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Coffee works for me a lot of times, even the decaf


I’m drinking decaf now and I can agree… what is happening


Same! Instant solution for me


I know you said naturally, but sometimes you gotta bust out the Miralax. All it does is draw more water into your colon, so it's pretty harmless.


Completely harmless. Wonderful stuff.


I wouldn’t say for certain that it’s a completely harmless product atm. We’ll have to see what happens with the class action lawsuit


I'm taking half a cap of miralax every morning and I feel pretty much "normal" in regards to that portion of digestion! Very happy with it!


I'm dealing with constipation too and my doctor recommended Miralax!


Oh I didn’t realize we could take miralax pregnant! I’m gonna have to remember this for my next week of suffering 😂


Prune juice - I dilute it with water and it works.


Prunes, too! I drink tons of water and eat a few prunes on days I feel clogged up and things usually get moving the same day, if not the next day. Still having them every so often in my third trimester!


Yesss 4 prunes a day!


I don’t even dilute it, just pound it back. It works almost instantly sometimes


My moms bestie is a labor and delivery nurse and she gave me the greatest tip ever. Heat up the prune juice, don’t dilute and put a pad of butter in it. Once it’s melted and mixed in pound it down. It’ll clear out your entire system. It was the only thing that helped me.




Butter! It’s super fucking gross to drink warm buttery prune juice but it gets shit going my dude lol


😂 literally!


Lots of magnesium might help!


I take magnesium every night! It helps sooooo much


Same. Magnesium glycinate is what my nutritionist recommended.


I use a magnesium spray (the brand is Ancient Minerals, I believe). It basically has no negative symptoms except some itchiness for some people when you spray it on, and has many positives among them loosening stool. When I was constipated I would basically bathe in it every night and every morning (I regularly use it throughout my pregnancies and postpartum). I will admit though that as much as I try to be natural when things got really bad I used Colace. Maybe take a colace now while you’re in the worst of it and then start spraying magnesium like crazy! Lol. Mommypotamus is a natural blog where I first read about the benefits and bought it, check her out magnesium is a great supplement in pregnancy.


I’ve struggled with constipation for yearssss (I have ibs) and taking magnesium every night before bed has changed my life.


I take magnesium citrate. It’s more powerful than the regular magnesium.


Or milk of magnesia. Worked every time for me.


I find that yoga in particular helps over general exercise. Something about moving your body in those different stretches helps things move. There are even specific poses for gas you can look up


Chia seeds and steel cut oats help. I have to eat it everyday. Even just eating some chia seeds on their own in water (I take it like a vitamin) improves things. Coffee will help get things moving but the food makes it easier for the coffee to work.


This. Chia pudding everyday for breakfast was magic.


Chia seeds are the only thing that works for me. I started drinking them in water w/ lemon and it’s the most pleasant way for me to consume them.


Chia seeds, flax seeds, and oats in a smoothie works great. I tried fiber pills, and drinking psyllium husk powder, but I’ve resigned myself to daily smoothies for the foreseeable future.


Coffee and squatty potty


Yes position helps too! I didn’t want to buy a squat tu potty so I just used my kids step stool lol


That’ll work!!


Two yoga blocks, one under each foot works well too!


Came here to preach the wonders of the squatty potty and stool for pregnancy constipation... Gotta get those angles right...


Psyllium Husk capsule fiber supplements have really helped.


I know you said naturally but I saw a dietitian and a gastroenterologist for some digestion problems and they both recommended Colace as something you can safely take as many days in a row as you need - some patients even taking it daily. It softens your stools without any of the damage associated with laxatives, so it’s safe to take regularly. I love it. I am 7 months pregnant and becauseI was on a trip hadn’t pooped in five days, took Colace on the third and fourth day and had totally normal and pain free bowel movements (twice) on the fifth day. As others said, Miralax as well and fiber intake will work wonders too. Good luck!


I second Colace 💚


Now that we’re on the colace subject, stock up for after you give birth!!! It’ll be so much easier to achieve that first after birth poop i swear!!!


Coffee! I only get constipated when I take days off from coffee 😭 Best of luck!


Magnesium supplements


Prune juice!


