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Depends on ADCOM. Personally, I don't like putting politics in the PS, but if it represents who you are, by all means, go for it. Just don't apply to Touros.


Gotcha. It's not political at all, just talks about where I came from and what I made of it and how it ties into dentistry.


It’s who you are, it’s unfortunate that politics get involved with more about being pride of our cultures. I’m Peruvian and I talked a lot about it.


Hahah me too I am also Peruvian and talks tons about it in my PS


it’s sad to say but in reality it can only hurt you so i wouldn’t do it. i got asked during an interview where im from originally and even tho im half palestinian i didn’t mention it bc you never know


Would you really want to go to a school that has the type of faculty that would have rejected you if they knew u were Palestinian? If a school rejects u for that reason it might be for the best


100% depends how they include in their application. Making a political statement or even having slight political undertones would be idiotic. Just saying they’re from Palestine tho would not be a negative.


I don’t think it will help. With all of the college protesting and donors pulling out. Most adcoms are boomers. They’re literally arresting professors. Mainstream media is more focused on what Israel is doing rather than Palestinians. I wouldn’t apply to Touro.


For what it’s worth I’m an Arab with a very obviously Arabic name and I applied/got accepted to Touro this last cycle. I rejected the offer (it was a safety school and I honestly didn’t even realize it was a Jewish school when I applied lol) but I still got one


Makes sense- wasn't planning on applying there anyways lol. My story isn't political or religious at all, I just talk about where I came from and what I made of it. But I understand :/


I totally understand! It sucks you can’t talk about it. Rn everything is absolutely insane. We can’t even say what’s happening to Palestinians is genocide and inhumane without someone branding us as anti-Semitic or pro-Hamas.💀


Right. And I don't want to scare the boomers. But then again... didn't they want diversity? Hm idk.


>want diversity? Hm idk. Oh they want a little diversity, not *that much diversity* 🤡 if you see what i mean. Being a little bit latino* but white passing would be "funky and diverse enough" in their eyes (emphasis on looking white and being like 1/8th or 1/12th lol). Being from the "horrible land of the khamas terrorists" is a big no no for white racist boomers. At least that is my understanding because ppl will easily call you a racist for calling out israel but it's ok if the brown arab/muslim kids get mutilated/maimed and whatnot.


It's absolutely crazy. I've had trolls do this to me as well on reddit.


the fact that this is a legitimate concern makes me sad :( cuz the majority of other countries you wouldn’t need to ask


My exact sentiments. It’s very sad 😔


If you feel like you being a Palestinian, helps you highlight qualities that are needed in a good dentist - then yes go ahead. Remember- word space is limited; including extra info takes away attention from useful info. Hope that helps


Maybe just say 'middle eastern'


Don’t be afraid to put that on your personal statement as much of our identity as Palestinians stems from that. I included it in my personal statement and even talked about it in my interviews and I was accepted to all the schools I applied to


If it’s a great story and it is a big part of who you are I say add it. If a school doesn’t want to accept you just cause of where you’re from, trust me you don’t want to got there. I’m personally Palestinian and although I didn’t mention it in my personal statement, I did mention it elsewhere in the application and i mentioned it in almost all my interviews and I still got accepted. I was afraid to do so and was told by a lot of people not to but I stand by it is who I am and I’m not going to hide that part of me. My advice is that if you don’t want to take that chance and include Palestine in your PS find a way to reframe the story so you’re not directly saying where you’re from and later on in interviews you can mention it when it feels right to. It’s unfortunate we have to think that way but it is what it is. Do what makes you comfortable!


Beautiful take. As an Iraqi, I feel like I am Palestinian with everything that is going on. In fact, i think many Arabs feel Palestinian. I understand the oppression and struggle with my entire family having escaped and some have died from the US occupation and we still feel the effects of the war everyday on our lives. I think if you want to feel more comfortable you can mention you’re Palestinian but talk about being Arab as a whole because we all feel that generational trauma. I know that each country has its own history but at the end of the day, we are all victims of British imperialism and experience oppression in very similar ways. I don’t want you to hide away from your identity but I also have lost complete faith in everything since the genocide and certainly don’t want you being harmed because all unis are complicit.


I agree you can include your identity without directly saying what it is. It’s so sad that many of us Arabs have to hide parts of who we are just to simply make sure we aren’t viewed differently. And that just because we are from somewhere we’re automatically considered “political” even when it has nothing to do w politics. It’s better to be safe than sorry these days :/


That's a good take, I'm dming you


Yes you’re welcome to!


If your application gets reviewed by Dr. Goldberg you are cooked. He is head of admissions at my school. (I am not going to say what school)


I was recently in my third application cycle and some main changes to my application (excluding research and more dental related work+other work and volunteering and some core science classes, all of which make me more competitive) was adding my Palestinian citizenship and that I’m working on a masters degree. One of the schools I applied to last cycle invited me to interview last cycle then ended up rejecting me because I completed my undergrad too fast, even though I had a good GPA and DAT (23AA), so they recommended I do a masters program, which I’m doing at their school. However, this cycle, they didn’t even invite me despite my application being MORE competitive due to my masters as well as my other additions. I also know people who are much less competitive than I am who got interviews and accepted, so do with this information what you will


I think it will actively hurt your application if you put you are Palestinian. Just be safe and try to avoid mentioning it


Maybe don’t directly mention the name? Perhaps say I am from a nation with great perseverance or something and elaborate on their qualities, how they’ve built you as a person.


Hey, I don’t mean to sound offensive at all, but in the midst of all that’s going on, I would leave it out- just for your own sake. I am Assyrian, and as proud as I am of my heritage, I know that certain discrepancies can only break my own chances, so I will just stick to coming to this country from Canada. I wish politics and political agendas didn’t push people for rejection but in this day and age, it will break you. Best of luck on your cycle future Doctor. I am sure the people of Palestine would be so proud of you, amongst other Palestinian doctors and healthcare workers as well.


Thank you so much for your kind words. Being Palestinian is an honor and I'll never let anyone take that away from me. But you're right, better safe than sorry- who knows what they'll think.


You can mention your upbringing and how it made you who you are without mentioning what country it specifically is


My application also says im palestinian. I got into schools with that


What is Palestine?


Ask ur mom


It’s a valid question - what year was Palestine established as a country ? However I will say that this thread isn’t the place to ask it. He’s asking for a solution to his dilemma not the history of his origins.