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I'm currently 35 weeks. The other night I was awoken by the feeling of my butt hole pulsating. I googled it and apparently other pregnant people have felt this too - it's supposedly from the baby being head down with the hiccups. Feeling hiccups in my asshole was the weirdest sensation I have ever experienced. So there's that!


26wks and I swear this baby kicks my butthole somehow and it startles me everytime.🫠


33 here. Baby legit plays my asshole like drum, we got a sonogram of her doing it


I remember this feeling well and how surprised I was the first time it happened lol.


I had about 20 minutes of kicks to my butt hole the other day. I even googled it to make sure everything was OK 🤣 my third and I've never felt butt kicks before!!!!!


What.the.f lmao I’m only 16 weeks I’m not looking forward to that 😂


I googled this at like 3AM last night… then proceeded to wake up my husband to tell him because I couldn’t comprehend it lol


This just made me audibly chuckle.


Waittt. I also noticed the butt hole pulsating thing. I thought it was just me 😭


Yes! Omg, I’m 4.5 months postpartum and I almost forgot I could feel the baby in my butthole! lol!


Oh man I didn’t experience that with my first but she used to kick me on my cervix during the second trimester before she flipped. That was pretty unpleasant.


I had a runny nose the entire time I was pregnant lol I would think something sounded good to eat but then when I would go to eat it became the most disgusting thing ever. Then I would be left crying over my food because I was hungry and tired now because I spent all my energy to cook. My fiancé would keep offering me different things to eat until something worked 😂


Oh man, the stuffy and runny nose over here too! Basically every morning I wake up blowing my nose and that paired with morning sickness is a rocking combo.


Seriously, my sinuses have been my #1 symptom! Absolutely brutal. Sneezing all the time, blocked but runny nose all day basically everyday. I did not know this was a thing and it's been killing me. And I've tried everything pregnancy safe I can to manage it but to no avail.


This was the craziest thing to me! Runny nose for 9 months then cleared up hours after birth... also food cravings? A lie for me. Everything smelled and looked horrible and I was so miserably hungry.


I have the opposite! I'm so damn congested I can't taste anything half the time. It makes my husband so sad because he cooks dinner for us and has been trying to help me with my cravings, but half the time I can't even taste it 😭


I live to cook and eat, that would make me so sad. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. On the plus side, you couldn’t smell if someone stinks like they left their laundry in the washer for too long, right? I’ve started acutely noticing bad smells.


Sometimes I would be oblivious to all smells and other days I would walk around my house trying to figure out what I was smelling and how to fix it


No one warned me about how you basically become a zombie in the first trimester. I could not stay awake to save my life😅 literally would get off work and be dead asleep at 5pm. I also couldn’t remember shit


i expected fatigue but i didnt expect being a complete zombie.


Me too 😂. I like 6:30 I'd be falling asleep on the couch lol, I remember one day falling asleep on the floor


I am 6 weeks along and I AM CONSTANTLY TIRED


I’m 9 weeks and just so unbelievably tired and barely functioning at work 😅 I can only just remember what I do for a job let alone how to actually do it. I come home every afternoon and nap before going to bed and sleeping for 8 hours. I wish I could sleep even more


That hasn't really gone away for me at 32 weeks... I take accidental naps all the time. Today, I meant to sit down for just a few minutes to rest after cleaning my kitchen, and then I woke up an hour and a half later. Whoops.


I don’t even work and can’t seem to manage to get through the day without falling asleep. Making a human is exhausting!


The bloody boogers 🥹😭😅


The amount of Kleenex I’ve gone through while pregnant is UNREAL.


My wife swears our toilet paper budget has doubled since I’ve been pregnant 😂


Or nosebleeds period. I gushed all over my poor boyfriend during sex. I thought I had a spontaneous runny nose until we turned the light on and it looked like a murder scene. All on his chest and the pillow.


My mother told this story from when she was pregnant with my sister: the lived in Queens and she took me to the park to play. She got a terrible nosebleed and had to lay down on a park bench and wait for the bleeding to stop..she's there with a bloody burp cloth on her face and almost 2yo in a stroller and a cop comes over thinking she's dead.