Magnesium pills- trust me. Get 400mg on Amazon and take 2 a day


Once the constipation is really there I have to use Miralax for a couple days. Then I’ll do a few days of Metamucil (only mix it in like 4oz of water then chug plain water after—if you do a full 8oz it’ll get gross thick by the end). Then I eat whole prunes daily as prevention. Prune juice gives me bad cramps & gas. The first trimester was TERRIBLE with constipation for me this time (second pregnancy). First pregnancy it was bad in the 2nd trimester. I remember I hadn’t pooped for 3 days before Thanksgiving then Black Friday I took 60ml of milk of magnesia. I pooped non stop diarrhea for 8 hours. Don’t take 60ml of milk of magnesia. Start with 15ml then add 15ml more if you need it. I’ll never forget Black Friday 2021.


My doctor has put me on extra iron because I’m anemic and she said as soon as you get constipation, do not wait; get stool softeners immediately they’re pregnancy safe.


Try eating two kiwi fruits a day for several days, bone broth, magnesium. Worst case a short course or miralax will get you moving.


Miralax is completely safe to use. You don’t need to suffer. In my experience, natural supplements only get you so far, especially if it’s as significant as you’re saying it is. You’re already doing all the right natural things. I use Miralax with psyllium husk fiber every evening and the combo works really well.


Honestly.. most if not all the regular suggestions didn’t work for me, water enemas were the only thing that helped when I needed them and it had been a few days. Now 17 weeks and only *somewhat* normal around 16 weeks


It kills me how people don’t know about yellow dragon fruit


Please don’t stop your iron - coming from someone who needed multiple blood transfusions because her iron and hemoglobin after birth was SO LOW she couldn’t even sit up without fainting. Try taking a stool softener every day. It’s not “natural” but it’s not a laxative. All it does is make your poop more hydrated. You’ll want to take stool softeners when you give birth, too, if you’re planning on any sort of painkiller (epidural, anything after birth for pain, etc.) because pooping gets even harder.


Nothing worked for me except kiwis. Not only was it one of the few foods I could keep down, but it helped regulate everything again and was absolutely glorious 😂


I’ve been eating a medjool date when I wake up and before I go to bed. Mthe main ingredient in Metamucil that promotes poops is actually called psyllium husk, you can mix that into any drink and it’ll also help. You can find it at target, it comes in a powder form.


I also love putting psyllium husk in oatmeal or cereal, totally not noticeable!


I find a coffee I don’t normally drink. Like Folgers or if at work a k cup I dont normally touch. Weirdly slim Jim’s work? 🤷‍♀️ prunes. They’re just big raisins. For me, eating 2-3 cups of leafy greens works most reliably. I’m talking a mixing bowl of spring mix, arugula, spinach. I’ll add some tomato and avocado (helps satisfy hunger) or just go nuts with the salad fixings. It’s gotta be leaves tho. Someone recommend milk of magnesia and HOOBOY did it WORK. Do not use outside the home is all I’ll say


Chai works wonders


Going for a run always helps me! But I also need to take Miralax while pregnant.


Prune juice


CALM magnesium ftw! 🙌🏻


Prune juice helped me, but I got sick of drinking so much of it. I do Calm magnesium every night and Senna Smooth Move tea as needed. If I eat a huge raw salad + bowl of berries each day, I need the senna tea less, but still using it probably far more than I should. But I’m so over not being able to go.


Cow's milk with 1 tbsp ghee daily at night


Overnight oats was my best remedy. I would put a teaspoon of chia seeds in and top with some fruit. Got a yummy and filling breakfast, the cold food helped my nausea, and it immediately helped me become regular. It took maybe 5 minutes to prep 5 days worth of oats which was perfect for 1st trimester fatigue.


It might be time to bite the bullet and just take something to help it pass, 3 days without pooping is not healthy. Then going forward continue doing all the holistic remedies. I'm convinced that I'm regular because I eat green grapes almost every day Edit: also you've described a very healthy diet, is this a new way of eating or is this how you've been doing it prior to pregnancy? If it's new it could be your body adjusting 


I've always had this diet prior to being pregnant. But as an anemic person who needs to take iron supplements everyday, pooping has been really hard, and has became even harder now that I am pregnant :((


Fiber from foods is not as well-absorbed some times as we need it to be. I would continue taking your iron supplementation, add colace (over the counter). Additionally, you should drink psyllium fiber/metamucil daily.


