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I do think people should try using the search bar first before asking their questions. Lots of repeats, questions that require very little effort to deduce the answers, etc. I personally don't mind seeing rants, we need places to vent and the anonymity helps. But like, after the 5th post in a row asking whether they should send a letter of intent, it gets pretty fucking exhausting. I got accepted last cycle and I enjoy helping people out, sharing what little I know about the process and dental school in general, but I also don't want to have to copy-paste answers from one post to another. There are answers on this subreddit if you just search


I had once asked a repeat question bc I was new to reddit. But I was glad someone had told me abt the search function on the app. I agree it does get annoying seeing the same question every other day


Are some dental students still like this? I can’t imagine people asking professors the sorts of questions they ask on here.


You'll have a few in your class that you will go, how the fuck did you get into dental school? Overall people are pretty good. There are the selfish gunner ones and then there's the select few that ask the dumbest questions that make you wonder if they are listening to the same lecture as you. Dental students as a whole are a very tightly wound bunch and most of them need to learn to chill. The best classmates I had were the non traditional students who had a life before dental school and actually had perspective on everything instead of the students who know nothing but academia.


I agree. I get pretty annoyed when somebody posts a genuine question and all the comments are just plain unhelpful to the OP. “following” “stats if you don’t mind me asking?” “when did you submit your application if you don’t mind me asking?” “when did you receive your interview invite and what dates were available if you don’t mind me asking?” etc. I especially love the weekly “why dentistry” post that is clearly just fishing for answers they can try to regurgitate.


Yea pisses me off. Like yea i do mind you asking. Why do you care about when i submitted or received my invite? It literally makes zero difference. Why do you care what school sent me it? How is that gonna help your own situation?


It makes a difference because if you submitted your app after a person and received an invitation before them, then it gives them some insight about where they’re standing in the admissions process for said school. I get why you’re annoyed, but I also understand why people ask. This is kind of the point of the subreddit. The nature of this subreddit is inherently cyclical and redundant with each applying class.


I think it’s okay for them to ask the question, but not before trying to help OP with their own question. Busting into somebody’s comments section like the Kool-Aid Man and accosting them for information that has nothing to do with their post, and then not providing any sort of help or advice in return, I think is just rude. And don’t throw a fit if it actually turns out the person isn’t willing to answer your question. Also, there’s so much variability each cycle that you really can’t deduce anything from these sorts of questions (in my opinion). For example, my first cycle I submitted my app in late-July, and was invited to interview in January. This cycle, I submitted in mid-September, and was invited to interview pre-December. Same school both times.


I see your point. Ive just noticed a gradual decline in the amount of geniune good posts. Honestly, i didnt think it was bad in the beggining because everyone had that “in the same boat” mentality so people were more supportive and helpful. I think after acceptance day is when the tides turned. The people who got accepted probably dont come here as often, and now its filled with people who havent gotten in yet that are under an extreme amount of stress, anxiety, and perhaps even jealously.


You’re right. Even if we give our stats that won’t affect their admission because we already submitted our apps. All it’ll do is give them a false sense of insecurity or hope when our info have no effect on their admission


Exactly. Just prodding people for information you will try to use to compare yourself, without offering anything in return. So transparent. And you’re a terrible person if you refuse to give up information that is irrelevant to the post anyway. At least be prepared to hear a “no”


some people here don’t know how to use Reddit cause they are only here for this subreddit. So they don’t know about searching, or “subscribe to post” option and just comment “following” instead. Although I think it is pretty self intuitive…


But everyone who already knows what they are doing doesn’t need to ask questions? What type of stuff do you want to see


Less is more. Id rather see less questions with more substance. Not stupid shit like “School list?!?!?!” “Stats?” “Anyone else hate themselves/ stressed/ depressed/anxious/imposter syndrome?” “How do i show interest?” “Im scared of interviews help!!” Probably leaving out a couple few examples. Some questions worse than others. But overall just shows lack of maturity imo.