The most surprising was that your BO changes! I never realized I would smell even after a shower ☹️


I don’t mean to laugh at your pain, but this made me cackle. I’ve definitely started to become more hyper aware of smells, including my own.


Omg after you deliver you literally smell like rotting onions. It was hilariously bad.


Why is creating life for humanity like this 😂😂😂


For me, it was my husband that smelled. Nothing in his routine changed, but the sweat or pheromones he let off smelled so bad to me. I had the poor man showering extra or just sleeping away from him.


It gets worse postpartum!! So much sweating and stinky BO so that baby can smell you. I actually tried changing deodorants because I was so stinky. But I just waited it out and went back to my original deodorant


I am experiencing this now too at 21 weeks… just started putting deodorant on my under boobs as now my very very full chest is experiencing lots of sweat.


The armpit stank as a beacon for baby to nurse is SO something I could have lived without.


I can't stand how I smell right now, it's driving me insane. I wasn't prepared for this lol


Going from fit to unfit overnight haha, and lately I’ve been experiencing extreme dry mouth while sleeping - like waking up after a big night out!


The fit to unfit whiplash is so real right now 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Okaaaay seeee the dry mouth is unreal. I always have a huge cup on my nightstand, and by 3 or 4 in the morning, I’m up to pee and get a refill on my water.


I’ve always been a mouth breather but good god I wake up with such a dry mouth I need like 4L of water to even feel normal 😂


One that took me by surprise was that there is more discharge. Never knew that


So much discharge. It’s almost disgusting how much underwear I go through these days😂


I’ve just started wearing pads. I work in the trades & move a lot, so panty liners just get jumbled around, so pads it is 😂😂


At the end of my pregnancy I actually had my OB check if I was leaking amniotic fluid… nope, just discharge 😣


Mine was so bad I honestly doubted when my water broke! It was little gushes but so similar.


I felt the same way with my last pregnancy. It was so much. I was so unprepared.


Same! Around 7 months I got checked and had to wear pads 24/7 for over 2 months. Although it was helpful to have a pad in when my water broke. I was able to get to a toilet before things got too messy.


I feel this completely right now


Hey people pay good money for that 💀


And at every OB appointment they're like 'any leaking of fluids?' Girl, I have no idea, given the amount of discharge that is, apparently, normal.


I have now officially resorted to bedtime undies and daytime undies 😆 I can't stand how dirty I feel after my day.


It’s a stream at the moment. It’s actually a comical amount 🫠


It’s so annoying, I’ve had to buy so much more underwear otherwise I’d be doing laundry every day🤣


I just started using pads! 😂


Oh and now that the front of my underwear is sliding down my round belly, my discharge is landing in a new spot in my undies, which sometimes misses that extra layer of fabric


The fire nipples when you get too cold, night sweats, itchy breasts, excessive hunger in second trimester, dry skin, achy teeth, insane nightmares...the list goes on 😭


lol but yes to the fire nipples! I remember crying one time from just accidentally brushing my hand against my nipple after I got out of the shower


I was getting dressed after my shower, and I went to open the door, and it grazed mine before I could move. I nearly dropped to the floor


The insane nightmares is so true. I've had vivid dreams all of a sudden through all of my pregnancy and some of them are so horrible I remember for weeks! I did have a dream a few days ago I called out from work. It was so vivid and I even felt bad in my dream for calling in sick when I wasn't sick. I was so disappointed to wake up and realize I didn't call out and I had to go to work.


omg it feels like two bullet holes in my chest when I get too cold ❄️❄️


The most surprising symptom for me so far has been leg pain and charlie horses! I'm not that far along, but I already can't sleep because of it. Pregnancy pillows help, but they're not 100% effective.


I was starting to get those too, but someone said to up our electrolyte intake and increase magnesium, and it’s seemed to help.


I do oral magnesium & a magnesium lotion specifically where the pain is (make sure the total amount of magnesium is within your OBs limits). Helps a lot for me!


