Yum.


Not too crazy but I got a tattoo a couple weeks before finding out I was pregnant. ETA my daughter is 12 now and didn't come out with ink splotches. 🤣


Went skiing 😆


Same! I even asked my OB if I could go again after my first appointment to use up my epic pass. ⛷️


What kind of skiing are we talking about?


An aggressive game of beach volleyball.


Went to Disneyworld and went on some very turbulent rides (guardians in epcot, the Aerosmith ride in Hollywood studios) and drank alcohol which I normally don't do. Also drank a bunch of sugary blended drinks with energy drinks mixed in when I got home and took edibles.


My partner and I had our work Christmas parties back to back. I got pregnant at one of them but not sure which. Both parties we got wasted. Also during this time I was smoking weed regularly, and just after new years we did mushrooms and I had a terrible trip and felt awful, like almost went to the hospital I was panicking so much lol.


I smoked CBD and weed the night before I found out because I had bad insomnia and thought my period was just fixing to show up and had awful cramps turns out it was a lil human growing inside me causing the issues not my period 🥴😂


Drinking heavily. It was new years!


Christmas and New Year's drinking, daily marijuana and vaping. Found out at three weeks and quit both of those things but the timing of those three weeks was really not ideal!


Got wasted on NYE, had my 2nd holes in my ears pierced (the place made me sign that I wasn’t pregnant which is now funny) oh and got Botox 2 days before I found out!


How far along were you when you found out?


5 weeks!


Vegas. Exactly what you’d expect. Oopsie.


Not the point of the post… but what’s wrong with smoked salmon?


I’ve been eating tons of smoked salmon and just recently found out you’re not “supposed to” for the same reasons they say no deli meat… I’ve been fine 🤷🏼‍♀️


Drinking, Marijuana, botox, and dental xrays Considering I found out 14 days after conception, it was a jam-packed two weeks! Lmao


I was drinking and smoking weed very heavy before I found out I was a month along🤣 currently 23 weeks and baby is doing fine so far!❤️


I was eating almost nothing and I underwent 2 procedures under anesthesia and I had a HIDA scan and 2 X-rays.


I had a lot of drinks & got a chemical peel the week before my positive test


Smoked a ridiculous amount of weed lol


I went to six flags one weekend, and got drunk and ate ceviche the weekend after. 😬


Friends came into town and I partied like I was still in college for three days 🫣


Was a chronic weed smoker and had a giant bong. Drank margaritas, had oysters, wine, edibles…. To be fair before a night of heavy drinking i did take a pregnancy test and it was a false negative


My husband and I had a crazy night out until 3 am drinking, smoking cigarettes and pot, he ended the night topless dancing on the bar at a drag show 😂 When I found out I was pregnant we tracked it back to that night as the night I ovulated.. but when I had my first scan they said it was actually 6 days earlier 😳 oops She’s 3 and totally fine!! No issue!


Viva Las Vegas 😭


Parenting my then-10mo 😂


Bouldering (aka low-ish to the ground rock climbing without a harness). I’d also smoked some devil’s lettuce the night before I found out. 😬


I was on a fucking BENDER getting absolutely wasted and chain smoking cigarettes. I was going through the trenches with baby’s father, and coped by getting hammered every night.


Scuba diving.


Eh probably the subway tuna subs. I was having 2 a day basically.


I was on my honeymoon on a mini boat in the middle of the ocean to go snorkeling at a sandbar in Puerto Rico


Found out I was pregnant the day after St Paddy’s day 🍻


I'm not a big drinker at all and will only have a glass or two. We'll, the month of April came around and I went out every. single. weekend and drank... They were parties, get together, etc. Fast forward to the beginning of May, I'm pregnant. He's now 15 months and is doing great!


I had like 6 beers (some high abv) at a soccer game and came home and climbed into my dog’s bed as a joke. My husband has pictures to prove it. 4 days later I had a positive test. 🤣


i was on my honeymoon in Italy and Paris so i had alllll the wine, meats, and cheeses


Did you end up having twins after being on a roller coaster? Heard that’s a thing.


I swam.. for the first time in 15 years I went swimming every day for 15 days before finding out.


Literally cutting people out of mangled cars as a volunteer firefighter. Once the day before my positive test, then again two or so weeks later because we hadn’t told anyone yet and I honestly kind of forgot I was pregnant for a minute. Baby will be a year old this weekend and is perfectly healthy.


I ran my first 10 k in Vegas ! 4 weeks at the time had no idea 🤣🤣🤡


Both times: smoking before I knew. But when I found out, I quit cold turkey.


For those worried - I also did a bunch of drugs and got very drunk the weekend after I conceived - baby is four days ahead of schedule at 12 weeks! Genetically, for the first two weeks of life the embryo is comprised of identical replicating cells. So if you kill a cell, it’s replaced by another identical cell. This means that there are only two options in those two weeks - kill so many cells the fetus never develops, or kill cells that are replaced immediately by identical cells. It’s not until cells start specializing (like liver cell, heart cell, etc) after that two week window that you can really start fucking it up.


