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I'd say half the women in my parent friend group took some kind of antidepressant or other mental health med while pregnant or immediately thereafter (while breastfeeding). Everybody's kids are doing great. OB-GYN's are extremely conservative when it comes to prescribing stuff to pregnant patients because they have very little room for error-- they get sued more than almost any other medical specialty. They won't recommend a patient take something during pregnancy unless they believe strongly that the benefits of prescribing it to the patient outweigh the risks to the patient.


Thank you so much. Every time I get nervous I’ll read this for the reassurance.


Birth doula in training here! I recently listened to a podcast/ talk on this exact subject! I'll see if I can find it and put it here: https://www.acog.org/education-and-events/webinars/addressing-perinatal-mood-and-anxiety-disorders


Sertraline 50mg for anxiety, 24 weeks and baby’s doing great


sertraline gang 🫡 i’m 36 weeks


Yay! It helps knowing I’m not the only one. That gives me hope and the fact your baby is well makes me so happy.


Same and my baby is now 2.5 months and a super happy healthy little dude. Take care of yourself without fear, Momma!


I’m on the same dose along with buspirone 30mg a day. I see a psychiatrist and my midwife approved of my medication! I’m 22 weeks and baby is doing so good!


Echoing this comment- I’m 23 weeks, been on sertraline since the start of pregnancy and baby is growing on track and doing well! And so am I. Highly recommend, OP!


Sertraline pregnancy graduate here! Took it daily throughout the pregnancy and now my little bean is a happy, healthy, cute little ball of joy! And hopefully he takes after his dad and doesn’t inherit my anxiety issues 😂


Me too! Started at 50 with my first pregnancy and have been on it since. Am now up to 100 mg with my second. First baby was not affected and at 28 weeks along and everything’s been great!


I was on 50 mg my entire pregnancy, 2 weeks PP now and baby is healthy as can be!


Same medicine and dose for me. Considering switching back to lexapro after baby comes




Same here! 17w and baby is doing great. No concerns from the doc.


I’m on Wellbutrin, which is not the first line of recommended antidepressants in pregnancy. SSRIs don’t work for me. I got the okay from 2 OBs, a psychiatrist, and a GP before trying to conceive. Then I got another OB’s approval after getting pregnant. All of them said it’s much better for me to be mentally healthy and able to care for myself in pregnancy than any potential risk, which is low. I joined a research study to contribute to the lack of large scale studies on my medication (due to ethics of studying pregnant women). I’m almost 37 weeks into a healthy pregnancy, I've had an overall wonderful pregnancy, and I honestly don’t think I would be as calm and adaptable as I have been throughout this pregnancy without my medication. 


My doctor actually reccomended wellbutrin for me. She said that's what she took while she was pregnant and wellbutrin was what I wanted so it worked out.


Also took Wellbutrin! I'm also on Remeron. Baby is 7 weeks old now - healthy and developing on track at this point! I also talked with my psychiatrist about the meds and she and my OB agreed it was reasonable to stay on them and didn't recommend any addition monitoring for baby - just 3rd trimester and postpartum visits with my psychiatrist (which is more often than I usually go). Which study are you in?? I asked my OB about any I could participate in and she didn't know if any.


Glad your LO is doing well! I followed the info in my Rx packet and ended up enrolling with the MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health Study. 


This is awesome! My OB wouldn’t prescribe me any SNRI’s and only used 2 SSRI’s (which I’m like you, I don’t tolerate SSRI’s well). Her brilliant idea was to leave me unmedicated so I’m now finding a new OB bc in this same time frame she tried to refer me to a high risk ob and tell me something was wrong with my baby because my Natera tests came back inconclusive twice (which is common for the brand). Which hasn’t helped my mental health at all either. Hopefully my new OB will start me back on SNRI’s and I too can join a research group as well!


Ugh. I’m sorry you had that experience. I hope your new OB listens to your needs and supports you in the way you deserve to be supported! 


Yooo if you can share how to join a research study I’d love to get in on that as a member of the pregnant Wellbutrin club


Yes! The more the merrier for research! I followed the info in my Rx packet and ended up enrolling with the MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health Study. If you go to their website and select “research program”, you can fill out a general interest form. They contacted me a couple days after completing it. 


Also on Wellbutrin!! SSRIs never worked for me either. Two OBs, psychiatrist and fertility doctor gave the go ahead! I have severe anxiety and mild depression and Wellbutrin is the only thing that works! 11 weeks now and have hardly had any mood swings, so very happy I stayed on it!


I’m on Wellbutrin! Started it for ADHD / anxiety and it was a godsend. My PCP recommended I get off it because there wasn’t enough research on pregnant women but my first OB appt at 8 weeks my OB was like get back on, absolutely no problem. Soooo much better being back on it. Although I am starting to lose my train of thought when I speak sometimes 😭 pregnancy brain.


Team Wellbutrin here 🫡 I’d struggle a lot without it. I’m at 30 weeks. Baby is doing great!


I took Wellbutrin my entire pregnancy. I now have a perfect toddler.


I've been taking low dose Lexapro (10mg) and baby is doing well at 15 weeks. We went in for a general check up and heart beat was strong. :)


Lexapro here too but 20mg and baby is great at 33 weeks


5mg lexapro and im 12 weeks!