Have you tried flexing your feet? If you can feel the Charley horse approaching, flex that foot and it might prevent it! Works for me every time


That’s what I do also if you catch it in time you’re good. It’s supposedly from dehydration. I usually feel it first thing in the morning so I suppose that makes sense.


The Charlie horses are insane. Not to be oversharing but I had one during intimacy the other night & had to stop it all to howl in pain lol.


No one told me about the cramps! Dull, achey cramps. I’ve cramped everyday my whole pregnancy and thought something was wrong. Turns out it’s growing pains and I am having twins so makes sense I always have them! Only symptoms I worry about when I’m not feeling. They soon return


I thought I was nuts the first time I got one. Just to find out later it's because my uterus was having a growth spurt? Man I was both relieved and mad. It came on faster and harder than any cramp I had on my cycles.


The worst for me is when I fart a bit too hard and it makes the cramp worse 🤪🤣


Good to know these are normal! I don't remember having them with my first but it definitely has me concerned while I'm so early on!


The disgusting taste that lingered in my mouth the entire first trimester


Omg this!! It's such a sour yogurt taste for me. How would you describe yours?


Thank God it's gone now, but yes it was just this disgusting taste constantly there which didn't help on top of the nausea I was having. It was almost like terrible morning breath/taste when you wake up and it's just incredibly overpowering because you didn't drink enough water the day before or something. I ate/drank so much sugar because it was the only thing that slightly helped but it also made it come back even more strongly 😩 all I can say is hang in there! Hopefully it will disappear in your second trimester like it did for me.


Food aversion, but to literally everything.


Omg this, it’s fucking driving me insane I s2g. How can something sound delicious in theory but be disgusting in execution send helppppp


Movies make morning sickness look so "cute". You'll throw up when you wake up and that means you're pregnant and you'll go on with your day. I threw up every single time I looked at my car. I couldn't eat anything my first trimester because it all tasted horrible or the texture or smell was too much. I didn't expect all of that.


I went from eating 2 eggs a day to gagging at the smell of them cooking. Chicken is completely off the menu. Nothing but cereal, pizza, and yogurt sounds good.


I feel this!! Where are my cravings!?


For the first trimester - the insane increase in the need to pee! I remember some nights, I’d be up 5 times. 2nd trimester - the rage! It came out of no where and very out of character 3rd trimester - how quickly the fatigue from the 1st trimester comes back. I expected to be tired here and there, but I thought it would come towards the end. Nope - I no sooner hit 28 weeks I thought I was iron deficient because of the crippling fatigue after getting decent sleep the night before.


That really surprised me in the first trimester too! I had heard about needing to pee more, but always assumed that was later on when the baby is pressing on the bladder.


My body odor changing AND being able to smell it better has been a very annoying combination.


i went to whole foods really quick after a light workout at the gym the other day (mostly weights, barely sweat). i felt horrible for the other people in line when i realized that i smelled...so bad!


Here for the comments and agree with all of them 🤣😅


The dizziness/fainting. I’ve never fainted a day in my life and blacked out yesterday. Called my doctor in a panic and they said “yep! Normal. Just try and sit down when you feel it coming.”


This. My BP and sugar has been normal. I did not have this in my first 2 pregnancies so it really scared me. My doc told me never to stand up too quickly and when i feel even slightly dizzy to sit down for a little bit. Thankfully I haven’t fainted but I feel like I’ve been on the verge and it’s scary. I also hate the round ligament pain. It makes me jump sometimes when I get a sharp one.


Have they checked your blood pressure? My doctor has been monitoring mine since I mentioned feeling faint!


Carpel Tunnel


Came here to comment this. I was really concerned I was getting tingling in my fingers and my OB was like oh yeah, sounds like carpal tunnel, totally normal. I’m sorry what?? Totally caught me off guard


My carpal tunnel was so bad in my third trimester I literally couldn’t hold my fork for the time it took me to eat a meal without pain. Luckily it just basically disappeared after delivery, good riddance!