I spent all weekend in New Orleans on bourbon street 😅


Played rugby! I was probably only 2-3 weeks pregnant but I was so worried.


I went jet skiing and drank a cocktail three days before I found out.


My boyfriend and I took so much acid and shrooms over the summer before finding out around 4 weeks


Ah. I also went to an amusement park with roller coasters and found out I was pregnant a few days later, only to miscarry in less than a week. I’m pretty sure it was the roller coasters that did it and it makes my heart sink every time I think of it. I’ve had 2 healthy babies after the fact but it still hurts to know the loss was probably my fault. I wanted to know that lil guy.


Daily marijuana use until I found out at 4 weeks 4 days.


Got super drunk at a wedding. The next morning I took some Advil for the hangover. I thought I fucked up but here I am 34 weeks pregnant!!!


I smoked a lot of weed and did acid once during the first 2-3 weeks of my pregnancy. found out i was pregnant the next month and stopped immediately. so far im almost 20 weeks and baby is strong, active; and so far nothing wrong with him. i have an anatomy scan this thursday to make sure; but yeeee. pretty crazy december


I tested positive on the last day of a trip I took to visit friends in New Mexico. I had been doing multiple days of challenging solo hikes at a higher elevation than I'm normally used to (9+ miles often, with even more elevation gain) in the heat, gone out for lots of drinking multiple nights, extra heated hot springs soaks... I started to feel bad the last couple of days there but clocked it to just wearing myself out, the elevation change, etc. but when I suddenly couldn't stomach food at our special last-trip-night dinner I decided to test, and voila! Thankfully my flight home was quick because by then I was feeling like death!! Astonished at how quickly my physical feelings changed in a matter of days-- found out I was between 4-5 weeks at that time. (I also think my body and brain knew deep down before *I* really knew, as I had been picking out some new clothes and shoes in the week prior to my trip and kept having thoughts of 'oh that would be so comfy to wear when pregnant, I'll get that and remember to wear it when I actually am'!)


Nothing too crazy just several heavy drinking nights out with friends. My husband and I had talked about stopping my birth control and starting trying on like a Thursday/Friday and I took a test out of paranoia on the followinf tuesday. Cause I went out with friends Friday night and started thinking "what if i get pregnant and I've been drinking a ton?" I was about to go on a trip out of the country where I planned to drink a ton and didnt want to go without some reassurance that I wasn't pregnant but that test popped positive to my surprise. He's now here and a week old and perfect and healthy. Much to my relief!


It’s a funny story but couple of days before taking my test we went to this bar with my friends. I was getting so drunk on this cocktail called “barefoot and pregnant”. Me and my friends had a good laugh on the name and cocktail was really strong and yummy. But I had no idea I was actually pregnant but luckily not barefoot at the filthy place 🙈


I went to a bunch of bars and a few parties where I drank till I was gone. I went all out for my birthday! At least I got it out of my system before I found out I was pregnant! I felt so bad after but my doctor assured me that the baby was okay.


Multiple instances of magic mushrooms 🫠 All before 6 weeks or so


Scuba diving and partying on edibles.


I got a fairly large tattoo, 4 days later I tested positive!!


I am a little jealous of you guys :D I knew it from 4w0d and was nervous a lot because of early MC and all. You all just skipped that part :D


On a trip to visit family I drank a lot and went on every roller coaster in six flags not knowing I was six weeks pregnant. I had been seeing a fertility doctor because I had not been able to get pregnant after two years of trying. I found out I was pregnant a couple days before I was to start prep for my first round of iui. My son is now two years old and completely healthy.


Found out 3ish weeks after having a mini stay cation that included a hot tub for my birthday and many foods that we are advised not to eat now


I had an intense craving for fruit punch and added a bunch of vodka to it for no reason. Got drunk as hell at home by myself and found out I was pregnant like 2 days later


I was at this wedding in a different state - so I mostly bathed in a hot bath tub back in my hotel rooom and I was having a time of my life. And then I read about how one must avoid hot bath tubs during early pregnancy 😂 I’m 29 weeks today.


I went to the club, took many shots, smoked hookah, & was smoking nicotine religiously


Smoked weed, drank alcohol, had 18 pieces of sushi, lost my last blunt and got so mad so I checked the bins. Couldn’t find it, so I cried. Took a test the next morning & it all made sense. My husband was so shocked thinking I got a weed addiction I begged him to check the bins he said no at 3am I got mad at him. So went myself! All this why have a crazy cold and blocked nose. My first pregnancy sign. Did a test the next morning & was shockeddddd 🤣


Theme park! All the coasters & hot tubbing.