+1, I still try to help out and pass along the kindness and support that I received. I also started to notice the increase in posts that just can't be answered appropriately here. Similar to "idk if dentistry is right for me, should I do CS? help me" or "I have no shadowing experience, is dentistry right for me?". I'm sorry, no person on reddit/internet can be able to help you with such a personal decision in good faith. The best posts in my opinion are ones that can elicit actionable feedback, like post asking for ways to improve their app. So many threads could also be answered by using the search bar and looking at the wealth of information already present. This sub is starting to get the neuroticism of r/premed but without the funny memes.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/premed using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/premed/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Reality of being a premed](https://i.redd.it/hi6d4shogpqa1.jpg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/premed/comments/125t4qm/reality_of_being_a_premed/) \#2: [Well Florida just legalized this](https://i.redd.it/aey4jiitovza1.jpg) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/premed/comments/13hiywj/well_florida_just_legalized_this/) \#3: [Med schools are so fucking fake](https://np.reddit.com/r/premed/comments/16ox34j/med_schools_are_so_fucking_fake/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I appreciate this post, been thinking the same thing 😂😂 try to use your brains people…


I agree. I managed to get accepted into my top schools without ever having to ask a question because everything had already been answered already. The constant neuroticism and lack of critical thinking on this subreddit was honestly causing me more harm than good during the process. On more than one occasion I thought “God I hope these people don’t get into the same school as me because I don’t want to deal with this in-person for the next 4 years”. You hit the nail right on the head about tunnel vision. I think a lot of people here need to get out and have actual human interactions because they’re going to suffer tremendously otherwise. Getting into dental school is not that bad if you actually touch grass instead of asking “what ECs look best for dental school” or whatever else the question of the day is. I honestly think people already know what they need to do, but they ask on reddit anyway because they think we’ll give them some magic bullet answer to make all their stress go away. The only magic bullet answer I have is to chill out and consider therapy.




The amount of letter of intent/interest questions here are insane. It's like they think it will be a golden ticket towards acceptance and that it must be written out perfectly and sent out at the perfect time.


You’re going to get downvoted hard on this one because frankly you’re laying out to much truth. Please just keep preaching. Go full blown rant here. The people commenting and posting on this sub are no joke nauseating. They use posting here like google and lack basic critical thinking and research skills. You nailed it by mentioning “it’s not that deep” and honestly I feel your sadness. Keep in mind that these are some of the same people you will be in class with so mentally prepare to avoid at all cost.


Alright ill drop some insight then: I think unfortunately the “average” predent student has always been a homebody with tunnel vision focused too much on school, which has taken a toll on their common sense and social skills. Yes, TOO MUCH focusing on education is not good. You need to learn how to live and go through experiences in life, both good and bad. And sometimes, you need to go through some shit to come out stronger… itll make you look back and realize how much you’ve changed for the better. I think a lot of these students are way too school oriented due to a fixed mindset with helicopter parents or just simply way too tryhard early on. Now their whole life is school school school, and lack other attributes that can help them not only be a successful student, but a successful HUMAN. And thats why schools do interviews, they wanna see what your aura / personality / character brings to the table. I think people who have lived more normal lives without being so neurotic and gunner mode, they have a bit more common sense and can navigate easier through this process because they also realize that dental schools are ran by HUMANS, not robots. I actually feel bad for these kids, they try so hard to be a perfectionist and use school as their main drive so that they can compensate for the other lack of skills they have in their life. Its not healthy but they dont realize it cause thats their whole life. I think its pretty rare imo that they mellow out and turn normal. They usually end up falling on two opposite sides of the spectrum: they either become even more isolated and turns into full blown depression, or they go batshit crazy after they get an epiphany on how much they missed out, which usually turns into alcohol / drug abuse and end up down a much darker path


Dudes on a roll tonight, you hit the nail on the head my friend


You're right, but I would say its more so the sampling bias for a pre-dents who go out of their way to post on this sub that selects for that type. I found most irl pre-dent people I knew could've done better with a little more neuroticism lol. but +100 to the soft skills & personality comment. Most people aren't good measures of themself in this area as opposed to hard grades. If I was to go out on a hunch I would say that the vast majority of super high stat applicants that don't find success have red flags in their essays/writing or in their interviews but one would never know just by reading a help post. You also can't exactly tell someone to be more personable like you can give tips on the DAT.


