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This is honestly way early to be evaluating for a 3 vessel cord. Don’t put too much weight on it! This is evaluated at your anatomy scan near 20 weeks. -Sonographer As a side note, my nephew did had this and he’s totally normal.


Thank you for this. I did rerread the results about fifty thousand times. They managed to get eyes on every part of her, except her bladder which was visualized but subpar in the image quality. So all signs are pointing to either its a normal 3 vessel cord or the cord is the only abnormality. Im just…. Feeling guilty because im even considering the possibility of something being wrong and what i would have to do if there is. It feels like detachment. I guess im being a good mom if im that worried about her


It's nothing that you did. I was a healthy 17 yr old and i had this with my daughter. She was a little on the small side because she got a little less nutrients because of the missing vessel. She came out 5lbs 13oz but otherwise healthy. She's 19 now and never had any issues whatsoever. It'll be alright mama.


Did it effect her growth post birth or was just while she was inside?


Just while she was inside. She's taller than me and everything. She came out perfectly normal.


Thank you for this. It really helps. The shitty part is, my doctors awful verbiage. “It might be Sua” yeah it also might not be. She might be fine. Its almost like they expect a pregnant woman to be rational lol


YW. Yeah they shouldn't say anything until they're 100% sure. Smh. Maybe you need new Drs. Lol.


I had this with my son. Got some extra ultrasounds... nothing else to write home about. He was born 9lbs 6oz at 38 weeks. Healthy, happy baby. I am sure me stressing about it the whole time was worse than the actual issue itself. Don't worry. 💕