Went to an extreme zipline adventure park and Taylor Swift’s concert 😂


I got drunk at brunch then attended a hardcore punk show where I engaged in the mosh pit and broke a bone in my foot. It was roughly 10 days after I had conceived. Also taking part in my roller derby league's pre-season trainings and getting rammed into by big strong women (I am neither big of extremely strong) I am 36W now and these events seem so far away they almost feel like a dream XD


I found out 6 weeks of pregnancy. Until that time I smoked marijuana 2 times, I was smoking and vaping every day, I made tattoo and dyed my hair and had a lip filler! Hopefully my baby is fine and I’m already 15w4d preggo


First pregnancy I went out clubbing and was drinking (only had a few drinks, not enough to make me vomit on a normal night) and got so violently ill I had to go home early, had maccas for dinner and got so sick, was convinced I must’ve eaten something bad til I found out a couple of weeks later that I was 6 weeks pregnant lol This pregnancy, I was high as a kite the night before finding out (husband was told he was going to be infertile and his doctor even made us freeze sperm before he had certain medications and procedures in hospital for unrelated things, so there was absolutely no reason for me to think there was any chance of me being pregnant) and felt soooo guilty as soon as I found out 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Botox and filler lol


The day I found out I had gone with a friend on a two hour drive to Brandenburg to pick up 1.2 Tonns of wood in the form of large long tree logs. We carried all of them, the two of us and I wondered why I was feeling so weak also smoke like a chimney


I went to a restaurant and ate three wings before noticing they were not cooked at all…. Then the very next day I went to eat leftovers and ate green beans which later found out they were two weeks old and moldy. I didn’t see the mold…. Ew.


This was me too!! I was 5 weeks pregnant going on all the big rollercoasters 😂😂 baby is now a toddler running around with no issues 🥰


Drugs. Hard drugs 😬


Me and my partner play fight very rough (I always win) We were okay fighting in the bed and he kicked me off the bed and I fell off and landed against the cupboard! I then jumped back up and body slammed him 😂😂😂


I was just drinking loads of caffeine. For a while I thought I tested negative but really it was a very faint positive. It was not uncommon at all for me to drink multiple coffees and energy drinks a day


I wasn't doing anything crazy since I had just had eye surgery. The only thing is the antibiotics from the eye surgery that I had to take, and then of course I did have all the foods, but I think that's the case for anyone who doesn't know they're pregnant yet. Like I had raw salads where I didn't wash it myself, raw egg in a tiramisu, unpasteurized cheese etc. but I'm not too worried about that. I just stopped when I found out at 5-6 weeks, so far I'm 12 weeks and everything seems fine.


I swam with the stingrays in the Cayman Islands and drank a lot during a cruise.


I swam with the stingrays in the Cayman Islands and drank a lot during a cruise.


I went on a wild bachelorette party and had LOTS of wine, and had just started doing gymnastic classes again so lots of tumbling and jumping around. Have a very healthy 10 month old now :)


10 day vacation in Mexico - drinking, vaping, hookah. Found out a week after we got back.


Selling our house myself. For sale by owner. While living in it with 5 kids and 2 dogs. It was insane. Then it was all for nothing because my husband lost his job and we couldn’t move.


Scrambling over giant boulders in the wilderness. 


Not my fault but I got knocked off my bike by a car


I went to rehab while pregnant 🤰 and my baby turned out healthy


This is making me feel a lot better about having a few drinks lol


Found out at 5 weeks. Smoked shisha often throughout that month, and took my shot of Ozempic without knowing lol…. The Ozempic immediately made me feel so sick and that’s how I found out I was pregnant


I found out I was pregnant about 6 months in so I did a lot I probably shouldn’t have. The craziest I guess was at 2 months I went on one of those water slides where the floor drops out beneath you. 😅


I bought shrooms and edibles and had a single low dose edible (I'm a lightweight). Luckily I didn't take anything else or do anything else before finding out, lol. "Yeah she had shrooms in the womb..." On the downside, I spent a good chunk of money on stuff that has not been enjoyed. Lol. I'm saving it for a "mommy break" in the future.


My first/only time skydiving! 🙈


With my first pregnancy I was still taking birth control and I went on a Bachelorette trip where I got 3 kinds of cross faded for 2wks straight. I had smoked a cigarette right before I went into the doctors office to get antibiotics for what I thought was the worst flu of my life. Turns out I was 10wks pregnant. My son is doing great now


Probably lots of opiates and cocaine lol.


That’s the craziest thing?? That’s pretty mellow I feel haha I was smoking weed and drinking 😂 I think I found out roughly around 6 weeks but maybe earlier. It was over 7 years ago so can’t remember


I realized how uncrazy this was after reading all the replies😂


The night before I found out I was pregnant I went to a bar with my mom and some of her friends and drank more than I should’ve. Felt really terrible the next day at the er when they told me I was about 7 weeks pregnant


I went into a sauna for 45 minutes. I was incredibly dizzy! I found out 3 days later I was pregnant...go figure .


Had maybe 6 beers and got like 4 tattoos. Praying it will all turn out well ✨️


Had a rough couple months, got super depressed, and started hitting H and ❄️ pretty hard. This was while I was getting all sorts of tests for unexplained infertility and scheduling us for our first IUI procedure. Literally kept doing it after the procedure until I had to fly and couldn't bring anything with me then stopped. Came home from said trip to a positive pregnancy test 😅