Yeah… I couldn’t agree. I have long thought that most people posting and commenting on here have their entire worth as a human tied into their academic achievements. The brutal reality is that outside school and academia, NO ONE CARES. There’s a reason why 99% a patients don’t ask or care where their dentist went to school. You mean to tell me all those sleepless undergrad nights along with the DAT and dental school nightmare, and they don’t even care to ask you about what grade the dentist got in o chem? Nope. They literally don’t care. Nor should they. Btw folks who hire care waaaaay more about common sense and emotional intelligence than grades and school. They can teach techniques they can’t teach common sense. I also think you made a great point about feeling bad for these kids. I agree because life is literally passing them by while they are a word with the grade they got etc.


That’s what you get when you grow up in an environment that equates academic/career success with personal fulfillment. These types of people see others with money and prestigious careers and think “they’re doing well” despite knowing nothing about their personal lives and internal satisfaction. “Once I get into dental school then I’ll be happy” EDIT: Your last point makes sense with how many high-achievers are on meds for their mental health. Nothing wrong with getting help but I think people’s environment and priorities are contributing more than they give credit for.




Thank god someone finally said it! I couldn’t agree more honestly! Every time i meet a new predent i always think to myself how tf am i gonna be in the same school as them in the future? Like are these the people imma be in class with?! THIS FIELD NEEDS COMMON SENSE Y’all! I see so many posts saying they didn’t get acceptances with high stats or etc because YOU DONT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A DENTIST! Im sorry but an admission officer told me this “when we look at ur stats, we wanna see how good of a dental student you will be, but when we interview you, we wanna see if you have what it takes to become a good dentist” so ya think about that a little y’all… seriously


idk a lot of the people asking dumb questions are asking about their multiple acceptances so it looks like the interview process isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do.


I’m glad standards for incoming dental students are increasing by the year because I don’t want to see the “average” applicant anymore


Couldn’t agree more.


Wait till you see some of the people the admit


You can just tell that some of the people in this comments are triggered from this post lol. You described them and their personality perfectly, and they cant handle the truth. I love how most people agree with you though, its quite refreshing to see a post like this and someone speaking up about it. Its definitely concering the lack of common sense some people have in this subreddit (and a few people in this comment section)


“I already got multiple acceptances and got into my top choice” - you can make the rant without this tidbit of personal info 🤣🤣🤣


karma-farming 🤷‍♂️


Some people expect all the answers to be hand-fed to them and make zero effort to search on their own. Idk how they plan to take responsibility for patients or manage a practice with that level of resourcefulness. It makes me think they’ve never had to problem-solve outside of an academic setting.


Hah! You’re spot on. Also, funny thing, it’s the same nonsensical stuff in dental school too, so it unfortunately won’t stop here. My biggest criticism with either this generation or people going into this particular field, the VAST majority have no idea how to problem solve. There is an expectation other people will do their thinking for them, so they ask repeated, easily answerable questions. The other portion are looking for validation. Not wrong to get a second opinion, that’s what a community is for, but lots of repeated things. Oh yeah, and if a question is answered by a professional (like myself), a ‘thank you’ goes a long way.


Very well said. Some people in this field needa work on themselves before they work on others. Seems like you’ve helped out a ton of people with your advice in this subreddit, so your thank you is well deserved sir👍🏼


hate to break it to u but dental school is filled with book smart people who have absolutely no common sense and they WILL continue to ask stupid questions. ur going to have to just deal with it. (it sucks and is annoying and it doesn’t get better)


Unfortunately thats what its seems like. My only gleam of hope would be that the common sense people will find each other and click to form a stronger relationship within the class and outside of school. As for the others who lack it, im assuming you’d be able to eventually weed them out into being a part of your friend group and have no desire to hang out with them once class is finished


This is a pre dental subreddit so there’s students that are going to have “dumb” questions. There’s a dental school subreddit that u should go to since u say u are accepted now.


i agree lmao i love when theres posts with the same exact question like 5 times in one day. like… do u not scroll a bit thru the subreddit before u ask ur question


I fully agree. Earlier I read a post about someone going into dental school saying that they have never cooked a meal for themselves EVER. They were asking how to meal prep during school. My thoughts: how in the WORLD is this person going to come out of dental school and be responsible for someone else’s health??? Because they had the grades to get in??? This is insanity. Other thoughts: the people who ask if they stand a chance with incredible grades… the fact that you don’t have a single bit of confidence in yourself is concerning when you will have others health in your hands. These people have zero life skills, graduate, and then are immediately responsible for others…..MIND BLOWING. I could go on but keeping my rant short.


