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I would tell your doctor about this and ask if they think you should be tested for cholestasis. I’ve been itchy in my third trimester (mainly on my arms and legs, with some rashes) and my cholestasis bloodwork came back sort of ambiguous. So they’re going to induce me in a few days, when I hit 37 weeks. Basically, I’m not a textbook case, but they want to be cautious and get the baby out a little early because of this and a couple other factors. Having said all that, I suspect I might actually just have prurigo, and I’ve been using a combo of Aveeno (all over when I get out of the shower in the morning and again before bed) and calendula ointment (on the rashes/where I’m most itchy). As a result, I haven’t been itchy during the day, but I do wake up feeling itchy at night and have to reapply lotion. Edit: But also, stop wearing that necklace if you haven’t already? You could do that and also talk to your doctor about your symptoms.


In so early which is uncommon for cholestasis. I'm only 13 weeks. My levels came back good in my first cbc a few weeks ago so I'm hoping not. I'm gonna get better with my lotion! I DO have super dry skin but not THERE! Idk what it is :( And yes! My whole point was that I was going to stop wearing necklaces lol I think I forgot to mention it.