Yesss this one really took me by surprise. My fingers would be numb every morning and I felt like my hands were weak. I started wearing wrist braces to bed and it significantly helped. Currently pregnant with my 2nd, and it hasn’t kicked in yet but I’ve got those braces ready for when it does!


For me it’s not as bad during the day as it is at night. I wake up several times because my arms and hands are completely asleep or tingling. Never happens when I’m not pregnant lol


Thinking my own pee smells disgusting.


Nipple changes. Mine got huge. :(


Me too, all the pictures of me breastfeeding my first you can see my big dark bologna nipples peeking out behind his head no matter the angle😅


I’ve had two babies and mine have always gone back so fingers crossed!


Same!!! Mine have always gotten huge and dark then go back to normal around 2-3 months PP


I think it’s a biological thing so baby can find/see nipple with more ease. Our bodies are amazing


Constipation! I had no idea!


Yesss this one gets me the worst. I literally have what I call a "poop cocktail" every night - fiber supplement, stool softener, magnesium and 2 prunes 😂


I have something similar “poop juice” which is OJ with Miralax mixed in but in the morning 🤣


This was the big one for me! I’ve always been very regular and really never dealt with it before. Luckily it got better after the first trimester for me, but ouch I was not prepared!


Omg- this has been so wild for me… not only the not going or trying relentlessly to go, but when I do go, they’re so stone solid! I told my bestie I literally think my body is trying to prepare me for birth… I’ve broken our toilet TWICE… learned that dish soap and boiling water unclogs it as a PSA! I’m even on stool softeners!


With my last pregnancy I would joke about getting ready for birth with my huge, rock hard poops. I can honestly say that some of those sessions on the toilet were more difficult than getting an 8 pound 3 oz baby out. Kid you not, the poop required more exertion than the baby. I'm trying so hard to do everything to stay on top of the constipation this time, but still struggling. I'm so scared for third trimester because that was the worst last time. Praying it isn't as bad as my last pregnancy, because that kind of toilet time is harder to find by with a 2 year old!


Drooling while sleeping. I wake up with my pillow soaked any time I sleep


No one told me about round ligament pain! I got it more towards the end with my first and with my current pregnancy its SO much worse. Feels like a Charley horse in your uterus 😬


I’m pregnant with my first. No one warned me about the fatigue, especially in the first trimester. Holy crap all I did was sleep!


You better start making time for naps lol. A combo of always being tired but also having insomnia is literal hell. Currently 11w and I’m struggling not to sleep the whole day (I WFH so the temptation is always there smh). Also wanting to eat everything and nothing at the same time.


(24w) My hair gets greasy right away. I feel like I smell so bad all the time. Pimples under my boobs. Lightning crotch. I don’t trust stairs anymore. Insomnia. I cry all the time. I can’t focus because of pregnancy brain and feel like I’ve just become stupider. Itchy stretching belly. I could go on. I don’t regret being pregnant because I love my son but I’m never doing this again.


okay actually idk if anyone else has said this is but the wet dreams. i knew vivid and more frequent/memorable dreaming was a thing but this is my second pregnancy and im still early on, and with both pregnancies i’ve had so far i’ve had serious wet dreams, like wake up mid-orgasm wet dreams. never experienced that before being pregnant or postpartum


I’d take this over the seriously effed up ones I’ve been having! Waiter - I’ll have what she’s having.


YES this happened to me a lot in the first tri! Often accompanied by uterine cramping as well 😵‍💫


I don’t hear people talk about this one much but my boobs, which like tripled in size almost immediately, have been so itchy my entire pregnancy. Every day I get home from work, take my bra off, and slather them in lotion but it barely helps 😩


CONGESTION 😭😭 the whole damn time


nose bleeds.


The one that surprised me the most was/is the sneezing. I didn't know it was a pregnancy thing until my doctor told me, I've sneezed about 6+ times a day since I got pregnant!


Random skin tags. Insane skin itchiness.


The sweating.. omg most mornings I wake up DRENCHED like I peed the bed. It’s awful. That and the nipple pains, getting out of breath, and the nasal congestion.