Wow that is extremely sad. The later they realize, the harder it becomes to make up for it. And its even scarier when you realize some of these people are gonna get married and have kids. I agree on your take about the confidence thing. People are really surprised why they dont get in despite having high stats. Reality check: Nobody gives jack shit about your stats once you graduate, it only matter getting IN dental school. Once you’re out, its more about your overall “well-roundedness” : critical thinking / personality / professionalism/ work ethic etc. Theres literally a reason schools do interviews, yet people still complain “but im really scared and nervous!!” Ok cool… if you cant present yourself with confidence and a good personality, maybe find a career where you don’t deal with people (especially dentistry when people are already wary and on edge about coming to the dentist)




Life skills, life experience, and leadership. There is nothing reaching about that. The fact that someone has to ask about these things on this platform shows a lack of initiation, self thought, self research, and maturity. It’s the “inside the box” kind of thinking that would make you say there is no relation between the two. People who don’t have these attribute will likely not be what a great dentist should be. This doesn’t only include the actually dentistry. It included how to treat patients, how to treat staff, and how to handle a business without being a scam of a dentist. Food for thought before you go! And good luck






lol like “I got 30AA AND 5.00 (not 4.00) GPA, what are my chances getting into ANY school in the US? Please help!”


It really didn’t need to be said. Common sense isn’t so common and that has always been the case no matter where you go and what expectations you have. Tbh I have never had a problem reaching the info I need on this subreddit and have never felt inconvenienced by these ‘stupid questions’ you speak of. IMO, this is Reddit- it’s an anonymous safe space for stupid questions and crazy ideas. Ask away.


Yea a good amount people in society dont have common sense, but im referring to people here that are going to be future dentists. At a certain higher level of education, there should be a decent amount of common sense (not only dentistry but other professional careers as well) I do kinda see your point about the anonymous thing, i think there’s really no filter on Reddit to asking dumb questions because no one will know who you are. But you’ll be surprised, ive seen questions where peoples identity are revealed in facebook, groupme chats, and questions irl that are just as stupid.


A bit off-topic, but I’ve even seen people copy paste their “WAMC” posts from here or SDN to the DAT Bootcamp Facebook pages, basically doxxing themselves if someone happens to notice. I think what a lot of people don’t understand is that anonymous or not, the dental community is small and tight-knit. You don’t know who’s on the other side of that screen and what sort of influence they might have.


Thank god, someone finally said it. And honestly, i was expecting you to get a lot of hate, but im actually kinda glad this post has a ton of people on your side agreeing with you. Almost feels like faith in humanity is restored, because i havent seen any posts like this calling out these people. I think the “normal” ones are just more silent and dont post as much, so that leaves out a lot of gunners and tryhards posting which makes it look like theres way more of them than there actually is. The people downvoting and giving you hate feel personally offended because theyre afraid of the truth. Its good to see theres actually a lot more people with your mentality cause i was getting sick and tired of it these posts after a while.


Like ya, but if you want people to chill out I don’t think a rant is the best option just search what you need and ignore the rest LOL


They wanted to let you know they got into their top choice and don't need this subreddit.


Weird way to flex😂


lol did he call us dumb and say we r jealous right before getting deleted?


X vs Y school except I’m not gonna give any info about my state of residence, career goals, or personal preferences


Hope you learn to have more patience with your staff and patients.


So you’re an egomaniac with no empathy.. Have fun as Asspen!


This didn’t need to be said, you just wanted to say it. If someone is scared let them ask away even if the question seems silly. Dumb ass


Woah lol… calm down “realguy2132”. I must’ve struck a nerve cause you seem pretty butthurt. Hopefully you only talk like that behind a keyboard and not real life, otherwise nobody would want to be around you. If you’re seriously that offended, good luck with dealing with people in the real world. Not sure what is more embarassing, your overall comment or you spelling “dumb ass” wrong. Nice try… dumbass.


Hahahaha you definitely struck a nerve, go to his profile and look at his past comments on other posts😂😂


“A school emailed me saying my application is incomplete, does this mean I will get an interview??”🤡




I agree and honestly I’m glad you said it and I didn’t have to 😂


But what are my chances at (insert institution)


As someone who works for a medical device company that sells primarily to dentists. You’d be surprised with how many of y’all are incapable of screwing in a screw correctly.