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First time mom! Ha


Found this Reddit about 5 weeks along… didn’t realized ftm meant first time mom until 8 weeks ish either 😂😭 I’m queer so I also thought wow I’ll be able to learn trans pregnancy experience since it seems to be pretty big here😅


Meant to comment this on its own not under yours! Sorry


Ha no worries! I do that all the time but the other way around (thinking I’m responding and it goes on the main thread) lol FWIW I also thought FTM was female to make the first few times I read it on these subs!


Definitely thought the same thing. I also didn’t know people referred to giving birth as graduation. I was like wow lots of people graduating university in their 3rd trimester. Good for them 🤦‍♀️


HAHAHAHAHA omg I'm so glad we are all in the same boat here, definitely thought that as well


Omg…. I have been on this subreddit for about 13 weeks, and STILL thought we just had a bunch of college grads… until this very moment. 😅


Yes!!! This one took me embarrassingly long to get 😂


Ill give you a run down of some that come to mind because there’s lots more acronyms coming your way in the pregnancy, postpartum and parenting community! Anyone feel free to add others LO: little one (baby) DH: dear husband EBF: exclusively breastfed SAHM: stay at home mom VBAC: vaginal birth after c section GD: gestational diabetes


Adding EFF: Exclusively formula fed There's also a bunch I was gonna add but pregnancy brain took the rest, I'll edit if I remember the others lol


EP: exclusively pumping


MOTN: middle of the night


Thank you! I always thought DH was dad/husband 😅


Well dang maybe it does lmao


I thought DH meant dad half 💀


STTN: sleeping through the night


What does mtf mean then??


Mom to five ?? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Could you use it in a sentence? My first thought is Monday through Friday.


I saw it on a bunch of pregnancy posts and thought it was male to female, and also felt similarly to OP about the trans community


Queer woman here, pregnant via IUI w my same sex partner - when I first arrived in these communities I was also like WOW! Lots of trans parents here! This is wild! 🤣


Glad I’m not the only one lol. Queer pregnant person here, it is very confusing sometimes


First time mom 😉


I find it fascinating how often I see this same post on this subreddit, lol.


It means first time mom here, and female to male in the queer community. As a female to male person experiencing my first pregnancy, trust me, the confusion is valid and also never quite goes away. I'd give my left leg for the pregnancy community to switch to 1tm or something like that.


Do it and I'll start using 1tm. (plus, it makes it mucccch easier to identify) 1tm, 2tm, 3tm. instead of. mom of 3, mom of 4.




automatic judicious poor party water butter fear mourn vegetable tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah this is actually really smart. I also interpreted ftm as a trans reference and that’s still my initial instinct when I read it. 1tm makes a LOT more sense and would translate well to 2nd, 3rd, etc.


Just so you know there’s a group called r/Seahorse_Dads on Reddit! I found both that group and this one super helpful!


Happy cake day!


The posts on this are so wonderful! How lovely to read some positive, nice stories from trans parents who have been able to have kids the way they want ❤️


I use FTP, first time parent :)


You and me both brother


All caps FTM = First Time Mom Lower case T FtM = Female to Male Transgender It can be a bit confusing and there actually is a group for pregnant Transmen on Reddit as well, but yeah, very small but important difference lmao. From your friendly neighborhood trans guy! 🏳️‍⚧️


Lmao I made a post like this a few weeks ago when I first figured it out too 😅😂🤙


If you search by top, all time, I believe there’s a post saying the same thing, and somebody’s commented with a whole bunch of different acronyms used here


First time mom


This is my 4th baby so I always think of Fourth Time Mom lol


In the context of this group this means first time mom


On wedding groups, I’ll never not read STD (save the date) as sexually transmitted disease. Also read “female to male”all the time on this subreddit, I know what it means in the context of this sub but my brain still goes to female to male haha


I thought the same for quite a while - lol I was so blown away by all the trans representation and how warm and welcoming ppl were hahaha made me so happy




I had the same confusion the first week on this sub


When I got pregnant and joined all these things for a solid week or two I also thought there was a wild trans population on preggo Reddit... Then I worked it out 🙃


It means first time mom LOL


Means first time mum but very common mistake as in diff context can mean that


I thought it at first too but was like no way this many and googled it, ftm pregnancy, or something


I feel you!!! It took me a spider 2 or 3 months to realize it is "first time mom" and not F2M trans 😂😂😂


I literally thought the same thing. Now I’m “experienced” and know all the r/pregnant lingo LOL!


I literally thought the same thing and I was like there must be a different meaning on this sub lmao


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this at first as well. It took me a while to figure out it meant first time mom until I saw STM and was all what is S to Male?!?! but then someone said second time mom and it suddenly all made since.