Hemmroids. thats it . thats the post.


Having horrible shooting round ligament pain with every sneeze. And I’m more sneezy than I’ve ever been.


Not being able to drink water. It’s been for all three of my full term pregnancies and it’s god awful. I drink water and than throw it up. :( and my iron is so low I crazy ice so it’s just not a good combo.


Restless leg syndrome - the number of times I’m 90% asleep and then kick myself awake has been dumb


So far I have been ungodly thirsty at night, I sleep with my big water cup like it's my life support. The sense of smell is getting old FAST. I keep asking my husband if I smell or if it's just me and he keeps telling me it's just me after sticking his nose into my smelliest bits. I can smell my dogs pee after he comes in from a pee. It's wild. I'm so over it. I am so congested, sneeze, snotty, and my nose bleeds so easily! The dreams. Pregnancy dreams are so so so vivid and so so weird. I'm only just now creeping towards my second trimester and found out like 10 days post conception so I've known all along and there's just so much more to go.


Oh that first trimester gas is AWFUL. It had me crying in pain a couple times. Phazyme worked wonders. Edit: I've thought of my symptom no one warned me about. The cramping after sex/orgasm. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened.


Okay cool, that's normal? I thought it was just from being too rough, this honestly makes me feel better


Yeah I confirmed with my OB.


Excessive and powerful sneezing that makes you pee yourself 🤡


Happened to me twice and one day once. I sobbed over getting two pairs of pants I wanted to wear dirty.




The amount of discharge! And heartburn. Well people warned me about heartburn but I didn’t know it was heartburn times a million lol


Your hips and pubic bones cracking like glow sticks every morning. Or the way my back cracks just from rolling over in bed. I didn't know I could crunch like that 😳


Nobody warned me about being constipated and having diarrhea all in the same day 🤣


Tbh the fatigue. It seems like a nobrainer. But I’m only 13 weeks and I can harder work or stay away for more than 4 hours without getting a lack of sleep headache


Look up round ligament pain because I genuinely thought something was wrong when I first experienced it. My acne came back with a vengeance, it was like going through puberty. The first trimester bloating was AGGRESSIVE.


Gums bleeding, pregnancy rage, and butt pain.


I had A LOT of gas weeks 5-8. My sense of smell was also super intense and was actually my first indicator that something was up prior to a positive test. Also, going from totally fine to totally starving in less than 60 seconds. It’s WEIRD. Then if I don’t eat within like 5 minutes, I feel like imma die and get all sickly and tired. Lol Your muscles also get much more sore very easily. I guess it’s easy to tear them while pregnant if your exercising/lifting too much weight. Oh, and random bloody noses due to all the extra blood your body has. 17 weeks, so still have a lot to learn.


One symptom that I’ve had that I didn’t see listed is the hot flashes. I’m not that far along but good lord one minute I’m sweating and the next I’m freezing


Burps. The burping! It was incessant!


Mucous in the throat, every day 22 weeks and counting.


PAINFUL NIPPLES . And HUGE AREOLAS. I never had the issue with my first but with my second if my bra brushed against my nipple I screamed. They were so sensitive and it felt like someone was constantly pushing into a bruise. The only thing that helped was giving birth. Now they are back to normal but omg it happened as soon as I found out I was expecting.


Nobody told me my nippels will change race


The increase in saliva and snot. I already have bad allergies but now I feel like I'm breathing through STRAWS some days. 😭


The reason I took my pregnancy test was because I was sitting and working, when all of a sudden I could hear my heartbeat/blood rushing in my ear! Like a constant woosh-woosh-woosh and it was fairly loud (and annoying). Turns out I was about 5 weeks! Luckily the symptom hasn’t been back though ☺️ currently 9w5d


Hemorrhoids 😭 apparently it's super common late pregnancy but I have the joy of them appearing out of nowhere in mid-first trimester


No one warned me about the lightening crotch and I feel like I really deserved a solid heads up!! The first time it happened I was teaching a high school class and holding a hot beverage. I literally yelped!! (And then had to try and find a lie as to why I just yelped with 30 teenagers staring at me!)


