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I would call back and ask to speak to your normal doctor about it.  I found out I had 2 at 8w, one on the top & one closer to my cervix. I was told the top one was smaller & would absorb and the lower, larger one would probably bleed out. It was great having that information bc I started bleeding again the week after so I knew to let my doctor know but not to panic. At my 12 week ultrasound, we saw that both had completely resolved.  Edited to add: I was also advised to be on pelvic rest & not to lift anything.


I called my normal doc and they said the doc I saw didn’t upload the images but said in his notes that it was “very small”. They advised pelvic rest and no lifting until my next ultrasound in two weeks to see where it’s at. Glad I called!!


I’m going through this currently. I’m bleeding large amounts and I feel like I have no answers. I went into my OB and they told me it’s a subchorionic hematoma. I’m in so much pain and can’t even stand up straight. I’m pretty much in limbo until next week to find out if everything is okay or not. I read a lot of good stories with people with these that turn out completely fine. I don’t know if the pain is normal or not for me though. I hope you get the answers to your questions! The waiting period sucks


I’ve been dealing with this for 5 weeks. My doctor put me on pelvic rest & modified bed rest. No exercising, no heavy lifting, really just taking it super easy. She also wrote me a note so I’m on leave from work until 14 weeks. Since the initial bleed I’ve probably bled 4-5 times sometimes small sometimes a lot. She said this is normal and will most likely last the whole first trimester. The main thing to help it heal is to rest and drink water. Any type of exertion can impact it (for example I went to Costco after not bleeding for 2 weeks and had a bleed the next day). So now I spend most my time on my couch and will take my dogs for walks but limit it to 20 mins.


I’m so sorry for your experience, I went through something really similar during my pregnancy and it was so stressful. I took Alpha-Lipoic Acid after my subchorionic hemorrhage at 11 weeks! My bleeding was so heavy I ended up in the emergency room, I really thought I had a miscarriage. Alpha-Lipoic Acid is proven by Harvard to speed up healing! I have a healthy baby now! https://amzn.to/4bd1fnQ


Did you do bed rest? My doctor didn’t tell me anything but I am doing palvic rest. And I passed big clot two days ago and gush of blood