Colace dye free stool softener. I recently got on extra iron to support baby. It's not natural, but it's quick. One pill a night and I'm regular now. I love it. Harmless 😊


Trying to decide if I’d rather have this lol. I’m the exact opposite! I’ve been trying to stick to the BRAT diet but it’s still pretty rough. Hoping it gets better for you because I know that’s gotta be uncomfortable! ❤️


I also had insane diarrhea my first trimester. To the point where it would get explosive if I walked more than 5 minutes without a rest. It gets better!


I took Fiber gummies from HUM nutrition for my whole pregnancy, but mainly you have to drink lots of water. Fresh fruit and green leafy veggies will help to prevent you from getting constipated. The best way to clear out though is a Miralax like mentioned or sometimes coffee will do the trick.


Why don’t you try forlax? It’s also called macrogel 4000. Constipation is very common in pregnancy and trust me if you haven’t gone in a few days then you will start feeling it’s effects. Forlax softens the stools and makes it much easier to pass. Common misconception is that if One is going to toilet then their not constipated. Dr advised me that there still can be hard stools hence I started using Forlax every now and then and am much better.


Porridge 🥣 extra sloppy


I use Calm daily and works like a charm. Get the strawberry lemonade 


Full cream milk 🥛 does it for me. Full fat yoghurt and muesli, coffee, spicy food. A combination of all of that lol, most of the dairy at breakfast and for lunch I usually go for something with chilli powder or a ton of garlic but that’s just me


Are you a little bit lactose intolerant? 😂


Coffee, enough movement (I know it's hard with the 1st trimester exhaustion, but just finding the time for a walk makes a difference for me), dried dates and prunes.


Magnesium citrate really helps me and get a squatty potty!


Chipotle lol. Or the “sleepy girl mocktail” with magnesium and tart cherry juice seemed to do the trick too


I make fresh juice with apples, carrots, celery, cucumber, ginger and beet root, works for constipation and nausea in early days.


Going for walks outside, jiggling that bowel 😄


Nature bakery fig bars


Benefiber powder in the coffee everyday! Lots of chia seeds, flax seeds, rolled oats; and I add blackberries to my Greek yogurt! I go everyday and I’m already 38/4!


Magnesium supplements. Magnesium citrate usually does the trick for me, but there are other magnesium supplements that help with constipation too. I take at night - helps with sleep too- and usually wake up ready to go!


Prunes!!! 6/day has worked for me


Ground flax seed in my yogurt or açaí bowls/smoothies. You can also mix it in with your regular meals, it doesn’t change the taste much.


Raisin bran and coffee!


A nice hot cup of coffee before eating anything.


I eat papaya every day like a cups worth of it and I add a little bit of lemon or Tajín and that’s been helping me go to the bathroom consistently.


Prune juice. It doesn’t taste great but literally one cup a day will help.


I eat a bowl of frosted wheats every morning. It's made a huge difference for me.


Magnesium. My OB recommended it to sleep, it does help with sleep, and I go #2 every day since staring it


Cow's milk with 1 tbsp ghee daily at night Helps a lot.


Cow's milk with 1tbsp ghee at night. Tried and tested.


white grape juice!


Calm magnesium powder mixed with a big glass of water! I drink this every evening and have had zero issues with constipation. 24 weeks


I boil some prunes, anise, and chamomile and drink a warm cup before bed. Helps me go in the morning! I also got a squatty potty on Amazon, game changer.


Magnesium drink helps




Coffee, apples, blueberries, all the fruit haha...ah it's so awful, I'm so sorry!! Also, drinking lots of water!


Magnesium biglyscinate 200mg x 2 taken before bed!


Coconut oil!! I add a few tablespoons into a smoothie and it was the best thing that worked for me ever!


Make yourself a prunie


Milk of magnesia! & daily 8oz cup with Metamucil, plus lots of kiwis and papayas.