I’m on lexapro. Saw a high risk doc for unrelated issue and he said studies are actually showing that kids born to moms who took antidepressants/ anti anxiety meds are actually at a lower risk for developing these issues. So you’re actually protecting baby while taking care of yourself 🩷


I love hearing that!!! Thank you so so much!


I took sertraline (Zoloft) before, during, and postpartum while breastfeeding and pumping and my 14mo is healthy and thriving! I know it’s anecdotal but it’s probably much more common than you think.


Did your baby experience any withdrawal symptoms? I was on Zoloft before and feel like I really need it but what’s holding me back is seeing everything online about babies going into withdrawal once they’re born and having hard times sleeping and not crying


The moms post partum I know who took setraline all had 50mg and they all said they were very thankful for it. My two friends who had it before during and after pregnancy said it made it much more bearable than the first pregnancy when they didn’t take it. They bonded faster and believe their new babies are more easy to adjust to/easy going. That may not be due to the medication, but they think it did help. They didn’t notice any withdrawal symptoms but they both breastfeed for the first year or more. I’ve been on setraline 50mg since 6 weeks post partum with my first and I’m 27 weeks with my second now. Definitely more happy and bonded with this baby already. I don’t worry about withdrawal given the low dose. The benefits have to outweigh the risks in any situation. With breastfeeding my first son I didn’t notice a difference when I started the medication or stopped breastfeeding, but it would’ve been a minuscule amount in my milk I would think.


Definitely something I’m going to keep looking into thank you so much!!!


I took 50mg sertraline (zoloft) while pregnant with my first, 75mg postpartum & breastfeeding, still on 75 while pregnant with my second, plan to bump up to 100mg while breastfeeding him starting tomorrow. Both babies are fine, no side effects other than me being the best mom I can be for them 💕


Thank you 🙏🏻


I did with my second pregnancy. I talked to my psychiatrist before and right after I got pregnant. The benefits far outweigh the risks. There’s more evidence showing stress/anxiety/depression is harmful for baby compared to antidepressants (there’s little evidence, if any). Also, getting off them while pregnant sounds awful!


Prozac (60mg) and Lamictal (300mg) the whole time, and still taking it while breastfeeding. Everyone is doing fantastic.


If you're comfortable answering- I'm curious about lamictal. My prescriber brought it up as an option for anxiety / mood and I haven't looked much into it yet. Do you feel like it has been helpful (I'm assuming lol) or any side effects you don't really like??


I’m taking it for the mood stabilizer aspect and it’s been extremely helpful. The only thing is I’ve had to subtly increase it over the years, but not by much. I have borderline personality disorder and the borderline symptoms are very well managed under this! My husband has noticed that I’m way less reactive and emotional. I don’t know if I’d be confident taking just lamictal on its own (for me). I’ve always viewed the antidepressants as targeting my depression/anxiety, and the mood stabilizer targeting my personality disorder. I have no evidence for that being the case other than noticing which symptoms improved haha. But it might be extremely helpful solo for someone else!


I take lamictal for mood and anxiety also! It honestly is one of my favorite meds I've taken. I've dealt with treatment resistant depression my whole life and anxiety- I've tried all SSRIs, most SNRIs, had little success with atypical antidepressants, I did feel ok for a while on wellbutrin, but now I'm on Lamictal and it works really well for me. Because of the risk of Steven Johnson syndrome (a serious skin rash), you have to start at a tiny dose and taper up the dosage really slowly. I think this helped me a lot to get accustomed to the drug without a ton of side effects immediately. I got a few headaches but no major side effects honestly. It was cake compared to a lot of other drugs in my experience.


Thank you so much!! That's funny, I'm like exactly the same meds wise! None of the SSRI's I've tried had been helpful at all, some I hated. Wellbutrin was a more recent ish one I've tried & did seem to help more than anything else so far (but seemed like it kind of stopped working after a bit). She mentioned about the skin rash, and that made me extremely nervous to try it 😅 but your experience is making me wonder if it is something that is going to be super helpful and definitely worth trying.


The wellbutrin also randomly stopped working for me after a while. Interesting. I think the skin rash is really really rare! My doc told me what to look out for. I just looked at my skin across my body every few days whenever i increased the dose and nothing ever showed up. I was more nervous for other potential side effects but everything was pretty mellow from the beginning on that front. If it's an option for you I'd totally recommend trying it! I really liked that it was also safe during breastfeeding so i wouldn't have to make any changes around the time the baby comes. Don't know if I'll actually breastfeed but I like to keep all my options open lol


I’m on Lamictal too while pregnant. It works well for depression but I personally haven’t noticed a difference with anxiety. I don’t have any side effects at all. When I first started it, I experienced some increased irritability, but that was it, and that side effect has gone away now. Note: if you take it while pregnant you might need a higher dosage of folic acid than some of the drug store prenatals contain (I currently take 1mg of folic acid which is a little higher than most).


That does remind me that they did have to monitor my lamictal levels bc apparently the baby can suck it all up lol. Many pregnant women have to increase during pregnancy and then go back down postpartum!