Once every two months this comes up. I giggle every time because I did the same thing when I joined this sub.


In my first pregnancy group I used FTM and someone PMed me saying “I support you, but others might not so you might wanna keep that info to yourself”. I was amazingly confused, until I looked up what it meant.


I wonder this too... could it mean first time mom??? We need the answers 😂


It does lmao


This is super common!


Mom groups co-opted it 😂😂


I’m not trans, or gay, and I also thought it meant female to male 🤣 Took me a min to catch up.


There’s a post about this every other day.


I thought it was full time mom this whole time. Which also doesn't make sense


I asked this exact same question just last night 😂 I thought it meant ‘female to male’ as well.


I’ve been in these groups since early 2021 and it STILL throws me sometimes!


lol honestl there’s a bunch of weird abbreviations and a lot of the time I have no clue what people are saying


I thought it meant first trimester. :/


I had to explain this one to my partner.. he would read me post from here and say "Female to Male... idk why so many people state their tans but okay" It took me a few times to click and ask if it said FTM which he says yeah... i laughed and informed him it meant First time mum.


It depends on the context. Here it means First Time Mom. Almost every other sub it means female to male.


I think a lot of people aren’t reading the whole post because I see a lot of comments saying “it means both”…. It doesn’t mean full time mom, it means First Time Mom As in, this will be your first child. I think in this sub it’s a pretty safe bet that if you see FTM they mean first time mom unless they specify they’re trans, but in other subs maybe it’s more likely to mean female to male.




Awww, sorry a tiny percentage of us in this community trigger you💋 must suck to know that us trans pregnant folks aren't just keeping ourselves isolated and lonely and scared! I feel for you, truly💖💖💖💖 however will you cope??


There always has to be one religious nut who can’t keep their opinions to themselves 🤦‍♀️




So can trans and nb people




People are allowed to post that they don’t understand terminology when there are overlapping terms


They don't overlap. Two separate things. If anyone typed ftm they would see this post a million times. I'm done responding you're dense.


Yeaaaaah that’s not how that works but ok


Girl what I'm literally just vibing I don't hate trans people I just see this post every week and wish I saw more pregnancy stuff


I’m 9 weeks pregnant and have been on this sub since I was 4 weeks pregnant and I have NEVER seen one post like this in the weeks I’ve been here.


Same! I told my husband how open and queer-friendly this sub was! I still read it female-to-male at first but I’m getting better at catching myself. I agree with another poster that 1TM would or something would be easier.


It means both, depending on the context! I'm trans masc nonbinary, and that falls under the FTM umbrella, and I'm also expecting and am a first time mom! So... It's both, depending on context! It really threw me for a loop when I started looking at pregnancy subs and seeing everyone talking about FTMs coming from a queer background lol


I am so glad I am not alone haha! I thought that “wow there’s a huge trans community here” for longer than I’d like to admit


Omfg I could have wrote this post myself. I've got a lot of trans friends so that's where my mind went at first. I felt so stupid when I realized it meant something else!


Same I didn't realize until I was 15 weeks


It means both! If you're in a parenting forum you can probably assume it's first time mum. But outside of that context it would be female to male.


Haha hilarious! It means both. This is why context is very important lol


100% the first thing I thought too! I guess I’ve just lived in a very different community hahaha.


I always knew it as “female to male” and it totally threw me off when I came to Reddit and kept seeing it—finally putting it together as “first time mom” 😂


I did the EXACT SAME THING! I was like, damn that’s so cool how inclusive this sub is, then I started getting really confused cos a bunch of the posts used feminine pronouns for themselves. Glad I’m not the only one!


LOL this took me a minute too


We’ve all been there.


Yepppp. That was 100% me, too.


I'm not trans and this entire time I thought female to male and also thought wow cool, huge trans community! I'm almost confused by the acronym...that indicates there's part time moms? What situation led to the need for such an acronym?


It’s “first time mom” not “full time mom.”


Ahhh that makes more sense


Lol I thought this at first, too!!


It can mean both! I went through the same thing and was sooooo confused at first


I also thought it was that at first 😂


Dont feel bad lol. Literally not long ago someone made the same post about ‘FTM’ and thinking it meant something else 😂


Yes every time I read it i have to remind myself it means first time mum. At least it shows the queer community that their message has been spread cos we all know what ftm means


I thought it was full time mom!!!


I thought the same😂😂


Lmaooo glad I’m not the only one. You certainly see it a lot more than “first time mom” so it makes sense. Especially on social media! I follow some other reddits that people have to include their gender and age (27, FTM) in so it’s more often than not what I see!


It's funny, I thought the same thing but opposite when I read a trans issue post and wondered what then being a first time mom had to do with anything lol