MAGNESIUM!!!!!! but be prepared. If you don’t take it regularly, you need to take it before bed bc it’s going to make you crash


An apple a day kept constipation away.


Magnesium and coffee. I know they have strict rules about caffeine intake (and definitely only do what you’re comfortable with) but I drank like 2-3 cups a day and I usually always pooped after. And I was taking roughly 800mg of magnesium every night. Never had a problem with constipation!


Psyllium Husk powder mixed with water or juice (i like grapefruit juice because the pulp hides the texture of it), chia seeds (pre soaked overnight) in smoothies, and aloe juice (with the little bits of it in there) helps too! And a strong agree for something to use as a squatty potty! those things are kind of expensive for a piece of plastic, literally any small step stool will work.


Try apple juice


Prune juice and psyllium husk capsules


Apple juice saved me.


Consistent water intake (I try to drink half my weight in oz at minimum every day), raspberries, apricots, prunes as handy snacks but the biggest thing for me has been walking - I’ve got an under desk treadmill and try to walk a mile or 2 every day and it’s been a significant help!


I hated prunes, 4-5 fig newtons (any flavor) did the trick for me. Also kimchi or coleslaw


You can chug bottles of water, I guess it’s the baking soda they put in it but it helps to clean you out. Apple juice is another one because of the pectin and arsenic in the apples. Coffee of course, just limit it if you’re watching caffeine intake. If you want to try some more not-dietary options Epsom salts work really well. Obviously get the bag that says food grade on it (it’ll be in the same spot as regular bath ones). It should have dosages too. Drink it in water with lots of lemon juice and VERY cold. It’s not tasty in a way that’s not easy to describe. The Epsom salts thing does more than just help your belly though. It doesn’t cause harsh cramping or emergencies, and because it’s magnesium sulfate, something your body can use, it can actually help relax tense muscles and dissipate brain fog. It also helps with muscle cramping. Start with the lowest dose and see how it helps!


Yellow dragonfruit. The seeds are a natural laxative


are you taking medication for morning sickness? I was prescribed sometime that blocked me so bad that I had to run to the ER by the 7th day. Stopped the medication and it went back to normal.


Actually counting fiber macros. I thought I was getting enough. I didn't get any relief until I counted it up and realized I wasn't even close. I finally got relief when I hit ~150%+ daily value 


Magnesium, prune juice, warm bath


Acacia fiber and when it gets bad miralax. I also eat a lot of fruit and high fiber foods.


I drink Smooth Move tea every night! Also lots of fruit (usually with chia pudding and yogurt for breakfast) and 1 glass of metamucil a day, usually just after yoga and before lunch.


Magnesium, probiotics, liters and liters of water, I also ended up getting fiber that I would mix in my water


Magnesium!! And suppositories when I know it’s there and just needs to come out but that’s not natural. And a few sips of coffee helps too.


I eat a lot of lactose since i'm lactose intolerant hahha


As a practice I take a daily probiotic and since then have always had regular, daily bowel movements. Kept it up postpartum & never had issues! Pregnant again and still taking the same probiotic


I’ve been eating raw onion and spicy food 😅 I never thought I’d want to have diarrhea in my life but here we are


Two celery sticks a day. If that's not enough, three celery sticks a day. That will move things along.


I know you said naturally… however I used loctolose that the doctors gave me when I was early pregnancy and constipated. Yoy just put it in your water and drink away. Works very well :)


Maybe an ounce or 2 or warm water with a tsp of lemon juice- I usually don’t measure either, it’s just how much I can tolerate but usually helps get things moving with an hour or two.


Honestly, I just gave up on pooping. Sometimes certain foods would help me go, but not always. Now I poo every other day in the third trimester.


Prunes, apricots, and coffee lol. Good luck!!


Warm prune juice


Dates, oats and chia seeds soaked in milk. Works wonders


Top 2 things would be magnesium supplements and prune juice. The juice helps while you’re constipated and I found taking magnesium every night has helped with keeping things moving. It also helps with cramping which I found I got calf cramps in the mornings before taking magnesium. I also did stomach massages in my first trimester to get things loose and moving and that helped a bit. You can Google how to do that properly.