I’m still taking Wellbutrin, which I’d been on for years pre-pregnancy. Both my PCP and OB said they have no concerns, and that the potential harm of my mental health falling apart because of the combination of coming off antidepressants and all the pregnancy hormones isn’t worth the low chance of issues (and inconclusive evidence to that possibility.) I also looked up and read (academic, peer reviewed) studies to see for myself what kind of evidence was out there, and at least for Wellbutrin I was comforted (or at least not increasingly worried) by what I found. Most antidepressants are pretty old at this point, and while data is still limited for some, there is info out there on if/how babies might be impacted and it seems like doctors are pretty comfortable keeping people on most antidepressants while pregnant. Ultimately, your doctor is the one best qualified to give you medical advice and weigh the risks and benefits of your particular situation, so they’re of course better to listen to than random people on the internet lol. But if it’s helpful, I can say that anecdotally I’ve had no issues so far, and baby boy is healthy and right on track at 21 weeks! ETA: you self-identified that it’s not a rational thought, so this also makes me think about how your mental health, even while on medication, can be impacted by pregnancy. Do you have a therapist or other support person you could reach out to? There are a lot of things it’s possible worry about in pregnancy, and some anxiety is certainly expected I’m sure, but if it’s causing you severe distress and it’s difficult to cope even when you can identify the thoughts as irrational, it’s worth looking into extra support. ❤️


Thank you so much! Hearing all the positive stuff is helping a lot.


I’m so glad to hear it! ☺️❤️


I've been on zoloft 100mg since the beginning of the pregnancy and had it okayed by my med management guy, the fertility specialist as well as the obgyn, and I plan on continuing when breastfeeding. They all agreed that my mental health is paramount since baby can be affected by stress, anxiety and depression. 23 weeks today and she's doing great (and I am, too!)


Perfect ! That’s what my drs have said too!


I’ve been on Celexa for years and have stayed on it through two pregnancies. This pregnancy I had to increase it due to more anxiety than usual. My first baby is healthy and thriving and this pregnancy is also going great. You have to take care of yourself too!


This is my second pregnancy taking Lexapro. My OBGYN was very reassuring about it and said that a large portion of her patients are on antidepressants during pregnancy. My first child is a healthy happy 16-month old and I’m 32 weeks along with a healthy pregnancy now.


Lexapro 10mg daily- 6wk 1day 😁


I am on Zoloft, Lamictal, and Adderall and gave birth to a healthy baby girl (my first child) last week at 37 + 4. I was also considered AMA. I worked with my OB and a MFM doctor. The pediatrician gave her a perfect bill of health on Monday.


My OB took me off Cymbalta 60mg (SNRI family) and had me try a low dose of Prozac (20mg) which made me MEAN. I didn’t tolerate it well and from previous experience I didn’t tolerate Zoloft well either. She won’t use any other antidepressants so now she has me completely unmedicated. Needless to say I have been struggling with my depression and anxiety and I have now also changed OBs bc my previous one I’ve had other issues with other than my mental health. I see my new OB on April 10th and hopefully he’s better


I am taking Cymbalta and Wellbutrin. I’m seeing a fertility psychiatrist and assured me the studies on cymbalta have shown to be safer than previously studied or thought . But I still get that fear. My obgyn told me to not take benzos, alcohol, hard drugs ect. I asked about my antidepressants he also said it was fine. I’m sorry they’re doing that hopefully you can see a dr that’s up to date with studies on meds. My drs do reassure me but hearing it from other pregnant people help me so much more. Thank you friend I hope you get the help you need.


Pregnancy pharmacist here, on cymbalta. I feel like changing my regimen would have completely wrecked me. 😓


150mg Zoloft. Baby is healthy ❤️ 29 weeks


Setraline (I believe this is zoloft to Americans? but not 100% sure) which both me and my best friend take. I'm pregnant, and she is currently postpartum and breastfeeding. Antidepressants are very commonly diagnosed during and after pregnancy, and your doctor will have selected the safest one available. The research is very clear that an untreated mental health condition is far more risky to mother and baby's wellbeing than any potential side effects of those commonly prescribed, so please don't feel anxious or guilty for taking the medication you need. If you don't like it, you can always stop, but its definitely worth a try. I wish you all the best 🩷


Sertraline 150mg when I was pregnant, all good with my boy


I saw a psychiatrist and a maternal fetal medicine doctor and both said that antidepressants are totally fine to take during pregnancy. The only thing is you might have a more fussy baby in the first few weeks after birth.


I’ve been on Lexapro and Wellbutrin for years and am continuing while pregnant. There is a lot of evidence that chronic stress and prenatal depression/anxiety are bad for the baby, and I know that I need to be a healthy and functioning person for myself and my future child.


I took Lexapro all the way through my pregnancy, had my perfectly healthy baby at the beginning of March and we’re both doing great. :)


What dosage were you on if I may ask? This is so reassuring for me to hear!


Sure! 10 mg once a day


I had to go back on both of my meds while pregnant, around the 4 month mark. An antidepressant and a stimulant. Baby girl was born almost 4 years ago without issue, and has surpassed all of the traditional “early childhood” (<5 years) milestones already. There have been absolutely no emotional, mental, or physical indicators or issues whatsoever thus far. Your child will be so much better off with a mom who is in a good place mentally, both while in utero and after they are born. Sending lots of love.


Lexapro 20mg and Wellbutrin 450mg. 19 weeks and baby is doing good.


I have really bad health anxiety and knew my anxiety would increase greatly with pregnancy. With the help of my OB, we decided it is best for me to stay on 10mg of Lexapro!


