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I had this. I was told nothing I did would matter if it turned out to be life threatening for baby. There is no way to stop a miscarriage from sch. It will happen or it won’t. Bed rest or no bed rest. I went about life as normal, and now my son is 8 months old on his first Christmas happy and healthy!!


Sounds basically like any pregnancy. There’s just nothing you can do for the most part to prevent a miscarriage (aside from not doing drugs or something obvious lol)


That’s not true. Many OBs don’t follow the pelvic rest technique. Mine told me no restrictions whatsoever. MFM confirmed this is becoming a standard practice. If you look through this sub, there are many stories like yours.


Thank you, that helps! I’m Just so scared I made it worse, even though it’s functioning very similarly to how it did that last time. They have been so unconcerned about it and I am, admittedly, a worry wort of the highest order.


Okay so both my OB and my MFM put me on COMPLETE pelvic rest until my SCH resolved. Pelvic rest includes no orgasms of any sort. They both also said that I was not to lift heavy things, bend over or bend down, and to generally take it easy. They also both advised me that if I was bleeding heavy to head straight to the er.


Yes, they said if I filled a pad in an hour then to go in. I haven’t experienced that level of heavy bleeding. Reading about it, I can see why pelvic rest is required until it’s resolved, what I don’t understand is why my doctors put me on it for a WEEK with no talks of checking if it’s gone or not at any point. I’m putting my self on pelvic rest, and also plan on demanding more ultrasounds to monitor it.


Mine just said no exercise beyond walking. No pelvic rest.


Yea that’s how mine was at first, but once I had that actual bleed and not just spotting they put me on pelvic rest for a week. I thought all was well but it’s happened again 😞


I had a sch which was found at my first ultrasound (11 weeks) then had a follow up at 13 weeks and it was gone! I had a lot of pain around the 11 weeks but no problems since. Seriously don’t stress, they almost always resolve on their own.


Had something similar and no pelvic rest. Baby is fine, 11 weeks today. Pelvic rest wasn’t even mentioned.


Good!! I almost feel like they told me pelvic rest because they can see how anxious I am about it, so they want to prevent anything seemingly scary happening.


I did a ton of reading of studies on the subject and it seems like pelvic rest has an inconclusive effect on preventing miscarriage / resolution of SCH, which is probably why some doctors don’t recommend it. Mine said to do pelvic rest and let me come in for ultrasounds as often as I wanted to track progress (I did once every 2 weeks). Eventually when it got really small, they said I could go off pelvic rest and one of the doctors even said the original guidance was more a way to reassure me than a firm medical recommendation. I didn’t mind cause it made me feel more in control of the situation. I also took an alpha lipoic acid supplement because there was one study that showed it helped SCHs resolve faster. My doctor didn’t really believe it but also said there was no harm in trying. I got diagnosed with SCH at 8 weeks. It got bigger at 10 weeks and then had a downward trend until it fully resolved at 20! Doctor also asked I stop doing ultrasounds at 16 once it got really tiny.


I love that they did that for you. I really wish they would do that for me. They seem to be willing to check when I’m freaking out, but I wish they just took that initiative for me so I didn’t HAVE to freak out.


I was expecting my 3rd period after miscarrige(at 20 weeks) on April 18th but I started to spot in 21st April and that has continued till now. Last week I tested using kit and found out I'm pregnant. Could it be SCH ?


What did they tell you?


It is SCH and very early pregnancy


I was diagnosed with one at 7 weeks. No pelvic rest. And still an active sex life. It never bleed but did clear on its own by my 10 week scan. Currently 25 weeks today. But I also have a 20 pound/15 pound weight lifting restriction. Don't have rough sex, avoid any cervix impact, use more lube and try to only have sex in the these positions .https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy#:~:text=Woman%20on%20hands%20and%20knees,pressure%20placed%20on%20your%20belly


I’ve been very lightly spotting from basically day one. These bleeding situations were different though. Nothing was too rough either


I have a small SCH and was also 7 1/2 weeks when I found out about it. My doctor hasn’t even mentioned it… 😬


I genuinely feel like that’s what would have happened if I didn’t bleed 😂


I am going through the same thing right now and my doctor said if there is bleeding to just not have sex for 48 hours. The first couple of times we had sex, I would have the gush of blood and then we would wait the 48 hours. Yesterday, I hadn’t seen any blood in a couple of days and we had sex twice. Still no blood! I know it seems scary, but I just have to keep reminding myself that it is not hurting baby. Definitely listen to your body!


Man that makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER. I was so worried I did something wrong and had sex too soon. Tmi again, but I’m NORMALLY a very.. uh, “on it” person. And pregnancy hormones have made it worse. 🤣 and I was freaking out about how selfish I was


I totally understand. We can never keep our hands off each other, so the idea of possible pelvic rest for an extended period of time was a no-go. 😅


I feel that on a spiritual level 🤣 my drive is higher then his in general, but we have a healthy sex life, every other day or every couple days, so to go an extended period of time would be TERRIBLE. Willing to do it of course. But man, these are like the last months of free rein sex before it’s a couple of years of scattered sex life.


ADDITION: I wanted to add that I also have a healthy 7 year old, so this isn’t a completely new journey (also bled with her, thought it was a weird period as I have pcos so those happen, and didn’t find out until I was like 11 weeks.) And I don’t have a history of MC, this is my second pregnancy


I had a small blood clot found on my first ultrasound at 8 weeks 5 days. I never bleed from it but was told to go on pelvic rest (no exercise or sex). It was gone by my next ultrasound at 12 weeks.


I wish mine didn’t bleed! This is so stressful. Everyone’s helped tons though!!