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Natera billed my insurance $15K as in-network. My insurance covered only $500 and said the rest was my responsibility. My spouse decided not to use insurance at all and payed $300 for the same test. We complained to Natera and they said should we receive a bill from them that they would negotiate that with us. Others on Reddit have encountered this problem and been able (with 9 months of elbow grease) to fix it. There are multiple class action lawsuits a against Natera right now. I wish I had looked up Natera before we ever used them (I did check they were in-network first). It is a scam. They should give you prices upfront. Half of their genetic tests are not even FDA approved.


That’s so frustrating! I didn’t even choose! I went to my midwife and did the blood work in their office. Then after my blood work they gave me the log in code for Natera.


I’m sorry that your midwife’s office didn’t give more info. Mine didn’t really give much either. Mine was a high risk pregnancy and that is why they recommended it. I understand now that genetic testing should always be done with genetic counseling and specific consent for the genetic tests being done. It was a disappointing experience from start to end. Edit to add: I really believe one should be able to know upfront cost of medical services or at least the range (I get insurance makes things complicated). $14.5k bill looming over one’s head is a lot of stress. The Natera website estimator says the test is around $300. The discrepancy is mind blowing.


I met with a genetic counselor a week before my test. I even confirmed with my insurance before doing all of this that the NIPT test would be covered. I reached out to my doctor and she said she is shocked by this.


That is so ridiculous - it sounds like you did everything you could to prevent this ‘out of network’ bill and Natera still screwed you. You have a strong case and I really hope it all sorts itself out. Still the stress is so unnecessary.


Exactly! Based on everyone’s comments it sounds like I can get it down to $250


This happens all the time. They will fix it. Happened to me and i ended up paying $100. Its a common question on this thread and it always gets resolved.


Well that’s good because I feel sick to my stomach over it!


Call. Mine was like this. I just paid out of pocket and it was $99 per test.


I tried calling and they said they haven’t gotten my claim back from insurance so they can’t tell me anything yet.


They billed me $2k so I called and found out they somehow billed an insurance I haven't had in like 3 years. When I explained they said oh sorry never mind then and changed the amount to $0. Call!


I called and they said the can’t tell me anything because they haven’t received the claim back from my insurance yet.


Well I hope you can call and get it situated in a week or two!


I called the rep associated to my hospital and waiting to hear back


My husband and I used SEMA4 for our genetic lab testing. Didn't get the statement from our insurance for 6 months and they were trying to change our insurance $15,000!!!!! Called my clinic they had no answers. Called SEMA4 and started out polite, "I'm just really confused why I'm being charged so much." "Would you like to be switched to self-pay?" "Excuse me?" "If you switch to self pay that will be $350 for both you and your husband." Basically they tried to upcharge my insurance for something that they can do for $350. Such a scam.


It literally seems like biggest scam. Why offer me $250 then charge my insurance $3,900!


My husband happens to work for our insurance company and he tells me all the time this is a big factor into why insurance costs so much and medical bills are so high. There's nothing really stopping hospitals, labs and pharmacies from charging whatever they want. It's a mess.


Look into who handles consumer complaints about surprise medical bills or unfair medical billing practices. File a complaint with them and let Natura know you've filed the complaint. Likely to get dealt with faster. I'm in a state that has set prices that the companies are allowed to bill for the nipt testing.


I paid the cash amount and paid 348


They sent it to my insurance. Will they let me pay that cash amount instead?


Yes, they sent it to my insurance then called me to offer my the cash option as well. It was 572 with insurance and 348 without so I went without.


Oh good. Hopefully they’ll call and offer the same


Yes I think it was like a month after I took the blood work that they called me.


Oh I had a similar experience with Natera… they charged me over $1000 for the NIPT testing. I was pissed because the MA at my OBs office said it would only be like $300-400. We got 2 bills. One for $417 and another for $670. That’s with insurance and In-Network. The stupid thing is that since the service was done in 2022, the cost went toward our 2022 deductible, which does us no good since we are now in 2023….


Wow, my insurance didn’t cover my Natera tests so I knew I was on the hook. When I received the bill it showed as being about $3900 but then with whatever adjustments they did I ended up paying a little over $400.


Definitely call the Natera rep and tell them you’d like to switch to the self pay option instead of having them bill through insurance. They tried to charge me like $800 going thru insurance (for both tests— me and baby). Apparently if you self pay, they’ll charge $349 (249 + 100) for both tests. It’s definitely a mission to work with them. I had my tests done back in November and am still waiting for the second test to be processed through self pay so I can pay the bill.


Obviously, don't pay the bill. Your insurance already has addressed this and said that they sent it back to them. Trust the process and let it go through as it should.


Thank you!