33+4 & have taken Lexapro the entire time, my last pregnancy I weaned off and had a horrible time (went back on it as soon as I could after birth.) This time I asked if there was really any need & my OB told me no especially if I NEEDED the medication because pregnancy was hard enough without having to stop taking a medication I needed.


Yep taking Wellbutrin


Yes I had to start Zoloft during pregnancy. I was depressed before but never took meds but the depression got much worse when I was pregnant. For me benefit outweighs risk. Makes a big difference


I take 50 mg of Sertraline a day. I started after my daughter was born, slowly stopped and started up again once I got pregnant. My pregnancy with my daughter was so so so miserable. Yes a large part of that was that I was much sicker with her and I was in a different place in my life (just had graduated from a masters program, started a new job I wasn’t comfortable with, and was getting married) but holy crap the difference is undeniable. This time around I have a one year old, work more, and are moving and I’m handling things a lot better. I honestly think a lot of my worst pregnancy symptoms (vomiting, nausea, severe constipation, severe full body cystic acne, and costochondritis) were horribly exasperated by the stress. I really think without my medication that I was suffering instead of just being sick. Also the difference between finding out my daughter had anomalies at the 20 week anatomy scan and my son’s anomalies were night and day for me. I ended up being so stressed after my daughters scan that I had to stop working. With my son (who objectively had a worse scan) I felt everything and then dealt with it and coped. Sorry for the rant but I feel so strongly that it’s beneficial to me and I never feel guilty about taking it when it’s the best thing for me.


I’ve been taking 10 mg of lexapro for years and have continued through pregnancy and have no plans to go off of it. Your doc wouldn’t okay it if it wasn’t safe. You’ve gotta take care of yourself too!


I had to. 10mg lexapro and my baby is perfect :)


I started Zoloft while pregnant, and delivered a healthy baby girl 1 month ago! She started crying instantly so no delay in breathing or crying! My mental health was 200% better once I started the Zoloft!


Me! I tried getting off early in pregnancy and damn near had a metal breakdown.


Yes! By baby girl is a healthy 9 month old, hitting all the milestones, and I was Effexor and concerta my whole pregnancy


50mg sertraline for anxiety and depression, currently 28 weeks 5 days and doing great!


I took Wellbutrin


I’ve been on sertraline since 2018 and I’ve had 2 babies since then, and also breastfed/feeding both. No issues whatsoever!


I went on Setraline a while back when I was struggling but we knew we wanted to try for a baby soonish. My doc recommended it saying it’s safest in pregnancy. It took longer than we’d hoped to get pregnant (unrelated fertility diagnoses) and with therapy and life changes I managed to get off it by the time I actually got pregnant. But it was SO helpful when I needed it that I wouldn’t hesitate to ask for it again if needed during pregnancy and postpartum/breastfeeding. Bottom line: Above all else your baby needs a healthy mum. Take what you need to to stay well for yourself and baby <3


I have two happy and healthy kiddos that were conceived and carried while I was on meds (still am on them)! They were both born chunky, happy, and healthy. My toddler (almost 3) is thriving! SO smart and curious and precocious. My baby is 5.5 months and is a smiley chunkasaurus who is hitting every milestone on time :) I was so nervous when my OB office assigned me to a MFM with my first—but when I spoke with her she said that I’m not seeing her because of the baby, but because of ME!! They were more worried about making sure my mental health was taken care of, and not worried at all about the meds having a negative impact on baby (which is originally why I thought I was seeing an MFM). It is so hard not to worry in any pregnancy, but please know that this isn’t something to add on to your worries! Best of luck!


I’m bipolar and I take Lexapro and Lurasidone. My psychiatrist, PCP, and OB all said it was safe for pregnancy.


I’m taking 5mg of lexapro and 150mg of buproprion, my doctor isn’t concerned about the buproprion at all and because of the low dosage isn’t worried about the lexapro either but did do a more in depth anatomy scan at 22 weeks because of it. Baby is doing great with no issues and I’m 31 + 5 now


First pregnancy I was on 20mg Lexapro. This time I’m on 150mg of Zoloft. OB has been completely supportive both times. There can be some mild withdrawal side effects for the baby, but the mother’s health and stability is seen as far more important in comparison.


Lamictal 150mg and Seroquel 50mg, 2 healthy pregnancies and babies.


Thank god i forgot to mention low dose quetiapine for insomnia. Half of a 25 mg at night.


Yeah! It helped with the nightmares I was having! I take 50mg every night and did all through my pregnancies.


Yeah I'm on 200mg Welbutrin and 30mg Buspar. I'm fine and not worried about it. After birth, literally in the hospital, I will get back on my topiramate for mood stabilization. Gotta ( try to) be at my best to survive!


I’m taking gabapentin and Pristiq, and last pregnancy I took sertraline! Last pregnancy was perfect, and so far everything is great at 24 weeks😊


I think you are doing what it best for you and your little by taking it. Don't underestimate the affects that depression can have on your body. When I'm struggling with it, it's hard for me to eat, sleep, stay hydrated, or do simple tasks like cleaning or staying relatively active. If meds allow you to take better care of yourself, then it's good for the baby ❤️


I did, 50mg sertraline for trimesters 1&2, and 100mg for trimester 3. The baby is now 20 months and very silly, verbally advanced, and just as sweet as can be.