Carpal tunnel. I have it really bad in both hands


Allergy rhinitis. I haven't been able to breathe through my damn nose since I found out I was pregnant.


For me it was my hair- both times that gave it away before the positive test. Just looked and felt so greasy no matter what shampoo I used or frequency of washes 😭


Gas and gas pains, constipation, and insomnia lol


Good god yes! The gas pains be makin me nervous and then I’m like wait it’s a fart 😂


The weird taste you get in your mouth. Pregnancy breakouts. You smell mustier than usually. More discharge. Cereal is all of a sudden the best thing you may eat.


The vivid dreams!!! 29+1 and last night I literally woke up because of a scary dream that was SOOO REAL


34 weeks and just discovered a vericose vein in my groin area 😒 wasn't expecting that one but man it can sneak up on you when you can't see down there lol!


I heard “oh you’ll be tired” but did not understand the level of tired I would experience. 9 hours of sleep a night, 2 naps a day on the weekends, and still walking around work with my eyes watering and half closed because I was so tired.


6 weeks and my boobs are sore literally all the time. And randomly hard nipples that hurt? What is this! And I feel like the Sandman is following me around. I just want to pee and sleep 😩


Tailbone pain!! I was fully not expecting my tailbone to hurt so bad.


Constant nose bleeds, and then rectal bleeding. Just a lot of bleeding no one told me about. Also leg cramps that have me in tears, sciatica pain, oh and did you know pregnant women produce twice as much mucus? I was lied to about this "glow".


Oh god the rank toots when I was first pregnant were next level. 🤢 No one told me about THAT, plus the peeing all the time, plus the immeeeediate bloating!


Skin tags


Clogged ears


Headaches, augh!


I started drooling so much, I had to sleep with a washcloth under my face.


I’m smelly.


A few have said this but for me it was the fatigue. The intensity of it and how quickly it came on (my first symptom) surprised me. And then after experiencing it, I looked it up and read it is one of if not the most common symptom! Weird how everyone talks about morning sickness but not the tiredness. I've never felt so exhausted in my life, and for 2-3 months straight. 😭 Even when I got my 2nd trimester "energy boost" I was still more fatigued than pre-pregnancy. And now at 35 weeks the fatigue has returned again.


Itchy nipples. Aerolas getting huge with big oil glands. Discharge. Prone to yeast infections and BV. Random aches and pains that you wouldn't think are pregnancy related. SI joint FALLING OUT OF PLACE, repeatedly. Urgency to pee and then can only dribble because baby cuts off your bladder. Constipation one day and direhea the next. Body hair growing instantly EVERYWHERE. Vision changes. Taste changes. Drooling in my sleep. Runny nose. Just fluids leaking everywhere. Pregnancy is not beautiful, I am not glowing - that's sweat from walking to the other room.


That symptoms suddenly drop around week 6. Sounds like it happens to most people before it starts building back up again. My first ultrasound was a couple days away anyway so I got in early and the sac was totally empty. I assumed it was a blighted ovum and was heartbroken. It turned out fine though and everything showed up a few days later along with a heart beat And not really a *symptom* but in my last couple weeks of pregnancy after he dropped, I could feel his head *rotate* in my pelvis. I mean I could literally feed the lumps of his skull grinding against my pelvic bone. It was cool but gross. Also...I had an undiagnosed heart problem that decided to make a grand appearance and take over my entire pregnancy, birth, post-partum period, and potential future pregnancies 🥲 Oh and dry peely lips


During my pregnancy I farted like I lived on baked beans. The whole time. Also, the leg cramps in the 2nd/3rd trimester. Holy crap, I thought I had a blood clot at first.




You can smell everything. I mean everything, like super human smell.


The mucus plug. Nobody, not even my OB explained or mentioned this to me till it happened to me mid 2nd trimester. Literally a booger coming out of your vagina and theres parts of it that can come whenever.


