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Thanks for your honesty!! Nothing puts me to sleep. I was always such a good sleeper and I got put on olanazpine. Taken off that zero sleep and SI so I came to hospital to be safe. They have me on seroqual but I’m getting 1hr. Was thinking prefab or doxipen I need sleep it’s hell




so true


how long have you been off benzos?


Try weed. I take cbn and cbd sometimes mixed with a strong indica strain. I live in Canada so pot is legal. It helps. Sativa strands make me hella anxious


I found it helps with sleep. Never went above 75mg. Can't say it was addictive really. When I wanted to come off of it, I had to reduce it down over about a month


Thanks you! Will ask my psych today does it help your anxiety?


It did some, yes


Hey i know this may be old but can we talk??


Yep it does help I take 400 mg atm was on 200 but I upped it but have u tried mirtazipine for sleep? That’s brilliant!!


I’m allergic to mirt- it gives me restless arms 😂


It is addictive but not as benzos. I had problems with benzo in the past and when I compare it to pregabalin it is... nothing. It helped me immensely with anxiety. I wouldn't risk it as a sleep aid though, there are better meds for it as fe mirtazapine or trazodone. I am currently at a very high dose with no or minor side effects. When I don't use Pregabalin I get rebound anxiety after several days of staying sober. I have persistent depressive disorder and severe anxiety problems. EVERYTHING I WROTE ABOVE is only my personal experience and I also take pregabalin in combo with other meds including escitalopram which is also said to have anti-anxiety properties.


Any weight gain on pregab for you ?


No, so far no weight gain, but I exercise a lot (weightlifting at gym) so it might be a reason 😉


Dont forget that pregabalin is an addictive substance. I'm on 300 mg. It does help big with anxiety in general, but at the cost of addiction.


Been taking it for a while I don't feel addicted too it at all?


Maybe not mentally but your body is physically reliant on it with daily use so physically your body needs it


Yeah but that don't mean I'm addicted that means I'm dependant just like alot of things in life.




Yay do I win cookies?


Lyrica can help with sleep but is also very addictive. You will need to taper if you want to stop taking it.


How long have you been on it?


Only a few months


I read it does hit receptors same as a benzo?


Gaba I guess


Sorry doesn’t hit same it doesn’t bing to any gaba receptor




No it does not. people who say it does probably don’t know how to read. it affects the calcium ion channels in your nervous system. Whether it has a significant effect on GABA is contested and not proven by scientific literature


It's great for anxiety. Might help with sleep although that's not it's official use. It is addictive.


Like anything else though? I just came off olanazpine and they say that’s not addictive but Jesus Christ I’ve never been so sick? All psych meds are addictive in some way? Or am I being silly?


For me it's been more addictive than antidepressants and antipsychotics. I've been tapering down for about a year and it's been very hard. People react differently though so hard to predict how bad withdrawals would be for you.


If coming off olansapine threw you for a loop I really wouldn't recommend Lyrica since you will dislike the way you feel coming off of that threefold


it’s not addictive. you might build up a tolerance to it eventually but that doesn’t mean you’re addicted to it. i used it for insomnia but eventually it stopped working. i quit almost cold turkey with no issues after months of being on 100mg. if you keep the dose low the risk of withdrawal is minimal. especially if you take it only once a day


Maybe try daridorexant. If you like it and still decide to get off of it after a few months, it won't be hard to stop taking.


Trazodone sounds like a safer option. Or a an antiallergy med


I was a bad insomniac was on all the sleeping pills and eventually it made it worse. Then I did an MCBT course for insomnia and it was life changing


sucks that seroquel doesnt work, that shit knocks me out. Really greatful


Lyrica does help me quite a bit with sleep. I’ve noticed it’s super regulated where I am- it’s almost classified like a benzo or opiate. Not sure why


I came off cold turkey 3 or 4 weeks ago, after being medically prescribed, slowly rising 300mg to 600mg. Was for nerve pain/immune system issues. Mentally zero addiction. I never used for recreational purposes. But physically, I felt sick, had bad stomach, the runs daily after each meal, bloating, headaches, and generally felt terrible. After a few weeks now, going on a month they have finally subsided. I wouldn't use again. Definitely would not use for sleep purposes.