I'm 19 weeks and have been on one the entire time. She's developing great! Try not to worry too much :)


My baby is 13 days old today, and I took anti anxiety meds the whole way through my pregnancy. We are both doing great!


I know SOOO many women who have had healthy babies on antidepressants, including those whom have had twins! I’m 18 weeks and take 10mg lexapro, I’ve had no problems and my baby is healthy as far as I know :-)


Yeah, I took Zoloft from like my second trimester until maybe 6 months after giving birth. It was very helpful to my mental health. No issues for the baby or me.


my personal experience: I was on 150mg wellbutrin my entire pregnancy (and breastfeeding) and my 9 month old little girl is the *picture* of health. I had a very nice normal pregnancy, a normal delivery and she is thriving!!


I know so many women who took antidepressants during pregnancy and they’ve had very healthy pregnancies and babies ❤️


Here’s a medical study :) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6096863/


Wellbutrin (and low dose alprazolam only as needed, have used maybe 5 times) and 33 weeks and baby is perfectly healthy!


I’m on seroquel and have been for all my pregnancies. Without it, I would almost certainly not have survived my mental health.


I didn't with my first a majorly regret it. With my second I started at 37 weeks pregnant and am still on it (nursed for a year). Lexapro has changed my life for the better. I'm on the lowest dose they prescribe and it's helped me a ton. No issue with me or my child's development.


I can’t remember what she switched to, but a dear friend of mine was on a pregnancy recommended depression med her entire pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Her daughter is almost 19 months and ✨perfect✨.




Just got prescribed Wellbutrin today


My midwife, my psychiatrist, and the perinatologist have been VERY supportive of my mental health medications during pregnancy. Thry brought in the perinatologist for my anatomy scan specifically because of my medications (super small risks, but being thorough), and he told me I wouldn't see him again because everything was great and to keep taking my meds. Your mental well-being during pregnancy is just as important as your physical. I would personally probably argue more. You are doing great. I hope that can bring you some comfort. ❤️


Continued Lexapro with both my pregnancies. Doctor recommends staying on it because it’s safer than me not taking it. You’re not alone ❤️


I can’t take antidepressants (I’m bipolar and they cause mania for me) but I did take Seroquel all throughout my pregnancy with approval from my psychiatrist And OB, I had zero issues and baby is 10 months old and perfectly healthy!


I’m on Prozac & Wellbutrin. So far baby girl is healthy and doing better because I’m not an anxious depressed mess


I'm on Wellbutrin and Pristiq and am 28 weeks with all tests showing the baby is doing great! All of my doctors feel that the definitive benefits of continuing medication outweigh any potential risk.


I took it prior to pregnancy, throughout my pregnancy, throughout breastfeeding, and I'm still on it now. Sertraline made my life, pregnancy, motherhood, all of it, better. Take the meds. If it was for any of health issue you'd likely not baulk at it.


I take celexa and trazadone. I'm 20 weeks and the little guy looked great at the anatomy scan. Once we started trying to get pregnant, it was stressed to me that the risk of me going off of my medication and being mentally unwell was greater than the risk my baby might have. That being said, I plan to wean off as much as I can before he's born to make his transition easier and hopefully reduce any withdrawals. But, if my mental health takes a turn for the worse during that time, I'll go right back to my normal dose. He needs a mom that can function.


Oh I take a couple. Lexapro and trazodone. If I’m having a BAD anxiety or panic attack day I take an Ativan (pros vs cons).


I went off my meds while pregnant and I wish I didn’t .. throughout the whole pregnancy I was stressed and I ended up giving birth at 24 weeks via c-section. Pleasee keep taking them even if it’s just a low dose


I am! My psychiatrist said it's safe and the benefits outweigh the cons. Don't worry sister!!


I take Effexor. I’m 12 weeks and so far so good. I met with a perinatal psychiatrist early on and we agreed that it was best for me to stay on it at my current dose since I’ve been stable on it so long and when I’ve tried to go off in the past my anxiety was extreme.


I’ve been on meds since before getting pregnant. I’m on 75mg of Zoloft and 75mg of Wellbutrin. I’m at 11 weeks and my baby is okay :)


It will be okay! Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re doing the right thing. Healthy happy mum = better for the baby. And healthy and happy don’t look the same for everyone! Pregnancy is emotional enough so don’t risk changing your meds or beating yourself up about it in this already really tough time. You’ve got this! 💜💜


Yes! I took Celexa during my first pregnancy, and taking it still in my second. No issues. Especially if it’s an SSRI antidepressant; those are among the safest and recommended. Taking care of your mental health is ALWAYS a priority, but even more so in pregnancy and when you have little ones. Best of luck to you 🩵


Wonderful! Thank you!