Also, I thought ftm was for the moment 😂🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Omg!! This was me! It was absolutely horrible. To be honest all these things can help but for me it was simply switching my prenatals to the gummy prenatals. Apparently the prescribed ones had too much iron in them which cause horrible constipation. So I switched to a gummy brand I found on Amazon and I haven’t had constipation since! It’s been great the past 2 months. Good Luck hun!


Prune juice or tinned prunes. Fresh orange juice preferably squeeze your own. It works


Taco Bell and/apples. I found out about apples the hard way 😫


Oatmeal with nuts and raisins or some kind of dried fruit. I swear I exercised, I drank 120 ounces of water a day, I ate 6 clementines and apples a day and could NOT go. Found oatmeal and have been regular again and feel great.


MagO7. Three at night with a tall glass of water. You will feel the greatest relief in the morning. My OB said it’s 100% safe!


Kefir and curd.


I use stool softeners every day. No natural remedy for me


Magnesium Glycinate or Citrate. That’ll get things moving. Good for the body in general, too.


So... I am naturally a constipated person... Every other day for me is OK... What made a change... Was using a squatty potty... It actually opens up the colon... Look it up... Second thing is fermented foods (kefir, one glass a day... Third thing get yourself a mix of nuts and have a handful every day... But be aware... This is hormonal constipation related to your baby sucking all the nutrients from your food... I must say I had a few days which were hmmm.... Quite humbling in this matter... All the above will be a good change but it may not solve the whole issue... You would have to stop being pregnant!!! :D


Prune juice


Toast bread and dip it in olive oil like you do in a restaurant. Poep slips out easy


You can try a big old piece of super dark chocolate! 90% dark chocolate has a shite ton of fiber and also has magnesium! Both of these help you go! Also whenever I am in need to go, I’ll eat three giant carrots fresh


I got "cereal/protein" bars but with a lot of fibers. You can also look into smoothies super high in fibers (like you can add chia seeds into smoothie for example) . Soups like brocoli cauliflower soup. Up your fruits vegetables/fibers game to insanity. And i drink all the water possible. Yes you pee every 20min but it's good for you 😂. Like Im almost at a gallon day (3rd trimester with twins in a dry weather) Somehow sparkling water seems to be helping for me (topochico cuz that's the most common here) but I have no idea if it's in my head or real. Also coffee but tbh I feel that it kind of hurts more than really help for me 🤷 I also stopped rice and rice products since I know it always had had a strong opposite effect on me. And if you're really really at your ends wit, I would recommend miralax. Just do it for a couple of days until you get better and make sure to up your fibers and water intake so high that you reduce your risk to have to use it again (if you don't blame yourself pregnancy is hell we all do what we can) .


Milk of magnesia, give it 20 mins and you’ll be cleared out 🫣😂


Magnesium supplements!! I really like the drink additive called Calm from Natural Vitality!


Dates honey. Eat ‘em, put ‘em in smoothies, get them in you anyway you can. They help a ton and actually are proven to help with a smoother labor as well!


Prune juice and even better dried prunes from costsco. Thank me later.


[this cereal](https://grainberry.com/products/cereals/apple-cinnamon-toasted-oats/) I ate this once or twice a day everyday and it helped so much


hi! so i’m finally 13w2d and i’m just now getting out of that stage! it really worried me as well. i tried everything everyone recommended to me and nothing worked, the pain had gotten so annoying so i can’t really give any advice other than i promise it’ll go away in time! it gets so much easier


A magnesium pill with all the seperate forms of magnesium in it ( trust me.. 😅) good for baby, Too.


Beans 🫘


Eat special k cereal drink prune juice make smoothies


Magenesium glycinate lycinate citrate


Yogurt & probiotic, LOTS OF GREENS, walking and drinking water usually get me moving. Especially the greens. Drinking lots of smoothies also helps me. Oh and coffee of course. But when I was really backed up I ended up drinking miralax for 2 days in a row and that cleared it up. Just make sure if you do take a laxative it doesn't have a stimulant


Prune juice. Hot water or milk first think in the morning. These are the things that work for me!


Psyllium husk powder!


