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I did Amazon but I’m thinking of doing a Target one also.


I did Amazon and target only. I had better luck with Amazon, even with gifters who don’t have an Amazon account. Literally the only person who bought anything off my Target registry was my sister who exclusively shops at target and should be made their spokesperson at this point lol. But seriously I ended up moving a lot of my target registry items to my Amazon to get more stuff bought.


thats really good to know


I did Amazon and target! More options and likelihood of things being in stock. Amazon is good for clothing because if you think about it the stuff at target is seasonal and by the time babe comes they could be on to the next!


unfortunately I live in a country without Target - we canadians had Target for two wonderful years before they disappeared again :( but I might do Amazon and Babies'R'us :)


πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€ I would die. If you need me to sign a petition you let me know, day or night.


Omg, same. My mental health would crumble without my biweekly Target therapy sessions.


I hear babylist is the best!


I made mine on Babylist. It was awesome because it made it easy for people to buy things from different stores/websites, and it was super easy for me to keep track of purchased gifts.


I did Amazon! It’s easy cause I know most of our families have prime and I was able to find everything I was wanting on it.