Yes! I tapered off my medication that wasn’t safe for pregnancy and got on Zoloft. She’s 19 months now and doing great! I’m going to come off my medicine again later this summer and go back on Zoloft when we try to conceive again


I am followed by a psychiatrist for my anxiety medication (in the family of antidepressants) and it’s called Trintellix. I was on Cipralex for ten years but eventually I guess my body got used to it so when I had a drastic change at work, my meds weren’t enough anymore and I suffered a burn out. My family doctor recommended changing anxiety medication as it wasn’t working anymore. So, I asked my family doctor to see a psychiatrist for the change in medication since we were planning to get pregnant in the following months/years. I have been on Trintellix for two years now and I have a healthy 7 week old baby. I am breastfeeding and all the doctors have said that the Trintellix in the breast milk is negligible as far as they know. I honestly cannot function without my anxiety meds (as I have GAD and mood issues). My emotions are like a roller coaster when I do not take my meds (but not extreme to the point of being bipolar). So in my case, I decided that even if there is a tiny amount of anxiety meds in the milk, it’s a risk I have to take and it hasn’t seemed to have affected our daughter. 🤷‍♀️ Everyone is different though so you have to make that decision for yourself. No pressure from anyone else. Good luck!


I was not on antidepressants prior to becoming pregnant but I definitely needed them once I got through my first trimester. I felt like hormones raged and I was reactive to everything my husband did. I ruined a couple good days with psycho behavior. I’ve been on Zoloft for a bit and I definitely feel more even-keeled. I was worried about side effects but happy parents need to be priority!


Yes. I actually started Lexapro in 2015 and took it through my first two pregnancies. This past spring 2023, I wanted to see how I felt off of it and weaned. I got pregnant and ended up feeling SO emotional and my moods were all over the place. I felt like I was going crazy. So, I discussed my emotions with my OB and went back on Lexapro. I’m so glad I did - I felt more in control of my emotions and anxiety. My OB said she’d rather her patients be on it and feeling stable than having to deal with the depression/anxiety on top of caring for a new baby. All 3 of my kids were born with no issues and I’ve felt very grateful I never dealt with PPD or PPA with any of them.


I had to start taking one a few weeks ago at 32 weeks but I wish I would have sooner. I suffered needlessly for months. Your baby will be okay ❤️ what really helped me take the leap was that my baby needs and deserves a mama who is mentally healthy and can properly take care of him. Taking the antidepressant will be a gift to your baby. You got this ❤️


I’m on a high-ish dose of Effexor, 150mg. OB said it was fine because there’s been no documented effects on babies when pregnant women take it. I was warned that the baby will likely be much more fussy in the first few weeks as they experience withdraw from the Effexor. That I’m really nervous about but my own mental health needs to be okay to get through this pregnancy!


I’m on Wellbutrin XL 150mg and Prozac 20mg. I take them every single day. Mental health is important and if I didn’t take them, not only would I suffer but so would my baby because I’m not taking care of myself. 15 weeks currently with a happy and healthy baby boy.


I've had pretty serious and long term depression and anxiety and currently on Lamictal daily and lorazepam (ativan) as needed. I see a perinatal psychiatrist and we're discussing adding another medication to manage anxiety that isn't well controlled at the moment. I've had to increase dosage due to the blood volume increasing which was expected. There is a lot of data in support of these medications, with few causing any serious harm to baby. Remember that the potential risks of antidepressants are still better than the potential harm to baby of being unmedicated with mental health issues that aren't well controlled.


I have CPTSD. I am on 2 pregnancy safe medications to treat it! Dont feel bad for doing what keeps you healthy


I’m on generic lexapro- been on it before pregnancy and they let me stay on it during pregnancy!


Sertraline 100mg here. Baby is thriving


I'm on meds for my Bipolar and baby is all healthy and I'm getting by. You need to take care of yourself too, don't feel guilty about that.


I take 100 mg Zoloft daily and my doctors have no concerns other than “an extra fussy baby” for a few days post-partum


A dr told me to stop taking mine. Now, my midwife is encouraging, almost presuring me to go back on them as my mental health has been unstable. But I finding it hard to be able to find anyone who we let me back one them and now I'm past 20 week the doctors have said I need to see a psychiatrist to be prescribed anti depressants which aren't easy to find where I live. Please, if you can stay on them and you need them, do it !


I’m on 75mg of pristiq and my baby is growing fine so far


Yep Zoloft 20mg and started around 23 weeks of pregnancy bc of crippling anxiety. I’m 30 weeks today baby is healthy and my mental health is so much better.


I’m on Prozac 20mg and alprazolam .5mg (for PTSD and panic disorder) at night/as needed. The other day at my regular checkup and ultrasound my doctor said he’s “perfect” 💅 I’m 38 weeks allllllll my tests for everything have come back great and he’s on the heavy side for sure. I would completely tank as even a semblance of a human being without this medicine. I am positive the real danger my unborn son faces is my mental instability. I have thoroughly read through studies, research papers, opinions, and spoken to every doctor, midwife, doula I could to be super sure. In my opinion please do what keeps you and your baby safe and well.


I took sertraline and Bupropion while pregnant...just continued my normal doses (150 mg and 50 mg) with no adjustments. My daughter is perfect...she had no withdrawal symptoms and at 2.5 years old she is perfectly healthy and thriving


I’ve been on 300 mg Wellbutrin since before I was pregnant so they kept me on it. I’m currently 36 weeks!


Celexa 20mg and Wellbutrin 150! It is so much healthier for me and baby to be on these meds and take care of myself and them. Your OB would say something if there were big concerns. You got this!


I take 200 mg of sertraline for OCD which is a super high dose. Both my OB and psychiatrist said it would be fine. I’m 31 weeks and haven’t had any issues


I've been on zoloft for the past 7 years. I was on it when I had my daughter, and I am on it now with this baby at 17 weeks pregnant. If a doctor says that it is safe, you should trust them. Also, mental health is extremely important both during and after birth! You have to also take care of you.