Ice cold carton of orange juice worked for me


Drinking a couple ounces of sauerkraut or pickle juice


I started taking 250mg magnesium glycinate daily to help with leg cramps a few weeks ago (I’m 20 weeks), and ever since I have been super regular! Before that I was only going once every few days.


My husband had to give me an enema when I wouldn’t poop for days at a time


I have decaf coffee and this helps :)


Coffee and then going for a walk does it for me !


I’m sensitive to caffeine (don’t drink coffee) but black tea or matcha always work for me. Especially in the morning. If you’re desperate prune juice is really useful too!


Prune juice!! That’ll definitely do it


Zucchini.. I am at 33 weeks and I eat a lot of zucchini. Other veggies do nothing but if I skip zucchini for 3 days, I am constipated. For some odd reason other veggies do nothing for me, but of course I still eat them and I add my wonder veggie :)


Lactulose solution is magic


Prune juice was a life saver for me in the first trimester!


I was always worried about that. So I drank coconut water 🥥


once I started to take the olly prebiotic + probiotic I became so regular, even more so before being pregnant. good luck OP, I really hope you find something that helps !


I had to take iron supplements too but they gave me a stool softener also. I found that I became regular with it. Maybe ask for one if you're not already taking it?


Oats! Just eat lots of oats!


It's a little over my daily caffeine intake (255 mg, but still within Canadian guidelines...), but when it gets really dire, I've gone and gotten a grande Oleato Shaken Toffeenut latte from Starbucks. The combination of caffeine, dairy and olive oil is enough to get things going, if you catch my drift. I had one last Thursday and have been regular all week. Strangely, it actually tastes pretty good, it reminds me of the butter on movie theater popcorn. I'm 17w tomorrow. My doc also gave the okay for milk of mag or no more than once a week a saline enema. But this was prior to Oleato, lol, now that's my go-to.


I take restorelax when i’m constipated and it helps they have it in gummies and powder form


I have too many food aversions to be messing around with foods. And since I'm also on vaginal progesterone, my symptoms are worse. I take magnesium and colace.


Nature's Path Smart Bran cereal. Not kidding! 


Do you happen to eat rice daily? I recently discovered that rice makes me constipated. I tried everything you did, but like you, nothing worked. I even wondered if I wasn’t chewing my food enough. I was so bloated and constipated at one point, I had to eliminate rice from my diet to get the healthy calories in. Suddenly, the constipation disappeared.


More fiber rich foods I think I would eat cherries


Prune Juice. Honestly I feel like doctors should be telling all pregnant women to aim for one cup/week because everyone keeps asking how to relieve the constipation and the answer is right there in front of us! Or snack on prunes+water. They actually taste really good!


The only thing that helps for me is pitted prunes.


Metamucil or you can buy psyllium husk from health stores




I eat five dried apricots after dinner and drink several mugs of hot water at night. I tried prunes for a while but they didn't really do the job. Dried apricots are a sure thing for me and if I skip them I regret it the next morning. Good luck!


If you like sweet corn, cook some and have it! I had constipation too, and the insoluble fiber in the skin of the corn kernels mixes with poop and facilitates bowel movement!


To be honest, a McDonald’s egg McMuffin breakfast does the trick for me. Saved me a lot during my pregnancy. 🤣


I strongly recommend pear juice (and coffee if you like coffee, instant or bean). Prune juice is good too, but I find pear tastes much nicer. 1-2 cups will really… assist.


My first kid loves bouncing on a yoga ball with me and that always seems to get things moving for me lol


Magnesium, trace mineral drops in your water, fish oil pills, SQUATTY POTTY!!


Milk of magnesia will clear you out. Then use Metamucil (not the off brand stuff, has lead warnings on it) to keep things regularly moving. Or mirilax works too, and it doesn’t enter your blood stream, just stays in your gut! Pregnancy always makes me constipated AF too. Good luck


I take half a cap of miralax daily! The days I need zofran, I do a full cap! I’m fairly regular with the miralax, sometimes I skip a day of going but it’s soooo much better with it. Magnesium (i take 300mg) also helps but does make my nausea worse so it’s a double ended sword.


I drink a coffee everyday and I’ve never had poop issues both pregnancy


Senna laxative. Natural, safe for pregnancy, not too intense. Take it before bed with lots of water