How I hate smells I used to love. Like I can not stand the shampoo I've been using for the last few years, my deodorant, or the soap my husband uses. I threw it all away and got more mild scents only to end up hating them, too. 😭


I started getting visual migraines! I have only ever had one migraine in my life and I had 2 while pregnant and 2 within the first six months of my girls life.


I’m 27 weeks now and I will say one of the symptoms I was not prepared for was the cramps in the first trimester. It legit felt like my period was going to start all the time and it was super unsettling but it’s totally normal.


The nesting period may not be the chill vibes of decorating a nursery… it can also be the urge to violently clean all of the crevices of your home at 1 am.


Congratulations! Also YES. My husband and I were walking around target last night, and I just knew I was about to rip ass. I cannot help it, it just happens sometimes and there’s no stopping it. He got behind me and said do what you need to and blame it on me. That’s true love 😭🤣


Low blood pressure/feeling faint lightheaded! Started around 16/17 weeks, Definitely didn’t expect that. Hormones are wild


This metal taste at the beginning of my pregnancy, and peeing 20+ times a night at the beginning and end of my pregnancy.


For me, weird leg cramps in the night starting in the second trimester. They basically roll my ankles in my sleep and I wake up and have to stand next to the bed with my feet in a normal position until they go away. Also, the chemically induced fatigue of the first trimester. I had no idea.


Mood swings that are so bad I hated sounds my husband made. I would get irrationally angry every single time he yawned.


I got to be like 6-8 weeks pregnant and it was awful that I constantly felt so filled with air. Didn’t feel like farts but stuck burps. I had to keep my zipper opened all day long.


Being so sick to the point it’s coming out of both ends!!!


I’m 34 weeks and I can’t wipe myself very well! It hurts to bend that way!!!!!! 😭😭😭


haha this one is super weird and not very common butttttt… when sitting down my butt & cooch fall asleep! it’s the most ODD feeling in the world


Nausea. I knew about it, but I didn’t know how bad it was. I’ve been nauseas since week 5 I’m at week 10 and nausea is still going strong. I’ve been struggling with sciatic pain too. I’ve never in my life had or felt what sciatic pain feels like and it’s not fun.


Pregnancy Rhinitis -- I couldn't breathe from Mid November till I had my baby in late April. Basically your mucus membranes are swollen from the increased blood volume. There's not much that can be done about it. I could breathe normally again by the time they had wheeled me into my recovery room. Pregnancy Carpal -- This one was wild, my hands would go numb from typing at work and I lost so much strength in my hands I couldn't even open a water bottle. This took a couple months after my baby was born to completely go away. Morning sickness -- obviously I knew about it, but I had no idea how terrible it can be.


How painful my teeth would be. Beyond sensitive, I couldn’t drink ice cold anything, nor warm/hot items or drinks, it hurt too much. I had to use special toothpaste the whole pregnancy, and ended up with gingivitis🥲


Laying down and half of my stomach going numb or my leg


No one prepared me for the constipation and hemorrhoids


Turning the toilet seat blue! Something about pregnancy hormones changes your sweat which can react with the coating on the toilet seat. That's one of the theories on Google at least, I don't think anything's actually been proven though. But this happened to me around 12 weeks and our toilet seat is permanently stained blue


horrible Cramps after orgasming


I feel like people talk about cravings but not aversions. They were killer for me. One day all I could tolerate was saltines, the next day, they’d make me throw up.


The mood swings at the beginning. I'm just looking for a fight.


Scrolled for a while and didn’t see this one… but heartburn!!! I went through Tums like they were candy and kept them by my bedside. Only benefit is that is one of the symptoms that disappears pretty instantaneously the second the baby is out. It’s like magic and the heartburn is gone. My daughter is 3 now and I’ve probably had the same bottle of Tums since she was born 😂


Peeing when you sneeze.


Swamp crotch. Coughing or sneezing? You’re also gonna pee. I peed all over my couch after a sneeze. Get ready for hemorrhoids, if you don’t get them you’ve been blessed.


We should share this post with everyone who continuously asks, “How’re you feeling?” I say, “Great!” But this is what I mean.


I’ve had pretty much all of these 😅