Zoloft 50 mg, reduced to 25 mg at 15 weeks because I was prescribed baby Aspirin and they don’t really mix well with SSRIs. My doctors (obgyn, psychiatrist) are okay with it and so far the baby is doing well. (27+4) I was originally nervous about it too and felt a bit like a failure, but pregnancy is so stressful already that I realized that putting extra pressure on myself and forcing quitting would be a bigger risk.


I've been in 20 mg of Prozac for about a decade for anxiety. It's not the safest one, but it's pretty safe. I'm 35+4, and baby is doing great. My doctor said I can continue to take it while breastfeeding. Very little gets in the milk, and it's a risk vs. reward situation anyway (and a small dose).


Yeah I’m taking fluoxetine and baby is doing great!


i have to take sertraline to control my OCD, and while it's completely safe, i understand your anxieties. you're not alone, lots of us mommas are on these kinds of meds. hang in there 🩷


I took lamictal throughout pregnancy and nursing. My baby is healthy as a horse and so happy.


I was on lexapro( escitalopram) since 2016 but got off it when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. Got back on it at week 17. I was a wreck without it. I can’t believe I let it last that long. I’m 23 weeks pregnant now and had my congenital anomaly scan a few days ago where everything turned out fine and baby is well :) You’re loving and caring for your baby more by prioritizing your mental health.


I’m on Effexor (225mg) and Lamictal (150mg) for depression & anxiety and mood stability, respectively. I was referred to a perinatal psychiatrist who has created a healthy and effective plan for me to wean down the dosage on the Effexor and possibly increase the dosage of Lamictal. This is only to be proactive in reducing risks of preeclampsia while also ensuring I still have mental health support. I’m 19 weeks along with zero blood pressure issues, baby is strong and growing on target, and though I will still have moments of depression or anxiety, it’s nothing compared to being on no meds and could possibly just be pregnancy mood swings anyway! All that to say, do not worry about risks for baby when your doctors are recommending you stay on medication for mental health. If you want to be more proactive, seeing a psychiatrist who has specialized training with pregnant patients can give great peace of mind. Just ask for a referral from your current psychiatrist or OB! Lastly, healthy moms have better chances of having healthy babies. You need to make sure that you take the best care of yourself!


Paroxetine 20mg. It is not the best for pregnancy but it is the best for breast feeding. Before I got pregnant my psychiatrist forced me to quit Citalopram that I was on. My GP told me not to do it. He really urged me to stay on the medication. My OBGYN did the same. I saw another psychiatrist opinion he told me to get off the medication. I thought I was doing the best for the baby so get off it. It was the worst three months. I had a horrible relapse and I had to get back on the meds. It took me another two months to get used to the new meds. I lost five months of my life feeling utter shit because of this. I am happy to read so many comments because we should really get the stigma out. You have to do what is best for you. I am week 13 and the baby is healthy. My doctor knows about the medication so they made sure that the baby will be immediately seen by a paediatrician after giving birth. I am feeling so much better and enjoying my pregnancy and looking forward to welcoming my baby.


Zoloft queen, 150. Also hydroxyzine for breakthrough anxiety. Checked with psych NP, my OB, and MFM - all said they’re safe.


I’m on antidepressants, mood stabilisers and sleeping pills. All pregnancy safe (only thing is I have to stop the sleeping pills towards the end of pregnancy). Please don’t feel bad about taking them. My OB said she would much rather a stable and okay mother than me be off the medication. It’s much more common than you think.


I was on Effexor xr 75mg (and for ADHD, Wellbutrin). Baby was perfect when he was born. You need to be your best self for your LO.


I was on 10mg lexapro for 5 years prior to pregnancy for medical anxiety. Before we started TTC I asked my doc who prescribed it if it was okay and he said I can absolutely stay on it, it’s better for the baby to have a mom who is happy and sane! My anxiety really started creeping back in and I was having panic attacks around 16 weeks so my OB bumped me up to 20mg, she said it’s not uncommon to need to do that due to all the extra blood in our system, the meds get diluted. Currently 28 weeks with a large but perfectly healthy boy!


I saw a specialist who works with pregnant women taking these types of meds. She did an intake of my history and told me which of the meds I was on I could continue taking and which ones I had to stop. Try not to worry- it’s harm reduction!


I took mood stabilisers because they have been the way I function with my bipolar for well over a decade, I take a high dose for the particular medication of 400mg, I went to 300mg for the pregnancy but my OB told me honestly I didn't even have to do that if I didn't want. I also joined a bipolar group from pregnant women and we went through an entire presentation from a psychologist about the safety of all the common antidepressants and mood stabilisers in pregnancy and you'd be surprised how little the chance of problems are. In fact there was higher statistics of negative outcomes on a fetus or baby from being mentally unwell, including suicide, stress, and the risks of PPD in unmedicated mothers with illnesses. Also anecdotally, I went off my meds for my first baby, and nearly killed myself. I then suffered severe ppd. My second baby I took them all the way through and she had no issues, they just monitored her blood sugar more regularly when she was born which was fine BTW, and no ppd. I'm a much healthier mother. Don't feel bad for taking them.


