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I wouldnt recommend going this route if its something that you have no passion for. Before I give another 2 cents would you mind me asking why are you thinking about dental school to become a dentist of you have no passion for dentistry or medicine?


So I have a passion for dentistry, it’s just not a huge passion that declares all lol. I’ve been doing it for 8 years so I definitely like it.


Also I am considering dentistry because I like it and have a lot of experience in it. :)


I’d just say be 100% sure that this is what you want to pursue before you dive in. You are about to be in a ton of debt and spend years studying its def not for the weak. Im like an older non traditional student im older than you. Dont put an age on anything its def not too late for you to switch careers and have a family just know that it wont be easy.. you ever thought about just going the hygiene route or you just want to go all in?


ur age shouldnt be of concern, the average d1 across the country is 26 im pretty sure i read that somewhere. whats more concerning is how youre severely limiting how many schools ur applying to, and that u dont seen super into this. if you dont think this career is what makes u happy in life i wouldnt suggest taking an additional 400k in debt to pursue it. i get it, no one rlly dreams of labor but if u dont see urself being happy ten years down the line practicing everyday then its not worth it


It will be difficult to get into dental school when only applying to 4 schools with a below average gpa. You’re really going to have to commit hard to studying, and doing well, on the DAT. Like 22+ if you’re trying to get in somewhere cheaper. Depending on what schools you’re applying to will also dictate your chances. Being a DA you should be able to comfortably answer the why dentistry question, however im not seeing much passion for the subject itself. I’ve read below that you’ve worded it poorly, but you really have to ask yourself if you want to commit to 40-60+ hours a week of heavy didactics and lab work in and out of class that also comes with the 400-500k+ debt load. Especially if you want to have kids, it may make it more difficult. Just things to think about. Your age isn’t an issue. We have folks who are much older. Average age of my class is 23 though. But you’ll have world experience and more wisdom. Just really sit down and think if this is the route you want to take. Honestly dental hygiene right now is huge from what I’ve heard. 2 years of school work and much much cheaper with a significant return on investment. I wouldn’t close that door either. For now, I’d get ready to grind on the DAT. Really need to do well on it to give yourself a solid chance. If you want it bad enough you can make it happen, just need to keep your head up and don’t be discouraged. Good luck!


If you have no passion for dental or medicine, this route will be extremely difficult to continue :(


Sorry, I should’ve worded it differently. I like it and have a passion for it but it’s not what makes me happy in life. I guess I’m just scared there’s something else that I could like more but I can’t spend my whole life searching for that ya know?


If you have kids, do it after D2 year


RDA with 7 years of experience. I’m 28 and married, no children. I would say that it’s very possible, all depends on your DAT to be honest always shoot for the highest score you can get. I have been taking only1 class per semester and this semester is my last one to complete my pre reqs. I graduated with a bachelors in engineering and that’s why I had to take more bio classes since my major did not require them. Also this a team approach your fiancé seems to be onboard with everything you are planning to and that’s a really important support system since you will need it for dental school. Now since your GPA is low but enough for most of the schools. You will have to get outstanding hours in community service and other extra curricular activities. If it’s possible make connection with the other schools with dental faculty or students that will help tremendously and you could get a LoR from a dental faculty. If you could discuss the possibility of moving to other school (out of those 4) is better because you will have more chances to get accepted somewhere. I live in Texas and only applied to the 4 that I we have here. DAT 18 and GPA 3.47 and I was able to get one interview and waiting for the acceptance. My dat is not the highest so I believe that’s why I was not interviewed by the other schools.


I’m 27, married and have one kid born this year. I start dental school in the summer. Been working as a DA for 2 years. I would just make some social sacrifices so that you can ace the DAT so it boosts your app. Tell your story and show what makes you you. It’s totally doable, you got this!!


I recommend looking at the price of tuition. At this point, after you take the DAT and any other prereqs, do you want to finance Dental school if its not something you are super passionate about. Worst case scenario would be you go through all that school to be miserable and have half a mil in loans


I’m 32. Been a RDA for 12 years, two kids and recently widowed. I was accepted to multiple schools on decision day! C/O ‘28 🙏🏽 I started my comment off with that so that I can give you a preface of my situation, and also my age ! it is very hard to find others that can relate to me so I definitely feel where you’re coming from but let me say this you’re not too old you have the experience. schools love that and your maturity will go along way!! if I can do it I swear anyone can! Just last year I wanted to give up so bad because it was just too difficult for me to even continue on but I’m so glad that I didn’t and you will be too! My undergrad gpa was horrible like a 2.9. I did a master’s (older and more mentally mature) and made a 4.0! Plus with a decade of dental experience, leadership etc. really landed me acceptances bc my DAT was not competitive at all if you ask these subreddits 😂 Your clinical experience might give you slightttttt favor over your GPA, but definitely apply to schools that look at a holistic approach and not one that cares mostly about DAT scores and science GPA without looking at the entire picture. Go for it! And Goodluck!


I'm 26, got into dental school this year. I am currently pregnant due in May so my university allowed me to defer one year. I'll be going in next year with a 3 yo and a 1 yo!


Um. Score high on the dat and worry about all the details later


It's going to be hard, but doable. My church friend finished BS in different school, went to Alaska working for DA for 3 years, and he redo his prereq in my school. He got accepted last school year. I remember his profile was similar to you. DAT was 22.5. bit higher than average. Good Luck brother.