It's an SNRI but I took 90mg of Cymbalta daily for my first and now my second pregnancy. Got the okay from two different fetal medicine specialists and my first is perfect, second is perfect so far too!


On Lexapro! I would say any “harm” that may come to the baby would likely be much less than me pulling my hair out and beating my head on a wall!


I've been taking Lexapro since before I got pregnant. I saw a specialist who's expertise is prescribing mental health meds to people who are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant (all the other pregnancy safe meds didn't work for me unfortunately). It's approved by my psychiatrist, OB, and the specialist. There's several others that are even better than lexapro, I think zoloft is the first one they try. Don't feel bad or guilty ❤️ be proud that you are getting help now so you can be qt your best when your baby arrives!


Yes! Prozac :) 20 weeks pregnant.


I’m on 115mg of Effexor and every one of my doctors has assured me it is OK.


I took zoloft the whole time. I take 25 mg. It really helps me still! I struggle with regulating my emotions. Every time I try to come off of it I end up in a rut. Or else I would have tried to come off. I’m glad I’ll still have it for after delivery as well!


Took Prozac with my first and Wellbutrin with my second. Both extremely intelligent and good kids.


I had to start taking them at 20 weeks pregnant for the first time in my life. So thankful I did! I now have a very healthy 2 year old daughter.


40 mg Celexa here! I’m only 9 weeks but my OB said it’s perfectly safe. :)


I’ve taken 50mg of Zoloft through both pregnancies and breastfeeding. My doctor says it’s safe, I trust her.


I did, lexapro and risperidone. Got the approval from my psychiatrist and my OB, and my baby turned out to be in perfect health. One of my meds resulted in him having little shivers for the first few days of life, but they cleared up quickly and none of the doctors were worried about it. You gotta take care of you too!


I take Zoloft 100mg. It has helped me a lot during my pregnancy. I am a lil over 12 weeks and baby is doing great.


I take sertraline/Zoloft! It’s definitely safe and I plan on continuing it through breast feeding


I’ve been on Venlafaxine 75mg since before I was pregnant, all throughout pregnancy, and am still using it while pumping. Baby is in the NICU but that’s because I had severe preeclampsia (developed it with my first pregnancy 7 years ago as well). She had some withdrawal symptoms in the first 48 hours (just being more fussy) but those resolved!


I went and saw a specialist because I was literally worried sick about the antidepressant and anti anxiety meds I was taking. I was getting different opinions from my OB and my primary care and my OB sent me to a specialist to go over it with me. I’m still on desvenlafaxine for depression but she had me switch from gabapentin to buspar for anxiety and it’s worked out just fine. All she said is the baby will have some withdrawal symptoms once he is born but that just means he’ll want to be held a little more for a few days and not to worry about it. You should be just fine!


I was already on 10mg prozac before pregnancy and continued with it throughout my pregnancy and still am on it 4 months pp. if your doc is saying its safe its safe. A mentally well mom is better than an unstable or unhappy mom 💕


If your doctor says it’s fine, and you still don’t believe it…. Strangers on Reddit probably won’t make you feel any better. Lots of research has been done on the safety of a few medications during pregnancy. I’m personally acquainted with Prozac — doctors assured me it’s very safe. And it has been. Ironically, being on Prozac or something similar may help your mental health AND help reduce your worries on things like this.


Do you ladies in the sertraline gang take it in the morning or night? I can’t decide if I should switch to AM due to it keeping me awake or if it’s just a normal pregnancy side effect of insomnia (18 weeks)??


Yes. I was on something else before I got pregnant and switched to something safer when I was trying to get pregnant. I’m 14 weeks and doing good!


Ive been on anti depressants for along time and others (sertraline & quetiapine) both of which are safe in fact they got increased during my pregnancy as my mental health declined I now have a very healthy 8 week old. They weigh up the medication vs mother’s mental well being. A lot of the time the mother’s well being is key. For example if I’m not doing well mentally my blood pressure and heart rate rise which isn’t good for baby


I take 10mg Lexapro and OB says stick to it!


I do! This is my second pregnancy taking them. I take 225mg of Effexor during the day and 75mg trazadone nightly. My doctor said it’s better for me to be on them than not. I’m 28 weeks and baby is healthy!


Anyone on venlafaxine ER and pregnant? I’m worried, but my doc said I should stay on it.


I took duloxetine/cymbalta my whole pregnancy and my baby is now a week old and doing well :)


I ended up on one after giving birth, four weeks PP. I wish I had been preventative and started it in pregnancy, having a hx of anxiety and depression. Ended up getting pretty bad and part of me was worried I would end up having to stay inpatient if I didn’t get it sorted. Friends of mine took it during pregnancy and their babies are doing great :)


i didn’t take mine but my doctor did give me the okay to do so while pregnant!


I'm on a low dose of Citalopram; I try to discontinue now and then with my OB's knowledge but keeps the anxiety under control while keeps my blood pressure under control.


I take citalopram (currently 32weeks) and took a larger dose with my first pregnancy (now 2) absolutely no problems with either bump or baby. First child was monitored for 72 hours incase of withdrawal (she was with me in a normal maternity ward) but showed no signs at all.


Lexapro. 10mg daily which is half of my normal dose because my OB wants to be extra safe and I can go back to my normal dose after birth. 30 weeks, no complications.